1 Introduction

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. The healthy interaction of a body, brain and mind is very significant for smooth running of human machinery. Today a big population of every society is leading a stressed life and self-generated tensions, which could be relived to a greater extent by practicing the C5 concept [1]. If we compare with olden days when we live in complete natural environment without any human intervention, the life was much healthier and stress-free. After we started compromising with our nature, it led to quite a havoc, as a result we found several diseases and maladies in forms of stress, anxiety, heart related ailments [2].

During ancient times when silence was prevailing more without any noise of beeps, buzzes and alarms coming from televisions, refrigerators, automobiles, machines, cellphones, smart phones, computers, laptops etc., the life was much simpler, but requires a lot of hard work and manual efforts to finish every chore. One has always received information and signals through one’s own sense organs, but it was limited to the local surroundings. In today’s world, technology has taken a huge leap and people are getting more and more dependent on technology to lead a much comfy life. Several audio-visual inputs can be recorded in a minute regardless of the location and the surroundings [3].

With the gradual development of technology to make life comfortable, the emergence of artificial intelligence occurred in 1950s, which can be well understood in simple terms as follows: Artificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive branch of computer science concerned with building smart technologies capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI is an interdisciplinary science with manifold methodologies, but advancements in machine learning has created a paradigm shift in every technological sector virtually [4].

Artificial intelligence is being used in every segment of life, for instance: media & entertainment, smart assistants like Siri & Alexa, disease mapping & prediction tools in medical science etc. [5]. AI is a branch of informatics which simulate the characteristics of human aptitude and logical reasoning, intelligence, sensory comprehension, and interaction. AI helps to enhance the efficacy of health care systems. For example, the comprehensive huge database can be organized in an orderly way and contribute efficiently for diagnosis, screening, treatment and patient management and follow-up [6]. After artificial intelligence came the empathetic intelligence which has the capacity to understand and share the emotions or the state of the mind of the other person and lot of work is done to assess the emotional estimation which is a necessity for acquiring complete holistic wellbeing of an individual [7].

In modern times, due to the busy schedule, most of us are following hectic and anxious lifestyles and still could not spare little time to relieve our tensions by indulging in some creative ideas, which gradually develops a huge pressure within us. Therefore, we may end up feeling weary, lethargic, and beset by chronic stress. Undoubtedly, stress management is important for every one of us to keep ourselves completely healthy [8]. Numerous stress management practices are being followed by people for stress relief and in this context C5 concept can be seen as one of the best tools for stress management [1]. The inception of C5 concept paved the blocks to self- contentment and overall satisfaction [1]. The basic aim of this paper is to make one aware about inventing oneself and one’s inner strength by C5 concept using empathetic intelligence. C5 can be successfully implemented from the age of intelligence and innovativeness depending upon the stress amplitude for the complete health wellbeing both physically and mentally [1].

The contributions of the tactile internet in the society can be very promising in various sectors of the society related to healthcare, education and learning, traffic regulations and personal safety zones. The tactile internet holds an enormous potential for budding technology markets and the provision of vital community service sectors. In other words, we can say that all our senses can interrelate with machines and the capability of technology will increase to a greater degree than today. The tactile internet will enable haptic interaction with visual and probably with touch responses in future with technical systems [9]. Though we are aware of how C5 concept helps in steering mind to achieve one’s goal and keep one lightheaded and calm [10]. There is a lot more scope to work on virtual/ augmented C5 centers and to improve their efficiency by using the tactile internet through haptic Aps to bring complete relaxation to mind by simply creating the same virtual/augmented peaceful environment of physical C5 centers while sitting at home.

There is not much work reported regarding the correlation between C5 Concept and empathetic intelligence, which could well strengthen our physical fitness and the mental status in coming times with least of physical efforts to have a great experience similar to a physical appointment in physical Serenity clubs or C5 center. We want to throw more light on the possibility to attain mental calmness and concentration by using C5 concept and connecting it to empathetic intelligence and treat the stress ailments and eradicate it completely from roots by creating augmented reality environment and make the sufferer feel better by giving one an augmented experience of physical presence in real C5 center situated far away from the person’s own location.

We propose the C5 concept incorporation for active transformation of mind and body along with the use of the tactile internet to judge the emotional status of a person in this paper. The aim is to give the person the experience of augmented reality effect which gives one the feel of actual environment as if the person is sitting physically in one of the C5 centers at any point of time 24 × 7 in a day.

This paper has been organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the various stages of life, Sect. 3 throws more light on Health aspects, Sect. 4 describes the negative impacts due to technology addiction, Sect. 5 elaborates C5 concept and Sect. 6 includes discussion focusing on applications of C5 via the Tactile internet and haptic Aps, and Sect. 7 gives our concluding remarks regarding future of C5 application through the tactile internet.

2 Life Stages

Human body and mind are like a temple and more it is kept stress free, the more it blossoms in a healthy way. A body is a framework of physical and mental activities working in a balance way to keep an individual healthy and if any one of them fluctuates it may lead to several mild to severe physical and mental ailments. The various life stages namely, Innocence, Intelligence, Innovativeness, Involvement, and Infinity are collectively called as I5 [1]. It is one of the approaches to divide the life phases according to generalized human activities right from childhood till old age.

2.1 Innocence

The age up to 5 years when the child is completely unaware of the surroundings and has no idea about the real world rather has its own happy bubble world. This age is the most innocent stage of a child, who does not know anything about the hardships of life. Sorrow includes no space in this phase.

2.2 Intelligence

The age group range from 18 to 25 years, when the person attains knowledge and wisdom and faces the actual world and feels more responsible. The age with outstanding imagination and willpower to do something great, which can be a boon to the society as well as to the world in whole. The ideal age which can be named as the age of youth, who has a massive capacity to understand, to learn, to become responsible and to work under pressure. The phase when a person recognizes the complexities present in an actual real world, which were completely untouched at the innocence stage.

2.3 Innovativeness

A life stage between 25 and 50 years, where one continues his or her own journey with continuous efforts and can reach miraculous goals. The phase of life when a person can use the intelligence to build up some new ideas, concept, or anything constructive may be a treatment for certain disease etc. which in turn can bring a sense of achievement and contentment to oneself as well as contribute to the upliftment of the society. It is the phase of creativity and to come up with some great inventions. Every effort brings some outcomes and whatever the result is, we should feel happy because each and every step of our helps to construct our life in a more meaningful manner.

2.4 Involvement

The phase of life ranging from 50 to 75 years, when the person has attained certain goal and now it is time to share with the people and society to bring them closer to the facts and experiences in life which can help others to create new advancements in shorter period. The time to get involve with the people and the society and share the earned wisdom with other younger generations so that they get benefits from their practices and reach their goals more efficiently and speedily. This is the age to get active again, but to share the prudence not the practical knowledge which is considered to be antiquated for the new generations.

2.5 Infinity

The last part of life which starts after 75 years and could end up till infinity. The only motto as this stage is to feel grateful and happy for what one has achieved and remain self-contented. It is the phase when people should teach others who are in much younger life stages. An ideal period for reflection and relaxation on the everlasting principles. In a way we can say life stages run in a cycle starting from innocence at childhood and come back again to innocence phase 2 when desires diminish, rather spends time in enjoying life without any obligations or stress [1].

Every stage of life needs good growth assurance for perfect development of an individual and for which health plays a major role. A healthy person plays a key role in building the healthy and happy world. One of the means to assess the growth of the body is based on the following factors: harmony, energy, aesthetics, limberness, tranquility, and happiness [2]. The mentioned parameters are illustrated below in the next section.

3 Health

Today in the active technological world undoubtedly, our efficiency has increased several folds, but giving rise to problems of stress and anxiety which lead into serious mental disorders namely: depression and amnesia. According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as “A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities”. The word health refers to a state of complete physical, social and emotional well-being [11]. This means that health is a resource to support an individual’s function in wider society, rather than to limit to oneself. A healthy lifestyle provides the means to lead a meaningful and purposeful life.

Each parameter of HEALTH is expounded as under [2].

  • H—Harmony/Synchronization of mind and body

  • E—Energy/ Strength and Stamina

  • A—Aesthetics/ Feel Good Factor

  • L—Limberness/ Flexibility of Joints and muscles

  • T—Tranquility/Restful and sound sleep

  • H—Happiness/ Quality of Life

3.1 H: Harmony

The smooth synchronization of body, mind and soul brings bright and melodious success and optimism in life. This coordination helps us to remain healthy with calm and peaceful mind. A healthy one can contribute well to the family, society, and the country.

3.2 E: Energy

The ability to perform different activities. We generate energy by breathing process and it helps to support our complete coordination between body and mind.

3.3 A: Aesthetics

A relation to the beauty and happiness of an individual. The inner happiness reflects in the outer appearance of a person. A person with positive thoughts always has a special beam making him different from others.

3.4 L: Limberness

It is the flexibility of the mind and body to give a definite shape or form. One of the adverse effects due to the enhancement of technology the physical activity of people, especially among kids are significantly reduced giving rise to wrong postures.

3.5 T: Tranquility

The state of being stable and completely in peace. The rest phase when the mind is completely devoid of fears, stress, and uneasiness. More tranquility means more relaxed and powerful mind. The sound sleep is a major challenge in the technological world today, as everyone is so active even at a subconscious state that he or she does not leave all apprehensions behind rather carry it forward even during sleep. Our smart phones and watches also play major role in engaging our thoughts with them.

3.6 H: Happiness

Happiness usually hold different meanings in different individuals. For some it is an achievement of success and for others to stay together with their family and friends. In scientific term we can say, happiness is a state when body and mind are in concord with each other, instead of hampering the mode of functionality of each other that results in disrupting the calmness of our mind and upsets the physical fitness consequential in Physical, Psychological and Psychosomatic conflicts.

An individual can be considered over all fit by taking both physical and mental fitness parameters. All our bodily actions are governed by our thoughts. As we all know that the brain is the physical abode where the mind resides. In fact, the mind is the manifestations of thoughts, perceptions, emotions, determinations, memories, and imaginations that take place within the brain.

Health, therefore, cannot be only determined by a physical appearance, but a mental status should also be taken in consideration. Sometimes our unknown enemy; stress disorders have permanently made domain within ourselves, and we are completely unaware of it. The perfect health assessment method to know changes in our body and mind is by the holistic approach for human betterment, which means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. It should cover the physical, emotional, and social wellbeing of a person. To make it even more precise, a holistic approach focuses on a person's wellness and not just his or her illness.

4 Impacts of Overuse of Technology on Health

Despite having numerous advantages of using modern technologies to create more comfortable and efficient lifestyle, addiction can create negative impacts on our overall health. According to a recent study, the average hours used by 8 to 10 years old kids are approximately 8 h per day with a variety of social media usages and teenagers on an average spending more than 11 h a day [12]. Overuse of technology always bring inappropriate side effects on children’s health. More and more depression cases are reported among teenagers due to increased used of screen time [13].

Figure 1 shows positive and negative impacts of technology. With the moderate use of technology, we can become multitasking, have wider spectrum of knowledge, but at the same time over-dependence on technology may have adverse physical and psychological effects, including eyestrains, poor postures, sleep problems, reduced physical activities which further aggravates the problem of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and other serious diseases, isolation, depression, anxiety, stay confined and not mingled well in a social circle.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Impacts of technology

5 C5 Concept

People are following various stress management practices to keep anxiety disorders away from life and generate positivity. Few examples are as follows: social interaction, listening to music, reading books, joining laughter clubs, doing physical fitness and now C5 concept can also be considered as one huge step in stress relief [1] (Fig. 2). As the name suggests our prime goal is to enhance creative power, increase confidence and contentment level of an individual which in turn can bring calmness and concentration to our minds. The goal of this paper is to use C5 concepts in our daily life to pursue our daily routine activities with full concentration and at the same time remain completely stress free in our inner thoughts and complete our work smoothly without any exhaustion and to achieve complete relaxation in mind through empathetic intelligence.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Numerous techniques to avoid stress along with C5 as one of the strongest tools

A road to contentment and satisfaction and to keep us relaxed and calm ignoring the hardships in life is C5 (Fig. 3). Mental issue like depression is one of the most common issues faced by every society irrespective of age groups. Approximately more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression which is gaining its acceptance as a common mental disorder [14]. As per statistics of 2017 3.4% of global population were suffering from depression [15]. One of the greatest tools to conquer depression in several number of people without wasting their time by waiting in long queues to get a physical appointment with C5 therapists, our research has taken us a step forward with the development of C5 concept through empathetic intelligence which literally means “healing at a distance with complete focus of our mind to bring relaxation and contentment to self by judging the precise emotional situation of a person though augmented reality”. C5 training can be implemented ideally after 25 years once the person attains the stage of innovativeness [1] but looking around the stress issues prevailing in young generations especially C5 can also be applied from the age of intelligence. It is a complete combination of physical treatments and inner calmness. Everything is possible if the functions of mind and body collaborate synchronously with each other, which is the foundation of the C5 concept.

Fig. 3
figure 3

C5: A road to contentment and satisfaction

C5 concept is elucidated concisely as below. It is divided into 5 main categories according to their functional abilities:

5.1 C1: Creativity

Which brings out the inner power of an individual to create something productive. It can be in any form or shape, may be an idea, a machine, or a technology etc. It starts at the beginning of childhood and if it is given a right direction, it can lead to miraculous inventions beneficial both for the nation and the world.

5.2 C2: Contentment

Is the next step after creativity as once the goal is achieved by the sense of creativity, it will certainly lead to the inner contentment of the person. The basic motto of this is to feel well satisfied with whatever we have and if we could not reach our goals in our initial attempts, never give up. The continuous endeavors can never let us fail, but our determination must be rock hard and strong. The strong will power with the inner voice, “I can, and I will get it”- no matter what.

5.3 C3: Confidence

Is the strong will power to reach our aim without thinking if success does not come, how will we face the world. It is the inner strength and inner voice which says, “come what may, I can do it”. The belief in oneself which governs the mind in positive direction and motivates to achieve the target.

5.4 C4: Calmness

The inner peace which resides in our mind and give us a clear direction to follow our path without getting anxious and tensed. Peaceful mind attains the target more successfully and efficiently than the stressed mind [16].

5.5 C5: Concentration

Is the one aim focus on our target that is to bring the mind to zero speed to have a complete control over our thinking. It is the best accomplishment for an individual to get success and serenity in self.

The unexpected grim situation developed due to pandemic Covid-19 all around the world, needless to mention, has significantly increased the depression level among people, as they are forced to stay home, could not interact much within their friends’ circle or connect with their near and dear ones. According to the report published by KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), America the covid -19 pandemic and the economic recession have negatively affected mental health and substance use disorders. The average rate of anxiety and depression disorders among adults which was approximately 11% between January to June 2019 has shown a sharp surge to 41.1% in January 2021 as per the data from the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey in the U.S.A [17].

About 56% of young population aged between 18 and 24 have reported depression during pandemic in the KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) analysis [17].

The combined data from 32 different countries with 398,771 participants pointed out that mental health issues amid Corona pandemic increased in comparison to the time before the covid outbreak [18].The global estimate of stress during pandemic COVID-19 has been illustrated below in the given Fig. 4 [18].

  • Depression-28.0%

  • Anxiety-26.9%

  • Post-traumatic stress symptoms-24.1%

  • Stress-36.5%

  • Psychological Distress-50%

  • Sleep problems-27.6%

Fig. 4
figure 4

Global Estimate of stress during pandemic Covid-19

Hospitals are flooded and giving more preference to covid positive patients than people suffering from other disorders. Hence, in this scenario C5 concept technology works like a boon to the people who are suffering from other physical or emotional serious ailments. It opens the door for alternative home treatments giving the correct treatment at the right time will help the people to recover fast without developing any further serious complications. Similarly, it also applies to improve the mental peace and happiness by connecting people suffering from anxiety and depression to various contentment or serenity clubs comprises of volunteers from all sectors who are interested in bringing creativity and supplementing concentration level by keeping others motivated to follow positive living and thinking.

6 C5 application via Tactile Internet and Haptic Aps

In general, all human senses can interact with machines and technologies to facilitate and improve that interaction via the tactile Internet. The tactile internet is an internet network that combines ultra-low latency with extremely high availability, reliability, and security. It represents; “an innovative level of expansion for society, economics and culture”. The tactile Internet will enable haptic interaction with visual feedback. The term haptic links to the sense of touch, in particular the perception and manipulation of objects using touch and proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of the relative locating of the components of one’s body and the intensity of effort used in movement. The visual response will comprehend not just audiovisual interaction, but also robotic systems that can be monitored in real time as well as triggering robots [19].

Tactile internet makes our lives much convenient during Corona situation, as due to reduced movements outside home gave rise to several issues on; how to shop big articles; for example, furniture, interior designing the rooms and offices etc., regular routine visits to general therapists and psychologists, which could be solved to a large extent with the help of tactile internet along with real touch effect to judge the appearance of a room as well as the quality of a material. Same way the upgradation is required in post covid times to use C5 concept to attain mental peace and calmness along with the fulfillment of basic and advanced physical requirements in our daily lives, as more and more people will prefer to use the tactile internet facilities to consult their C5 therapists without leaving their work and home.

C5 when applied in our daily world combined with communication and technology to check our empathetic index by checking the degree of emotions by watching our expression of eyes through a camera analyzer and read the real emotional state of a person by checking one’s hidden expression by reading beyond one’s eyes. For instance, a person while talking to C5 therapist is smiling, but that may be just a superficial one without any real essence of happiness inside. The therapist may recognize that the smile is not real and can help to find and sort out the minor to major issues of depression, loneliness, hypertension, anxiety etc. by talking to them and prescribing regular mental activities to generate positive thoughts and knocking all negativity behind the screen forever. Daily appointments for performing mental exercises can be made through video and haptic influences.

Haptic Aps make life comfortable, as while sitting at home we can reach several distant locations and feel the actual surroundings and the quality of life there. It is possible that by our one finger touch or eye scan or virtual handshakes, C5 app can judge the emotional state of a person and recommend the nearest expert or specialist at the nearest location to be consulted locally or distantly depending upon the seriousness of the matter (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Application of C5 App to analyze emotional wellbeing of an individual by Haptic Aps

C5 app once created not only help to choose a therapist for consultation but also to keep a track on self-mental status by checking regularly on C5 app and if any help required for mental wellbeing the therapist can be contacted immediately without any further delay. Same way the therapist can sense our touch, facial and eyes expression and even voice modulation to read our mind and to find out the intensity of problem and treats the person accordingly.

6.1 Major Focus Areas of C5

The followings are the major focus areas of the C5 concept:

  1. 1.

    To provide clinical and emotional support by surmounting topographical hurdles, connecting users who are not in the same physical sites.

  2. 2.

    To involve the use of various types of Information and Communications Technology.

  3. 3.

    To expand better health consequences.

6.2 How to Successfully Incorporate C5 in Our Lives

All individuals have their own needs and requirements, and we cannot expect the same outcomes for everyone in a same way. To bring benefits to a wider section of the society C5 should focuses mainly in 4 areas as mentioned below:

  • Routine practice—holds huge benefits in keeping a person completely fit. We do several kinds of physical and mental exercise to generate positivity within ourselves and C5 functions in the same way but more efficiently and even virtually.

  • Distant Interaction among individuals—which allows people to communicate in real-time with number of people sitting in different locations creating augmented real environment, through the tactile internet C5 related app connecting to several Serenity clubs.

  • Store and forward—which permits providers to share sufferers’ information with stress reliever clubs or psychologists in another location.

  • Remote Monitoring of an individual—which allows remote caregivers to monitor long-suffering person that resides at home by using mobile medical devices to collect data (e.g., blood sugar or blood pressure or even the emotional mood of a person).

6.3 C5 Set up

  • For solo psychological therapist, it just requires a basic video conference software to have a C5 session.

  • For large perceptual clubs, a string of experts is connected in various sectors who can be volunteers as stress therapist, so that if one point of contact feel that any particular case needs to be redirected to other expert, it is easy to be connected within minutes along with the whole personal information can be shared through immediately and a sufferer can be relived in a short time without waiting for physical appointments.

6.4 Benefits of C5 Through Tactile Internet Using Empathetic Intelligence (EI)

  • Precise mental assessment can be done through our eye scans and touch sensation and timely treatment can be started to avoid any extreme problem in future.

  • People with limited access to emotional care amenities can now consult stress therapists without leaving their home.

  • A boon to the senior citizens who usually have preference to grow old at their home and they can now be in touch with such amazing services through medical streaming devices.

  • Severe mental disorders can be stopped to a greater extent as individuals suffering from these can be avoided to gather in packed waiting rooms in C5 offline clubs, where in turn seeing any serious depressed person, others suffering with mild stress issues can have a negative impact too. Hence with distant and effective C5 we can avoid this situation.

  • Transportation: People can avoid spending fuel, money or wasting time in traffic with video consultations which further helps to improve the environmental health.

  • No missing work: A person can schedule a consultation during a work break or even after work hours.

6.5 Upcoming Challenges in Application of Online C5 Consultation

  • Unclear Policies: As technology is changing every day with a fast pace, hence it has been quite difficult for policymakers to keep up with the industry. Lots of uncertainties are there regarding matters like reimbursement policies, privacy protection, and healthcare laws.

  • Fewer Face-to-Face Consultations: Chances of error as technology cannot always capture what the human touch can.

  • Technology Is Expensive: New concept of C5 clubs needs time to establish as it requires a lot of time and money. A new system implementation requires training and sometimes staff members find it difficult to welcome this change. Long time consumption to train managers, C5 therapists (psychologists) and other support staff to make them accustomed to learning how to utilize the system. The wise investment on C5 although looks expensive in the beginning, but healthcare systems should see a drastic positive return over time and anticipates having and treating more patients with less staff.

6.6 Applications of C5

It can be applied in several fields: namely.

  • Chronic Stress Management: Touchscreen technology allows providers to access heart rate, blood pressure which also signifies mood swings, glucose levels and more through the transmission of data from one device to another.

  • Exercise Management: Old-age people are more likely to forget to do regular exercises, here plays C5 distance healing a major role. Providers and other stress therapists can use C5 technology to monitor when and if their patients are doing regular prescribed mental exercises. As a result, this leads to fewer severe mental traumatic disorders and enhances calmness, concentration, and contentment compliances.

  • Sharing Personal stress Issues: Today, general therapists can connect a sufferer with C5 specialist (psychologist) who is in another location than them. Perceptual information like heart rate, blood pressure and more can be shared on an immediate basis for appropriate personal assessment in real time.

  • Trauma Room Digression: It is no doubt, that the trauma room is one of the most stressful and congested environments in healthcare. With C5 app crowd in emergency rooms can be reduced by providing online consultation options to patients, which enable them to see a remote therapist using video chat first. The remote therapist can determine if that individual should seek care in a psychological department, which increases efficiency of C5 concept distant treatment.

  • Disaster Relief: When a disaster occurs, it usually results in bringing mental trauma to numerous people and C5 can prove as one of the strongest tools to heal number of people located in different regions through C5 app as stress therapists can support sufferers in other locations by conducting video visits.

  • Mobile C5 App: The best part is it does not require a heavy desktop computer or a lot of equipment, rather it can easily be operated on a smartphone. New generations are well accustomed to download apps and use their smartphones for simple transactions. The same is true for C5 e-consultation. For example, the patient simply opens the app and clicks to choose a therapist, with whom they can speak either by phone, instant message, or video. In this way, C5 can be proved extremely useful in rural and developing countries, where there is very little access to high-quality emotional support center, our future C5 clubs. Besides that, cancellations and no-shows are less likely to occur. In addition, it not only saves a patient from travelling to a clinic, but it also helps them maintain their dignity.

  • C5 therapy contribution for increased productiveness and revenue generation: Emotional health practices that implement C5 e-consultation can also help see more patients and still provide a high care. This leads to increased profitability and effective time management.

6.7 Future of C5 e-Consultation Concept

The future of C5 looks quite promising in strengthening the overall mental health of the global population.

  • Amended mental health of every individual by practicing regularly C5 concept and online monitoring of one’s routine activities.

  • Superior concentration and focus on one’s goal without diversion.

  • Improved results bringing healthier personal and professional life.

  • Online C5 Perceptual Centers, a 24 × 7 online collaborative platform for people, providers, and staff. The future of C5 may look like an emotional support center involving people for mental fitness by regular exercises. With digital monitoring devices and video conferencing, C5 therapists can treat and diagnose more people suffering from normal mild daily tensions to severe traumatic states in less time.

  • International C5 collaboration: strengthening the noncognitive infrastructure in underdeveloped, developing and developing countries overall as C5 e-consultation would lessen the barriers.

  • Wide Acceptability, the involvement in stress reduction exercises will lessen the no. of stress sufferers. It is scientifically proven that if mind is involved in other positive activities, then there is no room for negativity and anxiety. Regular interaction at C5 online centers will experience the reduced wait times and greater access to care and the hesitation regarding C5 will decrease. Stress therapists will also notice remarkable outcomes and high revenue without an increased workload.

  • Online C5 collaboration, the future of C5 will include likely enhanced sharing capabilities that will allow for an individual to share his or her mood swings record for adequate care irrespective of one’s own location.

7 Conclusions

C5 in combination of information and communication technology (ICT), can do real wonders not at the local or societal level, but also at the global level. Now a days every person is running for name, fame, and success, but at the same time somewhere neglecting their inner peace and physical health due to scarcity of time. This paper gives a great solution to maintain holistic fitness in shortest possible time along with magnificent performance in all horizons by bringing complete relaxation of mind.

There is no doubt that the future of C5 is enormously promising and exciting provided we can use the benefits globally by connecting online as well as offline. Once we overcome the flaws of this technology, we can be sure to use it more efficiently to wider population and strengthen the mental and physical health of whole world population. The ultimate motto of C5 is to improve the quality-of-life by maintaining physical and mental fitness and achieving better results in professional and personal fronts, irrespective of their economic and geographical conditions. C5 e-consultation through empathetic intelligence using the tactile internet is a smart way to make people more optimistic towards their life and get rid of their respective mental tensions. A vision is proposed to develop an advanced C5 haptic app which can detect out emotional moods through our touch, eye senses and voice modulation and get the accurate therapy done in an effective and fastest way, fulfilling the target of C5 to take care of wellbeing of each person globally in need.