Issue 21, 2023

The expedient, CAET-assisted synthesis of dual-monoubiquitinated histone H3 enables evaluation of its interaction with DNMT1


Site-selective conjugation chemistry has proven effective to synthesize homogenously ubiquitinated histones. Recently, a powerful strategy using 2-((2-chloroethyl) amino) ethane-1-thiol (CAET) as a bifunctional handle was developed to generate chemically stable ubiquitin chains without racemization and homodimerization. Herein, we extend this strategy to the expedient synthesis of ubiquitinated histones, exemplifying its utility to not only synthesize single-monoubiquitinated histones, but dual-monoubiquitinated histones as well. The synthetic histones enabled us to evaluate the binding of DNMT1 to ubiquitinated nucleosomes and map the hotspots of this interaction. Our work highlights the potential of modern chemical protein synthesis to synthesize ubiquitinated histones for epigenetic studies.

Graphical abstract: The expedient, CAET-assisted synthesis of dual-monoubiquitinated histone H3 enables evaluation of its interaction with DNMT1

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
19 Jan 2023
30 Apr 2023
First published
01 May 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 5681-5688

The expedient, CAET-assisted synthesis of dual-monoubiquitinated histone H3 enables evaluation of its interaction with DNMT1

Z. Li, Z. Tong, Q. Gong, H. Ai, S. Peng, C. Chen, G. Chu and J. Li, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 5681 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC00332A

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