Correction to: Clinical Rheumatology (2018) 37:1417–1420

The original publication contains two areas which require correcting. None of these errors change the results or conclusions of the article, but the authors wish to highlight the areas of change to the reader.

The first is in “Results”, “Efficacy”, where the rate of remission at 6 months is listed twice for South Africa. The second listing is incorrect and should be removed, leaving the “Efficacy” section to read:

Rates of remission at 6 months, defined as a DAS28-ESR < 2.6, varied by region. Remission rates were highest in South Africa (29.1%), Europe (27.9%), and the Middle East (27.3%) and lowest in Canada (19.7%), Latin America (17.2%), and Asia (15.0%). Rates of remission were generally highest in regions with the lowest baseline disease activity (i.e., with the highest rates of moderate disease activity) (Fig. 1). An exception to this was South Africa, which had a high rate of high disease activity at baseline and the highest remission rate.

Secondly, the original presentation of Table 1 contained errors in the “Europe”, “Middle East”, “South Africa”, and “Asia” columns in the rows falling under the following row headings: “Concomitant MTX, n (%)”, and “Concomitant csDMARD combinationsc, n (%)”. Table 1 has been corrected and is presented as follows:

Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics, disease activity, and concomitant therapies by region