Issue 4, 2024

Two active species from a single metal halide precursor: a case study of highly productive Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenation of amine-boranes via intermolecular bimetallic cooperation


Metal–metal cooperation for inert bond activation is a ubiquitous concept in coordination chemistry and catalysis. While the great majority of such transformations proceed via intramolecular mode in binuclear complexes, to date only a few examples of intermolecular small molecule activation using usually bimetallic frustrated Lewis pairs (Mδ+⋯M′δ) have been reported. We introduce herein an alternative approach for the intermolecular bimetallic cooperativity observed in the catalytic dehydrogenation of amine-boranes, in which the concomitant activation of N–H and B–H bonds of the substrate via the synergetic action of Lewis acidic (M+) and basic hydride (M–H) metal species derived from the same mononuclear complex (M–Br). It was also demonstrated that this system generated in situ from the air-stable Mn(I) complex fac-[(CO)3(bis(NHC))MnBr] and NaBPh4 shows high activity for H2 production from several substrates (Me2NHBH3, tBuNH2BH3, MeNH2BH3, NH3BH3) at low catalyst loading (0.1% to 50 ppm), providing outstanding efficiency for Me2NHBH3 (TON up to 18 200) that is largely superior to all known 3d-, s-, p-, f-block metal derivatives and frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs). These results represent a step forward towards more extensive use of intermolecular bimetallic cooperation concepts in modern homogeneous catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Two active species from a single metal halide precursor: a case study of highly productive Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenation of amine-boranes via intermolecular bimetallic cooperation

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Article type
Edge Article
09 Oct 2023
06 Dec 2023
First published
07 Dec 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 1409-1417

Two active species from a single metal halide precursor: a case study of highly productive Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenation of amine-boranes via intermolecular bimetallic cooperation

E. S. Gulyaeva, E. S. Osipova, S. A. Kovalenko, O. A. Filippov, N. V. Belkova, L. Vendier, Y. Canac, E. S. Shubina and D. A. Valyaev, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 1409 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05356C

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