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> Mass and Heat Transfer

Mass and Heat Transfer Analysis of Mass Contactors and Heat Exchangers


T. W. Fraser Russell, University of Delaware, Anne Skaja Robinson, University of Delaware, Norman J. Wagner, University of Delaware
Published 2008


This text allows instructors to teach a course on heat and mass transfer that will equip students with the pragmatic, applied skills required by the modern chemical industry. This new approach is a combined presentation of heat and mass transfer, maintaining mathematical rigor while keeping mathematical analysis to a minimum. This allows students to develop a strong conceptual understanding, and teaches them how to become proficient in engineering analysis of mass contactors and heat exchangers and the transport theory used…

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Key features

  • A pragmatic presentation of traditional transport phenomena, without complicated mathematical manipulation, this is an accessible treatment for a broad range of chemical and engineering backgrounds
  • With the focus on engineering analysis, students learn the skills required by the chemical process industry
  • Concise, focused and clearly presented, an instructor can work through key concepts in a semester, with more time for effective student interaction
  • Includes an instructor and students guide, end of chapter problem sets, design case studies, project assignments, and full referencing

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