Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2011; 71 - A1
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1292692

Endothelium at the physiological flow of pregnancy

K Vladimir 1
  • 1Lugansk regional state administration, Head of obstetrical and gynecology department, Lugansk, Ukraine

Objectives: Study products of endothelial factors at the physiological flow of pregnancy.

Materials and Methods: The study level of endothelial factors is conducted in the whey of blood for 200 healthy patients during physiological pregnancy.

Results: A change the products of endothelial factors is begun with the early terms of pregnancy, that is possible to bind to influencing of factors implantation and it is directed on maintenance of formed blood flow in the system mother – chorion – embryon. There is stimulation function of endothelium of the formed feto-placentar complex in the I trimester of pregnancy, that shows up in multiplying the level of constantly appearing endothelial factors (oxide of nitrogen and prostacyklin). In the II trimester of pregnancy activating function of endothelia registers in the system a mother – placenta – fetus, that shows up growth products factor of Villibrant, thromboxane and endothelin-1. Since the period of the second wave invasion of trophoblast (16–18 week) maintenance increases level of trombomoduline, annexin V and fibronectin, that allows to say of supposition about forming syndrome endothelial dysfunction in a feto-placentar complex even at the physiological flow of pregnancy.

Conclusion: Physiological pregnancy is characterized stimulation and activating endothelium of feto-placentar complex. Changes the products of endothelial factors at the physiological flow of pregnancy are characterized predominance of vasodilatation substances. Growth level markers damage of endothelium is characteristic with multiplying the term of pregnancy, which talks about development of syndrome endothelial dysfunction even at the physiological flow of pregnancy.