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“It’s all in the mix”: constructing ethnic segregation as a social problem in Germany

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Journal of Housing and the Built Environment Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The creation of a balanced ethnic mix at the neighbourhood level is a common objective of contemporary housing policies in many European countries. According to its proponents, these policies aim to stimulate social mobility and social integration, often within a wider attempt at urban regeneration. Germany is looking back at a long tradition of mixing strategies aimed at ethnic desegregation. Whereas other countries take a more subtle approach, targeting ethnic segregation indirectly by means of a social or housing mix, some German cities have tried to prevent ethnic concentrations by imposing moving-in bans or quotas on foreigners in certain quarters, restrictions that are still maintained under the recent anti-discrimination legislation. In applying a constructionist approach, the article critically discusses the reasoning behind the German policies. It tries to shed light on some shared features in the discourse on ethnic segregation across Europe and highlights the particularities of the German strategies. It further tackles the question of future prospects for desegregative housing policies against the background of demographic realities, the entrance of financial investors in the (German) housing market and the ongoing shrinkage of the social housing sector.

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  1. Since 1955, the recruitment of guest workers, the process of family reunification, the influx of Ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe, as well as the reception of asylum-seekers have led to the growth of the immigrant population. Today, 8.9% of the population in Germany are foreigners or legal aliens. However, recently the term ‘person with a migratory background’ is gaining currency. This term refers both to foreign nationals and German citizens who are themselves immigrants (repatriates, naturalized foreigners) and to their children born in Germany. One in every five persons living in Germany has an immigrant background; 62% of all immigrants are Europeans, with Turkish immigrants constituting the largest group (14.2% of all immigrants), followed by immigrants from the Russian Federation (9.4%), Poland (6.9) and Italy (4.2%) (Destatis/Statistisches Bundesamt 2007a).

  2. See Jacobs et al. 2004 for the constructionist approach underlying this paper.

  3. Ethnic Germans are repatriates from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Between 1950 and 1987, 1.4 million ‘Aussiedler’ moved to Germany, primarily from Poland and Romania. Between 1988 and 2005 a total of three million people of this group entered Germany and immediately received German citizenship upon arrival. However, since the mid-1990s, the number of Ethnic Germans has shrunk steadily in proportion to that of their family members who are not of German origin. Consequently, the proportion of ‘Aussiedler’ without any German language skills has grown and makes integration more difficult (Focus Migration 2007).

  4. Interestingly, Semyonov, Glikman and Krysan (2007, p. 442) found in their analysis of the 2003 European Social Survey that comparatively few Germans expressed a preference for living in neighbourhoods without immigrants (under 25% of the population wishing to reside in homogeneous communities). Such preference was highest in Greece, Belgium, and Portugal (where over 40% prefer residence in areas without ethnic minorities) and lowest in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, and France with other countries such as the Netherlands, Finland, and Spain falling in between, with about one-third of the respondents indicating that they wish to reside in a homogeneous neighbourhood.

  5. The concept of the social landlord in Germany differs from the way it is understood elsewhere, as it is not limited to those dwellings managed by non-profit housing organisations. Social rented housing in Germany is defined in terms of supply subsidies and rent regulation.


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The author would like to thank Lorenz Riemer, Sabine Tzschaschel and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on this article.

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Münch, S. “It’s all in the mix”: constructing ethnic segregation as a social problem in Germany. J Hous and the Built Environ 24, 441–455 (2009).

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