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Behavioral Competence and Emotional Well-Being of Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Comparison with Cognitively Healthy Controls and Individuals with Early-Stage Dementia

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We examined whether older individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) differed from healthy controls (HC) and persons with dementia (AD) in objective and perceived behavioral competence as well as in emotional well-being. We used a merged sample of 257 older adults aged 59 to 91 years (M = 72.9; SD = 6.4) stemming from Israel and Germany. Objective behavioral competence (assessed based on global positioning system (GPS)-based tracking data and a structured questionnaire) of MCI individuals was mostly similar to the HC group. Regarding perceived behavioral competence and emotional well-being, MCI individuals were more similar to the AD group and below the HC group’s mean levels. Findings suggest that a differentiated view of MCI individual’s competence and emotional well-being is in place.


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