Sir, a quick and effective service for resolving complaints about private dental care now exists, as requested in a letter to the editor in the BDJ (2006; 201: 66).

The Dental Complaints Service, which is independent of the General Dental Council and its Fitness to Practise procedures, aims to resolve complaints as fairly, efficiently, transparently and quickly as possible.

The thrust of the new service is to help dental professionals and patients to restore their relationship. Initially, we guide complainants to their practices' own complaints procedures. If a practice can't resolve a complaint, our advisers attempt to resolve it informally. More intractable complaints may go to a regional panel of trained volunteers, lay and dental professional.

Since our launch on 24 May we have already dealt with more than 2,500 enquiries from patients and members of the dental team, relating to over 400 complaints: with the help of dental practices all but a dozen remain outstanding and we're continuing to discuss with the practice and patient how best to resolve them. We have held only two panels, one in Bournemouth and one in Croydon, because most complaints are resolved much earlier in the process.

We hope that our new service will be beneficial to patient, dental professional and practice, encouraging the continued journey of care of the patient at their existing practice.

For more information, contact the Dental Complaints Service on its helpline, which is 08456 120540 (local rate), or visit our website, or email