1 Correction to: Metabolomics (2020) 16:86 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-020-01704-z

Following the publication of the original article, the authors would like to correct a section in the materials and methods section, under the title:

2 2.3 Human subject samples

The sentence currently reads:

“Fecal samples were collected under Princeton University IRB#11606 at the Princeton University Department of Molecular Biology. Healthy volunteers were enrolled through e-mails sent to the departmental listserv as well as flyer advertisements. Volunteers gave conversant consensus before sample collection. Suitability measures involved age (older than 18) and health status (feeling well at time of sample collection, no diabetes, gastrointestinal, oral, or skin infections, diseases, malignancies, or antibiotic use three months prior to or during sample collection).”

And it should read:

“The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Princeton University determined that no IRB approval was necessary for the collection of the healthy Pilot Donor fecal sample used in this study. The donor was free of any chronic diseases, and had not taken antibiotics for three months prior to collection.”

This error has been corrected with this erratum.