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Measuring Need Satisfaction and Frustration in Educational and Work Contexts: The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS)

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Journal of Happiness Studies Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The satisfaction and frustration of the psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness and competence predict well-being and ill-being outcomes. However, research within educational and work contexts is stifled by the lack of an exhaustively validated measure. Following extensive preparatory and pilot work, the present three studies (total N = 762) aimed to develop such a measure and validate it against the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale (Deci et al. in Personal Soc Psychol Bull 27(8):930–942, 2001) and an adapted version of the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs (Sheldon and Hilpert in Motivation Emot 36(4):439–451, 2012). The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale demonstrated a better factor structure and internal reliability than its predecessors, and good criterion validity. This improvement was due to the exclusion of ambiguous items and items measuring antecedents of need satisfaction and frustration. The results also strengthen current evidence showing that need satisfaction and frustration are distinct but related constructs, and each better predicts well-being and psychological health problems, respectively.

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  1. The BNSW-S and the BNSL-S were retrieved from the website,, which is maintained by E. Deci and R. Ryan from the University of Rochester. It should be noted that the website is subject to change.


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The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Kennon Sheldon, Nikos Ntoumanis, Fernando A. Ortiz, Rod Bond, and Stephen Joseph in conducting this research.

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Correspondence to Ylenio Longo.

Additional information

The portions of this article served as Ylenio Longo master’s dissertation.

Appendix: The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale

Appendix: The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale

Instructions: Please, read each of the following statements carefully. For each statement, use the scale below to circle the response that best represents your opinion.

Strongly disagree


Slightly disagree

Neither disagree nor agree

Slightly agree


Strongly agree








Stem: In my studies…/In my job…

  1. 1.

    I feel I’m given a lot of freedom in deciding how I do things

  2. 2.

    I feel I am prevented from choosing the way I carry out tasks

  3. 3.

    I feel completely free to make my own decisions

  4. 4.

    I feel forced to follow directions regarding what to do

  5. 5.

    I feel under pressure to follow standard procedures

  6. 6.

    I feel free to decide what to do

  7. 7.

    I feel the people I interact with really care about me

  8. 8.

    Sometimes, I feel a bit rejected by others

  9. 9.

    I feel I’m perfectly integrated into a group

  10. 10.

    I feel a bit alone when I’m with other people

  11. 11.

    On occasions, I feel people are a bit cold towards me

  12. 12.

    I feel very close and connected with other people

  13. 13.

    I doubt whether I am able to carry out my tasks properly

  14. 14.

    I feel I am very good at the things I do

  15. 15.

    Occasionally, I feel incapable of succeeding in my tasks

  16. 16.

    I feel highly effective at what I do

  17. 17.

    I feel I can accomplish even the most difficult tasks

  18. 18.

    I sometimes feel unable to master hard challenges

Autonomy satisfaction: 1, 3, 6.

Autonomy frustration: 2, 4, 5.

Relatedness satisfaction: 7, 9, 12.

Relatedness frustration: 8, 10, 11.

Competence satisfaction: 14, 16, 17.

Competence frustration: 13, 15, 18.

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Longo, Y., Gunz, A., Curtis, G.J. et al. Measuring Need Satisfaction and Frustration in Educational and Work Contexts: The Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS). J Happiness Stud 17, 295–317 (2016).

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