
When alanosine (L-2-amino-3-hydroxynitrosamine propionic acid) was fed or injected into virgin female wasps, Bracon hebetor Say, the pattern of decreased daily egg production and hatchability indicated the oocytes actively engaged in vitellogenesis to be the most vulnerable of the units making up the ovariole sequence. In contrast, radiation and alkylating agents cause a decrease in egg production and hatchability for the oocytes undergoing active mitotic divisions with no reduction in the size or shape of the eggs deposited. The deposit of undersized eggs from the 2nd-9th day and a specific deterioration of part of the oogenic sequence provided additional morphological evidence of localized cell vulnerability. However, because provisioning the wasp oocyte depends upon accessory cell function and somatic tissue metabolism, the initial action of this inhibitor of adenine synthesis may be somewhat removed from the site of the evident damage.

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