Comparison of inflammatory response and synovial metaplasia in immediate breast reconstruction with a synthetic and a biological mesh: a randomized controlled clinical trial


  • Emma Hansson
  • Pawel Burian
  • Håkan Hallberg



Abstract The aim of this study was to compare inflammatory response and synovial metaplasia in implant-based immediate breast reconstruction with a biological mesh (Veritas®) with that of a synthetic mesh (TIGR® Matrix Surgical Mesh). We hypothesize that the inflammatory response and formation of synovial metaplasia might be different and the rate of capsular contracture therefore different. The patients were recruited from the Gothenburg TIGR®/Veritas® Study (ClinicalTrials.Gov identifier NCT02985073). All referrals for bilateral immediate breast reconstruction were assessed for inclusions. During the operation, the patients were randomized to which sides the biological and the synthetic mesh were going to be applied. During the implant exchange biopsies were taken. Biopsies were taken from 30 breasts in 15 patients. There seem to be more myofibroblast and neovascularization in the biological meshes than in the synthetic and the collagen fibers seem to be aligned in an irregular pattern with both parallel and vertical fibers. In the synthetic meshes, there were more giant cells and foreign body reaction and the collagen fibers were loosely and well aligned, oriented parallel to the surface of the implant. Synovial metaplasia was seen in the majority of both the biological and the synthetic meshes. The histological patterns in early capsules from biological and synthetic meshes vary considerably. Nonetheless, it is unknown what role different cell types have in capsular formation in the long run and there was no difference in clinical capsular contracture at the clinical follow-up in this study.


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How to Cite

Hansson, E., Burian, P., & Hallberg, H. (2020). Comparison of inflammatory response and synovial metaplasia in immediate breast reconstruction with a synthetic and a biological mesh: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, 54(3), 131–136.


