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Published 2010 July 19 © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Christopher J. Deloye and Ronald E. Taam 2010 ApJL 719 L28 DOI 10.1088/2041-8205/719/1/L28



We have developed a new method for calculating common envelope (CE) events based on explicit consideration of the donor star's structural response to adiabatic mass loss. In contrast to existing CE prescriptions, which specify a priori the donor's remnant mass, we determine this quantity self-consistently and find that it depends on binary and CE parameters. This aspect of our model is particularly important to realistic modeling for upper main-sequence star donors without strongly degenerate cores (and hence without a clear core/envelope boundary). We illustrate the central features of our method by considering CE events involving 10 M donors on or before their red giant branch. For such donors, the remnant core mass can be as much as 30% larger than the star's He-core mass. Applied across a population of such binaries, our methodology results in a significantly broader remnant mass and final orbital separation distribution and a 20% increase in CE survival rates as compared to previous prescriptions for the CE phase.

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The common envelope (CE) phase of binary evolution has become a standard paradigm for the formation of short-period systems containing a compact object since it was introduced by Paczynski (1976; see reviews by Iben & Livio 1993; Taam & Sandquist 2000). While we lack quantitative criteria for determining whether the envelope is successfully ejected in a CE event and a short-period binary system formed, prescriptions have been proposed to approximate the relation between the properties of the post-CE binary and its pre-CE progenitor system. The major source of uncertainty in these prescriptions is parameterized by a factor, αCE, denoting the efficiency by which orbital energy is converted to the kinetic energy of the ejected envelope (see Iben & Tutukov 1985) or a factor, γ, describing the specific angular momentum of the ejected matter (see Nelemans et al. 2000; Nelemans & Tout 2005).

In recent years, significant effort has been devoted to understanding the early evolution of CE events in three dimensions (e.g., Ricker & Taam 2008) in order to elucidate the relevant hydrodynamic processes. However, a detailed description of the final phase, where the envelope is fully ejected and the remnant binary system forms, is difficult to obtain via hydrodynamic simulations since resolving the spatial scales of the donor's core required prohibitively short time steps. The main goal of this Letter is to describe a physically motivated yet computationally tractable methodology for determining the end state of this final CE phase.

The outcome of a CE event depends not only on the rate at which mass is ejected, but also on the ability of the donor's remnant layers to contract in response to the rapid mass loss. The initial response of stars to adiabatic mass loss was carried out in the pioneering work of Hjellming (1989), where the central focus was on determining when dynamical mass transfer instabilities occur. However, the donor's response down to the removal of nearly the entire envelope (relevant to the final phase of CE evolution) was not considered. Here, we report on our efforts to extend the work of Hjellming (1989) by determining the structural response of donor stars to adiabatic mass-loss sequences that terminate deep within the donors' core. In Section 2, we briefly describe these computations and their results. In Section 3, we apply these results to develop a new procedure for determining the outcome of the CE phase. We compare the results of an analysis for a binary population of a 10 M donor with those based on previous prescriptions for the properties of the remnant core in Section 4 and summarize in the last section.


The structure and response of a donor star are calculated using a code developed and described in Deloye et al. (2007) in the limit of adiabatic mass loss (i.e., we assume that in the CE, mass loss proceeds at a sufficiently high rate so that energy transport between mass layers can be neglected). The equations governing the donor's structure are given by the condition of mechanical equilibrium subject to the constraint that the entropy of a given mass layer is fixed. The set of equations used to calculate the donor's structure is equivalent to the following:

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

Equation (3)

where ρ, T, P, r, and s are the density, temperature, pressure, radius, and specific entropy for each mesh shell, respectively, and m is the mass interior to it. The initial entropy si(m) and composition profile, X(m), are determined from a donor's initial structure.

We apply standard boundary conditions except that in lieu of the effective temperature–luminosity relation, we enforce the fixed-entropy condition at the exterior boundary. To enforce mass loss on the donor's structure, the outer mesh point m equals the varying total donor mass, M2.

In reality, the above set of equations is cast in terms of modified P, T, m, and r variables and supplemented by a mesh spacing function that automatically adjusts the non-Lagrangian mesh as the evolution proceeds (Eggleton 1971). This recasting was adopted so that our equations had the same form as the stellar evolution code used to calculate the initial models, providing for a more robust ability to reconverge these initial models. Along a mass-loss sequence, the mass at each grid point varies. To calculate si(m) and the composition, X(m), at each grid point, we interpolate the initial profiles using Akima splines.

While we focus here on donors with zero-age main-sequence (MS) masses of M2,0 = 10 M, we calculated the adiabatic mass-loss response of donors with M2,0 in the range between 1.5 and 20 M with the mass-loss starting at evolutionary phases from the terminal age MS through the red giant and asymptotic giant branch phases. The models from which we initiated mass-loss sequences were calculated using the STARS code (Eggleton 1971, 1972, 1973; updated as described in Pols et al. 1995) for a metallicity of Z = 0.02. We reconverged each input initial model (to an accuracy of ≈10−9 in a norm of summed, squared relative residuals) in our own code with M2 held fixed. We then calculated the mass-loss sequences by decrementing M2 by a small amount ΔM2, based on both M2 and the current surface entropy gradient, and converging the model at this new M2 value. The results of the full study will be presented in a follow-up paper.

Our M2,0 = 10 M mass-loss sequences were calculated with a numerical resolution of 599 grid points. The variation of stellar radius, R2, with M2 for several of our sequences is shown for donors at the end of the MS, near the end of the Hertzsprung gap (HG), and within the red giant branch (RGB) as shown in Figure 1. The marked difference in the initial response between the RGB model's mild expansion and the other phase's rapid contraction is due to the transition from a radiative envelope in the less-evolved donors to the development of a nearly flat entropy profile in the RGB stars' convective envelopes. As the donor moves up the RGB, the H→He burning shell thins and increases in luminosity. This, in tandem with the resulting deepening of the convective envelope, produces a steepening entropy profile in the core/envelope transition region. The steepening of the R2 response near the core/envelope boundary for more-evolved models results from this entropy gradient. Correspondingly, the more gradual contraction experienced during the later evolution of the less-evolved donors results from a shallower entropy gradient throughout the donor's interior. The intersection of curves at m ≈ 2.3 M corresponds to the mass at the top of the H-burning shell.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Radius evolution of 10 M donors undergoing mass loss for various initial evolutionary states. The dot-dash and dash-line curves (with radius at the onset of the rapid mass-loss episode, R2,0 = 10.8 and 163.3 R) illustrate the adiabatic response of donors either near the end of the main sequence or near the end of the HG stage, respectively. The five solid line curves (with R2,0 = 177.0, 216.2, 251.4, 287.2, and 318.7  R) illustrate the response of donors at various stages on the RGB.

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We emphasize that in the adiabatic limit, the R2 response to mass loss depends only on the donor's initial structure through its s-profile. Thus, in a CE event, the R2 versus M2 evolution is independent of other external factors (such as binary parameters) under the assumption that the binary companion does not affect the donor's structure. This allows us to calculate in advance a library of R2M2 tracks that form the essential input for an improved CE event outcome determination methodology.


During a CE phase, mass from the donor's envelope is stripped and then ejected from the binary at the expense of the orbital energy. Current prescriptions for the final outcome of this process, in terms of post-CE orbital separation, af, take as an a priori input the donor's post-CE remnant mass, M2,f. This mass is typically taken to be the mass of the donor's evolved core as determined via one of several criteria applied to isolated stellar evolution models. For lower MS stars on their giant branches, this approximation is reasonable given the steep entropy profiles across their thin-shell burning regions. However, stars on the upper main sequence can have significantly shallower entropy gradients in the core/envelope boundary region. This leads to ambiguity in defining the core mass in these cases and produces a significant variation in predicted CE event outcomes (see, e.g., Tauris & Dewi 2001).

More importantly, in such cases, the physical motivation for correlating core mass with M2,f no longer holds. That is, the adiabatic mass-loss sequence for lower MS donors has R2M2 tracks that are similar to the track starting from the most-evolved donor with largest R2,0 in Figure 1, where the steep drop-off in R2 near the core essentially guarantees the donor contracts within its Roche lobe with M2 nearly equal to the core mass. For cases with more gradual R2 evolution, this is not guaranteed to be the case, and the basic premise of using an a priori determined M2,f becomes suspect.

To address this issue, we have developed a new method for determining CE event outcomes based not on specifying M2,f, but on the R2 evolution. Specifically we assume that the CE event ends at the point the donor contracts within a critical radius, which we take as its Roche radius. To determine this point, both R2 and the donor's Roche lobe radius, RL, are calculated as a function of M2 during the CE event. Our mass-loss R2M2 tracks provide the first necessary input. To determine the RLM2 track during the CE event, we assume that the standard CE energy conservation (i.e., αCE) prescription for determining af applies along the entire course of the CE event. That is, the orbital separation, a, during the CE phase is given by

Equation (4)

where G is Newton's gravitational constant, αCE is the CE efficiency, and M1 is the mass of the donor's companion. Quantities with subscripts "i" represent quantities at the onset of the CE event.

The quantity Ebind is the difference in the donor's total energy (gravitational potential plus internal thermal) between its initial and current configurations. We emphasize that this represents a subtle distinction relative to all previous applications of this prescription. Historically, Ebind would represent the total binding energy of the envelope as determined from the initial donor model. There is a difference between the initial envelope binding energy as a function of m and the donor's total binding energy at the corresponding total M2 along the mass-loss sequence. This difference reflects the work done on overlying layers as the donor's mass shells expand under mass loss. This means that Ebind < 0 for a given M2 is always greater than the initial binding energy at the corresponding m = M2. Thus, the use of the initial model overestimates the amount of orbital contraction produced in a CE event.

We choose ai such that R2,i = RL(ai, M2,i, M1,i), using the expression from Eggleton (1983) to calculate RL. Modulo a few complications that arise in some cases (e.g., systems that experience delayed dynamical instabilities) RL(M2) is calculated during a CE event using a as calculated from Equation (4), assuming that the mass transfer is completely non-conservative throughout, i.e., M1 = M1,i (see Hjellming & Taam 1991). To initiate the unstable mass transfer that leads to a CE event, dln R2/dln M2 < dln RL/dln M2 initially, guaranteeing that R2 > RL for some time after the onset of the CE event. We determine the end of the CE event to be the point at which R2 first becomes less than RL.

Several points deserve to be made about this method for calculating CE outcomes. First, the donor's remnant mass, M2,f, is an output of our model, not a predetermined input. That is, our method provides a self-consistent determination of M2,f and af. Second, RL is a function of M2, M1,i, and αCE, meaning that M2,f explicitly depends not only on the initial binary parameters, but also on αCE. This is in stark qualitative contrast with previous CE prescriptions.

Our method is also in contrast with the existing CE prescriptions in terms of quantitative predictions for CE event outcomes. We illustrate this for the case of an M2,0 = 10 M donor in Figure 2. Here, we show M2,f as a function of the binary's zero-age MS mass ratio, q = M2,0/M1,0, and R2,i. The systematically smaller M2,f for smaller αCE values result from a greater degree of orbital contraction. For the fiducial αCE = 1.0 case, M2,f can vary by as much as ≈20% over the q range producing non-merger CE events. The development of a deep convective envelope and steep entropy gradient near the core/envelope boundary on the upper RGB produces the transition from a sharply varying remnant core mass with respect to q to a more gradual decrease with increasing q seen with increasing R2,i.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Remnant core mass vs. initial mass ratio as a function of binary and CE event parameters. The symbols connected by the lines denote models corresponding to a given evolutionary state (parameterized by R2,i) for which a 10 M donor star fills its Roche lobe, initiating the CE event. The solid and dash-dotted lines illustrate the outcomes for a CE evolution with αCE = 1.0 and αCE = 0.5, respectively. The dotted line represents the core mass defined by the mass where the hydrogen mass abundance is 0.1.

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For comparison, the dotted lines in Figure 2 show the outcomes if one were to use a composition criterion to determine the core mass. We note that this value is roughly constant from the HG to the RGB for a 10 M star. M2,f determined via our method can be as much as ≈30% greater than this core mass.


To illustrate the impact of our methodology on CE event outcomes as compared with the standard αCE-prescription, we consider a population of binaries whose more massive component had an initial MS mass of 10 M. Some subset of this population will undergo a CE event as this star evolves across the HG and up its RGB. This initial CE event is a key step in the formation of many neutron star (NS) binary systems (e.g., Bhattacharya & van den Heuvel 1991; Terman et al. 1996, 1998; Kalogera & Webbink 1998). For this comparison, a population of 500,000 binaries was constructed, fixing M2,0 = 10 M and considering a set of M1,0 that yield a uniform distribution of initial q > 1.0. The initial orbital separation, a0, of this population was evenly distributed in ln a0. For a given (q, a0) pairing, the R2,i at which the 10 M star first filled its Roche lobe was determined. If a CE event occurred for this system, we determined the resulting values of M2,f and af using both our self-consistent CE method and the standard αCE-prescription, taking αCE = 1.0 in both cases.

The outcome of this exercise in the form of M2,faf distributions for those systems that underwent and survived a CE event is shown in Figure 3. The main panel displays the distribution of post-CE systems in this parameter space as calculated with our method. This distribution peaks between 2.25 and 2.45 M in M2,f and below ≈10 R in af. However, both distributions are rather broad; the af distribution has a tail that extends to significantly larger values. The comparison to the αCE-prescription derived distributions is displayed in the side panels, which show the one-dimensional projected distributions. Our distribution is shown by the bold line histogram, the αCE-prescription results by the normal-weight lines with the latter scaled to the total number of systems in our distribution. As could be easily inferred from Figure 2, the M2,f distribution in the latter case is nearly a δ-function since the core mass of the 10 M donor does not vary significantly over its evolution up the RGB. The distribution in af is also significantly narrower using the standard prescription as compared with our method.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Post-CE population of binary systems with a 10 M star that becomes the donor in the system's first CE event. The gray-scale shading indicates the fraction of systems relative to the total surviving a CE event (in this case, 26.5% of the total number of binaries) as indicated by the scale on the right. In the two side panels, the bold lines show the corresponding histogram projected along each axis. The normal-weight histograms in these two panels show the resulting distributions when the CE outcomes are calculated using the standard αCE-prescription.

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How these differences impact the subsequent evolutionary outcomes of this binary population remains to be examined. However, we can provide some qualitative discussion here. Our method results in a ≈20% higher post-CE survival rate relative to the standard prescription. This may not directly translate into a commensurate increase in the overall number of NS binaries produced in this channel since the core of the 10 M donor will begin core He burning and continue its subsequent evolution to a core-collapse supernova. The kick imparted to the system during the supernova alters the orbital parameters and may unbind the system. Taken over a distribution of kick velocities and directions, binaries with larger orbital separations are more likely to be unbound during the supernova and have a wider distribution in post-supernova eccentricity (Kalogera 1996). Considering the subsequent evolution of those binaries that will eventually form a double NS system via both a second CE event and supernova (Bhattacharya & van den Heuvel 1991), the use of our method can be expected to broaden the final eccentricity distribution of this population. However, our method's overall impact on the production rate of this (and other NS binary) population is unclear given the various competing processes.


We have outlined a new method for calculating CE event outcomes that provides a self-consistent determination of post-CE core remnant masses and orbital separations in the framework of the αCE parameterization. This method takes full account of the donor's structural response to adiabatic mass loss based on the donor's internal entropy profile at the onset of the CE event.4 The essence of our method is the use of pre-calculated mass-loss sequences to determine when, if ever, the donor is able to contract within its Roche radius during the course of the CE event. Here, the donor's final remnant mass depends on the specifics of a binary's parameters (in stark contrast to prior CE event prescriptions), in addition to assumptions about the CE efficiency.

As an application of this method, we considered CE events with donors whose MS mass was 10 M; this mass was chosen to highlight the significant impact our method has on higher mass donors that do not develop steep entropy gradients at their core/envelope interface until they are very far along their RGB. For CE events initiated by such objects on or before their RGB tip, existing CE prescriptions adopt M2,f to be equal to the donor's He-core mass, which is essentially constant along the entire RGB. In contrast, our method predicts an M2,f that varies by ≈20% across the population of binaries that survive the CE event. In addition, af can be as large as ≈7 times greater than the standard prescription. Taken over a standard distribution of initial binary parameters, these differences result in a significantly broader distribution in both M2,f and af and an overall CE survival rate that is ≈20% greater than the standard prescriptions.

The vastly different distribution in post-CE parameters produced by this new methodology has implications for the multitude of binary populations of intermediate-mass or high-mass donors that experience one or more CE events. Our new method could be expected to predict a broader distribution of eccentricities in double NS binary systems. The overall sense of impact on the production rate of such systems will require detailed calculations due to several competing destruction processes. Future work will involve incorporating our methodology into such detailed considerations of this and the multiple other contexts in which CE outcomes play a central, if not uncertain, role.

We thank Marc van der Sluys and Tassos Fragos for discussions and technical assistance. This work was supported by NSF AST-0703950 to Northwestern University.


  • It has come to our attention that the recent paper by Ge et al. (2010) also treats the adiabatic mass-loss evolution. The focus there is on the calculation methodology (which is similar to ours); they do include a limited discussion of the implications of their work that is complementary to the considerations presented here.

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