
, a fish pathogen, produces a 38 kDa major outer-membrane porin, which may be involved in environmental adaptation. The gene encoding the 38 kDa porin was cloned and deleted. The deduced protein sequence was 75 % identical to that of the major outer-membrane protein (OMP), OmpU, from . LacZ expression from an  : :  transcriptional gene fusion was increased 1·5-fold in the presence of bile salts and was decreased 50- to 100-fold in a mutant compared to that in the wild-type, showing that expression is positively regulated by ToxR and induced by bile salts. Similar to a mutant, an mutant showed a slight decrease in motility, an increased sensitivity to bile salts and a thicker biofilm with better surface area coverage compared to that of the wild-type. When was expressed under a ToxR-independent promoter in the mutant, the phenotypes for bile resistance and biofilm formation, but not motility were complemented to that of the wild-type. In rainbow trout, the mutant showed wild-type virulence via immersion into infected seawater and intraperitoneal injection. The mutant produced two colony morphologies: opaque, which did not grow at 0·2 % bile, and translucent, which grew at 2 % bile. The translucent mutant strain produced a second major OMP that was induced by bile. All mutants showed variations in the amount and length of smooth LPS. In , OmpU is not required for virulence, possibly due to a second OMP also critical for resistance to bile; however, outside of the fish host, OmpU limits the progression of biofilm formation.


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