Colloid Polym Sci (2005) 283:975–981

Unfortunately, the publisher printed Figures 1–8 with errors. The correct figures are given here.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Difference between film tension and surface tension versus total molality curves at a constant composition: (1) \(\hat X_2 \) =0.00772, (2) 0.01379, (3) 0.01810, (4) 0.03015, (5) 0.09173, (6) 0.2150, (7) 0.2884, (8) 0.3817, (9) 0.4984, and (10) 0.7999

Fig. 2
figure 2

Total molality versus composition curves at constant film tension: (1) γf=50 mN m−1, (2) 55, (3) 60

Fig. 3
figure 3

a Film tension at phase transition versus and surface tension at CMC versus composition curves; (solid line) γf,eq versus \(\hat X_2 ,\) (dotted line) 2γc versus \(\hat X_2 ;\) b total molality at phase transition versus and CMC versus composition curves; (solid line) \(\hat m^{{\text{eq}}} \) versus \(\hat X_2 ,\) (dotted line) \({\hat C}\) versus \(\hat X_2\)

Fig. 4
figure 4

(a) Total surface density versus total molality curves at constant composition; (solid lines) \(\hat \Gamma ^{\text{F}} \) versus \(\hat m,\) (dotted lines) \(\hat \Gamma ^{\text{H}} \) versus \(\hat m;\) and (filled circle) \(\hat \Gamma ^{\text{F}} \) at the CMC, (open circle) \(\hat \Gamma ^{\text{H}} \) at the CMC; (b) difference in total surface density versus total molality curves at constant composition; (filled circle) \(\hat \Gamma ^{\text{F}} - \hat \Gamma ^{\text{H}} \) at the CMC: (1) \(\hat X_2 \) =0.00772, (2) 0.01379, (3) 0.01810, (4) 0.03015, (5) 0.09173, (6) 0.2150, (7) 0.2884, (8) 0.3817, (9) 0.4984, and (10) 0.7999

Fig. 5
figure 5

Total molality versus composition curves at constant film tension: (1) γf=50 mN m−1, (2) 55, (3) 60; (dotted lines) \({\hat m}\) versus \(\hat X_2^{\text{F}} ,\) (solid lines) \({\hat m}\) versus \(\hat X_2 \)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Total molality versus composition difference curves at constant film tension: (a) (1) γf=60 mN m−1, (2) 55; (b) 51.3; and (c) 50

Fig. 7
figure 7

Film tension at phase transition versus composition curves: (1) \(\hat X_2^{{\text{F,c}}} ,\) (2) \(\hat X_2^{{\text{F,N}}} ;\) and (open circle) \(\hat X_2^{{\text{F,c}}} \) at the CMC, and (filled circle) \(\hat X_2^{{\text{F,N}}} \) at the CMC

Fig. 8
figure 8

Left- and right-hand sides of Eq. 45 versus composition curve: (solid lines) left-hand side, (open circle) right-hand side