1 Introduction

Memory-hard functions (MHFs) are a promising primitive to help protect low entropy user passwords against offline attacks. MHFs can generally be divided into two categories: data-dependent (dMHF) and data-independent (iMHF). A data-independent MHF (iMHF) is characterized by the property that the memory-access pattern induced by an honest evaluation algorithm is not dependent on the input to the function (e.g., the password). In contexts such as password hashing, iMHFs are useful for their resistance to side-channel attacks such as cache-timing [Ber]Footnote 1.

Both in theory and in practice, iMHFs (e.g.,[BDK16, CGBS16, CJMS14, Cox14, Wu15, Pin14, AABSJ14]) can be viewed as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) which describes how inputs and outputs of various calls to an underlying compression function are related. That is, the function \(f_{G,h}\) can be fully specified in terms of a DAG G and a round function h. The input to the function is the label of the source node(s) and the output of the function is the label of the sink node(s). The label of node v is computed by applying the round function h to the labels of v’s parents.

The goal of a MHF is to ensure that it is cost prohibitive for an attacker to evaluate \(f_{G,t}\) millions or billions of times even if the attacker can use customized hardware (e.g., FPGAs, ASICs). Thus, we wish to lower bound the “cumulative memory complexity” or “amortized area-time complexity” of any algorithm that computes \(f_{G,h}\).

1.1 iMHFs, Graph Pebbling and Depth-Robustness

In the parallel random oracle model, the memory hardness of the iMHF \(f_{G,h}\) can be characterized using the parallel black pebbling game on the graph G [AS15, CGBS16, FLW13]. In particular, the “cumulative memory complexity” or “amortized area-time complexity” of \(f_{G,h}\) is (essentially) equivalent to the cumulative cost of any legal black pebbling of G in the parallel Random Oracle Model (pROM) [AS15]. Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) \(G=(V,E)\), the goal of the (parallel) black pebbling game is to place pebbles on all sink nodes of G (not necessarily simultaneously). The game is played in rounds and we use \(P_i \subseteq V\) to denote the set of currently pebbled nodes on round i. Initially all nodes are unpebbled, \(P_0 = \emptyset \), and in each round \(i \ge 1\) we may only include \(v \in P_i\) if all of v’s parents were pebbled in the previous configuration (\({\mathsf {parents}} (v) \subseteq P_{i-1}\)) or if v was already pebbled in the last round (\(v \in P_{i-1}\)). The cumulative cost of the pebbling is defined to be \(|P_1|+\ldots + |P_t|\).

Graph pebbling is a particularly useful as a tool to analyze the security of an iMHF [AS15]. A pebbling of G naturally corresponds to an algorithm to compute the iMHF. Alwen and Serbinenko [AS15] proved that in the parallel random oracle model (pROM) of computation, any algorithm evaluating such an iMHF could be reduced to a pebbling strategy with (approximately) the same cumulative memory cost.

Recently it has been shown that for a DAG G to have high “amortized area-time complexity” it is both necessary [ABP17a] and sufficient [AB16] for G to be very depth-robust, where an (edb)-block depth robust DAG G has the property that after removing any subset \(S \subseteq V(G)\) of up to e blocks of b-consecutive nodes (and adjacent edges) there remains a directed path of length d in \(G-S\) (when \(b=1\) we simply say that G is (ed)-depth robust). It is particularly important to understand the depth-robustness and cumulative pebbling cost of iMHF candidates.

1.2 Argon2i

Of particular importance is the iMHF candidate Argon2i [BDK15], winner of the password hashing competition. Argon2i is being considered for standardization by the Cryptography Form Research Group (CFRG) of the IRTF [BDKJ16]Footnote 2.

While significant progress has been made in the last two years in understanding the depth-robustness and cumulative pebbling complexity of candidate iMHFs (e.g., see Table 1) there is still a large gap in the lower and upper bounds for Argon2i, which is arguably the most important iMHF candidate to understand. A table summarizing the asymptotic cumulative complexity of various iMHFs can be found in Table 1.

Table 1. Overview of the asymptotic cumulative complexity of various iMHF.

1.3 Results

We first completely characterize the depth-robustness of Argon2i in Theorem 1, and then apply our bounds to develop (nearly tight) upper and lower bounds on the cumulative pebbling cost of Argon2i — see Theorems 2 and 3. For comparison, the previous best known upper bound for Argon2i was \(O\left( n^{1.8}\right) \) and the best known lower bound was \(\varOmega \left( n^{5/3}\right) \). Our new bounds are \(O\left( n^{1.7676}\right) \) and \(\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{7/4}\right) \) respectively.

Interestingly, Theorem 1 shows that Argon2i is more depth-robust than Argon2i-A as well as other competing iMHFs such as Catena [FLW13] or Balloon Hashing [CGBS16]Footnote 3. Furthermore, Theorem 2 in combination with attacks of Alwen et al. [ABP17a] show that Argon2i enjoys strictly greater cumulative memory complexity than Catena [FLW13] or Balloon Hashing [CGBS16] as well as the earlier version Argon2i-A.

Theorem 1

Argon2i is \(\left( e,\tilde{\varOmega }(n^3/e^3),\varOmega (n/e)\right) \)-block depth robust with high probability.

Theorem 2

For any \(\epsilon >0\) the cumulative pebbling cost of a random Argon2i DAG G is at most \( \varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G) = O(n^{1+a+\epsilon })\) with high probability, where \(a=\frac{1/3+\sqrt{1+4/9}}{2}\approx 0.7676\).

Theorem 3

With high probability, the cumulative pebbling cost of a random Argon2i DAG G is at least \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G) =\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{7/4}\right) \) with high probability.

Theorem 4

If G contains all of the edges of the form \((i-1,i)\) for \(1<i\le n\) and is (edb)-block depth robust, then G is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d,\frac{eb}{2n}\right) \)-fractional depth robust.

Techniques. To upper bound the depth-robustness of Argon2i we use the layered attack of [AB16]. Once we know that Argon2i is depth-reducible for multiple different points \((e_i,d_i)\) along a curve, then we can apply a recursive pebbling attack of Alwen et al. [ABP17a] to obtain the upper bounds on cumulative pebbling complexity from Theorem 2.

Lower bounding the depth-robustness of Argon2i is significantly more challenging. We adapt and generalize techniques from Erdos et al. [EGS75] to reason about the depth-robustness of meta-graph \(G_m\) of an Argon2i DAG G (essentially, the meta-graph is formed by compressing each group of m sequential nodes in G into a single point to obtain a new graph with \(n'=n/m\) nodes). We prove that for appropriate choice of m and \(r^*\) that the meta-graph is a local expander meaning that for every \(r \ge r^*\) every node \(x \le (n/m)+1\,-\,2r\) the sets \([x,\,x\,+\,r-1]\) and \([x+r,x+2r-1]\) are connected by an expander graph. We then use local expansion to lower bound the depth-robustness of \(G_m\). Finally, we can apply a result of Alwen et al. [ABP17a] to translate this bound to a lower bound on the block depth robustness of \(G_m\).

Finally, we extend ideas from [ABP17a] to lower bound the cumulative pebbling complexity of an Argon2i DAG. Essentially, we show that any pebbling strategy must either keep \(\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.75}\right) \) pebbles on the graph during most pebbling rounds or repebble a \(\left( \tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.75}\right) ,\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.75}\right) \right) \)-depth robust graph \(\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.25}\right) \) times. In the first case the cumulative cost is at least \(\varOmega \left( n\times n^{0.75}\right) \) since we have at least n pebbling rounds and in the second case we also have that cumulative cost is at least \(\varOmega \left( n^{0.25} \times n^{1.5}\right) \) since the cost to repebble a \(\left( e=\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.75}\right) ,d=\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{0.75}\right) \right) \)-depth robust graph is at least ed [ABP17a].

2 Related Work

[ABW03] noticed that that cache-misses are more egalitarian than computation and therefore proposed the use of functions which maximize the number of expensive cache misses, “memory-bound” functions. Percival [Per09] observed that memory costs seemed to be more stable across different architectures and proposed the use of memory-hard functions (MHFs) for password hashing. Since the cost of computing the function is primarily memory related (storing/retrieving data values) and cannot be significantly reduced by constructing an ASIC, there presently seems to be a consensus that memory hard functions are the “right tool” for constructing moderately expensive functions. In fact, all entrants in the password hashing competition claimed some form of memory hardness [PHC]. Percival [Per09] introduced a candidate memory hard function called scrypt, which has subsequently been shown to be vulnerable to side-channel attacks as its computation yields a memory access pattern that is data-dependent (i.e., depends on the secret input/password). On the positive side this function has been shown to require maximum possible cumulative memory complexity to evaluate [ACP+17].

Alwen and Blocki [AB16] gave an attack on Argon2i-A (an earlier version of Argon2i) with cumulative memory complexity \(O(n^{1.75} \log n)\) as well as several other iMHF candidates. They later extended the attack to Argon2i-B (the current version) showing that the function has complexity \(O(n^{1.8})\) [AB17]. Alwen and Blocki [AB16] also showed that any iMHF has cumulative memory complexity at most \(O\left( \frac{n^2 \log \log n}{\log n}\right) \), and Alwen et al. [ABP17a] later constructed a graph with cumulative pebbling complexity at least \(\varOmega \left( \frac{n^2 \log \log n}{\log n}\right) \). Alwen et al. [ABP17a] also found a “recursive version” of the [AB16] attack which further reduced the cumulative memory complexity of Argon2i-A to \(\tilde{O}\left( n^{1.708}\right) \). At the same time they established a lower bound of \(\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{1.\bar{6}} \right) \) for Argon2i-A and Argon2i-B.

Depth-robust graphs have found several applications in theoretical computer science e.g., proving lowerbounds on circuit complexity and Turing machine time [Val77, PR80, Sch82, Sch83]. [MMV13] constructed proofs of sequential work using depth-robust graph and more recently depth-robust graphs were used to prove lower bounds in the domain of proof complexity [AdRNV16]. Recent results [AB16, ABP17a] demonstrate that depth-robustness is a necessary and sufficient property for a secure iMHF. Several constructions of graphs with low indegree exhibiting this asymptotically optimally depth-robustness are given in the literature [EGS75, PR80, Sch82, Sch83, MMV13, ABP17b] but none of these constructions are suitable for practical deployment.

3 Preliminaries

Let \({\mathbb {N}} \) denote the set \(\{0,1,\ldots \}\) and \({\mathbb {N}} ^+ = \{1, 2,\ldots \}\). Let \({\mathbb {N}} _{\ge c} = \{c, c+1, c+2, \ldots \}\) for \(c \in {\mathbb {N}} \). Define [n] to be the set \(\{1, 2,\ldots ,n\}\) and \([a,b]= \{a, a+1, \ldots , b\}\) where \(a,b\in {\mathbb {N}} \) with \(a\le b\).

We say that a directed acyclic graph (DAG) \(G=(V,E)\) has size n if \(|V| = n\). We shall assume that G is labeled in topological order. A node \(v\in V\) has indegree \({\delta } = {\mathsf {indeg}} (v)\) if there exist \({\delta } \) incoming edges \({\delta } = |(V \times \{v\}) \cap E|\). More generally, we say that G has indegree \({\delta } ={\mathsf {indeg}} (G)\) if the maximum indegree of any node of G is \({\delta } \). A node with indegree 0 is called a source node and a node with no outgoing edges is called a sink. We use \({\mathsf {parents}} _G(v) = \{u \in V: (u,v) \in E\}\) to denote the parents of a node \(v \in V\). In general, we use \({\mathsf {ancestors}} _G(v) = \bigcup _{i \ge 1} {\mathsf {parents}} _G^i(v)\) to denote the set of all ancestors of v — here, \({\mathsf {parents}} _G^2(v) = {\mathsf {parents}} _G\left( {\mathsf {parents}} _G(v) \right) \) denotes the grandparents of v and \({\mathsf {parents}} ^{i+1}_G(v) = {\mathsf {parents}} _G\left( {\mathsf {parents}} ^i_G(v)\right) \). When G is clear from context we will simply write \({\mathsf {parents}} \) (\({\mathsf {ancestors}} \)). We denote the set of all sinks of G with \({\mathsf {sinks}} (G)=\{v\in V: \not \exists (v,u)\in E\}\) — note that \({\mathsf {ancestors}} \left( {\mathsf {sinks}} (G) \right) = V\). We often consider the set of all DAGs of equal size \({\mathbb {G}} _n=\{G=(V,E)\ : \ |V|=n\}\) and often will bound the maximum indegree \({\mathbb {G}} _{n,{\delta }} = \{G\in {\mathbb {G}} _n : {\mathsf {indeg}} (G) \le {\delta } \}\). For directed path \(p=(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_z)\) in G, its length is the number of nodes it traverses, \({\mathsf {length}} (p):=z\). The depth \(d={\mathsf {depth}} (G)\) of DAG G is the length of the longest directed path in G.

We will often consider graphs obtained from other graphs by removing subsets of nodes. Therefore if \(S \subset V\), then we denote by \(G-S\) the DAG obtained from G by removing nodes S and incident edges. The following is a central definition to our work.

Definition 1

(Block Depth-Robustness). Given a node v, let \(N(v, b) = \{v-b+1,\ldots ,v\}\) denote a segment of b consecutive nodes ending at v. Similarly, given a set \(S\subseteq V,\) let \(N(S,b)=\cup _{v\in S}N(v,b)\). We say that a DAG G is (edb)-block-depth-robust if for every set \(S\subseteq V\) of size \(|S|\le e\), we have \({\mathsf {depth}} (G-N(s,b))\ge d\). If \(b=1\), we simply say G is (ed)-depth-robust and if G is not (ed)-depth-robust, we say that G is (ed)-depth-reducible.

Observe when \(b>1\) (edb)-block-depth robustness is a strictly stronger notion that (ed)-depth-robustness since the set N(Sb) of nodes that we remove may have size as large as \(\left| N(S,b) \right| = eb\). Thus, \((e,d,b \ge 1)\)-block depth robustness implies (ed)-depth robustness. However, (ed)-depth robustness only implies (e / bdb)-block depth robustness.

We fix our notation for the parallel graph pebbling game following [AS15].

Definition 2

(Parallel/Sequential Graph Pebbling). Let \(G= (V,E)\) be a DAG and let \(T \subseteq V\) be a target set of nodes to be pebbled. A pebbling configuration (of G) is a subset \(P_i\subseteq V\). A legal parallel pebbling of T is a sequence \(P=(P_0,\ldots ,P_t)\) of pebbling configurations of G where \(P_0 = \emptyset \) and which satisfies conditions 1 & 2 below.

  1. 1.

    At some step every target node is pebbled (though not necessarily simultaneously).

    $$ \forall x \in T~ \exists z \le t ~~:~~x\in P_z.$$
  2. 2.

    Pebbles are added only when their predecessors already have a pebble at the end of the previous step.

    $$ \forall i \in [t]~~:~~ x \in (P_i \setminus P_{i-1}) ~\Rightarrow ~ {\mathsf {parents}} (x) \subseteq P_{i-1}.$$

We denote with \(\mathcal{P}_{G,T}\) (and \(\mathcal{P}^{\parallel }_{G,T}\)) the set of all legal (parallel) pebblings of G with target set T. We will be mostly interested in the case where \(T = {\mathsf {sinks}} (G)\) and then will simply write \(\mathcal{P}^{\parallel }_{G}\).

We remark that in the sequential black pebbling game, we face the additional restriction that at most one pebble is place in each step (\( \forall i \in [t]~~:~~ |P_i \setminus P_{i-1}|\le 1\)), while in the parallel black pebbling game there is no such restriction. The cumulative complexity of a pebbling \(P=\{P_0,\ldots ,P_t\}\in \mathcal{P}^{\parallel }_G\) is defined to be \(\varPi _{cc}(P)= \sum _{i\in [t]}|P_i|\). The cumulative cost of pebbling a graph G a target set \(T \subseteq V\) is defined to be

$$\begin{aligned} \varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G,T)=\min _{P\in \mathcal{P}^{\parallel }_{G,T}}\varPi _{cc}(P) \ . \end{aligned}$$

When \(T = {\mathsf {sinks}} (G)\), we simplify notation and write \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G)=\min _{P\in \mathcal{P}^{\parallel }_{G}}\varPi _{cc}(P)\).

3.1 Edge Distribution of Argon2i-B

Definition 3 gives the edge distribution for the single-lane/single-pass version of Argon2i-B. The definition also captures the core of the Argon2i-B edge distribution for multiple lane/multiple-pass variants of Argon2i-B. While we focus on the single-lane/single-pass variant for ease of exposition, we stress that all of our results can be extended to multiple-lane/multiple-pass versions of Argon2i-B provided that the parameters \(\tau ,\ell = O(1)\) are constants. Here, \(\ell \) is the number of lanes and \(\tau \) is the number of passes and in practice these parameters \(\ell \) and \(\tau \) will be always be constants.

Definition 3

The Argon2i-B is a graph \(G=(V=[n],E)\), where \(E = \{ (i,i+1)~:~ i \in [n-1]\} \cup \{(r(i),i)\}\), where r(i) is a random value distributed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [r(i)= j]= \Pr _{x \in [N]}\left[ i\left( 1-\frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \in (j-1,j] \right] , \end{aligned}$$

since \(i\left( 1-\frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \) is not always an integer. Note that we assume \(n \ll N\). In the current Argon2i-B implementation we have, \(N=2^{32}\). By contrast, we will have \(n\le 2^{24}\) in practice.

3.2 Metagraphs

We will use the notion of a metagraph in our analysis. Fix an arbitrary integer \(m\in [n]\) and set \(n'=\lfloor n/m\rfloor \). Given a DAG G, we will define a DAG \(G_m\) called the metagraph of G. For this, we use the following sets. For all \(i \in [n']\), let \(M_i = [(i-1)m+1,im] \subseteq V\). Moreover, we denote the first and last thirds respectively of \(M_i\) with

$$ M_i^F = \left[ (i-1)m+1,(i-1)m+\left\lfloor \frac{m}{3}\right\rfloor \right] \subseteq M_i \ , $$


$$ M_i^L = \left[ (i-1)m+\left\lceil \frac{2m}{3} \right\rceil +1, im\right] \subseteq M_i \ . $$

We define the metagraph \(G_m=(V_m, E_m)\) as follows:


Nodes: :

\(V_m\) contains one node \(v_i\) per set \(M_i\). We call \(v_i\) the simple node and \(M_i\) its meta-node.

Edges: :

If the end of a meta-node \(M_i^L\) is connected to the beginning \(M_j^F\) of another meta-node we connect their simple nodes.


$$ V_m = \{v_i : i\in [n'] \} ~~~~~~~~~~~~ E_m = \{(v_i, v_j) : E \cap (M_i^L \times M_j^F) \ne \emptyset \} .$$

Claim 1 is a simple extension of a result from [ABP17a], which will be useful in our analysis.

Claim 1

([ABP17a], Claim 1). If \(G_m\) is (ed)-depth robust, then G is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},\frac{dm}{3},m\right) \)-block depth robust.

4 Depth-Reducibility of Argon2iB

In this section, we show that the Argon2i-B is depth reducible with high probability. Then, using results from previous layered attacks (such as [AB16, ABP17a]), we show an upper bound on the computational complexity of Argon2i-B.

Theorem 5

With high probability, the Argon2i-B graph is \(\left( e,\varOmega \left( \left( \frac{n}{e}\right) ^3\right) \right) \)-depth reducible.


Recall that for node i, Argon2i-B creates an edge from i to parent node \(i\left( 1-\frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \), where \(x\in \left[ N\right] \) is picked uniformly at random. Suppose we remove a node between every g nodes, leaving gap size g. Suppose also that we have L layers, each of size \(\frac{n}{L}\). Let i be in layer \(\alpha \), so that \(i\in \left[ \left( \alpha -1\right) \frac{n}{L},\alpha \frac{n}{L}\right] \). Then the probability that the parent of i is also in layer \(\alpha \), for \(\alpha >1\), is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Pr}\left[ \left( \alpha -1\right) \frac{n}{L}\le i\left( 1-\frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \right]&\le \mathbf {Pr}\left[ \left( \alpha -1\right) \frac{n}{iL}\le \left( 1-\frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \right] \\&=\mathbf {Pr}\left[ \left( \frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \le \frac{iL-(\alpha -1)n}{iL}\right] \\&\le \mathbf {Pr}\left[ \left( \frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \le \frac{\alpha n-(\alpha -1)n}{iL}\right] \\&\le \mathbf {Pr}\left[ \left( \frac{x^2}{N^2}\right) \le \frac{n}{(\alpha -1)n}\right] \\&\le \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha -1}} \end{aligned}$$

Thus, the expected number of in-layer edges is at most

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{n}{L}\left( 1+\frac{1}{\sqrt{1}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}+\ldots \right) <\frac{n}{L}\left( 2\int _1^L\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha -1}}\,d\alpha \right) =4\frac{n}{\sqrt{L}}. \end{aligned}$$

Hence, if we remove a node between every g nodes, as well as all in-layer edges, we have \(e=\frac{n}{g}+\frac{4n}{\sqrt{L}}\). We can apply standard concentration bounds to show that the number of in-layer edges is tightly concentrated around the mean. As a result, the depth is at most g nodes each gap over all L layers, \(d=gL\). Therefore, Argon2i-B is \(\left( \frac{n}{g}+\frac{4n}{\sqrt{L}},gL\right) \) depth reducible. Setting \(g=\sqrt{L}\) shows \(\left( \frac{5n}{\sqrt{L}},L^{3/2}\right) \) depth reducibility. Consequently, for \(e=\frac{5n}{\sqrt{L}}\), then \(L^{3/2}=\left( \frac{5n}{e}\right) ^3\), and the result follows.

Given function f, we say that G is f-reducible if G is (f(d), d)-reducible for each value \(d \in [n]\). Theorem 6, due to Alwen et al. [ABP17a], upper bounds \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G)\) for any f-reducible DAG.

Theorem 6

([ABP17a], Theorem 8). Let G be a f-reducible DAG on n nodes then if \(f(d)=\tilde{O}\left( \frac{n}{d^b}\right) \) for some constant \(0<b\le \frac{2}{3}\) then for any constant \(\epsilon >0\), the cumulative pebbling cost of G is at most \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G) = O(n^{1+a+\epsilon })\), where \(a=\frac{1-2b+\sqrt{1+4b^2}}{2}\).

Reminder of Theorem

2 . For any \(\epsilon >0\) the cumulative pebbling cost of a random Argon2i DAG G is at most \( \varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G) = O(n^{1+a+\epsilon })\) with high probability, where \(a=\frac{1/3+\sqrt{1+4/9}}{2}\approx 0.7676\).

Proof of

Theorem 2 : By Theorem 5, the Argon2i-B graph is f-reducible for \(b=\frac{1}{3}\) with high probability, and the result follows.   \(\square \)

5 Depth-Robustness for Argon2iB

In this section we show the general block-depth robustness curve of a random Argon2i-B DAG. We will ultimately use these results to lower bound the cumulative pebbling of an Argon2i-B DAG in Sect. 6. Interestingly, our lower bound from Theorem 1 matches the upper bound from Theorem 5 in the last section up to logarithmic factors. Thus, both results are essentially tight.

Reminder of Theorem

1 . Argon2i is \(\left( e,\tilde{\varOmega }(n^3/e^3),\varOmega (n/e)\right) \)-block depth robust with high probability.

The notion of a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander will be useful in our proofs. Definition 4 extends the basic notion of a \(\delta \)-local expander from [EGS75]. [EGS75] showed that for a sufficiently small constant \(\delta \), any \(\delta \)-local expander is \((\varOmega (n),\varOmega (n))\)-depth robust.

Definition 4

A directed acyclic graph G (with n nodes) is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander if for all \(r \ge r^*\) and for all \(x\le n-2r+1\) and all \(A\subseteq \{x,\ldots ,x+r-1\}\), \(B\subseteq \{x+r,\ldots ,x+2r-1\}\) such that \(|A|,|B|\ge \delta r\), we have \(E(G) \cap (A \times B) \ne \emptyset \). That is, there exists an edge from some node in A to some node in B. If \(r^*=1\), then we say G is a \(\delta \)-local expander.

Proof Overview: We set \(m=\varOmega (n/e)\) and construct a metagraph \(G_m\) for a random Argon2i-B graph, and bound the probability that two metanodes in \(G_m\) are connected, using Claims 2 and 3. Using these bounds, we show that the metagraph \(G_m\) for a random Argon2i-B graph is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with high probability for \(r^*=\tilde{\varOmega }(e^3/n^2)\) (we will be interested in the realm where \(e=\varOmega (n^{2/3})\)) and some suitably small constant \(\delta >0\). We then divide the metagraph into several layers. With respect to a set S, we call a layer “good” if S does not remove too many elements from the layer. We then show that there exists a long path between these layers, which indicates that the remaining graph has high depth.

We now show that the Argon2i-B class of graphs is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with high probability. Given a directed acyclic graph G with n nodes sampled from the Argon2i-B distribution, let \(G_m\) be the graph with the metanodes of G, where each metanode has size \(m=6n^{1/3}\log n\), so that \(G_m\) has \(\frac{n}{m}=\frac{n^{2/3}}{6\log n}\) nodes. First, given two metanodes \(x,y\in G_m\) with \(x<y\), we bound the probability that for node i in metanode y, there exists an edge from x to i.

Claim 2

For each \(x,y\in G_m\) with \(y>x\) and node i in metanode y, there exists an edge from the last third of metanode x to node i with probability at least \(\frac{1}{12\sqrt{y}\sqrt{y-x+1}}\).

Claim 3

For any two metanodes \(x,y\in G_m\) with \(x<y\), the last third of x is connected to the first third of y with probability at least \(\frac{m\sqrt{m}}{m\sqrt{m}+36\sqrt{n(y-x+1)}}\).

This allows us to show that the probability there exist subsets \(A\subseteq [x,x+r-1]\) and \(B\subseteq [x+r,x+2r-1]\) of size \(\delta r\) such that A has no edge to B is at most \(e^{-\delta r\log (1+\sqrt{\log n})}\left( {\begin{array}{c}r\\ \delta r\end{array}}\right) ^2\). We then use Stirling’s approximation to show this term is negligible, and then apply the union bound over all vertices x and all \(r\ge r^*\), which shows that the metagraph \(G_m\) (for Argon2i) is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with high probability.

Lemma 1

Let \(m=n/(20000e)\) then for \(r^* = \tilde{\varOmega }(e^3/n^2) = \tilde{\varOmega }(n/m^3)\) the metagraph \(G_m\) (for Argon2i) is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with high probability.

We now divide \(G_m\) into layers \(L_1,L_2,\ldots L_{n/(mr^*)}\) of size \(r^*\) each. Say that a layer \(L_i\) is c-good with respect to a subset \(S \subseteq V(G_m)\) if for all \(t \ge 0\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \left| S \cap \left( \bigcup _{j=i}^{i+t-1} L_j \right) \right| \le c\left| \left( \bigcup _{j=i}^{i+t-1} L_j \right) \right| \ \text{, } \text{ and } \left| S \cap \left( \bigcup _{j=i-t+1}^{i} L_j \right) \right| \le c\left| \left( \bigcup _{j=i-t+1}^{i} L_j \right) \right| \ , \end{aligned}$$

We ultimately want to argue that \(G_m-S\) has a path through these good layers.

Claim 4

If \(|S| < n/(10000m)\) then at least half of the layers \(L_1,L_2,\ldots L_{n/(mr^*)}\) are (1 / 1000)-good with respect to S.

Fixing a set S let \(H_{1,S},H_{2,S},\ldots ,\) denote the c-good layers and let \(R_{1,S} = H_{1,S}-S\) and let \(R_{i+1,S} = \{x \in H_{i+1,S}~ |\) x can be reached from some \(y \in R_{i,S}\) in \(G_m-S\}\).

Lemma 2

Suppose that for any S with \(|S| \le e\) and \(i \le n/(2mr^*)\), the set \(R_{i,S} \ne \emptyset \). Then \(G_m\) is \((e=n/(10000m),n/(2mr^*))\)-depth robust and G is \((e=n/(20000m), n/(6r^*), m)\)-block depth robust.


Removing any \(e=n/(10000m)\) nodes from \(G_m\), there is still a path passing through each good layer since \(R_{i,S} \ne \emptyset \) and there are at least \(n/(2mr^*)\) good layers. Thus, \(G_m\) is \((e=n/(10000m),n/(2mr^*))\)-depth robust. Then block depth robustness follows from Claim 1. Intuitively, removing \(e=n/(20000m)\) blocks of nodes of size m from G can affect at most n / (10000m) metanodes. Thus, there is a path of length \((m/3)n/(2mr^*)= n/(6r^*)\) through G, and so G is \((e=n/(20000m), n/(6r^*), m)\)-block depth robust.

We now show that the number of nodes in each reachable good layer \(R_{i,S}\) is relatively high, which allows us to construct a path through the nodes in each of these layers. We first show that if two good layers \(H_{i,S}\) and \(H_{i+1,S}\) are close to each other, then no intermediate layer contains too many nodes in S, so we can use expansion to inductively argue that each intermediate layer has many reachable nodes from \(R_{i,S}\), and it follows that \(R_{i+1,S}\) is large. On the other hand, if \(H_{i,S}\) and \(H_{i+1,S}\) have a large number of intermediate layers in between, then the argument becomes slightly more involved. However, we can use local expansion to argue that most of the intermediate layers have the property that most of the nodes in that layer are reachable. We then use a careful argument to show that as we move close to layer \(H_{i+1,S}\), the density of layers with this property increases. It then follows that \(R_{i+1,S}\) is large. See Fig. 1 for example.

Lemma 3

Suppose that \(G_m\) is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with \(\delta =1/16\) and let \(S \subseteq V(G_m)\) be given such that \(|S| \le n/(10000m)\). Then, \(|R_{i,S}| \ge 7r^*/8\).

Proof of

Theorem 1 : Let \(m=n/20000e\) and let G be a random Argon2i DAG. Lemma 1 shows that the metagraph \(G_m\) of a random Argon2i DAG G is a \((\delta ,r^*)\)-local expander with high probability for \(r^* = \tilde{\varOmega }\left( e^3/n^2\right) \). Now fix any set \(S \subseteq G_m\) of size \(|S|\le e\). Claim 4 now implies we have at least \(n/(2mr^*)\) good layers \(H_{1,S},\ldots ,H_{n/(2mr^*)}\). Theorem 1 now follows by applying Lemma 3 and Lemma 2.

   \(\square \)

6 Cumulative Pebbling Cost of Argon2iB

We now use the depth-robust results to show a lower bound on the cumulative pebbling complexity of Argon2iB. Given a pebbling of G, we show in Theorem 7 that if at any point the number of pebbles on G is low, then we must completely re-pebble a depth-robust graph. We then appeal to a result which provides a lower bound on the cost of pebbling a depth-robust graph.

Theorem 7

Suppose G is a DAG that has an edge from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) for all \(\frac{n}{2}\le j\le n-\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) and \(1\le i\le \frac{n}{2}-b+1\). If the subgraph induced by nodes \(\left[ 1,\frac{n}{2}\right] \) is (edb)-block depth robust, then the cost to pebble G is at least \(\min \left( \frac{en}{8},\frac{edb}{1024\log n}\right) \).

First, we exhibit a property which occurs if the number of pebbles on G is low:

Lemma 4

Suppose G is a DAG that has an edge from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) for all \(\frac{n}{2}\le j\le n-\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) and \(1\le i\le \frac{n}{2}-b+1\). Suppose also that the subgraph induced by nodes \(\left[ 1,\frac{n}{2}\right] \) is (edb)-block depth robust. For a subset \(S\subset \left[ 1,\frac{n}{2}\right] \), if \(|S|<\frac{e}{2}\), then \(H={\mathsf {ancestors}} _{G-S}\left( \left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \right) \) is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d\right) \)-depth robust.


Let \(G_1\) denote the subgraph induced by first \(\frac{n}{2}\) nodes. Note that H contains the graph \(W=G_1-\bigcup _{x\in S} [x-b+1,x]\) since there exists an edge from each interval \([x-b+1,x]\). Moreover, W is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d,b\right) \)-block depth robust since \(G_1\) is (edb)-block depth robust contains only \(\frac{e}{2}\) additional blocks. Finally, since W is a subgraph of H, then H is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d\right) \)-depth robust.

Lemma 5

([ABP17a], Corollary 2). Given a DAG \(G=(V,E)\) and subsets \(S,T\subset V\) such that \(S\cap T=\emptyset \), let \(G'=G-(V\slash {\mathsf {ancestors}} _{G-S}(T))\). If \(G'\) is (ed)-depth robust, then the cost of pebbling \(G-S\) with target set T is \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G-S,T)>ed\).

We now prove Theorem 7.

Proof of

Theorem 7 : For each interval of length \(\frac{256n\log n}{b}\), let \(t_1\) denote the first time we pebble the first node, let \(t_2\) denote the first time we pebble the middle node of the interval, and let \(t_3\) denote the first time we pebble the last node of the interval. We show \(\sum _{t\in [t_1,t_3]}|P_t|\ge \min \{ en\log (n)/(2b), ed/2 \}\). Then a pebbling do at least one of the following:

  1. 1.

    Keep \(\frac{e}{2}\) pebbles on G for at least \(\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) steps (i.e., during the entire interval \([t_1,t_2]\))

  2. 2.

    Pay \(\left( \frac{e}{2}\right) d\) to repebble a (e / 2, d)-depth robust DAG during before round \(t_3\). (Lemma 4)

In the first case, \(|P_t|\ge \frac{e}{2}\) for each \(t\in [t_1,t_2]\), which is at least \(\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) time steps. In the second case, there exists \(t\in [t_1,t_2]\) such that \(|P_t|<\frac{e}{2}\). Then by Lemmas 4 and 5, \(\sum _{t \in [t_1,t_3]}|P_t|\ge \frac{ed}{2}\). The cost of the first case is \(\frac{64en\log n}{b}\) and the cost of the second case is \(\frac{ed}{2}\). Since the last n / 2 nodes can be partitioned into \((n/2)/(256(n/b)\log n) = b/(512\log n)\) such intervals, then the cost is at least \(\left( \frac{b}{512\log n}\right) \min \left( \frac{64en\log n}{2b},\frac{ed}{2}\right) \), and the result follows.   \(\square \)

We now provide a lower bound on the probability that there exists an edge between two nodes in the Argon2iB graph.

Claim 5

Let \(i,j \in [n]\) be given \((i\ne j\)) and let G be a random Argon2iB DAG on n nodes. There exists an edge from node j to i in G with probability at least \(\frac{1}{4n}\).

Using the bound on the probability of two nodes being connected, we can also lower bound the probability that two intervals are connected in the Argon2iB graph.

Lemma 6

Let \(b \ge 1\) be a constant. Then with high probability, an Argon2iB DAG has the property that for all pairs ij such that \(\frac{n}{2}\le j\le n-\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) and \(1\le i\le \frac{n}{2}-b+1\) there is an edge from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \).


By Claim 5, the probability that there exists an edge from a specific node \(y\in [i,i+b-1]\) to a specific node \(x\in \left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) is at least \(\frac{1}{4n}\). Then the expected number of edges from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) is at least \(\frac{1}{4n}(128n\log n)=32\log n\). By Chernoff bounds, the probability that there exists no edge from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) is at most \(\frac{1}{n^4}\). Taking a union bound over all possible intervals, the graph of Argon2iB is a DAG that has an edge from \([i,i+b-1]\) to \(\left[ j,j+\frac{128n\log n}{b}\right] \) and all \(\frac{n}{2}+j\le n-\frac{128n\log n}{b}\) and \(1\le i\le \frac{n}{2}-b+1\) with probability at least \(1-\frac{1}{n^2}\).

We now have all the tools to lower bound the computational complexity of Argon2iB.

Reminder of Theorem

3 . With high probability, the cumulative pebbling cost of a random Argon2i DAG G is at least \(\varPi ^{\parallel }_{cc}(G) =\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{7/4}\right) \) with high probability.

Proof of

Theorem 3 : The result follows Theorem 7, Lemma 6, and setting \(e=d=n^{3/4}\) and \(b=n^{1/4}\).

   \(\square \)

7 Fractional Depth-Robustness

Thus far, our analysis has focused on Argon2i, the data-independent mode of operation for Argon2. In this section, we argue that our analysis of the depth-robustness of Argon2i has important security implications for both data-dependent modes of operation: Argon2 and Argon2id. In particular, we prove a generic relationship between block-depth robustness and fractional depth-robustness of any block-depth robust DAG such as Argon2i. Intuitively, fractional depth-robustness says that even if we delete e vertices from the DAG that a large fraction of the remaining vertices have depth \(\ge d\) in the remaining graph.

In the context of a dMHF fractional depth-robustness is a significant metric because the attacker will be repeatedly challenged for a random data-label. Intuitively, if the attacker reduces memory usage and only stores e data labels, then there is a good chance that the attacker will need time \(\ge d\) to respond to each challenge. It is known that SCRYPT has cumulative memory complexity \(\varOmega (n^2)\). However, SCRYPT allows for dramatic space-time trade-off attacks (e.g., attackers could evaluate SCRYPT with memory O(1) if they are willing to run in time \(O(n^2)\)). Our results are compelling evidence for the hypothesis that similar time space-trade offs are not possible for Argon2 or Argon2id without incurring a dramatic increase in cumulative memory complexity (We believe that providing a formal proof of this claim could be a fruitful avenue of future research). In particular, our results provide strong evidence that any evaluation algorithm either (1) requires space \(\varOmega \left( n^{0.99}\right) \) for at least n steps, or (2) has cumulative memory complexity \(\omega \left( n^2 \right) \) since it should take time \(\tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^3/e^3\right) = \tilde{\varOmega }\left( n^{2\epsilon } \times \frac{n}{e}\right) \) on average to respond to a random challenge on with any configuration with space \(e = O(n^{1-\epsilon })\). By contrast for SCRYPT, it may only take time \(\varOmega (n/e)\) to respond to a random challenge starting from a configuration with space e — while this is sufficient to ensure cumulative memory complexity \(\varOmega (n^2)\), it does not prevent space-time trade-off attacks.

Definition 5

Recall that the depth of a specific vertex v in graph G, denoted \({\mathsf {depth}} (v,G)\) is the length of the longest path to v in G. We say that a DAG \(G=(V,E)\) is (edf)-fractionally depth robust if for all \(S\subseteq V\) with \(|S|\le e\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} |\{v\in V:\,{\mathsf {depth}} (v,G-S)\ge d\}|\ge f\cdot n. \end{aligned}$$

Then we have the following theorem which relates fractional depth-robustness and block depth-robustness.

Reminder of Theorem

4 . If G contains all of the edges of the form \((i-1,i)\) for \(1<i\le n\) and is (edb)-block depth robust, then G is \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d,\frac{eb}{2n}\right) \)-fractional depth robust.

Proof of

Theorem 4 : Suppose, by way of contradiction, that G is not \(\left( \frac{e}{2},d,\frac{eb}{2n}\right) \)-fractionally depth robust. Then let S be a set of size \(\frac{e}{2}\) such that at most \(\frac{eb}{2n}\) nodes in G have depth at least d. Now consider the following procedure:

figure a

We remark that during round i, the interval \([v,v+b-1]\) either (1) covers b nodes at depth at least d in \(G - S_i\), or (2) covers some node in the set \(S_0\). Since at most \(\frac{eb}{2}\) nodes in \(G- \left( S_i \cup S\right) \) have depth at least d the first case can happen at most e/2 times. Similarly, the second case can happen at most \(|S| = \frac{e}{2}\) times, and each time we hit this case we decrease the size of the set \(\left| S \setminus \bigcup _{v \in S'} [v,v+b-1] \right| \) by at least one. Thus, the above procedure returns a set \(S'\) of size \(|S'|\le e\) such that \({\mathsf {depth}} (G-\bigcup _{v \in S'} [v,v+b-1]) < d\). But then, the longest path in the resulting graph is at most \(d-1\), which contradicts that G is (edb)-block depth robust.   \(\square \)

Corollary 1

Argon2i is \(\left( e,\tilde{\varOmega }(n^3/e^3),\varOmega (1)\right) \)-fractional depth robust with high probability.