It is my pleasure to announce that as of 1 January 2021, I have succeeded Tobias Nipkow as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Automated Reasoning. Owing to Tobias’s inspiring work and of course that of his predecessors and the entire team of editors, the journal is in an enviable position at the apex of automated and interactive theorem proving. Thank you, Tobias.

Several people have indicated that I have big shoes to fill. This is surely meant figuratively (although I would not want to be in Tobias’s shoes when shopping for shoes). So my guiding principle will be “Don’t break it if it ain’t broken.” The only change so far is the retirement of “proof pearls” as a separate article category, in consultation with Tobias. My main focus will be on learning the ropes, on advertising the journal to potential new authors and subcommunities, and on working with the editors and with Springer to ensure that the process from submission to published article is pleasant and efficient.

Jasmin Blanchette


Journal of Automated Reasoning