Scalar instabilities in bimetric gravity: the Vainshtein mechanism and structure formation


Published 19 October 2015 © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl
, , Citation E. Mörtsell and J. Enander JCAP10(2015)044 DOI 10.1088/1475-7516/2015/10/044



We investigate the observational consequences of scalar instabilities in bimetric theory, under the assumption that the Vainshtein mechanism restores general relativity within a certain distance from gravitational sources. We argue that early time instabilities have a negligible impact on observed structures. Assuming that the instabilities affect sub-horizon density fluctuations, we constrain the redshift, zi, below which instabilities are ruled out. For the ``minimal'' β1-model, observational constraints are close to the theoretical expectations of zi 0.5, potentially allowing the model to be ruled in or out with a more detailed study, possibly including secondary cosmic microwave background constraints.

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