Issue 19, 2020

Real-time in vivo detection techniques for neurotransmitters: a review


Functional synapses in the central nervous system depend on a chemical signal exchange process that involves neurotransmitter delivery between neurons and receptor cells in the neuro system. Abnormal neurotransmitter levels and distributions can cause intractable diseases involving descending/ascending modulatory pathways or dysfunctional organs. The detection of abnormal neurotransmitter levels is one of the most promising techniques in the diagnosis of brain diseases. Also, numerous effective methods for the detection of neurotransmitters in vivo have been fabricated. Nowadays, electrochemical, optical, magnetic, and microdialysis methods are among the main techniques used to detect neurotransmitters. Herein, we review current techniques for detecting eight types of neurotransmitters with a focus on in vivo neurotransmitter tracking methods intended for the real-time diagnosis of brain disorders.

Graphical abstract: Real-time in vivo detection techniques for neurotransmitters: a review

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
12 Jun 2020
07 Aug 2020
First published
11 Aug 2020

Analyst, 2020,145, 6193-6210

Real-time in vivo detection techniques for neurotransmitters: a review

Y. Su, S. Bian and M. Sawan, Analyst, 2020, 145, 6193 DOI: 10.1039/D0AN01175D

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