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We are indebted to many people who assisted in obtaining samples for this study (R.V. Alatalo, D. Baines, T. Ellison, G. Gruber, J.A. Kålås, A. Schmalzer, I. Storch, A. Zeitler, N. Zbinden, G. Kilzer, K-H. Kolb and F. Müller). Ursula Bornhauser and Gunilla Olsson assisted in the lab. The work was supported by a grant from the Swedish National Research Council (VR) to JH and by a fellowship from the Max-Planck Society and a grant from ESF to GS.
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Höglund, J., Larsson, J.K., Jansman, H.A.H. et al. Genetic variability in European black grouse (Tetrao tetrix). Conserv Genet 8, 239–243 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-006-9158-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-006-9158-1