Issue 3, 2020

Nitration of benzothioxanthene: towards a new class of dyes with versatile photophysical properties


The selective mono-nitration of benzothioxanthane (BTXI) is demonstrated herein. This leap opens doors to a wide range of chemical reactions since the nitro compound was successfully reduced to a primary amine that was, in turn, converted into an azide. Beyond this chemical achievement, this new series of functionalized BTXI was fully characterized, including from a photophysical point of view, expanding the scope of this promising rylene to build a new electroactive π-conjugated platform for electronic organic purposes.

Graphical abstract: Nitration of benzothioxanthene: towards a new class of dyes with versatile photophysical properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Nov 2019
09 Dec 2019
First published
10 Dec 2019

New J. Chem., 2020,44, 900-905

Author version available

Nitration of benzothioxanthene: towards a new class of dyes with versatile photophysical properties

J. M. Andrés Castán, L. Abad Galán, S. Li, C. Dalinot, P. Simón Marqués, M. Allain, C. Risko, C. Monnereau, O. Maury, P. Blanchard and C. Cabanetos, New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 900 DOI: 10.1039/C9NJ05804D

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