Cited by

Cited by 4 other publications

Espírito Santo, Ana, Nélia Alexandre & Sílvia Perpiñán
2024. The role of resumption in the acquisition of European Portuguese prepositional relative clauses by Chinese learners. Second Language Research 40:1  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
2015. L2 Grammar and L2 Processing in the Acquisition of Spanish Prepositional Relative Clauses. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 18:4  pp. 577 ff. DOI logo
Perpiñán, Sílvia
2020. Wh-Movement, Islands, and Resumption in L1 and L2 Spanish: Is (Un)Grammaticality the Relevant Property?. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Perpiñán, Sílvia & Anna Cardinaletti
2024. Null-Prep as a systematic interlanguage phenomenon: Evidence from relative clauses, interrogatives, and sluicing constructions. Second Language Research 40:1  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo

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