
GRBs are characterized by a highly variable flux of high-energy photons that propagate over cosmological distances. It has been suggested3 that they are the best candles in cosmological space, allowing us either to study or to constrain the effects of quantum gravity. These effects are known3,4 to be proportional to the ratio (E/EQG)n of the photon energy, E, to the Planck energy, EQG ≈ 1019 GeV, and to the distance, D, of the photon's propagation. The linear case (n = 1) is the best studied3,4, but the quadratic case (n = 2) has also recently been considered (see preprint at For n = 1, the effect of the energy-dependent refraction of photons in quantum space-time should lead to a measurable difference in arrival time (of the order of milliseconds) for photons with different energies2.

The linear polarization of γ-rays from GRB 021206 allows us to test another possible effect of quantum space-time, which is predicted for canonical quantum gravity in loop representation. In this case, space-time exhibits the property of birefringence4: two photons with opposite states of helicity, +1 and −1, have different group velocities

The factor χ is about 1 for loop representation of quantum gravity3. A linearly polarized electromagnetic wave may be represented as the superposition of two monochromatic waves with opposite circular polarizations. When a linearly polarized wave propagates inside the substance with birefringence, the plane of polarization rotates along the path because of the difference in group velocity between the two circular components.

For the linear case n = 1, the phase angle, ϕ1, of a plane of linear polarization changes along a distance D (in light years) as

This angle depends on the photon energy as E2. Linear polarization measured within a broad energy range should vanish, provided that the difference in accumulated angles is large for photons with different energies. Two photons with energies of around 0.1 MeV and with a difference of energy of about 0.01% will therefore accumulate a difference of δϕ ≈ χ in polarization phase angle after a year of propagation in space with birefringence (see equation (2)).

For cosmological GRBs, which have a travel distance of D ≈ 1010 light years, the planes of linear polarization of photons with different energies should be totally randomized. The bulk linear polarization of photons with energies greater than 0.01 eV over a broad energy range must become zero even if they were all originally 100% polarized in a single plane.

In the quadratic case of quantum space-time birefringence with n = 2, the rotation of a plane of linear polarization is rather small for photons with energy of around 0.1 MeV

However, the distance D ≈ 1010 light years is so large that even the quadratic case of birefrigence could be tested by polarization measurements of photons with energies greater than 100 MeV. The detection5 of a high-energy component of GRB941017 (energies up to 200 MeV), which dominates the total fluence of the event, suggests that quadratic space-time birefringence could be tested experimentally in the future by polarimetry of such GRBs.

I therefore conclude that either the birefringence of quantum space-time with n = 1 should be below the level of χ > 10−14, or it should be quadratic (n = 2), assuming that the strong linear polarization of GRBs is confirmed by a second measurement.