Issue 2, 2010

Conformational behaviour and first crystal structures of a calix[4]arene featuring a laterally positioned carboxylic acid function in unsolvated and solvent-complexed forms


A detailed conformational analysis of a rarely investigated type of compound, a laterally monosubstituted calix[4]arene (1, which has a carboxylic acid function in the lateral position), is reported. 2D solution NMR techniques at various temperatures and in different solvents have been used, showing interesting aggregation behaviour for the different conformers. The first illustrations of crystal structures of this compound type are given, including the unsolvated carboxylic calix[4]arene and two mixed solvent complexes containing EtOH–H2O and EtOHTHF, respectively. Isostructurality calculations have been carried out, allowing detailed comparison of the investigated structures, and an unusual conformational chirality isomerism of the calixarene molecule is demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Conformational behaviour and first crystal structures of a calix[4]arene featuring a laterally positioned carboxylic acid function in unsolvated and solvent-complexed forms

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Article information

Article type
04 Mar 2009
04 Nov 2009
First published
05 Jan 2010

New J. Chem., 2010,34, 250-259

Conformational behaviour and first crystal structures of a calix[4]arene featuring a laterally positioned carboxylic acid function in unsolvated and solvent-complexed forms

T. Gruber, M. Gruner, C. Fischer, W. Seichter, P. Bombicz and E. Weber, New J. Chem., 2010, 34, 250 DOI: 10.1039/B904489B

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