Correction to: European Journal of Pediatrics (2020) 179:191–202

In the original version of this article, a reader pointed out that there was a mistake in the phrasing in a paragraph. This could potentially be harmful to children. The authors agree to change the wording “vitreous fluid” will be changed to “aqueous humor”. The corrected section is as follows:


Although not minimally invasive or easily accessible, the aqueous humor has been retrospectively examined in 26 patients with retinoblastomas. Tumor-specific copy number alterations and RB1 mutations detected in the aqueous humor using shallow whole-genome sequencing strongly correlated with the need for eye enucleation. This testing may become a biomarker to guide the important decision whether to enucleate or salvage the eye in future trials [5, 6]. Blood-based liquid biopsies have not been explored for retinoblastoma.