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Annotated translation of “Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [Note concerning the intended well drilling near Amsterdam]” by J. Drabbe and W. Badon Ghijben (1889)

Traduction annotée de “Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [Note concernant le projet de forage d’un puits près d’Amsterdam]” par J. Drabbe et W. Badon Ghijben (1889)

Traducción comentada de “Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [Nota relativa a la perforación planificada de pozos cerca de Amsterdam]” por J. Drabbe y W. Badon Ghijben (1889)

对 J. Drabbe和 W. Badon Ghijben (1889) 的“Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [关于阿姆斯特丹附近钻井的报告]“翻译及注解

Tradução comentada de “Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [Nota a respeito da intenção de perfuração de poço próximo a Amsterdam]” por J. Drabbe e W. Badon Ghijben (1889)

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Hydrogeology Journal Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The famous report by engineers Drabbe and Badon Ghijben (1889), on an intended well drilling near Amsterdam (the Netherlands), was one of the key documents that contributed to the Ghijben-Herzberg formula, which links water-table elevation to the depth of the freshwater–saltwater interface in coastal aquifers. The report has been often cited but no English translation has appeared in the literature to date. The aim of this annotated translation of the report is to provide the international scientific community with easier access than was hitherto the case, plus electronic access to the original in Dutch. A brief introduction to the report is provided, followed by a translation that follows the original text as closely as possible.


Le célèbre rapport des ingénieurs Drabbe et Badon Ghijben sur le projet de forage d’un puits près d’Amsterdam (Pays Bas), publié en 1889, fut l’un des documents clés qui contribua à la formule de Ghijben-Herzberg qui lie l’altitude du niveau piézométrique à la profondeur de l’interface eau douce – eau salée dans les aquifères côtiers. Le rapport a souvent été cité mais, à la date d’aujourd’hui, aucune traduction n’était disponible dans la littérature. Le but de cette traduction annotée du rapport est. de fournir à la communauté scientifique internationale un accès plus facile que ce qui était le cas jusqu’à présent, ainsi qu’un accès électronique à l’original en hollandais. Une brève introduction au rapport est. fournie, suivie par une traduction, qui suit le texte original du plus près que possible.


El famoso informe de los ingenieros Drabbe y Badon Ghijben publicado en 1889, sobre la perforación planificada de pozos cerca de Amsterdam (Países Bajos), fue uno de los documentos clave que contribuyeron a la fórmula Ghijben-Herzberg, que vincula la elevación de la capa freática con la profundidad de la interfaz agua dulce-agua salada en acuíferos costeros. El informe ha sido citado con frecuencia, pero hasta la fecha no ha aparecido ninguna traducción al inglés en la literatura. El objetivo de esta traducción comentada del informe es proporcionar a la comunidad científica internacional un acceso más fácil que hasta ahora, más el acceso electrónico al original en holandés. Se proporciona una breve introducción al informe, seguida de una traducción que sigue el texto original lo más fielmente posible.


由工程师Drabbe 和Badon Ghijben于1889年发表的有关打算在(荷兰)阿姆斯特丹附近钻井的著名报告是对Ghijben-Herzberg公式做出贡献的关键文档之一,Ghijben-Herzberg公式把沿海含水层的水位高程与淡水咸水界面的深度联系在一起。报告经常被引用,但至今文献中仍没有英语翻译文本。带注解的翻译本报告目的就是以比过去更加容易获取的方式向国际科学界提供信息,并且可在网络上查询荷兰语的原文。先是对该报告做了简要的介绍,然后是尽可能地接近原文的翻译文本。


O famoso relatório dos engenheiros Drabbe e Badon Ghijben, lançado em 1889, a respeito da intenção de perfuração de poço próximo a Amsterdam (Países Baixos), foi um dos principais documentos que contribuíram para a fórmula de Ghijben-Herzberg, que liga a elevação do nível freático à profundidade da interface água doce e água salgada em aquíferos costeiros. O relatório foi frequentemente citado, mas nenhuma tradução em inglês apareceu na literatura até o momento. O objetivo desta tradução comentada do relatório é fornecer à comunidade científica internacional um acesso mais fácil do que previamente, além do acesso eletrônico ao original em holandês. Uma breve introdução ao relatório é fornecida, seguida de uma tradução que segue o texto original o mais próximo possível.

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  1. Submitted to the institute for publication by His Excellency the Minister of War, via letter dated 23 July 1887, Vth Division Corps of Engineers, No. 87.

    Because of several facts that have since then become known and because of the publication of this note in the Journal of the Institute some notes and references have been added during the revision (see Minutes 1887–88, p. 28), in the form of footnotes, to the otherwise unmodified manuscript.

    The “intended” well drilling, meant in the header, has in the meantime been completed near Sloten; a findings report has been submitted to the Institute for publication by His Excellency the Minister of War.

  2. W. C. H. Staring, De bodem van Nederland, 1ste deel, p. 246. In subsequent footnotes this publication will be indicated by the letters B. v. N.

  3. B. v. N., II, p. 119–120, and Verslagen en mededelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 2de reeks, 1ste deel (1885) p 181–193.

  4. Dr. P. Harting, De bodem onder Amsterdam in Verhandelingen van de eerste klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut, 3de reeks, 5e deel (182) p 1752. In subsequent footnotes this publication will be indicated by the letters B. o. A.

  5. B. v. N., II, p. 129–132.

  6. Rapport aan den Koning van de Commissie, benoemd bij Zijner Majesteits besluit van den 16 Juli 1886, n°. 68, tot onderzoek van drinkwater in verband met de verspreiding van cholera en tot aanwijzing der middelen ter voorziening in zuiver drinkwater (1868, second print 1869.)

  7. B. v. N.. I, p. 198 and II, p. 45.

  8. See amongst others B. o. A., p. 173 and plate I, figure 3. When the above was written, it was still unknown to the writer, that professor Harting himself had pointed out the incorrectness of the depiction in the figure already in 1872 (Verslagen en Mededelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 2e reeks, 6e deel, p 182–183). That same depiction is also found in the recently published Waterstaatkundige beschrijving van Nederland, by W. Verwey Az. (Waterbouwkunde, 2e deel, afdeeling XIII), plate XX, figure d.

  9. B. o. A p. 182.

  10. B. v. N., II, p. 131.

  11. B. v. N., I, p. 303–304 and II, p. 130–131.

  12. B. v. N., I, p. 82 and II, p. 45.

  13. B. v. N., I, p. 301.

  14. B. v. N., I, p. 83.

  15. Compare B. v. N., I, p. 85, 2nd paragraph.

  16. Rapport van de Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 344.

  17. B. v. N., I, p. 344–345.

  18. B. v. N., I, p. 299 and Geological map of the Netherlands.

  19. B. v. N., I, p. 215 and 324.

  20. B. v. N., I, p. 81 and 324.

  21. The same holds true for the drillings for the new lock in IJmuiden, where the peat layer meant here has also not been encountered. Peat was encountered there at an elevation of on average 3.0 to on average 2.4 m above AP, yet based on this elevation this can not be a continuation of Holland’s extensive laagveenformatie [tr: sic]; most likely this is peat from a marsh in a dune slack that later became covered (compare B. v. N., I, p. 52) and therefore of a very local nature. This is apparently also the case with the peat, that sometimes becomes exposed along the outer rim of the dunes by coastal erosion.

  22. After this was written, clay and loam has been found in a well drilling near Vogelenzang (so nearly inside the dune body) between sand layers in the diluvium at depths from 45.0 to 51.4, from 51.9 to 52.6 and from 59.6 to 60.2 m below AP. In Haarlem, no diluvial clay had been encountered up until approximately 47.5 m below AP.

  23. In figure 2 only some of the deep drillings in Amsterdam have been included, because the other available data do not yield differences of decisive significance with these. (See B. o. A., plate I, and Notulen K. Inst. v. Ing. 1886–87, plates IV and IVbis). The only thing is that clay layer VI seems to be hardly present near the Utrechtse Poort, according to a (in B. o. A. unused) report in Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. Ing., 1850, 6de stuk, p. 58–59. This last reference contains a more detailed depiction of the drilling on the Nieuwmarkt in Plate III, about which statements of a different nature are found in de Nieuwe Verhandelingen der 1ste klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut, 8ste deel (1840).

    The Figures 2 and 3 have by the way been largely based on the borehole descriptions in the designs no. 66 from 1887 and no. 161 from 1886 regarding the construction of the channel Amsterdam-Merwede, with which the numbers indicated above the figures and in figure 1 of plate 7 correspond.

  24. Here also does the clay layer in question become more sandy in a westerly direction in entirely the same manner as in the cross-sections of plate 6. In this manner, the old alluvial marine deposit in for example Amsterdam and Zeeburg, once more consists of 3 layers that transgrade into one another: at the top clay (II), in the middle more or less clay-containing sand (III) and at the bottom clay, partially mixed with peat of layer IV. Concerning layers II and III professor Harting already remarked, “that one can not consider them to be sharply separated, but that they can perhaps be more appropriately considered to form a single layer”. (B. o. A., p. 130.)

  25. Namely: at the Utrechtse Poort, from 10.44 to 11.35 m below AP “dry peat with wood” (Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I., 1850, 6de stuk, p. 58); on the Passeerdergracht, “a muck layer thick 0.25 m., entirely composed of plant remains in which fragments of linden wood are clearly recognisable” (B. o. A., p. 130); on the Bickerseiland [tr: isle], from 11.99 to 12.86 m below AP “peat” (B. o. A., p. 82).

  26. B. o. A., p. 131, in which multiple botanical details about the nature of the plant remains

  27. See figure 1 of plate 7, in which the numbers in italics font indicate, at which depth below AP the lower surface of the sloping thin peat crust is found.

  28. According to the results of the drillings along the railway line Zaanstreek–Enkhuizen, kindly provided for consultation by the first engineer on duty of the State Railway Lines. At Enkuizen the lower surface of this peat layer has risen again to 12 m below AP.

  29. In two drillings just south of the junction of the St. Aagtendijk and the Nieuwen dijk a thin layer with hard peat has been encountered with the lower surface at on average 19.5 m below AP, because this was not found in several drillings along the Zaan [tr: river] and the mentioned low level displayed so little resemblance with the position at other locations indicated in figure 1 of plate 7, it was considered possible, that one was dealing with a very local condition, without a connection with the other parts of this layer. Hence the word “perhaps”. That doubt raised can now be considered to be relieved, now that the three drillings for the new lock at IJ muiden have resulted in finding with a thickness of 0.25 m, 0.6 m and 0.25 m “peat with wood as well” at almost the same depth (lower surface 19 to 19.05 m below AP).

  30. Also, the coarser sand (sometimes with fine gravel), that in the indicated layer, going down the slope, is practically continuously encountered, namely: in Figure 2 of plate 7, in boring no. 10 at 10.6–10.9 m, at no. 9 at 12.6–13.6 m., at no. 8 at 12.2–14.3 m., at no. 7 at 12.6–14 m, and in Zeeburg at various depths between 13.5 and 15.5 m below AP; in Figure 3 of plate 7, in drilling no. 9 at 11.0–12.5 m, at no. 10 at 12.3–13.8 m. below AP. The same sand layer apparently continues also in a northwesterly direction; amongst others commences in Durgerdam and at the Blauwe hoofd, at around 16 to 18 and 19 m below AP sharp sand, at slightly greater depths mixed with small pebbles.

  31. Details about this are found in: B. o. A., p. 216–217, G. J. Mulder Verhandeling over de wateren en lucht der stad Amsterdam (1827) p. 161–162 and Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. Ing 1850. 6de stuk, p. 64–67.

  32. According to a communication by dr. Lorié. Also see the note [tr: the reference provided here is ambiguous and may be referring to footnotes 33, 36, 37 and 38] on p. 14 and 15.

  33. Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 2de reeks, 8ste deel (1874), p. 282 and 9de deel (1875), p. 42.

  34. Archives du Musée Teyler, Série II. Vol. III, 1re partie (1887). Also see the note [tr: footnote 36] in the next column.

  35. Compare: Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde, 2de reeks, 8ste deel, p. 289 en 9de deel, p. 49.

  36. The drilling at Sloten conducted since then appears to have confirmed these conclusions. Regarding the geological results of this drilling the Algemeen Handelsblad of 3 March 1888 contains a communication by dr. Lorié, to whom the soil samples were sent for investigation. In this one can read amongst others the following. “What makes this drilling of special interest to the geology, is the complete absence of the deeper and thus older marine formation with sea shells, which have been encountered by dr. Harting in various drillings in Amsterdam . . . . and were later referred to by him as the Eemstelsel[tr: Eemian formation] . . . . During the last years I found this Eemstelsel [tr: sic] also in some drillings east of Amsterdam along the Merwedekanaal, along the railway line Amsterdam–Hoorn, in Haarlem and in Vogelenzang. In it many shells occur, which no longer live along our shores, so that it is easy, to discern them from the shells on our coasts and the earth layers of the alluvium. The place where Sloten has now been built, just like Naarden, Weesp, and Muiden, must have been mainland during the North Sea (and not the Zuiderzee) waves ran at the location, where Amsterdam has now been built. Furthermore we consider the entire sand mass at Sloten below 13.3 m to 200 m” (beneath the area located at 1.10 m below AP) “as very old river sand. The land must therefore have been located just as much higher . . . .”

  37. In relation to this consideration it may be worth remarking, that south of Kudelstaart and Aalsmeer, contrary to points located more east- and northward, traces of shells occur in the diluvial sand, so that the sand diluvium appears to be bordered by a sea beach there.

  38. B. v. N., I., p. 304 and II p. 130.

  39. B. v. N., I p. 377 and II p. 130.

  40. Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. Ing., 1850, 6de stuk, p. 33–37, B. v. N., I, p. 303 and II p. 130.

  41. See the note [tr: the reference provided here is ambiguous and may be referring to footnotes 27 or 32] on p. 13.

  42. For more details see: B. o. A., p. 210, and especially Hon. mr. dr. A.D. van Riemsdijk, Dinkwateren grondboringen te Utrecht in 1870, p. 3, 20 and 24–27. In the latter work it is also demonstrated, that, for the assessment of such water from deeper layers, the presences of ammonia should not be associated with the usual negative connotation (see their p. 10–11, p. 27 note, and p. 69–75).

  43. According to dr. Staring there are “examples of wells in diluvial soil, that can not contain infiltrated rainwater and that are separated by a mere few hundred metre from each other, but from which the one yields a completely clear and pure drinking water, the second a yellow, by iron oxide stained water, and the third water, that is impregnated with sulfurhydrogengas.” (Rapport van de Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 57.)

  44. Prise d’eau of the Nieuweramstelsche waterleiding.

  45. These sources are: for the well at the Nieuwmarkt, Het Instituut of Verslagen en mededeelingen van de vier klassen van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut, 1844, blz. 125–12; -- for the well on the Bickerseiland (Groote Bickersstraat; sugar refinery Java of B. Kooy) Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I., 1850, 6de stuk, blz. 41; -- for the wells on the Noordermarkt (between the Noorderkert and the Prinsengracht), on the Muidergracht (Evangelisch-Luthersch Weeshuis, on one of the inner courtyards) and on the Passeerdergracht (at the “Huis van toevlucht voor behoeftigen”): B. o. A., p. 219–221.

  46. Derived: for the well in Zoetermeer, from the Rapport van de Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 340; -- for the well in ‘s Gravenhage, behind the Department of War, from Tijdschrift K. Inst. v. I. 1870–71, blz. 110; − for the wells in Baambrugge and Abcoude (Raadhuis) from analyses of various experts, communicated in 1885 by the former mayor at the time; − for the wells on the Bakenassergracht in Haarlem (beer brewery of H. Lans en Zoon), on the De Wittenkade in Amsterdam (Kristal ice factory) and on the Singelgracht near the station of the Nederlandschen Rijnspoorweg in Amsterdam (beer brewery de Amstel), from analyses by various experts, communicated by our fellow member H. L. A. van den Wall Bake, member of the firm Mijnssen en Co., who installed these wells; -- for the wells in the fortress Spijkerboor, the battery on the Jisperweg, the fortress at Edam, the fortress at Abcoude and the Post no. 8 east of Abcoude, from analyses of mr. M.J.W.H. Muysers, military pharmacist 1st class; -- for the well in the fortress north of Purmerend from analyses of the same, the firm Schalkwijk en Pennink in Rotterdam and mister van Ark, pharmacist in Purmerend.

  47. Regarding the remaining, in Figure 5 of plate 7 occurring data see the notes [tr: footnote 53] on p. 18, col. 1, [tr: footnote 61] on p. 19, col. 1 and [tr: footnote 64] on p. 20, col. 1.

  48. Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen, published by the Eerste klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut, 4th part (1851), p. 301–325.

  49. Between the highest and the lowest water level in the well a difference existed of a mere 81 mm.

  50. B. o. A., p. 222. Professor Harting has later also argued that the wells in Amsterdam are proof that there is a connection between the soil water and the water in het IJ (Rapport der Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 53). In the same spirit dr. Staring wrote that the observations by dr. Stamkart and dr. Matthes “prove that the water levels in het IJ and in the wells are related” (B. v. N., I, p. 309); when the same author stated a few years later, that the increasing salinity of the well water with depth in Amsterdam occurs “apparently by the influence of North Sea water” (Notulen K. Inst. v. I, 1859–60, p. 203), he hereby meant water, which via the Zuiderzee and het IJ originates from the North Sea. In the meantime it appears from the Report concerning the listed observations (from which the very carefully worded sentence paraphrased in the text was obtained), that the observers themselves absolutely do not consider it certain, that the water in the wells would be in communication with het IJ: a relation with the air pressure was also noted in the sense, that lower well water levels coincided with higher barometer readings and vice versa.

  51. B. v. N., I, p. 309.

  52. According to B. v. N., I, p. 309, the water of the well drilling near Leiden “did not become brackish until a significant depth”. Contrary to this, a statement by mr. D.A. Schretlen, who appears to have supervised the execution, contains amongst others the following: “the water from a depth of 16.6 M was brackish and stale in taste”; at a depth of 76.22 m it was “continuously brackish and bitter”; it appeared “that the water in the pipes stood at the same level as the open water” (water in the dewatering canals?) while “it can be assumed, that the water in the pipe should attain a connection to the open water” (Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I. 1850, 6de stuk, p. 34 and 36.)

  53. According to an analysis, reported in Verhandelingen, uitgegeven door de Commissie belast met het vevaardigen eene geologische beschrijving en kaart van Nederland, 1ste dee (1853), p. 140. Assuming that, the entire quantity of 1220 mg chloride is bound to sodium, one arrives at a table salt content of 2.02 per mille. For that analysis only a limited amount of water remaining was available; during an earlier investigation conducted during the drilling it was found, that the water contained “47 grein” (so 3060 mg) “pure sea salt to each Dutch pound” (Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I. 1850, 6de stuk, p. 33.).

  54. See B. o. A., p. 223.

  55. Rapport der Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 52–53; B. v. N., I, p. 309.

  56. B. v. N., I, p. 309. The sentence referenced there immediately follows with a here-omitted “thus” after the incorrect statement, that the water in Gorinchem at a depth of 178 m below AP had a table salt content of “over 2 to one hundred”, which according to note [tr: footnote 53] of the previous column must read per mille.

  57. Notulen K. Inst. v. I. 1859–60, p. 203

  58. Rapport der Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, p. 58.

  59. In there, p. 340.

  60. Beer brewery of H. Lans and Son, Bakenessergracht near [the river] het Spaarne.

  61. Regarding the question, at which chloride content the naturally occurring water is rendered unfit for drinking by a salty or brackish taste, the data diverge somewhat. E. A. Parkes, A. manual of practical hygiene, reports some data by De Chaumont on p. 57 of the 4th edition, concerning the quantities at which different dissolved inorganic substances become noticeable for an average palate; in that respect it is mentioned: 1070 mg chloridesodium, 285 mg chloridepotassium and 715 to 785 mg chloridemagnesium per litre. Supposing now, that these chloride salts are found in the well water in approximately the same mutual proportions as in seawater, then one could still consider potable water with 1050 mg chloridesodium, 35 mg chloridepotassium and 130 mg chloridemagnesium, together containing approximately 750 mg chloride per litre. If one on the other hand assumes that the chloride is bound to sodium, then the intended threshold is already reached at 650 mg chloride per litre.

    A report published by the 1ste klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut about the water of the well on the Noordermarkt in Amsterdam, states at one point, that the taste “according to the findings of about one hundred persons [was] considered to be good”, and at another point: “the ample quantity of table salt, in relation to the small amount of other salts, renders the taste salt and less pleasant for many” (Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen, published by the eerste klasse van het Kon. Ned. Instituut, 4th editition, 1851, p. 294 and 295.) This water, which thus appears to be at the limit of drinkability, had a chloride content of (B. o. A., p. 219–221) a chloride content of 576 to 590 mg/L according to five different analyses.

    From a report in the Deutsche Bauzeitung 1879, p. 205, it follows, that the Stralsund wells of 55 to 59 m depth are made, of which the water is considered to be “relatively good”, though it contains 287.5 to 617.7 mg chloride per litre.

    It follows that a chloride content of 600 to 700 mg (plate 7, figure 5) must be considered the upper limit for drinkability, while a chloride content of 400 mg will presumable meet all the palates. One can easily convince oneself by the way, that this quantity (which corresponds to one teaspoon fine table salt to 2.5 to 3 L of water) does not bring about any changes in taste of the water. One of these is indicated in the aforementioned report about the well on the Noordermarkt in Amsterdam: “the large quantity of carbonic acid, that this water contains, does somewhat correct the taste; after boiling, which drives off the carbonic acid, the salty taste has become stronger”.

    Water from a Norton well at the post n°. 8 east of Abcoude, had, after the iron had precipitated, a pleasant taste and a chloride content of 333 mg/L. About the water from the well on the Bickerseiland [in Amsterdam] drilled in 1849 (with a chloride content of only 245 mg/L) on the other hand, it was testified that: “the first impression is very pleasant, hard and tasty; if one drinks small sips for a while, it leaves a silty aftertaste on the tongue” (Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I., 1850, 6de stuk, p. 40). About this last well one reads in the Report by the drinking water commission (p. 66), cited several times, that it supplied the sugar refinery “of good water for years”, but that 4 years ago (so some 15 years after construction) it had become unusable.

    The aforementioned threshold figures for the chloride content from seawater or sea-alluves, at which the water becomes unsuitable for drinking, do not appear to apply to water from shallow wells, for which the relatively high chloride content is mostly a consequence of the admixture with infiltrated water from a contaminated soil. For according to analyses, conducted in the laboratory of professor J. W. Gunning, the chloride content of the contents of private wells can be taken on average as 5000 mg/L (Rapport der Commissie tot het ontwerpen of voordragen van een plan tot reiniging- en reinhouding van den bodem en de wateren van Amsterdam, 1873, p. 927 en 928.)

    If one isolates from the numerous water analyses, appearing in the Appendices VII and VIII of the Rapport der Commissie tot onderzoek van drinkwater, those, of which well water with respect to taste and external properties were considered to be favourable, it turns out, that the highest chloride contents were: 161, 178, 179, 183, 190, 202, 204, 207, 213, 215, 270 and 278 mg/L (sample nos. 14, 130, 26, 234, 129, 235, 227, 193, 138, 236, 195 and 52, respectively). This corresponds rather well with a report by Hon. mr. dr. Van Riemsdijk on p. 3 of the on p. 16 cited work, that a table salt content of 300 mg/L (so a chloride content of 182 mg/L) has to be considered as a maximum for good well water in Utrecht, the word “good” must apparently be interpreted here as “good visually and according to taste”. Based on this one can apparently assume, that a chloride content of 150 to 250 mg/L must be held for the threshold of drinkability for wells that are not deep (plate 7, figure 5).

  62. For harmless drinking water it is often demanded, that the chloride content does not exceed a value of 20 to 30 or of 35 mg/L, since a larger amount of chloride compounds, consistent with the last part of the previous note, renders the water susceptible to contamination by infiltration water from the surface, in which germs of contaminants can be present; the water of our main rivers namely usually has a chloride content of between 10 and 17 mg/L up until close to the sea, an amount that is not seldom found in good rainwater. It goes without saying, that this demand (although completely justified for shallow wells outside our sea provinces, but which is not met even by the excellent water of our dune water supply), has no significance whatsoever when assessing water from deep wells, the high chloride content of which apparently originates from the sea. The passage stated in the text: “the salt is not harmful when it can not be tasted” only refers to this special case of course.

  63. The three-pronged origin of the table salt stated here, namely the seawater originally present in the sea deposits, the water of the brackish dewatering canals and that of the sea itself, -- has also been presented in a slightly different form in B. v. N., p. 308–309.

  64. According to Appendix N of the Memorie van Toelichting, belonging to the draft legislation for the reclamation of the southern part of the Zuiderzee (Bijlagen tot de Handelingen der Staten Generaal, 2de Kamer, zitting 1876–77, no. 174), the chloride content of the water in the intended part of the Zuiderzee can be taken as 6000 mg/L on average.

    During an investigation initiated in 1885 for State Medicinal Supervision it was found, that the water of the dewatering canals of Amstelland is saline everywhere and contains more table salt, as one approaches Amsterdam. In front of the Bijleveld it was found in Kokengen 2730 mg and in Harmelen 1395 mg chloride per litre (Verslag over den toestand der provincie Utrecht in 1885, Appendix VI, p. 41.)

    From the analyses by dr. G. J. Mulder, communicated in the Verhandeling over de wateren en lucht der stad Amsterdam, it can be calculated, that the chloride content of the water in 1825 was: in the Zuiderzee at Muiderberg 5624 mg/L; in het IJ at the Schreijerstoren 5294 mg/L; in the Amstel at het Kalfje north of Ouderkerk 5310 mg/L, and in the canals of Amsterdam approximately as the latter two figures.

    Based on those data and considering the changing water management and the frequent inlet of water from the Zuiderzee in Zeeburg, the figures on the right-hand side of figure 5 of plate 7 were estimated to give an indication. Since then it has been found that in doing so the chloride content of Amsterdam’s canals and the dewatering canals of Amstelland near Amsterdam has been estimated on the high side, and that at least after some rain does not exceed 4500 to 2500 mg/L.

  65. The rainwater meant here, does not infiltrate into the ground in Amsterdam itself of course. The water in the upper soil of the capital is usually brackish and seldom contains less than circa 2500 to 3500 mg chloride per litre (Rapport der Commissie tot het ontwerpen van een plan tot reiniging, enz., p. 929); further compare the italicised citation in the next note.

  66. According to a since then initiated investigation of two water samples, which were taken near the Fortress north of Purmerend on 17 October 1887, the chloride content of the Beemsterringvaart (Schermerboezem) is 2698 mg/L and in the Beemster 923 mg/L. If one assumes that a weak solution of table salt, is like this water, according to the experiments by professor Harting “does not lose absolutely anything of its chloridesodium content upon passing through the soil(B. o. A., p. 226; B. v. N., I p. 309), then the low chloride of the well water (on average 30 mg/L) contrasts starkly with the figures above.

  67. Since then it has been found, that the dewatering canals of Amstelland at Abcoude, on the 3rd of September 1887, when after a summer drought some rain had fallen, had a chloride content of 2177 mg/L.

  68. After the fact from the previous note this assumption becomes less plausible.

  69. Above this depth of 42 a dune water would be flowing seaward, below it North Sea water would be encroaching landward in the same manner as the phenomena regarding locks, reported by mr. J. F. W. Conrad at the institute’s meeting on the 12th of April 1881 (Notulen K. Inst. v. I. 1880–81, p. 71); the numbers of 40 to 50 mentioned in there are apparently analogous to the coefficient of 42 calculated here.

  70. At the since then completed well drilling in Sloten water with a salt content nearly as low as dune water has actually been found at a depth of circa 35 and 48 m below AP. Below this depth, at about 55 m below AP, the salt content suddenly starts to increase. At a depth of 200 m below AP the water of the well is 1.5 times as saline as the water from the Zuiderzee, so that it appears that one has to assume, that North Sea water encroaches beneath the dunes already at a depth less than what has been assumed.

  71. This figure of 15 has been assumed by estimation, presuming, that the chloride content of the dewatering canals of Amstelland at Oudekerk probably would be 4500 to 5000, and that of the dewatering canals of Rijnland near Sloten would not exceed 300 to 350 mg/L. Since then it has been found though that the former figure presumably amounts usually to merely half of the assumed value, and that the latter on the other hand has to be assumed about 4 times higher; the proportionality factor of 15 is then reduced to somewhat less than 2. A brief clarification to explain this erroneous estimate: according to an analysis of water, which had been taken in November 1825 from the then lake Haarlemmermeer at Sloten, the chloride content was 393 mg/L at the time (dr. G. J. Mulder, Verhandeling etc., p. 66). Considering the improved water circulation in Rijnland it seemed that one could assume, that the figure would now be somewhat lower than then; other analyses of the dewatering canals of Rijnland appeared to confirm this; for example the Brouwersvaart at Overveen with 208 mg chloride per litre (Verhandelingen K. Inst. v. I. 1850, 6de stuk, p. 102); and also the waters in the surroundings of Leiderdorp and Leiden with merely 65 to 147 mg/L (sample nos. 49, 62, 64, 200 and 201 of Appendices VII and VIII of the Rapport der drinkwater-commissie cited multiple times). Contrary to this it has now become clear, that the northern part of the dewatering canals of Rijnland can at least not be considered to be “relatively fresh”.


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The author would like to thank Sue Duncan for her assistance with the preparation of the translation for final publication.

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Post, V.E.A. Annotated translation of “Nota in verband met de voorgenomen putboring nabij Amsterdam [Note concerning the intended well drilling near Amsterdam]” by J. Drabbe and W. Badon Ghijben (1889). Hydrogeol J 26, 1771–1788 (2018).

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