Monte Carlo results for random coagulation rights and content


This paper gives a Monte Carlo algorithm for stochastic coagulation when the coagulation kernel Kij = figj + fjgi. For a monodisperse system with M = 106 monomers, each realization takes 7 min on a CDC 7600. On the basis of Monte Carlo experiments performed with this algorithm, the following conclusions are inferred. If wg = wg(t) = the gel weight fraction = the proportion of monomers contained in the largest cluster at time t, then, as M → ∞, for Kij = (ij)ω: w ≦ 12, wg → 0; 12 < w ≦ 1; wg approaches a well-defined limit, nonzero after a critical time ([i]and [ii]support a conjecture of Ziff); and w > 1, wg(t) → 1, t > 0. (This last result was known to Domilovskii et al. in 1978.) For ω < 1, the Smoluchowski coagulation equation is the limit of random coagulation. For 12 < ω < 1, this equation gives rise to mass nonconservation; the mass deficit wg(t) is contained in a single cluster. For Kij = [(f − 2)i + 2][(f − 2)j + 2], due to correlations, the coagulation equation is not the limit of random coagulation. Instead, its Flory version, incorporating gel reactivity, is the appropriate limit.

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    This work was completed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy. The U. S. Government's right to retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license in and to the copyright covering this paper, for governmental purposes, is acknowledged.

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