Correction to: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research

The original version of the article unfortunately contained a mistake. The masked citations were missing. It has been updated in this correction and the original article has been updated.

  1. 1.

    In “Methods” section, under the “Recruitment” heading, the masked citation should be updated as,

Clinicians (N = 614) who were part of a practice-based research network in a Midwestern state and lived or worked in a county catchment area targeted for health promotion and support by the non-profit funding agency Missouri Foundation for Health were emailed a brief description of the training opportunity.

  1. 2.

    In “Methods” section, under the heading “Procedures, the masked citation should be updated as,

The Institutional Review Boards of the University of Missouri and Washington University in St. Louis approved all study procedures.

  1. 3.

    In “Methods” section, under the heading “Procedures, the masked citation should be updated as, Clinician participation rate and sample representativeness of the role-play assessments are described in Marriott et al. (2022). Marriott, B. M., Cho, E., Tugendrajch, S. K., Kliethermes, M. D., McMillen, J. C., Proctor, E. K., & Hawley, K. M. (2022). Role-play assessment of therapist adherence and skill in implementation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 49, 374–384. https://doi. org/10.1007/s10488-021-01169-9

  2. 4.

    In “Measures” section, under the heading “TF CBT Adherence and Skill: TF CBT Role Play Assessment (Marriott et al., 2022)”, the masked citation should be updated as

ICC M =.71, SD = 0.18 for overall TF-CBT items) and performance on this assessment positively associated with TF-CBT knowledge and amount of training completed (Marriott et al., 2022).

  1. 5.

    In “Results” section, under the heading “Evaluation of Training Outcomes”, the masked citation should be updated as

Training participation rates have previously been reported (McMillen et al., 2016). McMillen, J. C., Hawley, K. M., & Proctor, E. K. (2016). Mental health clinicians’ participation in web-based training for an evidence supported intervention: Signs of encouragement and trouble ahead. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 43, 592–603.

  1. 6.

    In “Discussion” section, the masked citation should be updated as

There was large variability in the extent of training completed among clinicians across both training groups, with around one-quarter of clinicians not completing any training and the training components with the most support for behavior change, such as the learning partners and online discussion forum, having the lowest levels of participation (McMillen et al., 2016).

  1. 7.

    In “Discussion” section, the masked citation should be updated as

Suggestions to increase accountability provided by clinicians in the qualitative portion of the larger study included having the training be more directive on what needs to be completed and when, and tying continuing education credits to meeting deadlines (McMillen et al., 2016).