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A semiclassical matrix model for quantum chaotic transport

Published 26 November 2013 © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Marcel Novaes 2013 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 502002 DOI 10.1088/1751-8113/46/50/502002



We propose a matrix model which embodies the semiclassical approach to the problem of quantum transport in chaotic systems. Specifically, a matrix integral is presented whose perturbative expansion satisfies precisely the semiclassical diagrammatic rules for the calculation of general counting statistics. Evaluating it exactly, we show that it agrees with corresponding predictions from random matrix theory. This uncovers the algebraic structure behind the equivalence between these two approaches, and opens the way for further semiclassical calculations.

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1. Introduction

It is well-known that, in some regimes, random matrix theory (RMT) offers a good description of the properties of quantum systems whose classical limit displays chaotic dynamics [1]. In particular, RMT has been successfully applied to the calculation of several quantities in the context of electron transport [2], in agreement with numerical simulations and experimental results involving, for example, semiconductor quantum dots [3]. The success of RMT resides in its phenomenological character: instead of trying to predict the behavior of a specific system, it treats the quantum $\mathcal {S}$-matrix as a random variable, and computes the average value of observables in an ensemble of systems. The results are universal, in the sense that they describe generic chaotic systems. The only input is the universality class, corresponding to presence or absence of time-reversal invariance.

We have in mind a chaotic cavity, coupled to two ideal leads supporting, respectively, N1 and N2 open channels. Transport can be characterized by a unitary $\mathcal {S}$-matrix of dimension N1 + N2, or by an N2 × N1 transmission matrix t. The quantities ${\rm Tr}[\mathcal {T}^n]$ are called transport moments or linear statistics, where $\mathcal {T}=t^\dag t$ (the first two such moments are related to the conductance and the shot-noise power). They can be generalized to the so-called non-linear statistics which are related, for example, to conductance fluctuations. Within RMT, the $\mathcal {S}$-matrix is taken to be a random unitary matrix from one of Dyson's circular ensembles [2] (we do not consider the more general Poisson kernel [4], used when direct processes are important).

A natural question is how to derive the universal RMT predictions from a semiclassical description in terms of classical trajectories [5], which is in principle applicable to specific systems. It is now understood that the main ingredient is the constructive interference among trajectories that are almost identical (up to time-reversal), except at small regions that are called 'encounters' [6]. This permitted a diagrammatic formulation of the semiclassical theory, perturbative in the parameter (N1 + N2)−1, that reproduced RMT results in a variety of situations [614] (it is even possible to go beyond RMT and take into account corrections due to the Ehrenfest time, as discussed for example in [15]).

All semiclassical works up to now have relied on explicit and lengthy calculations based either on group-theoretical manipulations involving factorizations of permutations, or on graph-theoretical manipulations involving trees and other diagrams (the state of the art can be found in [16]). These combinatorial aspects are interesting and have revealed connections to unsuspected areas. However, a more direct demonstration of the RMT-semiclassics equivalence would be desirable. In this work we offer such a demonstration, which uncovers the underlying algebraic structure behind that equivalence. For simplicity, we focus here on systems with broken time-reversal symmetry. More detailed calculations and the treatment of other symmetry classes will be presented elsewhere [17].

We proceed in two steps. First, we postulate a matrix integral which can be expressed diagrammatically, by means of Wick's rule, with exactly the same diagrammatic rules that govern the semiclassical approach. Second, we solve this integral, using the Andréief identity and the machinery of the Weingarten functions, and show that it agrees with the RMT prediction.

2. Semiclassical diagrammatics

A non-increasing sequence of positive integers λ1, λ2, ... is called a partition of n if ∑iλi = n and this is denoted by λ⊢n. The number of parts in λ is ℓ(λ). The functions

Equation (1)

can be used to expand a generic statistic. For systems with broken time-reversal symmetry, RMT predicts [18]

Equation (2)

where the brackets denote an ensemble average, 1n represents the partition with n unit parts, χ are the characters of the permutation group Sn, and

Equation (3)

In the semiclassical limit, the element toi of the transmission matrix may be approximated [5] by a sum over trajectories starting at the incoming channel i and ending at the outgoing channel o. When we write a trace like Tr $\mathcal {T}^n$, we end up with n trajectories associated with the t (direct trajectories) and another set of n trajectories coming from the t† (partner trajectories). The structure of the trace imposes that the direct ones take ik to ok (labels must be equal), while the partner ones take ik to ok + 1 (labels are cyclically permuted). If we have a product of traces, to each trace will correspond a cycle in the label permutation (for details, see [13]).

Systematic constructive interference survives an energy average only when each partner trajectory follows closely a direct one for a period of time, and they are allowed to exchange partners at what is called an encounter. The two sets of trajectories are thus nearly equal, differing only in the negligible encounter regions. These trajectory multiplets are represented by a diagram whose edges are the regions where the trajectories (almost) coincide and the internal vertices are the encounters. There are n external vertices of valence one on the left and on the right, corresponding to the incoming and outgoing channels, respectively. The diagrammatic rule is that each internal vertex produces −(N1 + N2), while each edge produces (N1 + N2)−1. This has been discussed in detail in a number of papers [810, 13].

We shall define a matrix integral that mimics these diagrammatic rules. For that, we rely on Wick's rule.

Suppose the matrix integral

Equation (4)

where $\mathcal {Z}$ is a normalization factor, M is a parameter and dZ denotes the flat measure on the space of N-dimensional matrices, such that each matrix element is independently integrated over the whole complex plane. Note that N is not related to channel numbers; its use is traditional in matrix integrals. Instead, we shall later set M = N1 + N2. Because of the Gaussian term, we clearly have

Equation (5)

Wick's rule,

Equation (6)

is a well-known result [19]. In words, it says that we must sum over all possible pairings between Z and Z†, the product of the average values of the pairs.

Wick's rule has an interesting diagrammatical representation [2022]. Each matrix element Zmj is represented as a pair of arrows, one associated with m and the other with j, with a marked end at the tail. In the matrix elements of Z*, the marked end is the head (see figure 1). When computing an average like 〈pλ(ZZ†)〉, we shall represent a term like Tr(ZZ†)q by a vertex of valence 2q with a specific internal structure, such that the incoming mk is followed by the outgoing mk, and the incoming jk is followed by the outgoing jk. The marked ends are all outside the vertex. An example is shown in figure 1. Lines associated with m labels are drawn solid, lines associated with j labels are drawn dashed.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Left: diagrammatical representation of matrix elements of Z and Z*. The former either arrives at a vertex or leaves the system, while the latter either emerges from a vertex or enters the system. Right: a trace as a vertex with an internal structure. Here we show Tr$(ZZ^\dag )^3=Z_{m_1j_1}Z^\dag _{j_1m_2}Z_{m_2j_2}Z^\dag _{j_2m_3}Z_{m_3j_3}Z^\dag _{j_3m_1}$ (all indices summed over).

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Our 'semiclassical matrix integral' is

Equation (7)

It depends on two sets of n indices, i and o, which will later be summed over. It also depends on a permutation π which corresponds to the label permutation, i.e. to the statistics we wish to compute.

We take ${\rm e}^{-M{\rm Tr}ZZ^\dag }$ as part of the integration measure and expand the remaining exponential as a power series in M. This produces all possible products of traces, each trace being accompanied by a factor −M. Each trace is represented by a vertex as in figure 1. These are the internal vertices of the semiclassical diagrams. The matrix elements Zio ($Z^\dag _{oi}$) are the outgoing (incoming) arrows representing the outgoing (incoming) channels. These are the external vertices of the semiclassical diagrams.

We then integrate term by term using Wick's rule. All possible connections must be made among the vertices, using all marked ends of arrows, and each edge carries a factor 1/M from (5). The correct diagrammatic rule is therefore produced. We show an example in figure 2. The δ-functions in (5) imply that we can associate to each solid line the i index of its incoming channel, and to each dashed line the o index of its outgoing channel.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Diagrammatical representation of one term coming from Wick's rule applied to the average value of Tr(ZZ†)3Tr$(ZZ^\dag )^2Z_{i_1o_1}Z^\dag _{o_2i_1}Z_{i_2o_2}Z^\dag _{o_1i_2}$. Dotted segments are Wick connections. The permutation involved is π = (12) and, semiclassically, it contributes to $\langle {\rm Tr}\mathcal {T}^2\rangle$. We do not show dashed lines and the internal structure of the vertices, which appear in figure 1. For clarity, only the i-label of the incoming channels and the o-label of the outgoing ones are shown.

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The function G will depend only on the cycle type of π, which we denote by λ (this means that the cycles of π have lengths given by the parts of λ). Linear statistics correspond to full cycles, having λ = (n), while non-linear statistics correspond to more general cycle structures. In fact, our matrix integral is almost the same as $\langle p_\lambda (\mathcal {T})\rangle$, where the brackets denote an energy average. It is not exactly the same because, when we apply Wick's rule, some of the resulting diagrams may contain periodic orbits, and this is not allowed in semiclassical diagrams.

We can fix this problem with a little trick. Note that the sum over the index associated to the periodic orbit is free and produces a factor N. Hence, the contribution of a diagram with t periodic orbits will be proportional to Nt. In order to exclude periodic orbits from our semiclassical theory, we simply have to consider the part of the result that is independent of N. Equivalently, we may take the limit N → 0. This is possible since, once it is computed, G is an analytic function of N.

3. Exact solution

In order to carry out the exact solution of our model (7), we use some well-known facts about symmetric functions and characters that are summarized at the end of the paper.

Let us start with the normalization constant $\mathcal {Z}=\int {\rm d}Z \,{\rm e}^{-M{\rm Tr}ZZ^\dag }$. We introduce the singular value decomposition

Equation (8)

The measure dZ can be written as

Equation (9)

where Δ(x) is the Vandermonde

Equation (10)

${\rm d}\vec{x}={\rm d}x_1\cdots {\rm d}x_N$ and dU, dV are Haar measures on the unitary group [23]1. The angular integrals are trivial; the remaining integral may be performed with the help of the Andréief identity (easily proved using the Leibniz formula for the determinant),

Equation (11)

The result is that

Equation (12)

The same change of variables turns (7) into

Equation (13)

where Aπ(X) = ∫dU dVaπ(X, U, V) and

Equation (14)

We have written only one index for the diagonal matrices, with an obvious meaning. The angular integrals may be expressed in terms of the so-called Weingarten functions Wg [2426]. We have

Equation (15)


Equation (16)

We now sum over i and o, over the left and right channels, respectively, to get

Equation (17)

where c( · ) denotes the number of cycles of a permutation. Also, since $\prod _k\delta _{j_km_{\tau (k)}}\delta _{m_kj_{\theta (k)}}= \prod _{k}\delta _{j_km_{\tau (k)}}\delta _{m_km_{\tau \theta (k)}}$, the sum over the j is simple, and the sum over the m gives

Equation (18)

The Weingarten function depends only on the conjugacy class of its argument and has the character expansion

Equation (19)

Using the orthogonality relations for characters then implies

Equation (20)

where sμ(x) is a Schur function.

Going back to (13), the integral over the eigenvalues is

Equation (21)

The determinantal form of the Schur function, together with the Andréief identity, yields

Equation (22)

Standard manipulations with determinants then lead to

Equation (23)

Combining (23) with (20), we get

Equation (24)


Equation (25)

The last step is the limit N → 0, which is quite simple: limN → 0g(N, M, μ) = 1/[M]μ. Identifying M with total number of channels, M = N1 + N2, we finally obtain

Equation (26)

where again λ is the cycle type of π. Therefore, the RMT prediction (2) is recovered.

4. Conclusions

We have introduced a new approach to the semiclassical calculation of quantum transport properties in chaotic systems, which consists in building an auxiliary matrix integral that has the correct diagrammatic rules and can be exactly solved. As an illustration, we derived the counting statistics for broken time-reversal symmetry and arbitrary numbers of channels. Counting statistics for other symmetry classes will be reported elsewhere [17].

We believe this method will open the way to semiclassical calculations that were previously unavailable, and may even provide results beyond random matrix theory. For example, it may be adapted to treat problems where the semiclassical trajectories have different energies, as is necessary in calculations involving time delay [12] or the proximity gap in Andreev billiards [27].

We also believe that similar ideas can be applied to closed systems, allowing the calculation of all spectral correlation functions. This would provide justification for the celebrated Bohigas–Giannoni–Schmit conjecture [28] beyond the currently understood form factor [29]. In fact, for broken time-reversal symmetry and short times, this program has already been carried out [30].


I gratefully acknowledge interesting conversations with Gregory Berkolaiko and Sebastian Müller, as well as the financial support from CNPq and from grant 2012/00699-1, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).


For completeness, we present a summary of facts about symmetric functions and characters, which have been used in this paper. They can be found in many standard references.

Let x denote a set of N variables. The power sum symmetric polynomials

Equation (A.1)

with λ⊢n form a basis for the vector space of homogeneous symmetric polynomials of degree n. It can be defined for matrix argument as in (1). Another basis for this space are Schur functions sλ(x), which can be written as a ratio of determinants,

Equation (A.2)

It is known that if all N variables in a Schur function are equal to 1, it reduces to

Equation (A.3)

Let Sn be the group of all n! permutations of n symbols. The above families of functions are related by

Equation (A.4)

where zλ is the order of the centralizer of the conjugacy class in Sn containing all permutations of cycle type λ. Relation (A.4) can also be written as a sum over permutations as

Equation (A.5)

The quantity χμ(π) is the character of permutation π in the irreducible representation labeled by partition μ. It depends only on the conjugacy class of π. These quantities satisfy the orthogonality relations

Equation (A.6)

The latter is generalized as a sum over permutations as

Equation (A.7)


  • Actually V is uniformly distributed in the coset space $\mathcal {U}(N)/[\mathcal {U}(1)]^N$, and dV is the measure in this space induced from the Haar measure in $\mathcal {U}(N)$. This difference is irrelevant here.

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