Correction to: Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (2020) 85:585–592

The authors wish to report two errors in the formulae in Table 1 concerning the formulae used to estimate creatinine clearance.

In the BSA adjusted CKD-EPI formula (Calvert-CKD-EPI) [1], the formula for eGFR should read.

Calvert CKD-EPI

pCL (mL/min) = eGFR + 25

eGFR = 141 × min(cre/κ1, 1)α1 × max(cre/κ1, 1) −1.209 × 0.993Age [× 1.018 if female] × (BSA/1.73)

κ1 is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males, α1 is − 0.329 for females and − 0.411 for males, min is the minimum of cre/κ1 or 1, and max is the maximum of cer/κ1 or 1

  1. cre serum creatinin (mg/dL), BSA body surface area (m2)

Similarly, in the BSA adjusted CKD-EPI creatinine-cystatin equation (Calvert-CKD-EPI_cys) [2] the formula for eGFR should read.

Calvert CKD-EPI-cysC

pCL (mL/min) = eGFR + 25

eGFR = 135 × min(cre/κ2, 1)α2 × max(cre/κ2, 1) −0.601 × min(CysC/0.8, 1)−0.375 × max(CysC/0.8, 1) −0.711 × 0.995Age [× 0.969 if female] × (BSA/1.73)

κ2 is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males, α2 is − 0.248 for females and − 0.207 for males, min indicates the minimum of cre/κ2 or 1, and max indicates the maximum of cre/κ2 or 1

  1. cre serum creatinin (mg/dL), CysC serum cystatin C (mg/L), BSA body surface area (m2)