Correction to: European Journal of Applied Physiology

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in the Fig. 5. The corrected Fig. 5 is given in the following page.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Boxplots of time-course changes in the shear modulus of the individual hamstrings following the resistance exercise sessions. EW, eccentric contraction with wide range of motion (red box); EN, eccentric contraction with narrow range of motion (blue box); CW, concentric contraction with wide range of motion (green box); BFlh, biceps femoris long head; ST, semitendinosus; SM, semimembranosus. *: pre-exercise versus 3 min post-exercise. #: 3 min post-exercise versus 30 min post-exercise. : 3 min post-exercise versus 60 min post-exercise. ○: the group mean value in each measured variable. + : outlier value in each measured variable