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Foamed polymers. cellular structure and properties

  • Conference paper
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Industrial Developments

Part of the book series: Advances in Polymer Science ((POLYMER,volume 51))

  • 499 Accesses


This survey deals with the fundamental morphological parameters of foamed polymers including size, shape and number of cells, closeness of cells, cellular structure anisotropy, cell size distribution, surface area etc. The methods of measurement and calculation of these parameters are discussed. Attempts are made to evaluate the effect and the contribution of each of these parameters to the main physical properties of foamed polymers namely apparent density, strength and thermoconductivity. The cellular structure of foamed polymers is considered as a particular case of porous statistical systems. Future trends and tasks in the study of the morphology and cellular structure-properties relations are discussed.

Nichts ist drinnen, nichts ist draussen: Denn was innen, das ist außen. J. W. v. Goethe

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Soviet grade resol phenol-formaldehyde foam


Soviet grade resol-formaldehyde foam


Gas-Structural Element


Soviet grade rigid polyurethane foam


Soviet grades polystyrene foam


Soviet grade rigid poly(vinyl chloride) foam


normalization constant


side of cube


number of angles




cell diameter

dcr :

critical (minimum) cell diameter

dmax :

maximum cell diameter


cell diameter, width of cell

Da :

arithmetical cell diameter

Dg :

geometrical cell diameter

Di :

current cell diameter

Dn :

nominal cell diameter

Ds :

surface cell diameter

Dp :

probable cell diameter

Dv :

volume cell diameter

D, D :

cell diameters parallel and perpendicular to heat flux

Ef :

flexibility modulus

Ep :

modulus of polymer phase

EO :

modulus of rod


weight of polymer phase

gc :

weight of polymer per cell


gas filling

Gf :

gas-filling factor

Gm :

active gas filling


height of cell


length ratio; parameter

KO :

Hankel function


intermediate layer depth


mass of dry foam

mg :

mass of gas in foam

mw :

mass of wet foam

Mp :

mass of polymer phase of foam


total number of cells (spheres)

Nb :

number of cells in a cubic

Ni :

current number of cells

NV :

number of cells having a volume V




probability; load

q, q1, q2, q3 :

anisotropy coefficients


effective anisotropy coefficient


weight of foam


cell (spherical) radius

rc :

curvature radius

rh :

hydraulic radius

rmax :

maximum radius

rp :

planar projection radius

RB :

roughness factor

Rc :

inscribed circle radius


surface area


surface area increment

Sa :

cross-sectional area

Sc :

surface area of cell

Sd :

surface area of conducting cells

Sext :

external surface area

Sint :

internal surface area

Ss :

surfase area of spherical cell

Ssp :

specific surface area

S Ksp :

kinetic specific surface area

S Msp :

mass specific surface area

S Vsp :

volumetric specific surface area

Svis :

visible surface area

SΣ :

total surface area

SO :

original cross-sectional area


temperature gradient


filling ratio

v, v1, v2, v3 :

wave propagation velocities

vg :

wave propagation velocity in gas phase

vp :

wave propagation velocity in polymer phase


packed volume

Vc :

cell volume

Vd :

volume of dry foam

Veff :

effective cell volume

Vg :

volume of gas phase

Vm :

volume of cells not participating in filtration process

Vmax :

volume containing a maximum number of cells

Vs :

volume of solid (polymer) phase

Vsp :

specific cell volume

VO :

net volume of foam


sphere size distribution function


depth of cell; distance between spheres


section plan




angle; parameter

αS :

surface aspect ratio

αV :

volume aspect ratio


width-to-length ratio


apparent density (volumetric weight) of foam

γp :

density of polymer phase; density of unexpanded polymer

γm :

minimum of γ

γy :

value of γ at distance “y”

γ1 :

increment of γ


true apparent density of foam


gradient of γ


gamma function


wall thickness of cell

δcr :

critical (minimum) wall thickness of cell


deformation; strain

εc :

compressive deformation

εmax :

maximum deformation

εt :

tensile deformation


distribution median

ϑg :

volume fraction of gas phase

ϑp :

volume fraction of polymer phase

ϑ cp :

value ϑp for closest packed foam

ϑw :

volume fraction of water phase

ϑ cw :

value ϑw for closest packed foam

ϑα :

volume fraction of open cells

ϑ cα :

value ϑα for closest packed foam


coefficient of variation



λc :

convective thermoconductivity

λg :

thermoconductivity of gas phase

λr :

radiative thermoconductivity

λs :

thermoconductivity of solid phase

μi :



number of contacts






standard deviation; root-mean-square deviation

σc :

compressive strength

σt :

tensile strength


roundness of cell shape


sphericity of cell shape


configuration factor

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Shutov, F.A. (1983). Foamed polymers. cellular structure and properties. In: Industrial Developments. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 51. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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