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Published 2011 February 8 © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Stephanie M. LaMassa et al 2011 ApJ 729 52 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/729/1/52



We have analyzed archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data for two nearly complete homogeneously selected samples of type 2 Seyfert galaxies (Sy2s). These samples were selected based on intrinsic active galactic nuclei (AGNs) flux proxies: a mid-infrared (MIR) sample from the original IRAS 12 μm survey and an optical ([O iii]λ 5007 flux limited) sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, providing a total of 45 Sy2s. As the MIR and [O iii] fluxes are largely unaffected by AGN obscuration, these samples can present an unbiased estimate of the Compton-thick (column density NH>1024 cm−2) subpopulation. We find that the majority of this combined sample are likely heavily obscured, as evidenced by the 2–10 keV X-ray attenuation (normalized by intrinsic flux diagnostics) and the large Fe Kα equivalent widths (several hundred eV to over 1 keV). A wide range of these obscuration diagnostics is present, showing a continuum of column densities, rather than a clear segregation into Compton-thick and Compton-thin sub-populations. We find that, in several instances, the fitted column densities severely underrepresent the attenuation implied by these obscuration diagnostics, indicating that simple X-ray models may not always recover the intrinsic absorption. We compared AGNs and host galaxy properties, such as intrinsic luminosity, central black hole mass, accretion rate, and star formation rate with obscuration diagnostics. No convincing evidence exists to link obscured sources with unique host galaxy populations from their less absorbed counterparts. Finally, we estimate that a majority of these Seyfert 2s will be detectable in the 10–40 keV range by the future NuSTAR mission, which would confirm whether these heavily absorbed sources are indeed Compton-thick.

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A subset of galaxies are active, indicating that the central supermassive black hole is accreting material. Within such active galactic nuclei (AGNs), this accretion disk is in turn surrounded by an obscuring medium of dust and gas, thought to have a toroidal geometry (e.g., Antonucci 1993; Urry & Padovani 1995). In Type 1 AGNs, the system is oriented such that the line of sight intercepts the opening of this "torus," exposing the accretion disk and broad load region (BLR). Conversely, this central region is blocked in Type 2 AGNs, as the system is inclined such that the line of sight is through the obscuring medium. In these obscured AGNs, the narrow line region (NLR) is visible as well as scattered and reflected emission from the central engine.

Previous studies have shown that obscured AGNs constitute at least half of the local population (Risaliti et al. 1999; Bassani et al. 1999; Guainazzi et al. 2005b). Obscuration can result from the putative torus or even the host galaxy where dust from nuclear star formation processes (e.g., Ballantyne 2008), extranuclear dust (Rigby et al. 2006) or dilution of AGN emission by the galaxy (Trump et al. 2009) can attenuate optical signatures of AGN activity. However, in this study we focus on "toroidal" obscured sources (where the absorption is intrinsic to the AGN, on the scale of a few parsecs, enshrouding the BLR) since a substantial fraction of heavily obscured, Compton-thick (column density NH⩾ 1.5 × 1024 cm−2) AGNs are often invoked to explain the unresolved portions of the X-ray background at 30 keV (e.g., Gilli et al. 2007). An accurate census of these AGNs is necessary to constrain X-ray background synthesis models (e.g., Treister et al. 2009) and studying their properties are crucial in understanding the full AGN population. Unfortunately, such obscured AGNs are missed in 2–10 keV X-ray surveys as absorption and Compton-scattering severely attenuate this X-ray emission.

Selecting AGN samples based on intrinsic AGN flux proxies (Fintrinsic), which are ideally unaffected by the amount of toroidal obscuration present, is therefore necessary to uncover Compton-thick AGNs. Such diagnostics include emission lines which are primarily ionized by accretion disk photons and are formed in the NLR, making them not subject to torus obscuration, and include the optical [O iii] 5007 line (e.g., Heckman et al. 2005) and the infrared [O iv] 25.89 μm line (e.g., Meléndez et al. 2008; Diamond-Stanic et al. 2009; Rigby et al. 2009). The obscuring medium absorbs continuum photons and re-radiates them in the mid-infrared (MIR). This emission constitutes approximately 20% of the bolometric luminosity in most Type 1 and Type 2 AGNs (Spinoglio & Malkan 1989), making it another isotropic indicator of intrinsic AGN flux. Follow-up X-ray observations can then reveal which sources are potentially Compton-thick.

Several studies have used infrared emission to locate such obscured AGNs (Daddi et al. 2007; Fiore et al. 2009). These studies have selected sources with infrared emission in excess of that attributable to star formation, indicating the presence of an AGN. Using either Chandra and/or XMM-Newton spectra (Fiore et al. 2009) or stacked X-ray spectra for non-detections (Daddi et al. 2007; Fiore et al. 2009), the column densities of these sources were estimated to constrain the Compton-thick fraction. However, these studies focus on high redshift sources (z = 0.7–2.5), rely on assumptions of the source spectrum shape (to convert count rate to flux for detections or hardness ratio to flux for stacked spectra) and in the case of stacked sources, only characterize the aggregate population rather than individual sources. These analyses are useful in estimating a potential Compton-thick fraction at early times in the universe, but local sources generally have the advantage of X-ray spectra with higher signal-to-noise, where each source can be individually analyzed and the spectra better characterized to more robustly constrain obscuration diagnostics.

We have undertaken such an analysis on two homogeneous samples of local (z< 0.15) Seyfert 2 galaxies (Sy2s) selected based on intrinsic flux proxies: an MIR sample from the original IRAS 12 μm survey (Spinoglio & Malkan 1989) and an [O iii]-selected sample culled from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; LaMassa et al. 2009). The Chandra and/or XMM-Newton spectra of these sources were fit in a homogeneous and systematic manner. However, column densities derived from spectral fitting in the 2–10 keV band are highly model dependent and thus may not always reflect the intrinsic toroidal absorption. Other proxies are therefore necessary to identify potentially Compton-thick sources. As the 2–10 keV X-ray emission is suppressed in absorbed sources, the ratio of this emission to intrinsic flux indicators can probe the amount of obscuration. In Compton-thick sources, the ratio of the 2–10 keV X-ray flux (F2–10 keV) to Fintrinsic is about an order of magnitude or lower than what is observed in unobscured sources (e.g., Bassani et al. 1999; Cappi et al. 2006; Panessa et al. 2006; Meléndez et al. 2008). X-ray spectral signatures, most notably the equivalent width (EW) of the neutral Fe Kα line at 6.4 keV, can also aid in uncovering heavily obscured sources. As the EW is measured against a suppressed continuum, it rises with increasing column density, reaching values of several hundred eV to over 1 keV in Compton-thick sources (e.g., Levenson et al. 2002). Similar to LaMassa et al. 2009, we use F2–10 keV/Fintrinsic and the Fe Kα EW as obscuration diagnostics in this work.

This paper is organized as follows: we describe the sample selection in Section 2 and the spectral fitting procedures in Section 3. We then estimate the potential Compton-thick population using ancillary optical and IR data and discuss the various possible absorber geometries revealed by our obscuration diagnostics. Utilizing IR data to parameterize host galaxy characteristics, namely star formation processes, and AGN activity, such as intrinsic AGN luminosity, central black hole mass, and Eddington ratio, we investigate whether Compton-thick sources trace a unique population. We also comment on the feasibility of detecting these sources in an upcoming hard X-ray (5–80 keV) mission, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR).


Our combined sample consists of 28 MIR selected and 17 [O iii] selected Sy2s. The MIR sample is a subset of the 31 Sy2s from the original IRAS 12 μm survey (Spinoglio & Malkan 1989),5 which was drawn from the IRAS point-source catalog (version 2). The Sy2s in the 12 μm sample were selected via a weak color cut (i.e., 12 μm flux less than the 60 or 100 μm flux) and is complete to a flux-density limit of 0.3 Jy at 12 μm, with latitude |b|>25° which avoids Galactic contamination (Spinoglio & Malkan 1989). Archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data exist for 28 of these 31 sources.

The [O iii]-selected Sy2s were culled from the main Galaxy sample (Strauss et al. 2002) in the SDSS Data Release 4 (Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2006). Using the SDSS spectra, Sy2s were identified using the diagnostic line ratio plot of [O iii]/Hβ and [N ii]/Hα (BPT diagram; Baldwin et al. 1981) and the Kauffmann et al. (2003) and Kewley et al. (2006) demarcations which distinguish Sy2s, composite systems, and star-forming galaxies. The 20 local (z< 0.15) Sy2s with [O iii] 5007 Å flux >4 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 that lie within the AGN locus of the BPT diagram were selected to comprise this sample. Of these 20 Sy2s, 2 had archival XMM-Newton observations and we were awarded XMM-Newton time for another 15 sources. The X-ray analysis for these 17 [O iii] selected Sy2s was presented in LaMassa et al. (2009) and is not replicated here; we utilize the results of that study (2–10 keV X-ray fluxes, Fe Kα EWs, etc.) in this work. Though both original samples are complete, since X-ray data only exist for 28/31 and 17/20 sources from the 12 μm and [O iii] samples, respectively, our resultant sample for X-ray analysis is nearly complete.

We note that this study has the advantage of analyzing samples of Sy2s selected via two different techniques which can mitigate biases from any individual selection criterion. For instance, dusty host galaxies can attenuate the optical emission lines used to identify AGNs (and thus potentially miss galaxy obscured AGNs), whereas MIR selection can isolate such sources. Star formation processes in the host galaxy can also enhance MIR, limiting its usefulness as an intrinsic indicator of pure AGN flux. However, such effects are minimal in this study as all but two MIR identified Sy2s live in the AGN locus of the BPT diagram and those two sources inhabit the composite (AGN and star-forming) locus and would not be optically identified as pure star-forming galaxies. We also note that many low-luminosity AGNs and some quasars lack the IR signature of a torus (Ho 2008; Hao et al. 2010, respectively), and thus MIR selection is not a useful tool for investigating such AGNs or their obscured counterparts. We explore the issues of selection effect biases further in Section 4.2.


We analyzed the available archival Chandra and XMM-Newton observations for the 12 μm sources with XAssist (Ptak & Griffiths 2003). This program runs the appropriate Science Analysis Systems (SAS) tasks to filter the data and clean for flaring as well as extract spectra and associated response files for user-defined sources. Table 1 lists the X-ray observations used in this analysis, including the ObsIDs and net exposure times after filtering.

Table 1. Sample and Observation Log

Galaxy Distance Observatory Observation Start Date ObsID Exposure Timea
  (Mpc)c   (UT)   (ks)
NGC 0424 51.2 XMM-Newton 2001 Dec 12 00029242301 7.6/7.6/5.0
    Chandra 2002 Feb 4 03146 9.1
NGC 1068 16.9 XMM-Newton 2000 Jul 29 0111200101 38.7/35.6/35.3
  16.9 XMM-Newton 2000 Jul 30 0111200201 37.8/35.0/32.2
NGC 1144 120.8 XMM-Newton 2006 Jan 28 0312190401 11.6/11.6/10.0
NGC 1320 38.3 XMM-Newton 2006 Aug 6 0405240201 16.8/16.8/13.7
NGC 1386 12.7 XMM-Newton 2002 Dec 29 0140950201 17.1/17.1/15.1
    Chandra 2003 Nov 19 04076 19.6
NGC 1667 64.1 XMM-Newton 2004 Sep 20 0200660401 10.0/10.1/8.1
F05189-2524 187.7 XMM-Newton 2001 Mar 17 0085640101 10.7/10.6/7.6
    Chandra 2001 Oct 30 02034 18.7
    Chandra 2002 Jan 30 03432 14.9
F08572+3915 256.0 Chandra 2006 Jan 26 06862 14.9
NGC 3982 16.9 XMM-Newton 2004 Jun 15 0204651201 11.5/11.5/9.7
    Chandra 2004 Jan 3 04845 9.2
NGC 4388 34.0 Chandra 2001 Jun 8 01619 20.0
    XMM-Newton 2002 Dec 12 0110930701 11.7/11.7/7.8
    XMM-Newton 2002 Jul 7 0110930301 9.0/9.2/2.8
NGC 4501 34.0 XMM-Newton 2001 Dec 4 0112550801 13.4/13.4/2.9
    Chandra 2002 Dec 9 02922 17.9
TOLOLO 1238-364 46.9 Chandra 2004 Mar 7 04844 8.7
NGC 4968 42.6 XMM-Newton 2001 Jan 5 0002940101 7.3/7.3/4.9
    XMM-Newton 2004 Jul 5 0200660201 4.5/4.7/5.2
M-3-34-64 72.7 XMM-Newton 2005 Jan 24 0206580101 44.6/44.6/42.9
NGC 5135 59.8 Chandra 2001 Sep 4 02187 29.3
NGC 5194 8.5 Chandra 2000 Jun 20 00354 14.9
    Chandra 2001 Jun 23 01622 26.8
    Chandra 2003 Aug 7 03932 47.9
NGC 5347 34.0 Chandra 2004 Jun 5 04867 36.9
Mrk 463 219.4 XMM-Newton 2001 Dec 12 0094401201 26.0/26.0/23.4
    Chandra 2004 Jun 11 04913 49.3
NGC 5506 25.5 XMM-Newton 2001 Feb 2 0013140101 17.8/17.8/14.3
    XMM-Newton 2002 Jan 9 0013140201 13.2/13.2/10.6
    XMM-Newton 2004 Jul 11 0201830201 21.3/21.3/21.1
    XMM-Newton 2004 Jul 14 0201830301 20.2/20.2/19.7
    XMM-Newton 2004 Jul 22 0201830401 19.6/19.6/19.9
    XMM-Newton 2004 Aug 7 0201830501 20.2/20.2/20.0
    XMM-Newton 2008 Jul 27 0554170201 85.2/88.0/90.4
    XMM-Newton 2009 Jan 2 0554170101 75.1/76.0/87.0
NGC 5953 29.7 Chandra 2002 Dec 12 04023 4.7
Arp 220 77.1 XMM-Newton 2002 Aug 11 0101640801 13.6/13.6/11.8
    XMM-Newton 2003 Jan 15 0101640901 14.6/14.6/9.3
    XMM-Newton 2005 Jan 14 0205510201 8.7/8.2/0.7
    XMM-Newton 2005 Feb 19 0205510401 8.1/8.3/4.3
    Chandra 2000 Jun 6 00869 56.5
NGC 6890 34.0 XMM-Newton 2005 Sep 29 0301151001 9.3/9.2/2.4
IC 5063 46.9 Chandra 2007 Jun 15 07878 34.1
NGC 7130 68.4 Chandra 2001 Oct 23 02188 38.6
NGC 7172 38.3 XMM-Newton 2002 Nov 18 0147920601 13.6/13.6/12.0
    XMM-Newton 2004 Nov 11 0202860101 50.8/50.9/36.0
    XMM-Newton 2007 Apr 4 0414580101 48.9/48.8/31.7
NGC 7582 21.2 Chandra 2000 Oct 14 00436 10.5
    Chandra 2000 Oct 15 02319 5.9
    XMM-Newton 2001 May 25 0112310201 22.6/22.6/19.6
    XMM-Newton 2005 Apr 29 0204610101 80.2/79.7/71.8
NGC 7590 21.2 XMM-Newton 2007 Apr 30 0405380701 9.8/9.3/2.5
NGC 7674 125.3 XMM-Newton 2004 Jun 2 0200660101 8.4/9.2/8.3

Notes. aNet exposure time after filtering. bFor XMM-Newton observations. cDistances based on optical spectroscopic redshift using H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, ΩM = 0.27, and ΩΛ = 0.73.

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Twenty-five out of 28 sources were detected at the 3σ level or greater in the 0.5–10 keV band. One (NGC 5193) was detected in the soft band (0.5–2 keV) and we were thus able to fit this part of the spectrum. We obtained upper 2–10 keV flux limits on this source and the two undetected sources (F08572+3915 and NGC 7590), discussed in detail below.

We used simple absorbed power-law models to fit the spectra for the detected sources, which may not accurately represent the complex geometry of these systems. However, our main goal is to apply a systematic and homogeneous analysis of the spectra in a similar manner as LaMassa et al. (2009) to derive an observed X-ray flux, and where possible, EW of the Fe Kα line. More extensive X-ray modeling of several sources has been investigated in detail in the literature (e.g., see Brightman & Nandra 2010 for more detailed X-ray modeling of the extended 12 μm sample) and we do not intend to replicate previously published work. In Appendix A, we discuss individual sources, compare our derived parameters with those quoted in the literature, and comment on the impact more complex models have on such parameters. We find that in 18/23 sources, we recover consistent (within 1σ) observed X-ray fluxes and Fe Kα EW values as more complex models. This work also represents the first analysis for a handful of data sets (i.e., Chandra spectrum of IC 5063, XMM-Newton 2004 EPIC spectra of NGC 7172, and XMM-Newton EPIC spectra of NGC 7674).

3.1. Fitting Spectra from Multiple Observations

Multiple observations for each source, as well as the spectra from the three XMM-Newton detectors (PN, MOS1, and MOS2), were fit simultaneously with a constant multiplicative factor which was allowed to vary by ∼20% to account for calibration differences among detectors/observations. The remaining model parameters were initially tied together, with the residuals inspected to check for inconsistencies among observations. Differences among XMM-Newton observations are interpreted as source variability, and were present in 4/28 sources (NGC 4388, NGC 5506, NGC 7172 and NGC 7582).

Nine Sy2s had both Chandra and XMM-Newton archival data, with 8/9 having flux and/or spectral discrepancies between observations; only NGC 424 had consistent Chandra and XMM-Newton data. As Chandra has higher spatial resolution than XMM-Newton, it better isolates the central AGNs. Differences in the spectra between the two observatories could thus be due to source variability, or extended emission from the host galaxy (e.g., X-ray binaries, thermal emission from hot gas, etc.) that XMM-Newton cannot resolve from the AGN emission. To test if such differences were due to variability or contamination, we extracted the Chandra source region to have the same size as the XMM-Newton region, ∼20''. If the best-fit parameters and flux were consistent between the two data sets with the matched aperture extraction areas, we concluded that extended emission is likely contaminating the XMM-Newton observation. If a discrepancy still existed, we interpreted this as source variability between observations.

Five sources showed evidence of contamination from extended emission within the XMM-Newton aperture, i.e., matched aperture extraction between the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations resulted in consistent model parameters and flux: NGC 1386, F05189-2524, NGC 3982, NGC 4501, and Mrk 463. For three of these sources (NGC 1386, F05189-2524, and Mrk 463), the best-fit parameters with the default Chandra extraction region were consistent with the XMM-Newton spectra, with the exception of the constant multiplicative factor which was lower in the Chandra observations (∼40%–70% of XMM-Newton). We therefore fit the XMM-Newton and Chandra spectra simultaneously to constrain the Chandra parameters. However, we report the flux from the Chandra observations only in Table 4, as this isolates the central AGNs. The spectra from the default Chandra extraction areas for the other two sources (NGC 3982 and NGC 4501) did not have consistent model parameters with the XMM-Newton spectra, likely due to X-ray binaries in the host galaxy affecting the spectral shape in the XMM-Newton data, so we therefore fit the Chandra spectra from the default extraction area independently and report these parameters in Table 2.

Table 2. APEC Model Parameters (Solar Abundance)

Galaxy NH,1 kT Γ NH,2 χ2 χ2 2pow χ2 1pow
  (1022 cm−2) (keV)   (1022 cm−2) (dof) (dof) DOF
NGC 0424a 0.05+0.04−0.03 0.82+0.18−0.17 2.85+0.32−0.28 16.8+5.8−3.5 269.5 (171) 273.8 (173) 846.4 (178)
NGC 1068 0.31+0.03−0.03 0.61+0.01−0.01 2.02+0.59−0.45 9.33+1.77−2.58 450.4 (247) 1013 (249) 6634 (269)
NGC 1144b 0.06 0.37+0.29−0.06 1.91+0.37−0.24 47.0+3.5−3.2 174.7 (149) 216.8 (151) 1347 (156)
NGC 1320 0.07+0.03−0.02 0.78+0.07−0.07 3.30+0.22−0.19 43.5+81.5−12.3 269.1 (170) 311.2 (172) 639.9 (177)
NGC 1386c 0.04+0.03−0.02 0.66+0.04−0.03 2.97+0.27−0.22 35.8+19.7−13.3 412.7 (340) 591.1 (342) 876.9 (347)
NGC 1667b 0.05 0.33+0.07−0.04 2.18+0.34−0.37 ... 49.8 (38) ... 82.3 (39)
F05189-2524b,c 0.02 <0.104 2.08+0.13−0.13 6.75+0.40−0.41 530.3 (376) 607.6 (378) 2212 (379)
NGC 3982d,e 0.53+0.11−0.16 <0.12 0.57+1.14−0.90 ... 21.7 (16) ... 45.7 (18)
NGC 4388 (Chandra) 1.47+0.49−0.53 <0.18 0.92+0.27−0.45 29.2+3.1−4.3 110.6 (92) 121.7 (94) 324.1 (99)
NGC 4388 (XMM-Newton)b,f 0.03 0.30+0.01−0.01 1.35+0.14−0.10 26.2+1.2−0.9 580.2 (498) 844.3 (500) 3936 (506)
NGC 4501b,d,e 0.03 0.42+0.16−0.09 0.30+0.45−0.50 ... 27.5 (38) ... 58.9 (40)
TOLOLO 1238-364e 0.06 0.73+0.11−0.13 2.47+0.31−0.35 ... 51.0 (77) ... 72.6 (78)
NGC 4968e 0.84+0.10−0.08 <0.13 1.50+0.41−0.31 ... 343.0 (267) ... 337.8 (270)
M-3-34-64 0.07+0.01−0.01 0.79+0.02−0.02 2.68+0.10−0.09 46.7+1.6−1.6 847.5 (493) 1660 (495) 8590 (500)
NGC 5135b,e 0.05 0.77+0.24−0.22 2.78+0.14−0.12 104+81−70 194.8 (132) 200.8 (134) 317.8 (138)
NGC 5194b 0.02 0.65+0.05−0.04 2.20+0.16−0.17 90.1+62.9−43.1 274.0 (231) 445.2 (232) 944.9 (237)
NGC 5347 0.02 <0.24 1.19+0.24−0.26 63.6+37.4−25.7 31.8 (22) 36.9 (24) 78.4 (26)
Mrk 463c <0.06 0.73+0.03−0.04 2.02+0.27−0.12 26.5+4.9−4.6 334.2 (263) 600.3 (268) 1505 (270)
NGC 5506g 0.11+0.01−0.01 0.77+0.04−0.05 1.71+0.01−0.01 2.68+0.03−0.03 2720 (2385) 2781 (2387) 15637 (2389)
NGC 5506h 0.13+0.01−0.01 0.85+0.10−0.03 1.77+0.01−0.0 2.80+0.01−0.02 4171 (3143) 4299 (3145) 31991 (3147)
Arp 220 (XMM-Newton)b,i 0.04 0.82+0.05−0.05 1.27+0.15−0.15 ... 146.0 (145) ... 248.4 (147)
Arp 220 (Chandra) 0.47+0.07−0.06 " " ... " ... "
NGC 6890e <0.10 0.78+0.24−0.19 3.28+0.88−0.74 27.4+18.4−11.3 164.0 (148) 171.3 (150) 197.4 (152)
IC 5063j 0.64+0.26−0.43 0.43+0.17−0.22 1.39+0.41−0.41 19.6+2.3−2.4 131.0 (116) 135.6 (119) 452.5 (120)
NGC 7130e <0.08 0.76+0.04−0.04 2.41+0.27−0.26 64.1+58.9−23.3 220.7 (199) 381.8 (201) 563.9 (206)
NGC 7172b,f 0.02 0.26+0.03−0.02 1.55+0.03−0.01 7.74+0.09−0.08 2330 (1748) 2530 (1750) 5379 (1751)
NGC 7582 (XMM-Newton)b,f,i 0.01 0.71+0.01−0.01 1.95+0.03−0.02 26.0+1.4−1.5 1586 (886) 4044 (903) 15004 (910)
NGC 7582 (Chandra)f 1.24+0.07−0.10 <0.11 1.80+0.42−0.03 19.8+2.3−0.20 104.9 (81) 117.5 (83) 305.2 (85)
NGC 7674b 0.04 0.70+0.13−0.09 2.92+0.16−0.15 34.7+10.3−7.3 112.9 (72) 129.6 (74) 342.4 (75)

Notes. aBest-fit parameters between Chandra and XMM-Newton observations are consistent. bBest-fit NH was same as Galactic value and therefore frozen at this value. cBest-fit parameters between Chandra and XMM-Newton observations are consistent except for the constant multiplicative factor, which is much lower for the Chandra observations, indicating extended emission in the XMM-Newton field of view. dBest-fit parameters between Chandra and XMM-Newton observations differ due to the presence of extended emission in XMM-Newton field of view. Parameters for the Chandra observation, which isolates the point source, are listed. eUsed C-stat. fSecond power-law component normalizations fit independently between the two XMM-Newton observations. gXMM-Newton observations from 2001 February 2, 2004 July 11, 2004 July 14, and 2004 July 22. hXMM-Newton observations from 2002 January 9, 2004 August 7, 2008 July 27, and 2009 January 2. iBest-fit parameters between Chandra and XMM-Newton observations differ due to variability. jUsed the pileup model.

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Three Sy2s were variable between the two observatories: NGC 4388, Arp 220, and NGC 7582. Arp 220 was fit simultaneously between the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations with only the absorption component fit independently for the Chandra spectrum. NGC 4388 and NGC 7582 exhibited spectral variation between the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations and were therefore fit independently. We list the best-fit parameters for the default Chandra extraction spectra and the XMM-Newton spectra separately in Table 2 for these two sources.

3.2. Spectral Models

We initially fit all spectra with an absorbed power-law model. Most spectra (18/26) had an adequate number of detected photons to be grouped by a minimum of 15 counts bin−1 without loss of spectral information and were thus analyzed with χ2; the remaining 8 (NGC 3982, NGC 4501, TOLOLO 1238-364, NGC 4968, NGC 5135, NGC 5953, NGC 6890, and NGC 7130) were analyzed with the Cash statistic (C-stat; Cash 1979) and binned by 2–3 counts as XSpec handles slightly binned spectra better than unbinned when using C-stat (Teng et al. 2005). With the exception of seven sources (NGC 1667, NGC 3982, NGC 4501, TOLOLO 1238-364, NGC 4968, NGC 5953, and Arp 220), a second power-law component was needed to accommodate the data (i.e., phabs1*(pow1 + phabs2*pow2)). The two power-law indices (Γ) were tied together and the normalizations and absorption components were fit independently. Such a model represents a partial covering geometry with the first power law denoting the soft scattered and/or reflected AGN continuum and the second component describing the absorbed transmitted emission.

Residuals below 2 keV were present in many of the sources, suggesting emission in excess of the scattered AGN continuum. This excess is likely due to thermal emission from hot gas related to star formation processes, and consistent with LaMassa et al. (2009), we used a thermal model (APEC in XSpec) with abundances fixed at solar to fit this emission. According to the f-test, addition of this component improved the fit at greater than the 3σ level over the best-fit single or double power-law model for 16/25 sources.6 In Table 2, we present the best-fit parameters from the APEC plus power-law models, along with the χ2 values from the single absorbed power-law fit, and where applicable, the double absorbed power-law fit. We required a lower limit on the first absorption component (NH,1) to be equal to the Galactic absorption. In some cases, the best-fit absorption was equal to the Galactic NH and we subsequently froze NH,1 to the Galactic value for these sources. We were only able to obtain an upper limit on NH,1 for three sources (Mrk 463, NGC 6890, and NGC 7130), as the lower error bound pegged at the Galactic absorption; the upper 90% limit is thus listed in Table 2. We also quote the 90% upper limit on kT for the six cases where the lower error on the temperature pegged at the limit of 0.1 keV (F05189-2524, NGC 3982, the Chandra observation of NGC 4388, NGC 4968, NGC 5347, and the Chandra observation of NGC 7582). We included Gaussian components to accommodate the Fe Kα emission when present (see below) and additional Gaussian components for other emission features in NGC 1068 and NGC 7582 (see Appendix A). In Table 3, we list the best-fit parameters for the absorbed single/double power-law fit for NGC 5953 and the nine sources which according to the f-test are not statistically significantly improved (⩾3σ) by adding the APEC component and are therefore better described by the simpler single/double power-law model (NGC 424, the Chandra observation of NGC 4388, NGC 4968, NGC 5135, NGC 5347, NGC 6890, IC 5063, the Chandra observation of NGC 7582 and NGC 7674).

Table 3. Power-law Model Parameters

Galaxy NH,1 Γ NH,2 χ2
  (1022 cm−2)   (1022 cm−2) (dof)
NGC 0424a 0.07+0.03−0.03 2.97+0.27−0.26 16.9+6.0−3.0 273.8 (173)
NGC 4388 (Chandra) 0.22+0.24−0.15 0.38+0.39−0.36 23.3+3.5−3.1 121.7 (94)
NGC 4968b,c 0.08 1.94+0.14−0.13 ... 337.8 (270)
NGC 5135b 0.05 2.75+0.11−0.10 118+82−60 200.8 (134)
NGC 5347b 0.02 1.41+0.24−0.22 56.2+31.9−22.9 36.9 (24)
NGC 5953b,c,d 0.03 2.10+0.63−0.65 ... 39.9 (21)
NGC 6890c 0.21+0.11−0.09 3.86+0.75−0.64 18.9+16.5−11.0 171.3 (150)
IC 5063b,e 0.06 1.48+0.26−0.25 20.5+1.4−1.4 135.6 (119)
NGC 7582 (Chandra)e <0.23 1.63+0.50−0.40 18.8+2.9−2.1 117.5 (83)
NGC 7674b 0.04 2.86+0.12−0.11 36.9+12.4−7.7 129.6 (74)

Notes. aBest-fit parameters between Chandra and XMM-Newton observations are consistent. bBest-fit NH was same as Galactic value and therefore frozen at this value. cUsed C-stat. dOnly detected in soft band. eUsed the pileup model.

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We list the observed 2–10 keV X-ray flux from these best-fit models in Table 4. For the cases where addition of the APEC model improved the fit, we excluded this component when deriving the X-ray flux. The flux was averaged among multiple observations when these observations were consistent. For variable sources, the flux is listed independently for each observation. For Arp 220, only the absorption varied between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, which had a negligible impact on the flux. We therefore averaged the XMM-Newton and Chandra fluxes for this source. We note that NGC 7582 has a higher observed Chandra flux, compared to the XMM-Newton fluxes, despite the smaller Chandra spectral extraction area; aperture effects could contribute to the lower Chandra flux (compared with XMM-Newton) for NGC 4388.

Table 4. 2–10 keV X-ray Flux and Luminosity for 12 μm Sample

Galaxy F2–10 keV log L2–10 keV Comments
  (10−13 erg s−1 cm−2) (erg s−1)  
NGC 0424 11.5+6.4−3.7 41.56+0.19−0.17  
NGC 1068 54.2+110−32.0 41.27+0.48−0.39  
NGC 1144 33.4+36.6−12.9 42.77+0.32−0.21  
NGC 1320 3.84+2.83−1.39 40.83+0.24−0.20  
NGC 1386 1.55+0.42−0.50 39.48+0.10−0.17 Chandra observation
NGC 1667 0.43+0.11−0.11 40.33+0.10−0.13  
F05189-2524 23.5+5.5−4.9 43.00+0.09−0.10 Chandra observations
F08572+3915 <1.26 <42.02  
NGC 3982 0.56+1.28−0.39 39.28+0.52−0.52 Chandra observation
NGC 4388 74.6+88.5−38.5 42.01+0.34−0.32 Chandra observation
  86.9+28.6−17.7 42.08+0.12−0.10 XMM-Newton 2002 Jul observation
  244+76−47 42.53+0.12−0.09 XMM-Newton 2002 Dec observation
NGC 4501 1.07+0.73−0.51 40.17+0.23−0.28 Chandra observation
TOLOLO 1238-364 1.21+0.31−0.26 40.50+0.10−0.11  
NGC 4968 2.08+0.26−0.26 40.65+0.05−0.06  
M-3-34-64 32.5+3.1−3.1 42.31+0.04−0.04  
NGC 5135 2.31+0.98−1.68 40.99+0.15−0.56  
NGC 5194 1.04+2.28−0.73 38.95+0.50−0.53  
NGC 5347 2.58+1.20−1.41 40.55+0.17−0.34  
Mrk 463 2.95+1.84−0.82 42.23+0.21−0.14 Chandra observation
NGC 5506 725+68−79 42.75+0.04−0.05 2001 & 2004 Jul observations
  1113+59−59 42.94+0.02−0.02 2002, 2004 Aug, 2008 and 2009 observations
NGC 5953 <0.51 <39.73  
Arp 220 1.07+0.18−0.16 40.88+0.07−0.07  
NGC 6890 1.20+4.01−0.88 40.22+0.6400.57  
IC 5063 134+73−47 42.55+0.19−0.19  
NGC 7130 2.07+2.09−1.04 41.06+0.30−0.30  
NGC 7172 517+43−40 42.96+0.03−0.03 2007 observation
  234+19−18 42.61+0.03−0.03 2002 and 2004 observations
NGC 7582 21.1+1.7−1.8 41.05+0.03−0.04 2005 XMM-Newton observation
  38.6+3.0−3.1 41.32+0.03−0.04 2001 XMM-Newton observation
  164+263−87 41.95+0.42−0.33 Chandra observations
NGC 7590 <2.72 <40.17  
NGC 7674 5.71+3.05−1.69 42.03+0.19−0.15  

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In Figure 1, we plot the spectra with the best-fit models. As many sources have multiple observations, we plot only one spectrum per observation, generally using the PN spectrum for XMM-Newton observations unless the MOS spectrum had better signal-to-noise. Though we report the flux of the Chandra observations only for NGC 1386, F05189-2524, and Mrk 463, we plot both the XMM-Newton and Chandra spectra to illustrate how the XMM-Newton spectra helped to constrain the fit.

Figure 1.
Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 1.
Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 1.
Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 1.
Standard image High-resolution image
Figure 1.

Figure 1. X-ray spectra with best-fit models. (a) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum, red: Chandra spectrum. (b) Black: XMM-Newton MOS2 spectrum from 2000 July 29 observation and red: XMM-Newton MOS2 spectrum from 2000 July 30 observation. (c) XMM-Newton PN spectrum. (d) XMM-Newton PN spectrum. (e) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum and red: Chandra spectrum. (f) XMM-Newton PN spectrum. (g) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum, red: Chandra spectrum from 2001 observation, and green: Chandra spectrum from 2002 observation. (h) Black: Chandra spectrum. (i) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2002 December observation and red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2002 July observation. (j) Chandra spectrum. (k) Chandra spectrum. (l) Chandra spectrum. (m) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2001 observation and red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 observation. (n) XMM-Newton PN spectrum. (o) Chandra spectrum. (p) Black: Chandra spectrum from 2000 observation, red: Chandra spectrum from 2001 observation, and green: Chandra spectrum from 2003 observation. (q) Chandra spectrum. (r) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum and red: Chandra spectrum. (s) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 July 11 observation, red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2001 February 2 observation, green: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 July 14 observation, blue: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 July 22 observation. (t) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2001 observation, red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 August observation, green: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2008 observation, and blue: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2009 observation. (u) Chandra spectrum. (v) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2002 observation, red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2003 observation, green: XMM-Newton MOS1 spectrum from 2005 January observation, blue: Chandra spectrum. (w) XMM-Newton PN spectrum. (x) Chandra spectrum. (y) Chandra spectrum. (z) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2007 observation, red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2004 observation, and green: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2002 observation. (aa) Black: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2005 observation and red: XMM-Newton PN spectrum from 2001 observation. (ab) Black: Chandra spectrum from 2006 October 14 observation and red: Chandra spectrum from 2006 October 15 observation. (ac) XMM-Newton PN spectrum.

Standard image High-resolution image

3.3. Pileup

Bright X-ray sources can be susceptible to pileup which occurs when a CCD records two or more photons as a single event during the frame integration time. To test if this phenomenon affected our bright sources, we examined the pattern and observed distribution plots from the SAS task epatplot for XMM-Newton observations and the output of PIMMS7 for Chandra observations. In a handful of XMM-Newton observations (i.e., NGC 1068, NGC 5506, and NGC 7172), one to two of the detectors exhibited evidence of pileup, but at least one of the detectors did not. The "piled" spectra were therefore disregarded from the fit without loss of information as we obtained one to two non-piled spectra per observation (see Appendix A for details). As PIMMS uses simple models to test for the presence of pileup (e.g., single absorbed power laws whereas most of our sources needed a second power-law component), we fit the Chandra spectra with evidence of pileup (i.e., IC 5063 and NGC 7582) in Sherpa, using the jdpileup model and best-fit continuum model (with a Gaussian at the Fe Kα energy if necessary), to better constrain the pileup percentage. However, we utilized the pileup model in XSpec (with α, the "grade migration" parameter, as the only free parameter) along with the best-fit models to derive the 2–10 keV flux and Fe Kα EW, where the pileup component was removed before calculating these quantities. We note that the Sherpa and XSpec fits using their respective pileup models give consistent best-fit parameters and observed fluxes.

3.4. Upper Limits

Three sources were not detected within the 2–10 keV range: F08572+3915, NGC 5953, and NGC 7590. NGC 5953 was detected in the soft band (0.5–2 keV) and was therefore fit with an absorbed power-law model. It was necessary to freeze the absorption to properly model the photon index. As the soft component generally results from scattered/reflected AGN emission, the absorption attenuating this component results from obscuration along the line of sight rather than intrinsic toroidal absorption. In many cases in this study, such absorption is on the order of Galactic NH or marginally higher, so we froze NH to the Galactic value. From this fit in the soft band, we extrapolated an upper limit on the 2–10 keV flux.

F08572+3915 and NGC 7590 were not detected over the background in their ∼15 ks Chandra and ∼10 ks XMM-Newton observations, respectively. We therefore used a Bayesian approach to estimate an upper limit on the flux based on the total number of counts within the spectral extraction region and an assumed spectral shape for the AGN. We used a region size of ∼2'' for F08572+3915 and ∼7farcs5 for NGC 7590 (though XMM-Newton has lower resolution and the extraction region is generally ∼20'', we constrained this region to a smaller size to exclude contamination from a nearby ultraluminous X-ray source, Colbert & Ptak 2002). For NGC 7590, we co-added the MOS spectra together using the ftool addspec. We used the total detected and background counts from these spectra to calculate a one-sided 3σ (i.e., 99.9% confidence level) upper limit on the number of source counts. We then obtained an upper limit on the count rate by dividing this source count by the exposure time of the observation. Using an absorbed power-law model, which included Galactic absorption, Compton-thick absorption (NH = 1.5 × 1024 cm−2, which is a conservative estimate as neither source was detected in X-rays) at the redshift of the source and a photon index of 1.8, we calculated the 2–10 keV flux that corresponds to the 3σ upper limit on the count rate. These upper limits are listed in Table 4. We note that applying this method to NGC 5953 results in a higher X-ray flux upper limit than extrapolating the spectral fit of the soft emission to higher energies, ∼2 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus ∼5 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2. We choose the latter value since this is based on the spectral information we have for this source.

3.5. Fe Kα

We used a Gaussian component to model the neutral Fe Kα emission. In many cases, this feature was evident when fitting the 0.5–8 keV spectrum and was included in the models mentioned above. For the sources where this line was not visible, we tested for its presence using the ZGAUSS model, freezing the energy at 6.4 keV and the width at 0.01 keV and inputting the galaxy's redshift. From this fit, we can derive either a detection or upper limit on the neutral Fe Kα flux and possibly EW. For the sources that had both XMM-Newton and Chandra observations and had evidence of extended emission in the XMM-Newton field of view (i.e., NGC 1386, F05189-2524, NGC 3982, NGC 4501, and Mrk 463), we used only the Chandra spectrum to model the Fe Kα emission to isolate the AGN contribution.

To better constrain the EW of the neutral Fe Kα line, we also fit the local continuum, from 3–4 keV to 8 keV, with a power law or double absorbed power law with an absorption component attenuating the second power law (when the spectral shape required this extra model). We then added a Gaussian or ZGAUSS component to this local continuum fit. The results of the global and local continuum fits to the neutral Fe Kαline are listed in Table 5. In some cases (e.g., NGC 424, NGC 1386), the local fit better constrains the underlying continuum and therefore leads to a more reliable value for the EW. We use the EWs from the local fits in the subsequent analysis.

Table 5. Fe Kα Flux and EW

Galaxy Global Fit Local Fit
  Energy σ EW Fluxa Energy σ EW Fluxa
  (keV)   (keV)  
NGC 0424b 6.45+0.07−0.07 0.42+0.17−0.11 4.22+0.88−0.97 3.95+0.83−0.91 6.36+0.08−0.05 0.21+0.11−0.17 1.33+0.36−0.39 2.37+0.64−0.69
NGC 1068b 6.40+0.00−0.01 <0.03 0.65+0.05−0.05 5.52+0.41−0.40 6.4+0.00−0.01 <0.03 0.60+0.05−0.05 5.95+0.47−0.47
NGC 1144c 6.24+0.02−0.02 <0.07 0.26+0.06−0.06 1.99+0.49−0.44 6.24+0.02−0.02 <0.07 0.25+0.06−0.06 1.89+0.48−0.43
NGC 1320b 6.37+0.02−0.02 0.06+0.03−0.03 3.50+0.49−0.47 1.55+0.22−0.21 6.37+0.02−0.01 0.05+0.02−0.04 3.02+0.46−0.50 1.70+0.26−0.28
NGC 1386 (Chandra)b 6.39+0.02−0.03 <0.05 3.43+1.39−1.39 0.51+0.21−0.21 6.39+0.03−0.03 <0.05 2.30+1.00−0.78 0.72+0.32−0.25
NGC 1667d,e 6.31 0.01 0.16+0.10−0.10 6.31 0.01 0.86+0.66−0.50 0.13+0.10−0.08
F05189-25212 (Chandra)e 6.14 0.01 0.09+0.09−0.08 0.28+0.27−0.24 6.14 0.01 <0.17 <0.59
NGC 3982 (Chandra)e 6.37 0.01 0.31+0.41−0.22 6.37 0.01 0.11+0.13−0.11
NGC 4388 (Chandra)b 6.34+0.02−0.03 <0.09 0.31+0.08−0.08 4.03+1.06−1.03 6.34+0.02−0.02 <0.08 0.29+0.11−0.08 3.721.47−0.99
NGC 4388 (XMM-Newton 2002 Jul)b 6.37+0.01−0.01 <0.09 0.46+0.08−0.08 7.05+1.19−1.16 6.37+0.02−0.02 0.08+0.03−0.03 0.62+0.10−0.10 8.69+1.41−1.35
NGC 4388 (XMM-Newton 2002 Dec)b " 0.06+0.02−0.02 0.20+0.03−0.03 9.20+1.24−1.21 6.37+0.01−0.01 0.05+0.02−0.02 0.18+0.03−0.02 8.39+1.26−1.14
NGC 4501 (Chandra)e 6.35 0.01 <2.28 <0.29 6.35 0.01 <1.50 <0.31
TOLOLO 1238-364c 6.30+0.29−0.23 0.39+0.34−0.28 0.70+0.38−0.30 6.38+0.09−0.10 <0.25 3.17+2.64−1.96 0.56+0.47−0.35
NGC 4968b 6.38+0.08−0.03 0.13+0.16−0.05 0.95+0.23−0.20 6.37+0.03−0.02 0.07+0.04−0.04 3.06+0.99−0.78 0.91+0.29−0.23
M-3-34-64f 6.30+0.02−0.01 <0.08 0.17+0.04−0.03 1.27+0.32−0.21 6.30+0.02−0.01 0.10+0.04−0.03 0.31+0.05−0.04 1.78+0.31−0.23
NGC 5135b 6.34+0.04−0.04 <0.12 1.18+0.56−0.45 0.46+0.22−0.18 6.35+0.04−0.05 0.09+0.08−0.06 2.44+0.94−0.82 0.61+0.23−0.20
NGC 5194b 6.39+0.02−0.01 <0.04 3.05+0.82−0.65 0.40+0.11−0.08 6.39+0.02−0.01 <0.05 4.64+1.42−1.47 0.57+0.17−0.18
NGC 5347b,e 6.35 0.01 1.04+0.49−0.45 0.37+0.17−0.16 6.35 0.01 1.35+0.53−0.44 0.45+0.18−0.15
Mrk 463 (Chandra)c,e 6.10 0.01 <0.38 <0.27 6.10 0.01 0.20+0.16−0.13 0.15+0.12−0.10
NGC 5506 (2001 Feb 2)b 6.38+0.01−0.01 0.09+0.02−0.01 0.11+0.01−0.01 8.02+0.69−0.68 6.38+0.02−0.01 0.08+0.03−0.02 0.12+0.02−0.02 7.35+1.15−1.06
NGC 5506 (2004 Jul 11)b " " " " 6.40+0.03−0.03 0.20+0.06−0.05 0.17+0.03−0.03 10.9+2.2−1.9
NGC 5506 (2004 Jul 14)b " " " " 6.38+0.02−0.02 0.10+0.03−0.03 0.13+0.02−0.02 8.30+1.37−1.15
NGC 5506 (2004 Jul 22)b " " " " 6.38+0.03−0.02 0.11+0.05−0.04 0.14+0.03−0.04 7.90+1.85−2.06
NGC 5506 (2002 Jan 9)b 6.45+0.01−0.01 0.13+0.02−0.01 0.10+0.01−0.01 10.3+0.8−0.7 6.42+0.03−0.04 0.11+0.08−0.07 0.09+0.03−0.03 8.75+2.74−3.22
NGC 5506 (2004 Aug 7)b " " " " 6.38+0.04−0.03 0.17+0.07−0.04 0.12+0.03−0.02 11.1+3.2−1.9
NGC 5506 (2008 Jul 27)b " " " " 6.46+0.02−0.02 0.15+0.04−0.02 0.13+0.02−0.01 11.7+1.8−1.4
NGC 5506 (2009 Jan 2)b " " " " 6.51+0.03−0.02 0.28+0.05−0.04 0.18+0.02−0.02 18.0+2.4−2.1
Arp 220e 6.29 0.01 <0.66 <0.09 6.29 0.01 <0.57 <0.09
NGC 6890d,e 6.35 0.01 1.21+1.46−1.01 0.15+0.18−0.13 6.35 0.01 0.93+1.28−0.84 0.17+0.23−0.15
IC 5063c,e 6.33 0.01 0.05+0.04−0.04 1.14+0.96−0.94 6.33 0.01 0.05+0.04−0.04 0.58+0.42−0.42
NGC 7130c 6.30+0.04−0.04 <0.09 0.70+0.39−0.31 0.20+0.11−0.09 6.30+0.04−0.04 <0.10 0.82+0.48−0.33 0.26+0.15−0.10
NGC 7172 (2007)b 6.33+0.02−0.01 <0.06 0.05+0.01−0.01 3.10+0.56−0.48 6.33+0.02−0.02 0.11+0.04−0.03 0.10+0.02−0.01 5.48+1.00−0.68
NGC 7172 (2004)b 6.38+0.01−0.01 0.09+0.02−0.02 0.12+0.01−0.01 4.11+0.49−0.49 6.37+0.02−0.01 0.09+0.02−0.02 0.12+0.01−0.01 3.30+0.38−0.40
NGC 7172 (2002)b 6.37+0.03−0.04 0.14+0.06−0.04 0.14+0.03−0.03 4.88+1.17−0.91 6.35+0.04−0.06 0.21+0.11−0.06 0.20+0.06−0.04 5.51+1.61−1.17
NGC 7582 (XMM-Newton 2005)b 6.37+0.01−0.01 <0.04 0.41+0.03−0.03 1.97+0.16−0.16 6.38+0.0−0.01 0.05+0.01−0.01 0.58+0.04−0.04 2.40+0.17−0.17
NGC 7582 (XMM-Newton 2001)b 6.37+0.02−0.01 0.11+0.03−0.02 0.62+0.08−0.07 3.93+0.52−0.45 6.37+0.01−0.01 <0.07 0.31+0.05−0.05 2.50+0.38−0.38
NGC 7582 (Chandra)b,e 6.37 0.01 0.18+0.10−0.07 4.37+2.31−1.62 6.37 0.01 0.15+0.07−0.07 1.62+0.76−0.75
NGC 7674b,e 6.22 0.01 0.58+0.25−0.27 0.49+0.21−0.23 6.22 0.01 0.37+0.18−0.15 0.48+0.23−0.20

Notes. aFlux in units of 10−13erg s−1 cm−2. Line energies are reported in observed frame. Upper limits on parameters refer to the 90% confidence level whereas upper limits on the EW and flux signify 3σ error bars. "–" denotes unconstrained parameter. bFe Kα line detected at greater than the 3σ level. cFe Kα line detected at greater than the 2.5σ level. dFe Kα line detected at greater than the 1.5σ level. eXSpec model ZGAUSS used, with E frozen at 6.4 keV (rest-frame) and σ frozen at 0.01 keV. fFe Kα line detected at greater than the 2σ level.

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Similar to LaMassa et al. (2009), we tested the significance of the Fe Kα EW detections by running simulations based on the power law(s) only component(s) of the local fit. We fit these simulated spectra with a Gaussian (or ZGAUSS) component to estimate the null hypothesis distribution of line normalizations. Then the percentage of times that the observed line normalization exceeded the simulated line normalizations gives the statistical significance of the line.


With the observed X-ray flux and Fe Kα EW constrained, we can determine the distribution of the amount of 2–10 keV attenuation associated with the obscuring torus. As both the 12 μm and [O iii] samples were selected on intrinsic AGN properties, such a percentage might represent an unbiased estimate for the global AGN population. Similar to LaMassa et al. (2009), we also explore if the fitted column densities agree with the proxies we use for AGN obscuration: if the emission is seen primarily via scattering and/or reflection, do the fitted NH values recover the intrinsic absorption? The obscuration flux diagnostics and Fe Kα EWs also provide clues as to the obscuration geometry in these sources. We compare host galaxy and AGN properties with Compton-thick diagnostics to determine if sources with heavy absorption trace unique populations from their less obscured counterparts. Finally, as higher energy (>10 keV) observations are necessary to confirm a source as Compton-thick, we comment on the detectability of these Sy2s by NuSTAR, an upcoming hard X-ray mission.

4.1. Obscuration Diagnostics

As fitted column densities are model dependent and could be unreliable, we use other proxies to investigate the amount of toroidal absorption in these systems, including the ratio of the observed X-ray flux to the inherent AGN flux. We consider three diagnostics for intrinsic AGN power (Fintrinsic): the [O iii]λ5007 line, the [O iv]25.89 μm line, and the mid-infrared (MIR) continuum. The [O iii] and [O iv] lines are primarily ionized by the central engine, and as they form in the NLR, are not subject to torus obscuration. The MIR emission results from the reprocessing of the AGN continuum by the dusty obscuring medium. We use the flux at 13.5 μm, averaged over a 3 μm window, as FMIR since this region is free from strong emission lines and absorption features. These fluxes are published in LaMassa et al. (2009, 2010) and are not replicated here. As these proxies are to first order unaffected by the obscuring medium, whereas the 2–10 keV X-ray flux is attenuated due to absorption and possibly Compton-scattering, the ratio of the X-ray flux to these tracers of intrinsic AGN power can probe the amount of obscuration present and has been used extensively in previous studies (e.g., Bassani et al. 1999; Heckman et al. 2005; Cappi et al. 2006; Panessa et al. 2006; Meléndez et al. 2008; LaMassa et al. 2009). We list the values of these obscuration diagnostic flux ratios in Table 6. There are, however, several limitations to using the [O iii] and MIR fluxes in tracing the intrinsic AGN flux: the [O iii] flux could be heavily affected by dust in the host galaxy and star formation processes can contaminate the MIR flux (see LaMassa et al. 2010 for a comparison between $F_{{\rm MIR}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}]}$ between the two samples). In LaMassa et al. (2010), we noted that applying the standard R = 3.1 reddening correction utilizing the Balmer decrement introduced errors that did not better recover the intrinsic [O iii] emission for the 12 μm sample, likely due to uncertainties in the Hβ measurements from the literature. Due to uncertainties in correcting the [O iii] and MIR fluxes for contamination, we use the observed parameters, with the caveat that these may not accurately probe intrinsic AGN emission for some sources. We discuss the implications of such biases below.

Table 6. Obscuration Diagnostic Ratios

Galaxy log($\frac{F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}}{F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}}$) log($\frac{F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}}{F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}}$) log($\frac{F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}}{F_{{\rm MIR}}}$)
NGC 0424 0.22 0.66 −2.20
NGC 1068 −0.40 −0.51 ...
NGC 1144 1.89 1.83 −1.11
NGC 1320 0.44 0.25 −2.32
NGC 1386 −0.71 −0.72 −2.63
NGC 1667 −0.17 0.18 −2.81
F05189-2524 1.19 <0.53 −1.53
F08572+3915 >2.02 ... >−2.52
NGC 3982 −0.55 0.14 −2.63
NGC 4388 0.97 0.45 −0.94
  1.04 0.52 −0.87
  1.48 0.97 −0.42
NGC 4501 0.46 0.60 −2.12
TOLOLO 1238-364 −0.58 −0.09 −2.99
NGC 4968 0.07 −0.10 −2.57
M-3-34-64 0.33 0.55 −1.56
NGC 5135 −0.21 −0.39 −2.26
NGC 5194 0.31 −0.42 −2.89
NGC 5347 0.77 0.61 −2.19
Mrk 463 −0.28 −0.27 −2.36
NGC 5506 1.76 1.53 −0.37
  1.94 1.71 −0.19
NGC 5953 >0.03 >−0.49 >−2.91
Arp 220 1.77 <−0.92 −2.84
NGC 6890 −0.29 0.17 −2.53
IC 5063 0.88 1.14 −1.03
NGC 7130 −0.22 0.12 −2.33
NGC 7172 3.15 2.17 0.22
  2.80 1.83 −0.13
NGC 7582 0.61 0.38 −1.38
  0.88 0.65 −1.12
  1.50 1.27 −0.49
NGC 7590 >0.97 >0.88 >−1.82
NGC 7674 −0.10 0.19 −2.29

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

We plot the distributions of $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$, $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/\break F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$, and F2–10 keV/FMIR in Figure 2 where the red dashed histogram represents the [O iii] sample, the dark blue histogram denotes the non-variable 12 μm sources and the cyan histogram reflects the variable 12 μm sources, using the average X-ray flux among the multiple observations for each source. A wide range of values is evident in all three plots. We compared our values with Sy1 sources, with the average flux ratio and spread delineated by the gray shaded regions in Figure 2. The Sy1 comparison sample are culled from: (1) Heckman et al. (2005) (heterogeneous [O iii]-bright sample, log (〈$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}\rangle$) = 1.59 ± 0.49 dex), (2) Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) (drawn from the revised Shapley–Ames catalog, log (〈$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}\rangle$) = 1.92 ± 0.60 dex), and (3) Gandhi et al. (2009) (where FMIR is calculated at 12.3 μm with VISIR Lagage et al. (2004) observations of Sys selected from Lutz et al. (2004) and those with existing or planned hard (14–195 keV) X-ray observations, log (〈F2–10 keV/FMIR〉) = −0.34 ± 0.30 dex). We note that Gandhi et al. (2009) report absorption-corrected X-ray luminosity whereas the other Sy1 comparison samples utilize the observed luminosity. This correction shifts the F2–10 keV/FMIR Sy1 ratios to higher values, though such a correction could be expected to be minimal for Type 1 AGNs which are thought to be largely unobscured. Also, not correcting [O iii] flux for reddening and MIR flux for starburst contamination could possibly result in obscuration diagnostic ratios that are larger or smaller, respectively, and though this affects several individual galaxies with large amounts of dust and/or greater star formation activity, no such systematic trends for the sample as a whole are evident. Yaqoob & Murphy (2010) have demonstrated that the ratio of F2–10 keV/FMIR is more sensitive to the X-ray spectral slope and covering factor of the putative torus, rather than column density, indicating that a low ratio does not necessarily imply a Compton-thick source. However, we find all three obscuration diagnostics to agree: the majority of Sy2s have ratios an order of magnitude or lower than their Sy1 counterparts, which may indicate Compton-thick absorption.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Histograms showing the distribution of obscuration diagnostic ratios (F2–10 keV/Fisotropic). Dark blue histogram represents the non-variable 12 μm sources, cyan reflects the X-ray variable 12 μm sources (X-ray fluxes are averaged for each source), red denotes the [O iii] sample and the gray shaded region illustrates the average value for Sy1s from (a) Heckman et al. (2005), log (〈$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}\rangle$) = 1.59 ± 0.49 dex, (b) Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009), log (〈$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}\rangle$) = 1.92 ± 0.60 dex, and (c) Gandhi et al. (2009), log (〈F2–10 keV/FMIR〉) = −0.34 ±0.30 dex. The left facing arrows represent X-ray upper limits in (a)–(c) and right facing arrows illustrate the [O iv] upper limits in (b); these values are not included in the histogram.

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This trend is further illustrated by Figure 3, which plots the observed X-ray luminosity as a function of intrinsic AGN luminosity proxies, with the best-fit relationship for Sy1s overplotted. Here, the red triangles represent the [O iii]-sample, the blue diamonds denote the non-variable 12 μm sources and the cyan diamonds reflect the variable 12 μm sources, with the individual X-ray fluxes (see Table 4) plotted for each variable source and connected by a solid line. The relationship for the Sy1 sources was calculated by multiple linear regression (i.e., REGRESS routine in IDL) for the Heckman et al. (2005) and Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009) samples; for the MIR relationship, we utilized the best-fit parameters from Gandhi et al. (2009) for their Sy1 subsample. The majority of Sy2s lie well below the relations for Sy1s, demonstrating that these Type 2 AGNs have weaker observed X-ray emission.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. X-ray luminosity vs. proxies of intrinsic AGN luminosity. Blue diamonds represent the non-variable 12 μm sources, cyan diamonds illustrate the variable 12 μm sources, with the observed flux values from Table 4 for each source connected by a straight line, and red triangles denote the [O iii] sources. Error bars for the variable sources represent the upper error on the maximum X-ray flux and lower error on the minimum X-ray flux. Variable sources NGC 5506 and NGC 7172 do not have error bars plotted as they are smaller than the symbol size. The dashed line represents the relationship for Sy1s from (a) Heckman et al. (2005), slope = 1.4 dex with intercept −0.15 dex, (b) Diamond-Stanic et al. (2009), slope = 0.86 dex with intercept = 7.53 dex, and (c) Gandhi et al. (2009), slope = 0.85 dex with intercept 6.27 dex. In all cases, the majority of the Sy2s are below this relationship, illustrating that Sy2s have weaker X-ray emission than their Sy1 counterparts.

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As the X-ray and optical and IR observations were not carried out simultaneously, it is possible that variability in the source could be responsible for the disagreements between the X-ray flux and intrinsic flux proxies. Such a scenario can be realized if the X-ray observations are made after the central source has "shut-off" (postulated to explain the discrepancy between the Type 1 optical spectrum yet reprocessing-dominated X-ray spectrum for NGC 4051, see Matt et al. 2003b, and references therein), or the converse, where optical observations are made during a sedentary state and X-ray observations catch the source in the active state (e.g., Guainazzi et al. 2005a). Though we cannot rule out variability as contributing to the discrepancy between the X-ray luminosity and intrinsic AGN luminosity proxies for any individual source, such an effect cannot be responsible for the overall trend in this sample. Variability in Sy1 samples contributes to the dispersion in L2–10 keV/Lisotropic ratios, yet they exhibit systematically higher X-ray luminosity (normalized by intrinsic AGN power) than Sy2s (Figures 2 and 3). This is confirmed by two-sample tests where we employed survival analysis (ASURV Rev 1.2; Isobe & Feigelson 1990; LaValley et al. 1992; Feigelson & Nelson 1985 for univariate problems) to account for upper limits in the X-ray flux. The Sy1 and Sy2 obscuration diagnostic ratios differ at a statistically significant level (⩽1 × 10−4 probability that they are drawn from the same parent population), which would not be expected if variability was the main driver for the discrepancy between intrinsic AGN flux and observed X-ray flux.

We have demonstrated that the majority of Sy2s in our samples are underluminous in X-ray emission as compared to Sy1s, but is this trend due to obscuration or inherent X-ray weakness? The EW of the neutral Fe Kα line can differentiate between these two possibilities and is thus another obscuration diagnostic. In heavily obscured sources, the AGN continuum is suppressed, whereas the Fe Kα line is viewed in reflection, leading to a large Fe Kα EW (several hundred eV to several keV, e.g., Ghisellini et al. 1994; Levenson et al. 2002). In Figure 4, Fe Kα EW is plotted as a function of obscuration diagnostic ratios. A clear anti-correlation is present which is statistically significant according to survival analysis (Isobe et al. 1986 for bivariate problems): we obtain Spearman's ρ values of −0.648, −0.657, and −0.645 for Fe Kα EW versus $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$, $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$, and F2–10 keV/FMIR, respectively. These best-fit correlations are overplotted for each relation in Figure 4. The decrease of observed X-ray flux, normalized by intrinsic AGN flux, with increasing Fe Kα EW indicates that obscuration is responsible for attenuating X-ray emission in these Sy2s. These results are consistent with the three-dimensional diagnostic diagram of Bassani et al. (1999) which shows a correlation between Fe Kα EW and column density which anti-correlates with $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm corr}}$ (where $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm corr}}$ is the redenning corrected [O iii] flux).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Fe Kα EW as a function of obscuration diagnostic ratios. Color coding is similar to 3, though a dashed line is used for variable source NGC 7582 to avoid confusion with other variable sources having similar values. The statistically significant anti-correlations among all three relationships (Spearman's ρ = −0.647, −0.657, −0.645, respectively, calculated from survival analysis) indicate that obscuration is primarily responsible for X-ray attenuation. In (b), the two sources with lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are plotted for illustrative purposes and were not included in the survival analysis calculations. The fitted relationships are (a) slope = −0.36 ± 0.07 dex with σ = 0.37 dex and intercept of −0.05 dex, (b) slope = −0.47 ± 0.08 dex with σ = 0.34 dex and intercept of 0.002 dex, and (c) slope = −0.41 ± 0.06 dex with σ = 0.32 dex and intercept of −1.00 dex.

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Not only do a majority of this combined Sy2 sample exhibit trademarks of Compton-thick obscuration (an order of magnitude lower F2–10 keV/Fisotropic ratios than Sy1s and large Fe Kα EW values), but a wide range of these diagnostic values are evident. No clear separation exists between Compton-thick and Compton-thin subpopulations. Also, though the diagnostic flux ratios generally point to the same sources as having Compton-thick obscuration, not all three ratios agree for a handful of sources (e.g., F05189-2524, NGC 5347, Arp 220, NGC 4388, and NGC 7582): some ratios indicate a Compton-thin source whereas others suggest Compton-thick. As the various intrinsic AGN indicators exhibit some scatter in inter-comparisons (see, e.g., LaMassa et al. 2010), a spread in F2–10 keV/Fisotropic values is expected. For F05189-2524, NGC 5347, and Arp 220, this discrepancy could be due to dust in the host galaxy affecting the [O iii] line, as mentioned above and/or large amounts of dust in the host galaxy boosting the MIR flux. The 2005 XMM-Newton observation of NGC 7582 has an $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ value marginally higher than the nominal Compton-thick/Compton-thin boundary, so the three flux ratio diagnostics may be considered to agree. However, the biases discussed previously in the observed [O iii] flux and MIR flux cannot account for the disagreement of the diagnostic flux ratios in the Chandra and July XMM-Newton observations of NGC 4388 and the 2001 XMM-Newton observation of NGC 7582, where $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ points to the sources being Compton-thick at these stages, but the other ratios suggest a Compton-thin nature. Similarly, an Fe Kα EW of 1 keV is often cited as the nominal boundary for a Compton-thick source based on observations (e.g., Bassani et al. 1999; Comastri 2004; Levenson et al. 2006), yet NGC 1068, the archetype for a Compton-thick Sy2 (Matt et al. 1997), has a measured EW of 0.60+0.05−0.05 keV (in agreement with Pounds & Vaughan 2006 but not Matt et al. 2004, see Appendix A). Hence, though the diagnostics presented here can help in uncovering the possible Compton-thick nature of a Type 2 AGN, nominal boundaries should be considered approximate, especially since a continuum of both diagnostic flux ratios and Fe Kα EWs is present.

4.2. Implications for the Local AGN Population

As both subsamples were selected based on intrinsic AGN proxies and the majority is likely Compton-thick, this implies that heavily obscured sources could constitute most of the local AGN population. X-ray surveys in the 2–10 keV range, biased against these Compton-thick Type 2 AGNs, would thus miss a significant portion of the population. Indeed, Heckman et al. (2005) find that the luminosity function (which parameterizes the number of sources per luminosity per volume) for X-ray selected AGNs is lower than the luminosity function for optically ([O iii]) selected sources. However, recent work (Trouille & Barger 2010; Georgantopoulos & Akylas 2010) leads to the opposite conclusion, namely agreement between [O iii] and X-ray luminosity functions. As Georgantopoulos & Akylas (2010) point out, though the luminosity functions are similar, the selection techniques tend to find different objects, with [O iii]-selection favoring the X-ray weak sources. Hence, the number of sources per volume per luminosity may be comparable, but any one selection technique does not sample the full population. For instance, Yan et al. (2010) found that only 22% of their 288 optically selected AGNs are detected in the 200 ks Chandra Extended Groth Strip survey, and they attribute the non-detection of the majority of the remaining sources to heavy toroidal obscuration. Conversely, X-ray selection can identify AGNs that are categorized as star-forming galaxies by optical emission line diagnostics. For instance, Yan et al. (2010) note that about 20% of the X-ray sources identified as star-forming galaxies from optical emission lines have X-ray emission in excess of that explicable by star formation, indicating the presence of an AGN. This finding is similar to the results of Trouille & Barger (2010) who find that at least 20% of X-ray selected AGNs in their sample are identified as star forming according to optical diagnostics. Perhaps such competing biases work in concert to produce similar [O iii] and X-ray luminosity functions.

4.3. Investigating Obscuration Geometry

4.3.1. Fitted Column Densities

Here, we explore the relationship between obscuration diagnostics and the column densities (NH) derived from spectral fitting. In Figure 5, we plot the fitted column densities as a function of F2–10 keV/Fisotropic and Fe Kα EW for the 12 μm and [O iii] samples; as the [O iv] line is the least affected by the host galaxy contaminations mentioned above, we use $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ as Fisotropic. With the exception of several sources, the fitted NH values approximately trace the degree of absorption implied by the obscuration diagnostics. However, a handful of sources lay several orders of magnitude below this trend, and are labeled in Figure 5. This result is consistent with the findings of Cappi et al. (2006), where several Sy2s have fitted NH values an order of magnitude below that suggested by $F_{2\hbox{--}10 \;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$. Both F2–10 keV/Fisotropic and the Fe Kα EW diagnostics point to the same sources as being anomalous, with several sources missing from the Fe Kα plot due to having an unconstrained EW or upper limit on the EW, respectively. All of these sources required only a single power-law model (with a thermal component in many cases) to adequately fit the spectrum. The low observed X-ray fluxes and high Fe Kα EW values indicate that the emission is primarily seen in scattering and/or reflection, rather than transmission through the obscuring medium. Hence, such fitted NH values are likely associated with the line-of-sight absorption to the scattered/reflected component, suggesting that simple models of a foreground screen extincting the central source do not always recover the intrinsic absorption.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Fitted NH as a function of obscuration diagnostics for the 12 μm sample. The sources without error bars either had the best-fit absorption equal to the Galactic value, and therefore frozen at this value during fitting, or had NH error bars smaller than the symbol size. The dashed lines indicate the boundary for a Compton-thick column density (NH ⩾ 1.5 × 1024 cm−2) and the dash-dotted line indicates nominal Compton-thick boundaries based on obscuration diagnostics (log ($F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$) ⩽ 0.9 dex, an order of magnitude less than the average value for Sy1s, and Fe Kα EW ⩾ 1 keV). Sources that are likely heavily obscured according to the obscuration diagnostics, yet have low-fitted column densities, are labeled. Color coding same as Figure 4.

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Partial covering models, parameterized in this work by a double absorbed power law with the two photon indices tied together, can also misrepresent the inherent column density. For example, such a model fairly fit the spectra for NGC 1068 (χ2 = 450.4 with 247 degrees of freedom), yet the best fit NH was ∼9 × 1022 cm−2 whereas the lower limit on this column density from higher energy observations is 1025 cm−2 (Matt et al. 1997). Though a partial covering model could more realistically represent the geometry of the system, assuming a certain percentage of transmitted light through the obscuring medium with the rest scattered into the line of sight, it could be subject to the same limitations discussed above for single absorbed power-law models.

Published NH distributions could potentially be biased, skewed to lower values, though checks based on obscuration diagnostics can help mitigate this problem. For example, Akylas et al. (2006) analyzed the X-ray spectra for 359 sources from XMM-Newton and the Chandra Deep Field-South (CDFS), deriving intrinsic column densities from fitted NH values though adopting a column density of 5× 1024 cm−2 for the cases where Γ< 1, a signature of Compton-thick obscuration. However, as Cappi et al. (2006) note, this criterion could indicate a Compton-thick source while the Fe Kα EW and flux diagnostics suggest Compton-thin (e.g., NGC 4138 and NGC 4258) or vice versa (e.g., NGC 3079). Tozzi et al. (2006) use a reflection model (PEXRAV in XSpec) for Compton-thick sources in the CDFS, which are defined as those AGNs with a better fit statistic using PEXRAV than an absorbed power-law model. However, as Murphy & Yaqoob (2009) point out, such a model describes reflection off of an accretion disk, which is not physically relevant for the putative torus obscuration. Derived NH values could then potentially be suspect for some sources. Other diagnostics are therefore crucial in checking the reliability of fitted NH values. For example, Krumpe et al. (2008) find the ratio of X-ray to optical flux, as well as the non-detection of an Fe Kα line in the stacked spectrum of 14 type II QSOs (AGNs with intrinsic L2–10 keV⩾ 1044 erg s−1), to verify their distribution of moderately absorbed, but not Compton-thick, column densities.

4.3.2. Variable Sources

It is intriguing to note that all X-ray variable sources in this study are on the high end of the obscuration flux diagnostics (see Figures 2 and 3). These high F2–10 keV/Fisotropic flux ratios may indicate that the X-ray emission from the central source is seen directly. However, the high Fe Kα EW for the Chandra and 2002 July observations of NGC 4388 (0.29+0.11−0.08 keV and 0.62+0.10−0.10 keV, respectively) and for the XMM-Newton observations of NGC 7582 (0.58+0.04−0.04 keV and 0.31+0.05−0.05 keV) are higher than predicted for transmission-dominated spectra, where the EW with respect to the primary transmitted emission is <0.18 keV (Matt 2002). Piconcelli et al. (2007) propose a double absorption geometry to account for the variability in NGC 7582: a "thick" absorber which attenuates just the central source, attributed to the putative torus, and a "thin" absorber which enshrouds the primary and reflected emission and is located externally to the torus. They postulate that this inner, "thick" absorber is inhomogeneous, accounting for the observed X-ray variability. A similar scenario may be present for NGC 4388 and be responsible for both sources switching from transmitted-dominated to reflection-dominated states (or vice versa). The Fe Kα EWs for the two other variable sources, NGC 5506 and NGC 7172, as well as the flux ratio diagnostics are consistent with Compton-thin sources, implying the central source is consistently viewed directly.

4.4. Are Compton-thick Sources Unique?

Here we investigate whether Compton-thick sources differ from their Compton-thin counterparts in terms of host galaxy and AGN properties. In particular, we examined whether systematic differences exist in intrinsic AGN power, Eddington ratio (Lbolometric/LEddington), central black hole mass (MBH), the AGN contribution to the ionization field, and star formation activity. The results are summarized in Figures 611 and in Table 7, where we utilized survival analysis to calculate Spearman ρ values and the associated probabilities that the obscuration diagnostics are uncorrelated with host galaxy properties: P < 0.05 indicates that the quantities are significantly correlated (⩾2σ level). The values of the relevant host galaxy parameters used in this analysis are presented in LaMassa et al. (2010).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Obscuration diagnostics vs. intrinsic AGN luminosity, parameterized by $L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$. The lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis calculation. Survival analysis indicates a marginal statistically significant correlation among three of these relationships (ρ = 0.273, 0.185, 0.349, and −0.302, respectively), however, a wide scatter is evident. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Figure 7.

Figure 7. Obscuration diagnostics vs. Eddington ratio. The lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis. With the exception of F2–10 keV/FMIR, which survival analysis suggests is marginally significantly correlated with Eddington parameter, no trends are present: ρ = 0.110, 0.056, 0.280, and −0.219, respectively. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Figure 8.

Figure 8. Obscuration diagnostics vs. MBH. The lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis. No statistically significant trends are present: ρ = 0.148, 0.115, −0.012, and −0.234, respectively. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Obscuration diagnostics vs. $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$, a proxy for the relative strength of the ionizing continuum from the AGN vs. starburst activity. The lower limits on $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$ and $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis. No statistically significant trends are apparent: ρ = 0.036, 0.032, 0.269, and −0.130, respectively. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Figure 10.

Figure 10. Obscuration diagnostics vs. the EW of the PAH 17 μm feature, which parameterizes star formation rate. The lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis. No statistically significant trends are apparent: ρ = 0.135, 0.062, −0.055, and −0.192, respectively. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Figure 11.

Figure 11. Obscuration diagnostics vs. α20–30 μm, which parameterizes star formation rate. The lower limits on $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ are displayed for illustrative purposes and not included in the survival analysis. No statistically significant trends are apparent: ρ = 0.272, 0.014, 0.060, and −0.235. Color coding same as Figure 3.

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Table 7. Correlation of AGN Properties and Star Formation Activity with Obscuration Diagnostics

$L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ vs. ρ Pa
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.273 0.053
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.185 0.206
F2–10 keV/FMIR 0.349 0.015
Fe Kα EW −0.302 0.048
$L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/M_{BH}$ vs.    
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.110 0.439
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.056 0.703
F2–10 keV/FMIR 0.280 0.050
Fe Kα EW −0.219 0.151
MBH vs.    
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.148 0.295
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.115 0.432
F2–10 keV/FMIR −0.012 0.932
Fe Kα EW −0.234 0.124
$F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$ vs.    
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.036 0.804
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.016 0.913
F2–10 keV/FMIR 0.269 0.067
Fe Kα EW −0.130 0.404
PAW EW 17 μm vs.    
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.135 0.346
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.062 0.675
F2–10 keV/FMIR −0.055 0.700
Fe Kα EW −0.192 0.213
α20–30 μm vs.    
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ 0.272 0.057
$F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ 0.014 0.922
F2–10 keV/FMIR 0.060 0.675
Fe Kα EW −0.235 0.127

Note. aProbability that the null hypothesis, that the two quantities are uncorrelated, is correct. Quantities are statistically significantly correlated if P < 0.05.

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

To test whether Compton-thick sources have unique AGN properties, we searched for correlations between toroidal obscuration and intrinsic AGN luminosity, accretion rate, and central black hole mass (MBH).8 As discussed previously, the [O iv] 25.89 μm line serves as a robust proxy of intrinsic AGN flux as it is mainly ionized by the central engine and not affected by host galaxy reddening as the [O iii] line is (e.g., Meléndez et al. 2008; Diamond-Stanic et al. 2009; Rigby et al. 2009). We therefore utilize $L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ as Lisotopic in Figures 6 and 7 and Table 7. According to survival analysis, a marginal statistically significant correlation exists between Lisotropic and two of the Compton-thick flux ratios ($F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iii}}],{\rm obs}}$ and $F_{2\hbox{--}10\;{\rm keV}}/F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$), with a marginal significant anticorrelation between Lisotropic and Fe Kα EW. Figure 6, however, shows these dependencies to be weak with a wide scatter, especially considering the error bars which cannot be accommodated in the survival analysis calculation. We find no correlations between implied column density and accretion rate (using $L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/M_{{\rm BH}}$ as a proxy for the Eddington ratio) and MBH (Figures 7 and 8); survival analysis does indicate a weak significant relationship between Eddington parameter and F2–10 keV/FMIR, but this is likely driven by the dependence on $L_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$. As the weak correlation between luminosity and obscuration is tenuous at best, we conclude that Compton-thick sources do not have systematically different AGN properties from their less obscured counterparts.

Could there be a relation between the obscuration shrouding the central engine and the large amounts of dust and gas necessary for starburst activity? As Levenson et al. (2004, 2005) point out, NGC 5135 and NGC 7130 (both members of the 12 μm sample) are starburst galaxies that likely harbor Compton-thick AGNs. The combined [O iii] and 12 μm samples provide us an opportunity to test if such a relation is generic. We use infrared quantities to illuminate the relative importance of starburst versus AGN activity: $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$, which probes the hardness of the ionization field as $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}$ is largely ionized by the AGN whereas [Ne ii] 12.81 μm is excited by star formation processes; the EW of the 17 μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) feature (Genzel et al. 1998), which includes the emission features between 16.4 and 17.9 μm; and the MIR spectral index α20–30 μm9 (Deo et al. 2009).10 A higher value of $F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$ indicates the dominance of AGN activity, whereas larger PAH EW at 17 μm and α20–30 μm values denote higher levels of starburst activity. As Figures 911 and Table 7 illustrate, a correlation between column density and hardness of incident ionization field/star formation activity do not exist. These results suggest that the gas responsible for starburst processes likely originates in regions of the galaxy not associated with the putative torus, and similarly that gas from the interstellar medium does not contribute significantly to toroidal AGN obscuration in hard (2–10 keV) X-rays.

4.5. NuSTAR: Detection at Higher Energies

In order to confirm a source as Compton-thick, observations at higher energies (>10 keV) are necessary. The spectral characteristic of heavily obscured AGNs is the so-called Compton-hump, a peak in the spectrum between 20 and 30 keV which is caused by the competing effects of absorption on the low-energy end and Compton down-scattering on the high-energy range. NuSTAR, to be launched in 2012, is sensitive in the 5–80 keV band, and could thus confirm our obscured candidates as Compton-thick sources, if they are detected.

To test if these sources would be detectable by NuSTAR, we simulated higher energy spectra, using the XSpec command fakeit, based on the best-fit model and the associated response and background files provided by the NuSTAR team (http://www.nustar.caltech.edu/for-astronomers/simulations). For the three non-detections in the 12 μm sample, we simulated spectra using a model that takes into account Compton scattering assuming a spheroidal obscuration geometry (PLCABS in XSpec), with NH = 1024 cm−2, Γ = 1.8 and the maximum number of scatterings set to 5; the normalization was adjusted such that model 2–10 keV flux equaled the upper limits we calculated via Bayesian analysis. Using the simulated observed source and background count rate, we estimated the exposure time necessary for a source to be detected at the 5σ level over the background. We find that all but five sources from the 12 μm sample (NGC 1386, NGC 1667, Tololo 1238-364, NGC 4968, and NGC 6890) and four from the [O iii]-sample (2MASX 08035923+2345201, 2MASX J10181928+3722419, 2MASX J13463217+6423247, and NGC 5695) will be detected with exposure times less than 100 ks (see Appendix  B). However, though our simulations indicate that the three non-detected 2–10 keV sources will be observable by NuSTAR, this is an optimistic estimate and should be treated with caution.

In LaMassa et al. (2010), we noted that the majority of these Sy2s are undetected by the Swift BAT Surveys, indicating that these sources are heavily absorbed. However, as NuSTAR probes to a much deeper flux level in a million second observation than the BAT surveys (∼2 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 versus the limiting BAT flux of ∼3.1 × 10−11 erg s−1 cm−2), the majority of these heavily obscured sources will likely be detected if observed by NuSTAR.


We have analyzed archival Chandra and XMM-Newton observations for two nearly complete homogeneous samples of Sy2 galaxies: one selected from the SDSS on the basis of observed [O iii] flux and an MIR sample from the original IRAS 12 μm sample. The combined sample provided us with 45 Sy2s with existing Chandra and/or XMM-Newton data. Of these, three were not detected above the background (F08572+3915, NGC 5953, and NGC 7590) and four exhibited evidence of variability among multiple X-ray observations (NGC 4388, NGC 5506, NGC 7172, and NGC 7582).

We probed the amount of absorption present in these sources by comparing the 2–10 keV X-ray flux with optical and MIR proxies of intrinsic AGN power (Fintrinsic: the fluxes of the [O iii]λ 5007 and [O iv]25.89 μm emission lines and the MIR continuum flux at 13.5 μm) and by investigating X-ray spectral signatures of obscuration (i.e., Fe Kα EW). We compared such obscuration diagnostics with fitted column densities and explored the implications of these diagnostics on the AGN geometry. We also investigated whether a connection exists between the column density of the obscuring medium and host galaxy characteristics. Our results are summarized as follows.

  • 1.  
    The majority of the combined sample have F2–10 keV/Fintrinsic values an order of magnitude or lower than the mean values for Sy1s. The statistically significant anti-correlation between F2–10 keV/Fintrinsic and Fe Kα EW indicates that these lower diagnostic flux ratios are due to obscuration rather than inherent X-ray weakness in Sy2s. Thus, a majority of these sources are potentially Compton-thick, consistent with the results of previous studies (e.g., Risaliti et al. 1999).
  • 2.  
    A wide range of obscuration diagnostic values are present, indicating a continuum of column densities and/or inclination angles, rather than a clear segregation into Compton-thick and Compton-thin subpopulations. Though the diagnostics do generally point to the same sources as likely heavily absorbed, disagreement does exist for a handful of Sy2s. Such a discrepancy is to be expected based on the various biases affecting the observed intrinsic flux proxies and the inherent spread in such isotropic flux indicators (e.g., see LaMassa et al. 2010). Hence, nominal Compton-thick boundaries should be considered approximate.
  • 3.  
    Though recent work (Georgantopoulos & Akylas 2010; Trouille & Barger 2010) shows the luminosity functions for X-ray selected and [O iii]-selected AGNs to be consistent, the various selection techniques favor differ classes of objects. Heavily obscured sources, present in optically selected samples, are missing from 2 to 10 keV X-ray samples. Sample selection based on intrinsic flux proxies are therefore necessary to include the Compton-thick population, especially since highly absorbed sources constitute the majority of our homogeneously selected samples.
  • 4.  
    Though fitted column densities generally tend to trace the absorption implied by obscuration diagnostics, several glaring inconsistencies are present. Such discrepancies are most extreme when the hard X-ray spectrum is best fit by a single absorbed power law, implying that the simple geometry of a foreground screen attenuating the central source does not recover the intrinsic absorption. This could result from scattering and/or reflected emission dominating over the transmitted continuum, where the fitted column density reflects line-of-sight absorption rather than the obscuration enshrouding the AGN. Such a result indicates that published NH distributions derived from single absorbed power-law models can be similarly biased, systematically underrepresenting the intrinsic column density of Type 2 AGNs. Other diagnostics are therefore crucial in checking the validity of fitted column densities.
  • 5.  
    The X-ray variable Sy2s populate the less obscured range of the flux ratio obscuration diagnostics. Two of these sources (NGC 4388 and NGC 7582) do show evidence of switching to a reflection-dominated state, as indicated by the change in the Fe Kα EWs. Piconcelli et al. (2007) suggest that this change could reflect an inhomogeneous thick absorber covering the central source, with a thin absorber attenuating both the reflected and transmitted emission. The other two variable sources (NGC 5506 and NGC 7172) show signs of Compton-thin absorption, suggesting that the central source is viewed directly.
  • 6.  
    We do not find compelling evidence that Compton-thick sources have unique AGN properties (intrinsic AGN luminosity, accretion rate, and central black hole mass) or star formation activity. Though three out of four obscuration diagnostics are significantly correlated with intrinsic AGN luminosity, the significance is marginal and the relationships display a wide scatter. Evidence linking more obscured sources to more luminous central engines is therefore tenuous at best. No correlation exists between toroidal AGN obscuration and the relative amount of ionization due to the central engine compared to star formation processes ($F_{[{\rm O\,\mathsc{iv}}]}/F_{[{\rm Ne\,\mathsc{ii}}]}$, EW of the 17 μm PAH feature, α20–30 μm) and AGN absorption. Though several starburst galaxies do seem to host Compton-thick AGNs (e.g., Levenson et al. 2004, 2005), such a relation is not present globally. Hence, we conclude that the gas responsible for star formation processes is not associated with the toroidal obscuration hiding the central engine.
  • 7.  
    Based on simulated high-energy (10–40 keV) spectra using the best-fit modeling of the 2–10 keV spectra, we estimate that the majority of this sample (36 out of 45) will be detected if observed by NuSTAR. The more heavily obscured sources which have not been detected by BAT surveys could likely be identified by NuSTAR as this future mission will probe to lower flux levels (∼2 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2 versus ∼3.1 × 10−11 erg s−1 cm−2). These observations would confirm whether the heavily absorbed sources are indeed Compton-thick.

This work was supported by grant 10-ADAP10-0167 and Spitzer grant RSA1287640. The authors thank the anonymous referee whose comments and suggestions improved the manuscript. This research has made use of data obtained from the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), provided by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


NGC 424. The default Chandra aperture extraction spectrum and XMM-Newton spectra were consistent and fit simultaneously using a double absorbed power law with a Gaussian component to accommodate the Fe Kα emission; including a thermal component did not statistically significantly improve the fit. We note that fitting the 3–8 keV continuum with a power law plus a Gaussian led to a tighter constraint on the Fe Kα emission and a more realistic EW value. Matt et al. (2003a) analyzed the Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra independently using a slightly more complicated model, including Gaussian components at 0.55 and 0.90 keV to account for emission features, possibly from the O viii recombination line and the O viii recombination continuum or Ne IX recombination line, respectively. They also added a component for cold reflection, the PEXRAV model in XSpec. However, their 2–10 keV flux (1.6 × 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2) and Fe Kα EW values (∼0.88 keV) are consistent with the values we obtained (1.15+0.64−0.37 × 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2 and 1.33+0.36−0.39 keV, respectively) using a simpler model.

NGC 1068. The PN and MOS1 XMM-Newton spectra for both observations showed evidence of pileup according to epatplot and were therefore not included in the spectral fit; archival Chandra data also exist for NGC 1068, but were not used in this study due to the effects of pileup. Also, as several strong emission features were present below 1 keV (which are not important for the purposes of this study), we fitted the spectrum from 1 keV to 8 keV. The MOS2 spectra were best fit by an absorbed double power law with a thermal model and Gaussian components at 2.0 keV, 2.43 keV, 6.4 keV (neutral Fe Kα), 6.66 keV (likely ionized Fe Kα), and 6.95 keV. The neutral Fe Kα line was detected at a statistically significant level. Pounds & Vaughan fitted the 3.5–15 keV XMM-Newton spectra with two continuum components, a cold reflection model (PEXRAV) and a series of Gaussian emission features from 6 to 8 keV (where nine of these features were detected at a significant level). Based on this fit, they find a 3–15 keV flux of 63 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2, which is consistent with our 2–10 keV flux of 54.2+110−32.0 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2, and a neutral Fe Kα EW of 0.60 ± 0.10 keV, which agrees with our neutral Fe Kα EW value (0.60 ± 0.05 keV). However, as noted in the main text, Matt et al. (2004) obtained an EW value of 1.2 keV, using a PEXRAV model, power law, and a series of Gaussians for emission line features.

NGC 1144. The XMM-Newton spectra were best fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and a Gaussian component for the Fe Kα emission. When fitting the 3–8 keV continuum to obtain a local fit for the Fe Kα component, a double power law was needed to accommodate the spectrum shape; the power-law indices of the two components were tied together with the normalizations and an absorption component attenuating the second power law allowed to vary. Winter et al. (2008) fit NGC 1144 with the partial covering model in XSpec (which is akin to a double absorbed power-law model with the photon indices tied together, which we have done) and a blackbody component for the soft emission. They derived comparable 2–10 keV flux (3 × 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2) and Fe Kα EW (0.22 keV) values as ours (33.4+36.6−12.9 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 and 0.25+0.06−0.06 keV, respectively).

NGC 1320. The XMM-Newton spectrum to be best fit by an absorbed double power-law component with a thermal component and a Gaussian component to accommodate the Fe Kα emission. Greenhill et al. (2008) used a cold reflection model (PEXRAV) as well as two thermal components (using MEKAL whereas we used APEC) for the soft emission; a Gaussian had also been included to model the Fe Kα emission. We derive consistent Fe Kα EWs (3.02+0.46−0.50 keV versus 2.20+0.44−0.43 keV), yet their 2–10 keV flux is over an order of magnitude higher than ours (3.84+2.83−1.39 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus ∼43 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2).

NGC 1386. As noted in the main text, the spectral parameters between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations were consistent, except for a lower multiplicative factor for the Chandra observation, indicating extended emission contaminated the XMM-Newton observation. Though the Chandra data were grouped by a minimum of 5 counts bin−1, the XMM-Newton spectra were grouped by a minimum of 15 counts, so we used χ2 statistics in this analysis. To derive the 2–10 keV flux, we fitted spectra from both observatories simultaneously to better constrain the Chandra spectrum, using a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and a Gaussian feature at 6.4 keV to accommodate the Fe Kα emission, yet we report the Chandra flux only. We fit the Chandra spectrum independently, both globally and locally, to derive the Fe Kα parameters, binning the data by a minimum of three counts and using C-stat. Levenson et al. (2006) fit the Chandra 4–8 keV nuclear spectrum with a reflection model (PEXRAV) and a Gaussian component at the Fe Kα energy. We obtain consistent 2–10 keV flux values (1.55+0.74−0.33 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 2.1±0.1 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2) and Fe Kα EWs (2.30+1.00−0.78 versus 2.3 ± 1.5 keV).

NGC 1667. The XMM-Newton spectra were best fit with a single absorbed power law plus a thermal component. To constrain the Fe Kα EW in the local continuum fit (i.e., 3–8 keV), the spectra were binned by a minimum of 2 counts versus the 15 counts used for the global fit; C-stat was utilized in this local fit. Bianchi et al. (2005) fit the spectra with a reflection model (PEXRAV) with a soft excess, including a line at ∼0.9 keV. Our Fe Kα EWs are consistent (0.86+0.66−0.50 versus <0.60 keV), however, our 2–10 keV flux values disagree by about a factor of two (0.43+0.15−0.11 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1).

F05189-2524. Since the spectral parameters were consistent between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, other than a lower constant multiplicative factor for the Chandra spectra, we fit these spectra simultaneously to constrain the 2–10 keV flux. However, we only report the flux from the Chandra observation as we have demonstrated that extended emission contaminates the XMM-Newton field of view. The spectra were best fit by a double absorbed power law plus a thermal component, though the temperature was not constrained. The Chandra spectra were fit independently to model the Fe Kα emission. Though this feature was not detected, we derived an upper limit on the EW of 0.17 keV, consistent with the results of Ptak et al. (2003) who fit the 2002 Chandra observation with a single power law plus thermal component (MEKAL). We also obtain similar 2–10 keV fluxes (23.5+5.5−4.9 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 37 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1).

NGC 3982. As noted in the main text, the parameters, flux, and Fe Kα EW values listed are from the model fits to Chandra spectrum only as extended emission is present in the XMM-Newton field of view. The spectrum was best-fit by an absorbed power-law model with a thermal component, using the C-statistic on data grouped by 3 counts. We used ZGAUSS to test for the presence of an Fe Kα line, but the EW was unconstrained in both the global and local fit, where in the latter, it was necessary to group by 1 count bin−1 to fit the continuum. Guainazzi et al. (2005b) fit the Chandra spectrum in a similar fashion (single absorbed power law with a thermal component) and obtained an upper limit on the 2–10 keV X-ray flux of 0.5 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2, which is consistent with our value of 0.56+1.15−0.35 erg s−1 cm−2. They also report a 1σ detection on the Fe Kα EW of 8 ± 5 keV, which may indicate that this parameter is unconstrained.

NGC 4388. This source varied between the XMM-Newton observations from 2002 July to December, increasing in flux and decreasing in Fe Kα EW. Both observations were best fit by a double absorbed power law (allowing the normalization of the second power-law component to vary between the two observations), a thermal component (necessary to fit the soft emission), and a Gaussian component to accommodate the Fe Kα line. The spectral shape of the local continuum (3–8 keV, to constrain the Fe Kα EW) for the December observation and Chandra observation required a base model of a double power law with an absorption component attenuating the second power law; a single power-law base model was sufficient to fit the local continuum for the July observation. Beckmann et al. (2004) fit the XMM-Newton spectra with a single absorbed power law and a Raymond–Smith thermal plasma model; they also detect Fe Kα and a possible Fe Kβ line at ∼6.89 keV. Our derived Fe Kα EWs are consistent (0.62+0.10−0.10 keV versus 0.57 keV and 0.18+0.03−0.02 keV versus 0.22 keV for the July and December observations, respectively); they do not report a 2–10 keV flux or luminosity. The Chandra flux for NGC 4388, from the 2001 June observation, is consistent with the XMM-Newton 2002 July flux, though the Fe Kα EW increased, which could be due to the presence of extended emission the XMM-Newton field of view. Iwasawa et al. (2003) found the nucleus from the Chandra observation to be moderately affected by pileup, but we did not see evidence of this when we applied the jdpileup model to the spectrum in Sherpa. We obtain consistent Fe Kα EW values as Iwasawa et al. (0.29+0.11−0.10 versus 0.44 ± 0.09 keV), though a somewhat higher 2–10 keV flux (74.6+88.5−38.5 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2) than their reported 2–7 keV flux (27 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2), though these values are likely consistent given the error bars on their flux and the more limited energy range over which they integrated.

NGC 4501. We report the parameters from the Chandra spectral fit as the XMM-Newton observation is contaminated by extended emission. The spectrum was best fit by an absorbed power law with a thermal component and we utilized the C-statistic as the data were grouped by 3 counts bin−1. Brightman & Nandra (2008) also find the XMM-Newton field of view to be contaminated by extended emission. They fit the Chandra spectrum with a reflection component, on top of an absorbed thermal power-law model. Similar to our work, they do not detect the Fe Kα emission line in the global spectral fit.

TOLOLO 1238-364. The Chandra spectrum was best fit by an absorbed power law with a thermal component and a Gaussian to accommodate the Fe Kα emission. The data were binned by a minimum of 2 counts and we therefore employed the C-statistic. Ghosh et al. (2007) fit this spectrum with an absorbed power law plus thermal brehmsstrahlung model after binning by a minimum of 20 counts which washes out the Fe Kα feature. They detected the line at low signal-to-noise after re-binning by constant width, but obtain an unconstrained EW whereas we detected this feature.

NGC 4968. The two XMM-Newton observations for this source were best fit by a single absorbed power-law model with a Gaussian component at the Fe Kα energy, using the C-statistic on data binned by 2–3 counts; we saw no evidence for variability between the two observations. Bianchi et al. (2005) fitted these spectra that were fit independently with a reflection model (PEXRAV) with fixed photon index (Γ = 1.7), a power-law component for the soft excess and Gaussian for the Fe Kα line. We obtained consistent 2–10 keV flux (2.08+0.26−0.26 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 2.7 ± 0.08, 2.3 ± 0.08 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1) and Fe Kα EW values (3.06+0.99−0.78 keV versus 1.9 ± 0.9, 3.2 ± 1.1 keV) using the simpler power-law model.

M-3-34-64. The XMM-Newton spectra were fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and a Gaussian at the Fe Kα line energy. Miniutti et al. (2007) fit this source with a reflection model, with the soft emission accommodated by a power-law model with two thermal components and a photoionized gas model and Gaussian components at 6.4 and 6.8 keV. Our observed 2–10 keV flux values approximately agree (32.5+3.1−3.1 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 21±2 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2), as well as our Fe Kα EWs derived from the global fits (0.17+0.04−0.03 keV versus 0.11 ± 0.02 keV), though our local continuum fit results in a higher EW (0.31+0.05−0.04 keV).

NGC 5135. Chandra observations of NGC 5135 reveal two X-ray point sources near the nucleus of the galaxy. The northern source was identified by Levenson et al. (2004) as the active nucleus, so we restrict our analysis to this source, using an extraction region of 1farcs2. They find the AGN spectrum to be best fit by a model consisting of two thermal components, a Gaussian component at ∼2 keV and at the Fe Kα energy, and an absorbed power law. We grouped the data by a minimum of 3 counts bin−1, employed the C-statistic and find that a double absorbed power law with a Gaussian component to accommodate the Fe Kα emission reasonably fits the spectrum. Despite the different models used between Levenson et al. (2004) and us, we obtain consistent 2–10 keV fluxes (2.31+0.98−1.68 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 2.10+0.19−0.68 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1) and Fe Kα EWs (2.44+0.94−0.82 keV versus 2.4+1.8−0.5 keV).

NGC 5194. The nuclear region of NGC 5194 contains several X-ray emitting features: the AGN and diffuse emission to the north and south (see Terashima & Wilson 2001). Chandra is necessary to isolate the Seyfert nucleus and we therefore present the results of the Chandra analysis only, and do not include the archival data from XMM-Newton. Similar to Terashima & Wilson (2001), we extracted a source region centered on the optical center of the galaxy with a 1farcs5 radius from the Chandra data. The data were binned by a minimum of 3 counts and we utilized the C-statistic. The spectra were best fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and a Gaussian component to accommodate the Fe Kα emission. Terashima & Wilson (2001) fit the observation with an absorbed power-law model and a reflection model, both of which yield consistent fluxes (∼1.2 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2) and high EW values (3.5+2.7−1.6 keV and 4.8+4.3−2.5 keV, respectively) which agree with the values we obtain (1.04+2.28−0.73 erg s−1 cm−2 and 4.64+1.42−1.47 keV).

NGC 5347. The Chandra spectrum is best fit by a double absorbed power law. To fit the local continuum to test for the presence of the Fe Kα line, we rebinned the spectrum by a minimum of 3 counts, utilized the C-statistic and detected the line at the 3σ level. Levenson et al. (2006) applied a reflection model (PEXRAV) to the higher energy range of the spectrum (4–8 keV) and fit the lower energy portion with power laws, a thermal component and line emission. Our 2–10 keV flux and Fe Kα EW values agree, 2.58+1.20−1.41 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 2.2 ± 0.4 erg s−1 cm−2 and 1.35+0.53−0.44 keV versus 1.3 ± 0.5 keV, respectively.

Mrk 463. Extended emission was evident in the XMM-Newton field of view as indicated by the lower observed flux from the Chandra spectrum. Indeed, the XMM-Newton is likely contaminated by the double nucleus (see Bianchi et al. 2008), which the Chandra observation is able to resolve. However, other than the constant multiplicative factor, the spectral parameters were consistent among the Chandra and three XMM-Newton spectra. The observations were consequently fit simultaneously to better constrain the Chandra parameters, though only the flux for the Chandra spectrum (for the Eastern source) is reported. To test for the presence of the Fe Kα line, the Chandra spectrum was rebinned by a minimum of 3 counts and the C-statistic was employed in the local (3–8 keV) fit; the line was detected at greater than the 99% confidence level according to our simulations. Bianchi et al. (2008) also employed a double absorbed power-law model to fit the spectrum and we obtain consistent 2–10 keV flux values and Fe Kα EWs, 2.95+1.84−0.82 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 4.1 ± 1.8 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 and 0.20+0.16−0.13 keV versus 0.21+0.15−0.12 keV, respectively.

NGC 5506. The XMM-Newton MOS1 spectra showed evidence of mild pileup above 6 keV according to the SAS tool epatplot for all eight observations and were therefore not fit. For four of these (the 2001, 2002, 2008, and 2009 observations), the MOS2 spectra were also slightly piled and we excluded them from fitting. Archival Chandra data for this source do exist, but were not included in this study because they were severely affected by pileup. We find the spectra to be best fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and several Gaussian components to fit Fe K emission, at energies ∼6.4 keV (neutral Fe Kα), ∼6.7 keV, and ∼6.95–7.0 keV; however, we note that for the local continuum fits, sometimes only two components were needed. The source varies by a factor of ∼1.5 in flux on the time scale of approximately several months, though the Fe Kα EW remains relatively constant. For the purposes of our analysis, we use the average flux and Fe Kα EW among the 2001 and 2004 July observations (〈EW〉 = 0.14+0.05−0.06 keV) and among the 2002, 2004 August, 2008, and 2009 observations (〈EW〉 = 0.13+0.05−0.04 keV; i.e., Figures 411). Guainazzi et al. (2010) studied the Fe Kα emission of these observations in depth, using a suite of physically motivated models (i.e., a combination of relativistically/non-relativistically broadened Fe Kα emission with relativistic/non-relativistic Compton reflection); the Fe Kα EWs are consistent among these various fits. We derive EW values that agree with Guainazzi et al. (2010) using simpler modeling of the local (4–8 keV) spectrum with a power law and Gaussian components.

Arp 220. The XMM-Newton and Chandra spectra were best fit by a single absorbed power-law model with a thermal component; only the absorption varied between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations, though this had a negligible impact on the observed flux. We discarded the XMM-Newton spectra from 2005 from our fitting due to low signal-to-noise, though we note the best-fit parameters were consistent with the other XMM-Newton spectra. To test for the presence of Fe Kα emission in the nuclear region, we utilized the Chandra data only and rebinned by a minimum of 3 counts, employing the C-statistic, but the line was not detected. We note, however, that an emission line for ionized Fe Kα at E = 6.51 keV was detected, consistent with Iwasawa et al. (2005). The Chandra data were first analyzed by Clements et al. (2002) who report a double nucleus and a halo of extended emission. We obtain consistent fluxes between their 3'' extraction area (which encompasses the double nuclei) and our 4farcs5 extraction region: 1.07+0.18−0.16 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 1.0×10−13 erg s−1 cm−2.

NGC 6890. The XMM-Newton spectra were grouped by a minimum of 3 counts bin−1 and were fit with the C-statistic. The data were best fit by a double absorbed power-law model and the Fe Kα line was marginally detected at the ∼93% confidence level. Shu et al. (2008) fit this source with a single power law and did not detect the Fe Kα line, though this is likely due to their choice of binning the data by a minimum of 20 counts which would eradicate the weak Fe Kα feature. We obtain consistent 2–10 keV flux values given the error range on our derived flux: 1.20+4.01−0.88 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 0.69 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2.

IC 5063. The Chandra spectrum was moderately affected by pileup, ∼14% according to the jdpileup model in Sherpa. We therefore included a pileup model in the XSpec spectral fits, allowing only the grade migration parameter (α) to be free and obtained an α value of 0.37; excluded the pileup component when calculating the observed 2–10 keV flux. The jdpileup model indicated no pileup in the local 4–8 keV spectral fit, so it was modeled without a pileup component in XSpec. The broadband spectrum was best fit by a double absorbed power law and our simulations indicate that the Fe Kα emission feature is significant at greater than the 2.5σ level. This Chandra spectrum has not been previously analyzed.

NGC 7130. The Chandra spectrum of NGC 7130 was best fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component for the soft emission and a Gaussian feature at the Fe Kα energy; we used the C-statistic with the data binned by 2 counts. This source was studied in detail by Levenson et al. (2005) where they fit the AGN spectrum with a double absorbed power law with a Gaussian component as well as two thermal components. Though they added an extra thermal component, our derived 2–10 keV flux and Fe Kα EW values are consistent (2.07+2.09−1.04 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 1.6+0.3−0.4 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 and 0.82+0.48−0.33 keV versus 1.8+0.7−0.8, respectively).

NGC 7172. The XMM-Newton observations were best fit by a double absorbed power law with a thermal component and Gaussian feature at the Fe Kα energy. The normalization of the second power law was consistent between the 2002 and 2004 observations, yet had to be fit independently for the 2007 observation. We only fit the PN and MOS2 spectra for the 2007 observation as the MOS1 spectrum showed evidence for milder pileup at higher energies from the task epatplot. Our results indicate that the source increased by about a factor of two in flux between 2004 and 2007. The Fe Kα emission features were fit independently among the three observations, though we use the average Fe Kα EW for the 2002 and 2004 observations in the plots (〈EW〉 = 0.16+0.06−0.04 keV, i.e., Figures 411) as the 2–10 keV flux values are consistent between the two observations and the EW values are not widely discrepant in both the local and global fits, indicating that the variations in the independent Gaussian fits are likely not significant. Noguchi et al. (2009) fit the 2007 observation with a double absorbed power-law, thermal component (using MEKAL whereas we used APEC) and two Gaussian components, one at the Fe Kα energy and the other at 1.7 keV; we obtain consistent 2–10 keV fluxes (517+43−40 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 423×10−13 erg cm−2 s−1) and Fe Kα EWs (0.10+0.02−0.01 keV versus 0.07 ± 0.01 keV). Shu et al. (2007) fit the spectra from the 2002 XMM-Newton observation by a double absorbed power law with a Gaussian component at the Fe Kα energy, similar to our analysis, though they do not include a thermal component. Our 2–10 keV flux values are consistent (234+19−18 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 versus 220 × 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1), but our Fe Kα EWs are not (0.14+0.03−0.03 keV from the global continuum fit versus 0.04 ± 0.03 keV). This discrepancy could be due to constraints placed on their modeling of the Fe Kα line: they froze the energy at 6.4 keV, whereas we allowed this parameter to be free and it is not clear whether they placed a similar constraint on σ. Regardless of this discrepancy, both EW values are consistent with a Compton-thin source. Analysis of the EPIC data for the 2004 observation has not been previously published, making our analysis the first for this data set.

NGC 7582. This source varied between the 2000 Chandra observations and later XMM-Newton observations, as well as between the 2001 and 2005 XMM-Newton observations; the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations were fit independently. The Chandra spectra were moderately affected by pileup (∼30%–49% according to the jdpileup model in Sherpa) and were therefore fit with a pileup model component in XSpec, with only α, the grade migration parameter, allowed to vary; the pileup component was discarded before calculating the flux and the Fe Kα EW. The broadband Chandra spectra were best fit by a double absorbed power law whereas the XMM-Newton spectra required a thermal component and Gaussian components at the Fe Kα energy and at ionized Fe Kα energies (∼6.72 keV for the 2005 observation and ∼6.97 keV for the 2001 observation),11 ∼1.84 keV and ∼2.47 keV. The Fe Kα feature was detected at a statistically significant level for all observations according to our simulations. NGC 7582 dimmed between the Chandra observation and each subsequent XMM-Newton observation and the Fe Kα EW increased. This decrease in flux with increase in Fe Kα EW could reflect a variation in the obscuring medium, where the obscuration enhanced over time. Indeed, such an interpretation is favored by Piconelli et al. (2007), who postulate the existence of multiple absorption components in this system: a higher column-density absorber (possibly mildly Compton-thick) attributed to the putative torus and a lower-column density absorber acting as a screen to both the reflected and transmitted radiation. Though Piconelli et al. (2007) fit the XMM-Newton observations with a more complex model (PEXRAV) we obtain consistent fluxes (21.1+1.7−1.8 ×  10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 23.5 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 for the 2005 observation and 38.6+3.0−3.1 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus 40.2 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 for the 2001 observation), though lower Fe Kα EW values (2005: 0.58+0.04−0.04 keV versus 0.77+0.05−0.04 keV; 2001: 0.31+0.05−0.05 keV versus 0.62+0.07−0.08). Dong et al. (2004) fit the Chandra spectra independently with a double absorbed power law, yet obtain an observed flux about half of ours (164+263−87 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 versus ∼75 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2), though this discrepancy could result from us modeling pileup whereas they did not; we obtain consistent Fe Kα EW values (0.15+0.07−0.07 keV versus an averaged ∼0.19 keV).

NGC 7674. The global XMM-Newton spectra were best fit with a double absorbed power law. To fit the local continuum between 3 and 8 keV, the data were binned to a minimum of 3 counts and the C-statistic was utilized; the Fe Kα feature was detected a statistically significant level. Analysis of the broadband XMM-Newton spectra for this source has not been previously published.


Using ARF, RMF, and background files provided by the NuSTAR team, which include separate ARF and background files for a 45'' and a 101'' point-spread function (useful for weak and strong sources, respectively), we generated a simulated NuSTAR spectrum in the 10–40 keV energy range as described in the main text. If the net count rate was >10−2 s−1, we utilized the simulated spectrum corresponding to the larger PSF, otherwise we used the spectrum generated with the smaller PSF. In Tables 8 and 9, we list the simulated source count rate and corresponding exposure time for the target to be detected at greater than the 5σ level above the background, which was either ∼8 × 10−4 s−1 or ∼4 × 10−3 s−1, depending on the PSF. For the sources where this derived exposure time is under 5 ks, we instead list the exposure time necessary for at least 100 counts to be detected; if this exposure time is also under 5 ks, we adopt a minimum exposure time of 5 ks. For the three 2–10 keV non-detections from the 12 μm sample, we list the exposure times using a spectrum simulated from the PLCABS model in XSpec, with NH = 1024 cm−2, the number of scatterings set to 5, Γ = 1.8 and the normalization adjusted such that the 2–10 keV flux equals the 3σ upper limit. Again, we note that such a flux estimate is quite optimistic and the corresponding derived exposure times necessary for detection should be considered as lower limits and are listed as such in Table 8.

Table 8. NuSTAR Simulation Summary for the 12 μm Sample

Galaxy Simulated Source Count Rate Exposure Timea
  (counts s−1) (ks)
NGC 0424 3.48 × 10−3 8.8  
NGC 1068b 6.53 × 10−2 5.0  
NGC 1144b 1.77 × 10−1 5.0  
NGC 1320 1.33 × 10−3 30  
F05189-2524b 3.58 × 10−2 5.0  
F08572+3915c 1.10 × 10−2 >9.1  
NGC 3982 1.19 × 10−3 35  
NGC 4388b 9.60 × 10−1 5.0  
NGC 4501 5.04 × 10−3 5.7  
M-3-34-64b 1.08 × 10−2 5.0  
NGC 5135c 6.88 × 10−3 15  
NGC 5194 1.82 × 10−3 20
NGC 5347c 1.77 × 10−2 5.6  
Mrk 463 3.90 × 10−3 7.7  
NGC 5506b 1.51 5.0  
NGC 5953 3.72 × 10−3 >8.2  
Arp 220 9.00 × 10−4 53  
IC 5063b 6.22 × 10−1 5.0  
NGC 7130 3.14 × 10−3 10  
NGC 7172b 7.67 × 10−1 5.0  
NGC 7582b 4.68 × 10−2 5.0  
NGC 7590b 3.52 × 10−2 >5.0  
NGC 7674c 6.17 × 10−3 16  

Notes. aExposure time needed for source to be detected above the background at greater than the 5σ level. bMinimum exposure time of 5.0 ks is adopted as the exposure times for both a 5σ detection above the background and for a detection of at least 100 counts are <5 ks. cExposure time listed is for a detection of 100 counts as a 5σ detection above the background is <5 ks.

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Table 9. NuSTAR Simulation Summary for the [O iii] Sample

Galaxy Simulated Source Exposure Timea
  Count Rate (counts s−1) (ks)
NGC 0291 1.40 × 10−3 28
Mrk 0609b 1.72 × 10−2 5.8
IC 0486c 1.27 × 10−1 5.0
2MASX J08244333+2959238b 7.36 × 10−3 14
CGCG 064-017b 1.12 × 10−2 8.9
2MASX J11110693+0228477 1.68 × 10−3 22
CGCG 242-028b 1.22 × 10−2 8.2
SBS 1133+572 1.14 × 10−3 37
Mrk 1457b 6.84 × 10−3 15
2MASX J11570483+5249036b 5.87 × 10−3 17
2MASX J12183945+4706275 3.23 × 10−3 9.7
2MASX J12384342+0927362c 2.31 × 10−2 5.0
CGCG 218-007b 1.34 × 10−2 7.5

Notes. aExposure time needed for source to be detected above the background at greater than the 5σ level. bExposure time listed is for a detection of 100 counts as a 5σ detection above the background is <5 ks. cMinimum exposure time of 5.0 ks is adopted as the exposure times for both a 5σ detection above the background and for a detection of at least 100 counts are <5 ks.

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  • Of the 32 Sy2s in the original sample, one was re-classified as an Sy1 (NGC 1097).

  • Due to the marginal soft detection of NGC 5953, we did not fit this source with APEC.

  • MBH measured using velocity dispersion and the M–σ relation (Tremaine et al. 2002). See LaMassa et al. (2010) for literature references to MBH for the 12 μm sample; velocity dispersions for the [O iii]-sample were derived from SDSS.

  • $\alpha _{\lambda _1 - \lambda _2}=\log (f_{\lambda _1}/f_{\lambda _2})/\log (\lambda _1/\lambda _2)$.

  • 10 

    We note that we only have these data for 27 of the 28 12 μm sources presented in this work as NGC 1068 had saturated low-resolution Spitzer data. We were therefore unable to obtain a PAH 17 μm EW value or α20–30 μm value for this source.

  • 11 

    However, in the local (3–8 keV) fits, this higher energy Gaussian is more consistent with Fe Kβ emission, with a best-fit centroid energy of 7.08 keV for the 2001 observation, and shifts to a best-fit centroid energy of 6.91 keV for the 2005 observation.

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