Correction to: Journal of Hematopathology

In this article, the labels of Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were incorrectly displayed. Given below are the correct figures.

Fig. 2
figure 2

High-grade B-cell lymphoma assessed with the aid of ICC on CB prepared from SurePathTM residue (case 1, pericardial effusion, 81/F). A CT scan and PET scan showing a malignant tumor in the lung accompanied by malignant pericardial effusion. B SurePathTM preparation of the pericardial effusion showing dispersed malignant large lymphoid cells. C SurePathTM residue embedded in F-CB showing the same cytology. D–H ICC on F-CB shows that the tumor is positive for PAX5, CD20, and MUM1, with a very high proliferation index assessed by Ki67. I SurePathTM residue embedded in P-CB showing large malignant round cells mimicking lymphoid cells. J–L ICC on the P-CB confirming the diagnosis of high-grade B-cell lymphoma. ICC, immunocytochemistry, CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; F-CB, frozen cell block; P-CB, paraffin-embedded cell block

Fig. 3
figure 3

HHV8-positive primary effusion lymphoma assessed by ICC on CB prepared from SurePathTM residue (Case 2, pleural effusion, 84/M). A SurePathTM preparation of the pleural effusion showing dispersed noncohesive large malignant round cells. B No significant lymphadenopathy on CT and PET-CT scans. C SurePathTM residue embedded in a frozen cell block (F-CB) showing tumor cells negative for LCA (CD45), CD3, and CD20 but positive for CD30, CD43, MUM1, and HHV8. ICC, immunocytochemistry; CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography; CB, cell block; F-CB, frozen CB

Fig. 4
figure 4

Low-grade follicular lymphoma assessed with the aid of ICC on cell block prepared from the cytoscrape material of a conventional FNA cytology smear (case 13, perigastric LN/EUS-FNA, 56/M). A A conventional smear of EUS-guided FNA from a perigastric/porta hepatis lymph node with high FDG uptake on fluorine-18 FDG PET scan (left), showing a relatively monomorphic population of small lymphocytes (middle and right). B Cytoscrape material of the smear embedded in F-CB and subjected to diagnostic ICC to rule in the diagnosis of CD20-positive low-grade B-cell lymphoma with very weak staining for BCL2, CD10, and BCL6. C Cytoscrape materials embedded in P-CB showing the same cytomorphology and immunophenotype. D The FFPE tissue core in the EUS-FNA biopsy sample confirms the diagnosis of low-grade B-cell neoplasm with a germinal center-like phenotype that is positive for CD10 and BCL6 with a very low proliferation index assessed by Ki67 labeling. EUS-FNA, endoscopic ultrasound-guided aspiration; F-CB, frozen cell block; P-CB, paraffin-embedded cell block; ICC, immunocytochemistry

Fig. 5
figure 5

Mantle cell lymphoma assessed by liquid-based cytology with the aid of ICC on cytoscrape cell block prepared from the pelleted needle rinsing fluid of EBUS-TBFNA (case 14, neck LN, FNA, 75/M). A SurePathTM preparation (left) of EBUS-transbronchial FNA cytology sample from a mediastinal lymph node, showing sparsely scattered small lymphocytes; direct smear (right) of the pelleted needle rinse of the EUS-TBFNA, revealing numerous small lymphocytes that appeared to be quite monotonous in size and shape. B Cytoscrape material from the direct smear embedded in F-CB, showing a large population of CD20-positive and cyclin D1-positive small lymphoid cells in the background with CD3-positive T cells and CD68-positive histiocytes. C The cytoscrape material embedded in P-CB, showing the same lymphoid cells with immunophenotype of mantle cell lymphoma. EBUS-TBFNA, endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial fine-needle aspiration; F-CB, frozen cell block; P-CB, paraffin-embedded cell block

Fig. 6
figure 6

ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma assessed with the aid of ICC on cell block prepared from cytoscrape material of a conventional smear of mediastinal lymph node (case 9, mediastinal lymph node/EBUS-TBNA, 81/F). A EUS-guided conventional FNA cytology smear shows many discohesive large malignant round cells. B Cytoscrape material of the smear embedded in an F-CB and subjected to diagnostic ICC to rule in the diagnosis of ALCL, showing the expression of LCA (CD45), CD7, and CD30. C Cytoscrape material embedded in a P-CB, showing the same cytomorphology and immunophenotype of ALCL. D FFPE tissue cores of the EUS-FNA sample that confirmed the diagnosis of ALCL. ALCL, anaplastic large cell lymphoma; EUS-FNA, endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial fine-needle aspiration; F-CB, frozen cell block; P-CB, paraffin-embedded cell block; ICC, immunocytochemistry

The original article has been corrected.