Erratum to: World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 23:1797–1803 DOI 10.1007/s11274-007-9430-7

Due to unfortunate circumstances, errors were introduced in the above-mentioned article. The correct text is published below and should be treated as definitive by the reader:

Abstract, page 1797. The fourth sentence should read: “One of the main components of Eucalyptus propolis were aromatic acids, mainly cinnamic acid and its esters, that are usually found in Eucalyptus species resins.”

Page 1800, the first sentence of the last paragraph should read: “Our investigation showed that one of the main components of Eucalyptus propolis were aromatic acids, such as cinnamic acid and its esters (Table 1) that are usually found in Eucalyptus species resins.”

Table 1, page 1800. The first two italicized headings must be deleted and replaced by a single heading relating to items 1–17 and should read:

Phosphoric and carboxylic acids