
1 Introduction

Many symmetric cryptographic schemes are built generically from an underlying component, like a hash function or a block cipher. For several recent examples (e.g., hash functions [15, 39], authenticated-encryption schemes [4], PRNGs [16], garbling schemes [10]), this component is a (keyless) permutation, which is either designed from scratch to meet certain cryptanalytic goals (as in the case of SHA-3 and derived algorithms based on the sponge paradigm) or is instantiated by fixing the key in a block cipher like AES (as in the garbling scheme of [10]).

The security of these schemes is usually proved in the ideal-permutation model, that is, the permutation is randomly chosen, and all parties are given (black-box) access to it. Essentially no non-tautological assumptions on permutations are known which are sufficient to imply security.Footnote 1 This situation is in sharp contrast to that of hash functions, where despite the popularity of the random-oracle model, we have a good understanding of plausible security assumptions that can be satisfied by these functions. This is particularly important – not so much because we want to put ideal models in question, but because we would like to assess what is really expected from a good permutation or hash function that makes these schemes secure.

This paper initiates the study of computational assumptions for permutation-based cryptography. Akin to the case of hash functions, we extend permutations with a public seed, that is, \(\pi _s\) is used in lieu of \(\pi \), where s is a public parameter of the scheme. We introduce a new framework – which we call public-seed pseudorandom permutations, or psPRPs, for short – which we investigate, both in terms of realizability, as well as in terms of applications. Our approach takes inspiration from Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi’s UCE framework [8], which we extend to permutations. As we will see, psPRPs are both useful and interesting objects of study.

Beyond definitions, we contribute in several ways. First off, we build UCEs from psPRPs via efficient permutation-based hash functions, and show conversely how to build psPRPs from UCEs using the Feistel construction. We also discuss generic instantiations of psPRPs from block ciphers and keyless permutations. Finally, we show a variant of the garbling scheme from [10] whose security can be based on a psPRP assumption on the underlying block cipher, without compromising efficiency. Our reductions between psPRPs and UCEs are established by general theorems that connect them with a weak notion of indifferentiability, which is of independent interest. We explain all of this in detail in the remainder of this introduction; an overview of the results is in Fig. 1.

Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi (BHK) [8] introduced the notion of a universal computational extractor (UCE). For a seeded hash function \(\mathsf {H}: \{0,1\}^s \times \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^h\), the UCE framework considers a two-stage security game. First, a source S is given oracle access to either \(\mathsf {H}(s, \cdot )\) (for a random, and for now secret, seed s), or a random function \(\rho : \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^h\). After a number of queries, the source produces some leakage \(L \in \{0,1\}^*\). In the second stage, the distinguisher D learns both L and the seed s, and needs to decide whether S was interacting with \(\mathsf {H}(s, \cdot )\) or \(\rho \) – a task we would like to be hard. Clearly, this is unachievable without restrictions on S, as it can simply set \(L = y^*\), where \(y^*\) is the output of the oracle on a fixed input \(x^*\), and D then checks whether \(\mathsf {H}(s, x^*) = y^*\), or not.

BHK propose to restrict the set of allowable sources – the security notion \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}]\) corresponds to a function \(\mathsf {H}\) being secure against all sources within a class \(\mathcal {S}\). For example, unpredictable sources are those for which a predictor P, given the leakage \(L \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{{{\$}}}S^{\rho }\), cannot guess any of S’s queries. They further distinguish between the class of computationally unpredictable sources \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}\) and the class of statistically unpredictable sources \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}\), depending on the powers of P. A somewhat stronger notion – referred to as reset-security – demands that a distinguisher R given \(L \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{{{\$}}}S^{\rho }\) accessing the random function \(\rho \) cannot tell whether it is given access to the same oracle \(\rho \), or to a completely independent random oracle \(\rho '\). One denotes as \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}}\) and \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}\) the classes of statistical and computational reset-secure sources, respectively.

While \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}]\)-security (even under meaningful restrictions) was shown impossible to achieve in the standard model [14, 17] assuming indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) [5], there is no evidence of impossibility for \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}]\) and \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}}]\), and several applications follow from them. Examples include providing standard-model security for a number of schemes and applications previously only secure in the random-oracle model, including deterministic [8] and hedged PKE [7], immunizing backdoored PRGs [24], message-locked encryption [8], hardcore functions [8], point-function obfuscation [8, 13] simple KDM-secure symmetric encryption [8], adaptively-secure garbling [8], and CCA-secure encryption [34]. Moreover, as also pointed out by Mittelbach [36], and already proved in the original BHK work, \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}]\) and \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}]\) are achievable in ideal models, and act as useful intermediate security notions for two-stage security games, where indifferentiability does not apply [38].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Relations established in this paper. Here, \(\star \) is set consistently everywhere either to \(\mathsf {c}\) or to \(\mathsf {s}\). Lack of arrow indicates a separation, dashed lines indicate implications that are open and which we conjecture to hold true. Also note that in the ideal-cipher model, a random permutation is obtained by fixing the cipher key (e.g., to the all-zero string). We do not know whether the converse is true generically – indifferentiable constructions of ideal ciphers from random permutations (e.g., [1]) do not apply here [38].

We extend the UCE approach to the case of a seeded permutation \(\pi : \{0,1\}^s \times \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\), that is, \(\pi _s = \pi (s, \cdot )\) is an efficiently invertible permutation on n-bit strings. As in the UCE case, the security game will involve a source making queries to a permutation P and its inverse \(P^{-1}\). In the real case, P/\(P^{-1}\) give access to \(\pi _s\) and \(\pi _s^{-1}\), whereas in the ideal case they give access to a random permutation \(\rho \) and its inverse \(\rho ^{-1}\). Then, S passes on the leakage L to the distinguisher D, which additionally learns s. The \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}]\) security notion demands indistinguishability of the real and ideal cases for all PPT D and all \(S \in \mathcal {S}\).

This extension is straightforward, but it is not clear that it is useful at all. For instance, UCEs naturally generalize the notion of an extractor, yet no such natural “generalization” exists here, except that of extending the PRP game (played by the source) with a public-seed stage (and hence, the name psPRP). In addition, necessary source restrictions are somewhat less intuitive than in the UCE case. For instance, for psPRPs, for statistically/computationally unpredictable sources (we abuse notation, and denote the corresponding source classes also as \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}\) and \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}\)) it must be hard for a predictor to guess an input or an output of the queries made by S.

We first show that psPRPs are not only useful, but essentially allow to recover all previous applications of UCEs through simple constructions of UCEs from psPRPs.

Our first result shows that all permutation-based constructions which are indifferentiable from a random oracle [20, 35] transform a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure permutation into \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure hash function, where \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\).Footnote 2 In particular, this implies that the sponge paradigm by Bertoni et al. [15], which underlies the SHA-3 hash function, can be used for such transformation, thus giving extra validation for the SHA-3 standard. We note that the permutation underlying SHA-3 is not seeded, but under the assumption that the underlying permutation is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure when seeded via the Even-Mansour construction [25], it is easy to enhance the sponge construction with a seed.

Note that \(\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}\) is a strictly larger class than \(\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}\) (for both psPRP and UCE). Therefore, when an application only needs \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure hashing, one may ask whether the assumption on the underlying psPRP can also be reduced. We will prove that this is indeed the case, and show that whenever \(\pi \) is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure, then the simple construction that on input X outputs \(\pi _s(X)[1 \ldots r]\), that is, the first r bits of \(\pi _s(X)\) is a secure fixed-input length \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\) as long as \(r < n - \omega (\log \lambda )\). This result can be combined with the domain extender of [9] to obtain a variable-input-length \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure hash function.Footnote 3

The technique behind the above results is inspired by Bellare, Hoang, and Keelveedhi’s work [9] on UCE domain extension. They show that every construction that transforms a fixed-input length random oracle into a variable-input length one in the sense of indifferentiability [20, 35] is a good domain extender for UCEs.

We extend their result along three axes. First off, we show that it applies to arbitrary pairs of ideal primitives – e.g., a fixed-input-length or variable-input length random function or a random permutation. For example, a construction using a permutation which is indifferentiable from a random oracle transforms \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure permutations into \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure functions. Through such a general treatment, our above result on sponges is a corollary of the indifferentiability analysis of [15].

Second, we show that a weaker version of indifferentiability, which we call CP-sequential indifferentiability, suffices. Recall that indifferentiability of a construction \(\mathsf {M}\) transforming an ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\) into an ideal primitive \(\mathbf {J}\) means that there exists a simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\) such that \((\mathsf {M}^{\mathbf {I}}, \mathbf {I})\) and \((\mathbf {J}, \mathsf {Sim}^{\mathbf {J}})\) are indistinguishable. CP-sequential indifferentiability only demands this for distinguishers that make all of their construction queries to \(\mathsf {M}^{\mathbf {I}}\)/\(\mathbf {J}\) before they proceed to primitive queries to \(\mathbf {I}\)/\(\mathsf {Sim}^{\mathbf {J}}\). As we will see, this significantly enlarges the set of constructions this result applies to. For example, truncating the permutation output to \(r < n\) bits does not achieve indifferentiability, because a simulator on an inverse query Y needs to fix \(\pi ^{-1}(Y)\) to some X such that, for the given random function \(\rho : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^r\), \(\rho (X)\) is consistent with Y on the first r bits, which is infeasible. Yet, the same construction is CP-sequentially indifferentiable, intuitively because there is no way for a distinguisher to catch an inconsistent random X, as this would require an extra query to \(\rho \). CP-sequential indifferentiability is dual to the sequential indifferentiability notion of Mandal, Patarin, and Seurin [33], which considers the opposite order of construction and primitive queries. In fact, the two notions are incomparable, as we explain below.

Finally, we will also show that under suitable restrictions on the construction \(\mathsf {M}\), the result extends from reset-secure sources to unpredictable ones. This will allow to lift our result for truncation to unpredictable sources.

Obviously, a central question is whether the assumption of being a psPRP is, by itself, attainable. Our general theorem answers this question already – existing indifferentiability result for Feistel constructions [21,22,23, 29] imply already that the 8-round Feistel construction transforms a function which is \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure into a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure permutation.

It is important however to assess whether simpler constructions achieve this result. Here, we show that the five -round Feistel construction suffices. Our proof heavily exploits our connection to CP-indifferentiability. Indeed, the six-round lower bound of [21] does not apply for CP-indifferentiabiliy, as it requires the ability to ask construction queries after primitive queries, and we show that CP-indifferentiability is achieved at five rounds already. Our result is not merely a simplification of earlier ones, and our simulation strategy is novel. In particular, while we still follow the chain-completion approach of previous works, due to the low number of rounds, we need to introduce new techniques to bound the complexity of the simulator. To our rescue will come the fact that no construction queries can be made after primitive queries, and hence only a limited number of chain types will need to be completed.

We also note that the we are not aware of any obvious lower bound that shows that more than four rounds are really necessary – four rounds are necessary alone to reach PRP security in the eyes of the source. We leave it as an open problem to show whether four rounds are sufficient. We also note that our result only deals with reset-secure sources, and we leave it as an open problem to find a similar result for unpredictable sources. For reasons we explain in the body, it seems reasonable to conjecture that a heavily unbalanced Feistel network with \(\varOmega (n)\) rounds achieves this transformation.

While the main purpose of the psPRP framework is that of removing ideal model assumptions, it is still valuable to assess how psPRPs are built in the first place. To this end, we also show how to heuristically instantiate psPRPs from existing cryptographic primitives, and here validation takes us necessarily back to ideal models. Plus, for ideal-model applications that require psPRP security as an intermediate notion (for instance, because we are analyzing two-stage games), these provide instantiations.

We validate two strategies: (1) Using a block cipher, and seed it through the key, and (2) Using a keyless permutation, and seeding via the Even-Mansour construction [25]. We prove that the first approach is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}]\)-secure in the ideal-cipher model, and prove the second \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}]\)-secure in the random permutation model.Footnote 4

As a benchmark for psPRPs, we revisit the garbling schemes from [10] based on fixed-key block ciphers, which achieve high degrees of efficiency by eliminating re-keying costs. Their original security analysis was in the ideal-cipher model, and their simplicity is unmatched by schemes with standard-model reductions.

We consider a simple variant of their \(\mathsf {Ga}\) scheme and prove it secure under the assumption the underlying block cipher, when seeded through its key input, is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}]\)-secure. Our construction is slightly less efficient than the scheme from [10], since a different seed/key is used for every garbling. However, we still gain from the fact that no re-keying is necessary throughout a garbling operation, or the evaluation of a garbled circuit. We also note that our approach also extends to the \(\mathsf {GaX}\) scheme of [10] with further optimizations.

A few works gave UCE constructions. Brzuska and Mittelbach [18] gave constructions from auxiliary-input point obfuscation (AIPO) and iO. In a recent paper, under the exponential DDH assumption, Zhandry [41] built a primitive (called an AI-PRG) which is equivalent to a UCE for a subset of \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}\) which is sufficient for instantiating point obfuscators. (The observation is not made explicit in [41], but the definitions are equivalent.) None of these results is sufficiently strong to instantiate our Feistel-based construction of psPRPs.

The cryptanalysis community has studied block-cipher security under known keys, albeit with a different focus. For example, Knuden and Rijmen [30] gave attacks against Feistel networks and reduced-round versions of AES that find input-output pairs with specific properties (given the key) in time faster than it should be possible if the block cipher were a random permutation. Several such attacks were later given for a number of block ciphers. We are not aware of these attacks however invalidating psPRP security. Andreeva, Bogdanov, and Mennink [2] gave formal models for known-key security in ideal models based on a weak form of indifferentiability, where construction queries are to the construction under a known random key. These are however unrelated.

Section 2 proposes a general framework for public-seed pseudorandom notions, and Sect. 3 puts this to use to provide general reduction theorems between pairs of such primitives, and defines in particular CP-sequential indifferentiability. UCE constructions from psPRPs are given in Sect. 4, whereas Sect. 5 presents our main result on building psPRPs via the Feistel construction. Heuristic constructions are presented in Sect. 6, and finally we apply psPRPs to the analysis of garbling schemes in Sect. 7.

Throughout this paper, we denote by \( \mathsf {Funcs}(X, Y)\) the set of functions \(X \rightarrow Y\), and in particular use the shorthand \( \mathsf {Funcs}(m,n)\) whenever \(X = \{0,1\}^m\) and \(Y = \{0,1\}^n\). We also denote by \(\mathsf {Perms}(X)\) the set of permutations on the set X, and analogously, \(\mathsf {Perms}(n)\) denotes the special case where \(X = \{0,1\}^n\). We say that a function \(f: \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\) is negligible if for all \(c \in \mathbb {N}\), there exists a \(\lambda _0\) such that \(f(\lambda ) \le \lambda ^{-c}\) for all \(\lambda \ge \lambda _0\).

Our security definitions and proofs will often use games, as formalized by Bellare and Rogaway [12]. Typically, our games will have boolean outputs – that is, either \(\texttt {true}\) or \(\texttt {false}\) – and we use the shorthand \(\mathsf {Pr}\left[ \mathsf {G} \right] \) to denote the probability that a certain game outputs the value \(\texttt {true}\), or occasionally 1 (when the output is binary, rather than boolean).

2 Public-Seed Pseudorandomness

We present a generalization of the UCE notion [8], which we term public-seed pseudorandomness. We apply this notion to define psPRPs as a special case, but the general treatment will be useful to capture transformations between UCEs and psPRPs in Sect. 3 via one single set of theorems.

2.1 Ideal Primitives and Their Implementations

We begin by formally defining ideal primitives using notation inspired by [6, 27].

An ideal primitive is a pair \(\mathbf {I}= (\varSigma , \mathcal {T})\), where \(\varSigma = \{\varSigma _{\lambda }\}_{\lambda \in \mathbb {N}}\) is a family of sets of functions (such that all functions in \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\) have the same domain and range), and \(\mathcal {T}= \{\mathcal {T}_{\lambda }\}_{\lambda \in \mathbb {N}}\) is a family of probability distributions, where \(\mathcal {T}_{\lambda }\)’s range is a subset of \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\) for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\). The ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\), once the security parameter \(\lambda \) is fixed, should be thought of as an oracle that initially samples a function I as its initial state according to \(\mathcal {T}_{\lambda }\) from \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\). We denote this sampling as . Then, \(\mathbf {I}\) provides access to I via queries, that is, on input \(\mathbf {x}\) it returns \(I(\mathbf {x})\).Footnote 5

We give a few examples of ideal primitives using the above notation. In particular, let \(\kappa , m, n: \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) be functions.

Example 1

The random function \(\mathbf {R}_{m, n} = (\varSigma ^{\mathbf {R}}, \mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {R}})\) is such that for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), \(\varSigma ^{\mathbf {R}}_{\lambda } = \mathsf {Funcs}(m(\lambda ), n(\lambda ))\), and \(\mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {R}}_{\lambda }\) is the uniform distribution on \(\varSigma ^{\mathbf {R}}_{\lambda }\). We also define \(\mathbf {R}_{*, n}\) to be the same for \( \mathsf {Funcs}(*, n(\lambda ))\), that is, when the domain is extended to arbitrary length input strings.Footnote 6

Example 2

The random permutation \(\mathbf {P}_{n} = (\varSigma ^{\mathbf {P}}, \mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {P}})\) is such that for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\),

$$\begin{aligned} \varSigma ^{\mathbf {P}}_{\lambda } = \Bigl \{P : \{\texttt {+},\texttt {-}\} \times \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \mid \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \\ \exists \pi \in \mathsf {Perms}(n(\lambda )):\; P(\texttt {+},x) = \pi (x), P(\texttt {-},x) = \pi ^{-1}(x) \Bigr \}, \end{aligned}$$

and moreover, \(\mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {P}}_{\lambda }\) is the uniform distribution on \(\varSigma ^{\mathbf {P}}_{\lambda }\).

Example 3

The ideal cipher \(\mathbf {IC}_{\kappa ,n} = (\varSigma ^{\mathbf {IC}}, \mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {IC}})\) is such that

$$\begin{aligned} \varSigma ^{\mathbf {IC}}_{\lambda } = \Bigl \{E : \{0,1\}^{\kappa (\lambda )} \times \{\texttt {+},\texttt {-}\} \times \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \mid \qquad \qquad \qquad \\ \forall k \in \{0,1\}^{\kappa (\lambda )} \exists \pi _k \in \mathsf {Perms}(n(\lambda )):\; E(k, \texttt {+},x) = \pi _k(x), E(k, \texttt {-},x) = \pi ^{-1}_k(x) \Bigr \}, \end{aligned}$$

and \(\mathcal {T}^{\mathbf {IC}}_{\lambda }\) is the uniform distribution on \(\varSigma ^{\mathbf {IC}}_{\lambda }\).

Usually, for an ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}= (\varSigma , \mathcal {T})\), the bit-size of the elements of \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\) grows exponentially in \(\lambda \), and thus one would not implement a primitive \(\mathbf {I}\) by sampling I from \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\), but rather using techniques such as lazy sampling. An implementation of a primitive \(\mathbf {I}\) is a stateful randomized PPT algorithm A such that \(A(1^{\lambda }, \cdot )\) behaves as \(I \mathop {\leftarrow }\limits ^{{{\$}}}\mathbf {I}_{\lambda }\) for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\). We say that \(\mathbf {I}\) is efficiently implementable if such an A exists. All the above examples – \(\mathbf {R}_{m,n}, \mathbf {R}_{*, n}, \mathbf {P}_{n},\) and \(\mathbf {IC}_{\kappa , n}\) – are efficiently implementable as long as \(m,n,\kappa \) are polynomially bounded functions.

A function family \(\mathsf {F}= (\mathsf {Kg}, \mathsf {Eval})\) consists of a key (or seed) generation algorithm \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}\) and an evaluation algorithm \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}\). In particular, \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}\) is a randomized algorithm that on input the unary representation of the security parameter \(\lambda \) returns a key k, and we let \([{\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^\lambda )]\) denote the set of all possible outputs of \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^\lambda )\). Moreover, \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}\) is a deterministic algorithm that takes three inputs; the security parameter in unary form \(1^{\lambda }\), a key \(k \in [{\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}(1^\lambda )}]\) and a query \(\mathbf {x}\) such that \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k, \cdot )\) implements a function that maps queries \(\mathbf {x}\) to \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k,\mathbf {x})\). We say that \(\mathsf {F}\) is efficient if both \(\mathsf {Kg}\) and \(\mathsf {Eval}\) are polynomial-time algorithms.

Definition 1

( \(\varSigma \) -compatibility). A function family \(\mathsf {F}\) is \(\varSigma \)-compatible with \(\mathbf {I}= (\varSigma , \mathcal {T})\) if \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k,\cdot ) \in \varSigma _{\lambda }\) for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(k \in [{\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^\lambda )]\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Game \({\mathsf {psPR}}\) used to define \(\mathsf {pspr}\)-security for a primitive \(\mathsf {F}\) that is \(\varSigma \)-compatible with \(\mathbf {I}\). Here, S is the source and D is the distinguisher. Recall that the notation indicates picking a function from \(\varSigma _{\lambda }\) using \(\mathcal {T}_{\lambda }\).

2.2 Public-Seed Pseudorandomness, PsPRPs, and Sources

We now define a general notion of public-seed pseudorandom implementations of ideal primitives.

Let \(\mathsf {F}= (\mathsf {Kg},\mathsf {Eval})\) be a function family that is \(\varSigma \)-compatible with an ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}= (\varSigma , \mathcal {T})\). Let S be an adversary called the source and D an adversary called the distinguisher. We associate to them, \(\mathsf {F}\) and \(\mathbf {I}\), the game \(\mathsf {psPR}^{S, D}_{\mathsf {F},\mathbf {I}}(\lambda )\) depicted in Fig. 2. The source initially chooses the number of keys n. Then, in the second stage, it is given access to an oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) and we require any query \((i, \mathbf {x})\) made to this oracle be valid, that is, \(\mathbf {x}\) is a valid query for any \(f_i \in \varSigma _{\lambda }\) and \(i \in [n]\), for n output by the first stage of the source. When the challenge bit \(b = 1\) (“real”) the oracle responds via \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}\) under the key \(k_i\) (\({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k_i,\cdot )\)) that is chosen by the game and not given to the source. When \(b = 0\) (“ideal”) it responds via \(f_i\) where . After its interaction with the oracle \(\mathcal {O}\), the source S communicates the leakage \(L \in \{0,1\}^{*}\) to D. The distinguisher is given access to the keys \(k_1, \ldots , k_n\) and must now guess \(b' \in \{0,1\}\) for b. The game returns \(\mathsf {true}\) iff \(b' = b\) and we describe the \(\mathsf {pspr}\)-advantage of (SD) for \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {F},S,D}(\lambda ) = 2\,{\text {Pr}\,\left[ {\mathsf {psPR}^{S,D}_{\mathsf {F},\mathbf {I}}(\lambda )} \right] }- 1. \end{aligned}$$

In the following, we are going to use the shorthands \(\mathsf {UCE}[m,n]\) for \(\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {R}_{m,n}]\), \(\mathsf {UCE}[n]\) for \(\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {R}_{*, n}]\), and \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n]\) for \(\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {P}_n]\).

Note that our security game captures the multi-key version of the security notions, also considered in past works on UCE, as it is not known to be implied by the single-key version, which is recovered by having the source initially output \(n = 1\).

One would want to define \(\mathsf {F}\) as secure if \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {F},S,D}(\lambda )\) is negligible in \(\lambda \) for all polynomial time sources S and distinguishers D. However, as shown already in the special case of UCEs [8], this is impossible, as one can always easily construct (at least for non-trivial \(\mathbf {I}\)’s) a simple source S which leaks the evaluation of \(\mathcal {O}\) on a given point, and D can check consistency given k.

Therefore to obtain meaningful and non-empty security definitions we restrict the considered sources to some class \(\mathcal {S}\), without restricting the distinguisher class. Consequently, we denote by \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {I},\mathcal {S}]\) the security notion that asks \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {F},S,D}(\lambda )\) to be negligible for all polynomial time distinguishers D and all sources \(S \in \mathcal {S}\). Following [8], we also use \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {I},\mathcal {S}]\) to denote the set of \(\mathsf {F}\)’s which are \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {I},\mathcal {S}]\)-secure. Note that obviously, if \(\mathcal {S}_1 \subseteq \mathcal {S}_2\), then \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {I},\mathcal {S}_2] \subseteq \mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {I},\mathcal {S}_1]\) where \(\mathcal {S}_1\) and \(\mathcal {S}_2\) are source classes for the ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\). We will use the shorthands \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}]\) for \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {P}_n, \mathcal {S}]\) and \(\mathsf {UCE}[m, n, \mathcal {S}]\) for \(\mathsf {psPR}[\mathbf {R}_{m,n}, \mathcal {S}]\), where \(m = *\) if the domain is unbounded.

Below, we discuss two important classes of restrictions, which are fundamental for the remainder of this paper – unpredictable and reset-secure sources.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Games \(\mathsf {Pred}\) and \(\mathsf {Reset}\) are used to define the unpredictability and reset-security of the source S respectively against the ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\). Here, S is the source, P is the predictor and R is the reset adversary.

Let S be a source. Consider the game \(\mathsf {Pred}^P_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )\) of Fig. 3 associated to S and an adversary P called the predictor. Given the leakage, the latter outputs a set \(Q'\). It wins if this set contains any \(\mathcal {O}\)-query of the source. For \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) we let

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,P}(\lambda ) = {\text {Pr}\left[ {\mathsf {Pred}^P_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )} \right] }. \end{aligned}$$

We say that P is a computational predictor if it is polynomial time, and it is a statistical predictor if there exists polynomials q, \(q'\) such that for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), predictor P makes at most \(q(\lambda )\) oracle queries and outputs a set \(Q'\) of size at most \(q'(\lambda )\) in game \(\mathsf {Pred}^P_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )\). We stress that in this case the predictor need not be polynomial time, even though it makes a polynomial number of queries. We say S is computationally unpredictable if \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,P}(\lambda )\) is negligible for all computational predictors P. We say S is statistically unpredictable if \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,P}(\lambda )\) is negligible for all statistical predictors P. We let \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}\) be the class of all polynomial time, computationally unpredictable sources and \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}} \subseteq \mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}\) be the class of all polynomial time statistically unpredictable sources.Footnote 7

Let S be a source. Consider the game \(\mathsf {Reset}^R_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )\) of Fig. 3 associated to S and an adversary R called the reset adversary. The latter wins if given the leakage L it can distinguish between \(f^0\) used by the source S and an independent \(f^1\) where . For \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) we let

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,R}(\lambda ) = 2\,{\text {Pr}\left[ {\mathsf {Reset}^R_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )} \right] }- 1. \end{aligned}$$

We say that R is a computational reset adversary if it is polynomial time, and it is a statistical reset adversary if there exists a polynomial q such that for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), reset adversary R makes at most \(q(\lambda )\) oracle queries in game \(\mathsf {Reset}^R_{\mathbf {I},S}(\lambda )\). We stress that in this case the reset adversary need not be polynomial time. We say S is computationally reset-secure if \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,R}(\lambda )\) is negligible for all computational reset adversaries R. We say S is statistically reset-secure if \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {I}]}_{S,R}(\lambda )\) is negligible for all statistical reset adversaries R. We let \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}\) be the class of all polynomial time, computationally reset-secure sources and \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}} \subseteq \mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}\) the class of all polynomial time statistically reset-secure sources.

For the case of psPRPs, we mention the following fact, which is somewhat less obvious than in the UCE case, and in particular only holds if the permutation’s domain grows with the security parameter.

Proposition 1

For all \(n \in \omega (\log \lambda )\), we have \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}] \subseteq \mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\) where \( \star \in \{\mathsf {c},\mathsf {s}\}\).


(Sketch). In the reset secure game, consider the event that R queries its oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) on input \((i, \sigma , x)\) which was queried by S already as an \(\mathcal {O}(i, \sigma , x)\) query, or it was the answer to a query \(\mathcal {O}(i, \overline{\sigma }, y)\). Here (like elsewhere in the paper), we use the notational convention \(\overline{\texttt {+}} = \texttt {-}\) and \(\overline{\texttt {-}} = \texttt {+}\). The key point here is proving that as long as this bad event does not happen, the \(b = 0\) and \(b = 1\) case are hard to distinguish. A difference with the \(\mathsf {UCE}\) case is that due to the permutation property, they will not be perfectly indistinguishable, but a fairly standard (yet somewhat tedious) birthday argument suffices to show that indistinguishability still holds as long as the overall number of \(\mathcal {O}\) queries (of S and R) is below \(2^{n(\lambda )/2}\), which is super-polynomial for \(n(\lambda ) = \omega (\log \lambda )\).    \(\square \)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Game \(\mathsf {CP}\) used to define \(\mathsf {cpi}\)-security for a construction \(\mathsf {M}\) implementing the primitive \(\mathbf {J}\) using primitive \(\mathbf {I}\). Here, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) is the simulator and \(A = (A_1, A_2)\) is the two-stage distinguisher.

3 Reductions and Indifferentiability

We present general theorems that we will use to obtain reductions between psPRPs and UCEs. Our general notation for public-seed pseudorandom primitives allows us to capture the reductions through two general theorems.

Indifferentiability was introduced in [35] by Maurer, Renner, and Holenstein to formalize reductions between ideal primitives. Following their general treatment, it captures the fact that a (key-less) construction \(\mathsf {M}\) using primitive \(\mathbf {I}\) (which can be queried by the adversary directly) is as good as another primitive \(\mathbf {J}\) by requiring the existence of a simulator that can simulate \(\mathbf {I}\) consistently by querying \(\mathbf {J}\).

Central to this paper is a weakening of indifferentiability that we refer to as CP-sequential indifferentiability, where the distinguisher A makes all of its construction queries to \(\mathsf {M}^{\mathbf {I}}\) (or \(\mathbf {J}\)) before moving to making primitive queries to \(\mathbf {I}\) (or \(\mathsf {Sim}^{\mathbf {J}}\), where \(\mathsf {Sim}\) is the simulator). Note that this remains a non-trivial security goal, since \(\mathsf {Sim}\) does not learn the construction queries made by A, but needs to simulate correctly nonetheless. However, the hope is that because A has committed to its queries before starting its interaction with \(\mathsf {Sim}\), the simulation task will be significantly easier. (We will see that this is indeed the case.)

More concretely, the notion is concerned with constructions which implement \(\mathbf {J}\) from \(\mathbf {I}\), and need to at least satisfy the following syntactical requirement.

Definition 2

( \((\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J})\) -compatibility). Let \(\mathbf {I}= (\mathbf {I}{.}\varSigma , \mathbf {I}{.}\mathcal {T})\) and \(\mathbf {J}= (\mathbf {J}.\varSigma , \mathbf {J}.\mathcal {T})\) be ideal primitives. A construction \(\mathsf {M}\) is called \((\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J})\)-compatible if for every \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), and every \(f \in \mathbf {I}{.}\varSigma _{\lambda }\), the construction \(\mathsf {M}\) implements a function \(x \mapsto \mathsf {M}^f(1^{\lambda }, x)\) which is in \(\mathbf {J}{.}\varSigma _{\lambda }\).

The game \(\mathsf {CP}\) is described in Fig. 4. For ideal primitives \(\mathbf {I}, \mathbf {J}\), a two-stage adversary \(A = (A_1, A_2)\), an \((\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J})\)-compatible construction \(\mathsf {M}\), and simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\), as well as security parameter \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), we define

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}, A}(\lambda ) = 2 \cdot \mathsf {Pr}\left[ \mathsf {CP}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]^{A}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}}(\lambda ) \right] - 1. \end{aligned}$$

We remark that the CP-sequential indifferentiability notion is the exact dual of sequential indifferentiability as introduced by Mandal, Patarin, and Seurin [33], which postpones construction queries to the end. As we will show below in Sect. 4.2, there are CP-indifferentiable constructions which are not sequentially indifferentiable in the sense of [33].

We show that CP-sequential indifferentiability yields a reduction between public-seed pseudorandomness notions. A special case was shown in [9] by Bellare, Hoang, and Keelvedhi for domain extension of UCEs. Our result goes beyond in that: (1) It is more general, as it deals with arbitrary ideal primitives, (2) It only relies on CP-sequential indifferentiability, as opposed to full indifferentiability, and (3) The reduction of [9] only considered reset-secure sources, whereas we show that under certain conditions on the construction, the reduction also applies to unpredictable sources. Nonetheless, our proofs follow the same approach of [9], and the main contribution is conceptual.

We let \(\mathsf {F}= ({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\) be a function family which is \(\varSigma \)-compatible with an ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\). Further, let \(\mathsf {M}\) be an \((\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J})\)-compatible construction. Then, overloading notation, we define the new function family \(\mathsf {M}[\mathsf {F}] = ({\mathsf {M}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {M}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\), where \({\mathsf {M}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}} = {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}\), and for every \(k \in [{\mathsf {M}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^{\lambda })]\), we let

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathsf {M}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k, x) = \mathsf {M}^{O}(1^{\lambda }, x), \end{aligned}$$

where \(O(z) = {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k, z)\).

The following is our general reduction theorem for the case of reset-secure sources. Its proof follows similar lines as the one in [9] and we refer the reader to the full version for details.

Theorem 1

(Composition theorem, reset-secure case). Let \(\mathsf {M}\), \(\mathsf {F}\), \(\mathbf {I}\), and \(\mathbf {J}\) be as above. Fix any simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\). Then, for every source-distinguisher pair (SD), where S requests at most \(N(\lambda )\) keys, there exists a source-distinguisher pair \((\overline{S}, \overline{D})\), and a further distinguisher A, such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}[\mathsf {F}],S,D}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {F},\overline{S},\overline{D}}(\lambda ) + N(\lambda ) \cdot \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}, A}(\lambda ). \end{aligned}$$

Here, in particular: The complexities of D and \(\overline{D}\) are the same. Moreover, if S, D, and \(\mathsf {M}\) are polynomial time, and \(\mathbf {I}\), \(\mathbf {J}\) are efficiently implementable, then A, \(\overline{S}\) and \(\overline{D}\) are also polynomial-time.

Moreover, for every reset adversary R, there exists a reset adversary \(R'\) and a distinguisher B such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\overline{S},R}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {J}]}_{S,R'}(\lambda ) + 3 N(\lambda ) \cdot \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}, B}(\lambda ), \end{aligned}$$

where \(R'\) makes a polynomial number of query/runs in polynomial time if R and \(\mathsf {Sim}\) make a polynomial number of queries/run in polynomial time, and \(\mathbf {I}, \mathbf {J}\) are efficiently implementable. \(\blacksquare \)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Game \(\mathsf {EXT}^{S, P}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathbf {I}, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda )\) in the definition of query extractability.

Next, we show that under strong conditions on the construction \(\mathsf {M}\), Theorem 1 extends to the case of unpredictability.

In particular, we consider constructions which we term query extractable. Roughly, what such constructions guarantee is that every query made by \(\mathsf {M}\) to an underlying ideal primitive \(\mathbf {I}\) can be assigned to a (small) set of possible inputs to \(\mathsf {M}\) that would result in this query during evaluation. Possibly, this set of inputs may be found by making some additional queries to \(\mathbf {I}\). We define this formally through the game \(\mathsf {EXT}^{S, P}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathbf {I}, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda )\) in Fig. 5. It involves a source S and a predictor P, as well as an extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\). Here, S selects an integer n, which results in n instances \(f_1, \ldots , f_n\) of \(\mathbf {I}\) being spawned, and then makes queries to n instances of \(\mathsf {M}^{f_i}\), gives some leakage to the predictor P, and the predictor makes further query to the \(\mathbf {I}\)-instances, until it outputs a set Q. Then, we run the extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\) on Q, and the extractor can also make additional queries to the \(\mathbf {I}\)-instances, and outputs an additional set \(Q^*\). We are interested in the event that Q contains one of queries made to the \(f_i\)’s by \(\mathsf {M}\) in the first stage of the game, yet \(Q^*\) does not contain any of S’s queries to \(\mathsf {M}^{f_i}\) for some i. In particular, we are interested in

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {ext}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {M}, S, P, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda ) = \mathsf {Pr}\left[ \mathsf {EXT}^{S, P}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathbf {I}, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda ) \right] . \end{aligned}$$

We say that \(\mathsf {M}\) is query extractable with respect to \(\mathbf {I}\) if there exists a polynomial time \(\mathsf {Ext}\) such that \(\mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {ext}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {M}, S, P, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda )\) is negligible for all PPT P and S. We say it is perfectly query extractable if the advantage is 0, rather than simply negligible.

The next theorem provides an alternative to Theorem 1 for the case of unpredictable sources whenever \(\mathsf {M}\) guarantees query extractability.

Theorem 2

(Composition theorem, unpredictable case). Let \(\mathsf {M}\), \(\mathsf {F}\), \(\mathbf {I}\), and \(\mathbf {J}\) be as before. Fix any simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\). Then, for every source-distinguisher pair (SD), where S requests at most \(N(\lambda )\) keys, there exists a source-distinguisher pair \((\overline{S}, \overline{D})\), and a further distinguisher A, such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}[\mathsf {F}],S,D}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pspr}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {F},\overline{S},\overline{D}}(\lambda ) + N(\lambda ) \cdot \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}, A}(\lambda ). \end{aligned}$$

Here, in particular: The complexities of D and \(\overline{D}\) are the same. Moreover, if S, D, and \(\mathsf {M}\) are polynomial time, and \(\mathbf {I}\), \(\mathbf {J}\) are efficiently implementable, then A, \(\overline{S}\) and \(\overline{D}\) are also polynomial-time.

Moreover, for every predictor P and extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\), there exists a predictor adversary \(P'\) and a distinguisher B such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\overline{S},P}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {J}]}_{S,P'}(\lambda ) + \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {ext}[\mathbf {I}]}_{\mathsf {M}, S, P, \mathsf {Ext}}(\lambda ) + N(\lambda ) \cdot \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {I}\rightarrow \mathbf {J}]}_{\mathsf {M}, \mathsf {Sim}, B}(\lambda ), \end{aligned}$$

where \(P'\) makes a polynomial number of query/runs in polynomial time if P, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) and \(\mathsf {Ext}\) make a polynomial number of queries/run in polynomial time, and \(\mathbf {I}, \mathbf {J}\) are efficiently implementable. \(\blacksquare \)

4 From psPRPs to UCEs

We consider the problem of building UCEs from psPRPs. On the one hand, we want to show that all applications of UCEs can be recovered modularly by instantiating the underlying UCE with a psPRP-based construction. Second, we want to show that practical permutation-based designs can be instantiated by assuming the underlying permutation (when equipped with a seed) is a psPRP.

4.1 Reset-Secure Sources and Sponges

The case of reset-secure sources follows by a simple application of Theorem 1: A number of constructions from permutations have been proved indifferentiable from a random oracle, and all of these yield a construction of a UCE for \(\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}\) when the underlying permutation is a psPRP for \(\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}\), where \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\).Footnote 8

A particular instantiation worth mentioning is the sponge construction by Bertoni et al. [15], which underlies KECCAK/SHA-3. In particular, let \(\mathsf {Sponge}_{n, r}\) be the \((\mathbf {P}_{n} \rightarrow \mathbf {R}_{*, r})\)-compatible construction which operates as follows, on input \(1^{\lambda }\), \(M \in \{0,1\}^*\), and given oracle access to a permutation \(\rho : \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\). The message M is split into r-bit blocks \(M[1], \ldots , M[\ell ]\), and the computation keeps a state \(S_i \Vert T_i\), where \(S_i \in \{0,1\}^{r}\) and \(T_{i} \in \{0,1\}^{n-r}\). Then, \(\mathsf {Sponge}^{\rho }_{n, r}(1^{\lambda }, M) = S_{\ell }[1..r]\), where

$$\begin{aligned} S_0 \Vert T_0 \leftarrow 0^{n}, \;\;\; S_i\Vert T_i \leftarrow \rho ((S_{i-1} \oplus M[i]) \Vert T_{i-1}) \; \text {for} i = 1, \ldots , \ell . \end{aligned}$$

Then, the following theorem follows directly from Theorem 1 and the indifferentiability analysis of [15]. (We state here only the asymptotic version, but concrete parameters can be obtained from these theorems.)

Theorem 3

(UCE-security for Sponges). For \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\) and \(n(\lambda )\) polynomially bounded in \(\lambda \), if \(\mathsf {F}\in \mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\), then \(\mathsf {Sponge}_{n, r}[\mathsf {F}] \in \mathsf {UCE}[*, r, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\) whenever \(n(\lambda ) - r(\lambda ) = \omega (\log \lambda )\). \(\blacksquare \)

We wish to say this validates SHA-3 as being a good UCE. One caveat of Theorem 3 is that the actual sponge construction (as used in SHA-3) uses a seedless permutation \(\pi \). We propose the following assumption on such a permutation \(\pi \) that – if true – implies a simple way to modify an actual Sponge construction to be a secure UCE using Theorem 3. In particular, we suggest using the Even-Mansour [25] paradigm to add a seed to \(\pi \). Given a family of permutations \(\varPi = \{\pi _{\lambda }\}_{\lambda \in \mathbb {N}}\), where \(\pi _{\lambda } \in \mathsf {Perms}(n(\lambda ))\), define then \(\mathsf {EM}[\varPi ] = ({\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\) where \({\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}\) outputs a random \(n(\lambda )\)-bit string s on input \(1^{\lambda }\), and

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, s, (\texttt {+}, x)) = s \oplus \pi _{\lambda }(x \oplus s),\; {\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, s, (\texttt {-}, y)) = s \oplus \pi ^{-1}_{\lambda }(y \oplus s) \end{aligned}$$

for all \(s, x \in \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\). Now, if \(\varPi \) is such that \(\mathsf {EM}[\varPi ]\) is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}}]\)-secure, then \(\mathsf {Sponge}[\mathsf {EM}[\varPi ]]\) is \(\mathsf {UCE}[*, r, \mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}}]\)-secure by Theorem 3. We discuss the conjecture that \(\mathsf {EM}\) is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {srs}}]\)-secure further below in Sect. 6.

The attractive feature of \(\mathsf {Sponge}[\mathsf {EM}[\varPi ]]\) is that it can be implemented in a (near) black-box way from \(\mathsf {Sponge}[\varPi ]\), that is, the original sponge construction run with fixed oracle \(\varPi \), by setting (1) The initial state \(S_0 \Vert T_0\) to the seed s (rather than \(0^{n(\lambda )}\)), and (2) xoring the first r bits \(s[1 \ldots r]\) of the seed s to the output. The other additions of the seed s to the inner states are unnecessary, as they cancel out. (A similar observation was made by Chang et al. [19] in the context of keying sponges to obtain PRFs.)

4.2 Unpredictable Sources

Many UCE applications only require (statistical) unpredictability. In this section, we see that for this weaker target a significantly simpler construction can be used. In particular, we will first build a \(\mathsf {UCE}[n, r, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure compression function from a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure permutation, where \(n(\lambda ) - r(\lambda ) = \omega (\log \lambda )\) and \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\). Combined with existing domain extension techniques [9], this can be enhanced to a variable-input-length UCE for the same class of sources.

Let \(r, n: \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) be polynomially bounded functions of the security parameter \(\lambda \), where \(r(\lambda ) \le n(\lambda )\) for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\). We consider the following construction \(\mathsf {Chop}[n, r]\) which is \((\mathbf {P}_{n} \rightarrow \mathbf {R}_{n, r})\)-compatible. On input \(1^{\lambda }\), it expects a permutation \(\pi : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\) for \(n = n(\lambda )\), and given additionally \(x \in \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\), it returns

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Chop}[n, r]^{\pi }(1^{\lambda }, x) = \pi (x)[1 \ldots r(\lambda )], \end{aligned}$$

that is, the first \(r = r(\lambda )\) bits of \(\pi (x)\). It is not hard to see that the construction is (perfectly) query extractable using the extractor \(\mathsf {Ext}\) which given oracle access to \(\mathcal {O}\) and a set Q of queries of the form \((\texttt {+}, x)\) and \((\texttt {-}, y)\), returns a set consisting of all x such that \((\texttt {+}, x) \in Q\), and moreover adds \(x'\) to the set obtained by querying \(\mathcal {O}(i, \texttt {-}, y)\) for every \(i \in [n]\) and \((\texttt {-}, y) \in Q\).

The following theorem establishes CP-sequential indifferentiability of the \(\mathsf {Chop}\) construction. We refer the reader to the full version for the proof but give some intuition about it after the theorem.

Theorem 4

(CP-indifferentiability of \(\mathsf {Chop}\) ). Let \(r, n: \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) be such that \(r(\lambda ) \le n(\lambda )\) for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\). Let \(\mathbf {P}= \mathbf {P}_n\) and \(\mathbf {R}= \mathbf {R}_{n,r}\) be the random permutation and random function, respectively. Then, there exists a simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\) such that for all distinguishers A making at most q construction and p primitive queries,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {P}\rightarrow \mathbf {R}]}_{\mathsf {Chop}[n, r], \mathsf {Sim}, A}(\lambda ) \le \frac{(q + p)^2}{2^n} + \frac{p \cdot q}{2^{n-r}}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) makes at most one oracle query upon each invocation, and otherwise runs in time polynomial in the number of queries answered. \(\blacksquare \)

The dependence on r is necessary, as otherwise the construction becomes invertible and cannot be CP-sequentially indifferentiable. Also, note that we cannot expect full indifferentiability to hold for the \(\mathsf {Chop}\) construction, and in fact, not even sequential indifferentiability in the sense of [33]. Indeed, a distinguisher A can simply first query \(\mathsf {Prim}(\texttt {-}, y)\), obtaining x, and then query \(\mathsf {Func}(x)\), that yields \(y'\). Then, A just checks that the first r bits of y equals \(y'\), and if so outputs 1, and otherwise outputs 0. Note that in the real world, A always outputs 1, by the definition of \(\mathsf {Chop}\). However, in the ideal world, an arbitrary simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\) needs, on input y, to return an x for which the random oracle (to which it access) returns the first r bits of y. This is however infeasible if \(n - r = \omega (\log \lambda )\), unless the simulator can make roughly \(2^{r}\) queries.

The proof in full version shows this problem vanishes for CP-sequential indifferentiability. Indeed, our simulator will respond to queries \(\mathsf {Sim}(\texttt {-}, y)\) with a random (and inconsistent) x. The key point is that due to the random choice, it is unlikely that the distinguisher has already issued a prior query \(\mathsf {Func}(x)\). Moreover, it is also unlikely (in the real world) that the distinguisher, after a query \(\mathsf {Func}(x)\), makes an inverse query on \(\pi (x)\). The combination of these two facts will be enough to imply the statement.

We can now combine Theorem 4 with the fact that the \(\mathsf {Chop}\) construction is (perfectly) query extractable, and use Theorem 2:

Corollary 1

For all nr such that \(n(\lambda )\ -\ r(\lambda ) = \omega (\log \lambda )\), if \(\mathsf {F}\) is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure, then \(\mathsf {Chop}[\mathsf {F}]\) is \(\mathsf {UCE}[n, r, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {up}}]\)-secure, where \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\).

The construction of [9] can be used to obtain variable-input-length UCE: It first hashes the arbitrary-long input down to an \(n(\lambda )\)-bit long input using an almost-universal hash function, and then applies \(\mathsf {Chop}[\mathsf {F}]\) to the resulting value.

5 Building psPRPs from UCEs

This section presents our main result on building psPRPs from UCEs, namely that the five-round Feistel construction, when its round functions are instantiated from a \(\mathsf {UCE}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure function family (for \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\)), yields a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\)-secure permutation family.

Let \(n: \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \mathbb {N}\) be a (polynomially bounded) function. We define the following construction \(\varPsi _5\), which, for security parameter \(\lambda \), implements an invertible permutation on \(2n(\lambda )\)-bit strings, and makes calls to an oracle \(f: [5] \times \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\). In particular, on input \(1^{\lambda }\) and \(X = X_0 \Vert X_1\), where \(X_0, X_1 \in \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\), running \(\varPsi _5^f(1^{\lambda }, (\texttt {+}, X))\) outputs \(X_5 \Vert X_6\), where

$$\begin{aligned} X_{i+1} \leftarrow X_{i-1} \oplus f(i, X_i) \;\text {for all}\; i = 1, \ldots , 5. \end{aligned}$$

Symmetrically, upon an inverse query, \(\varPsi _5^f(1^{\lambda }, (\texttt {-}, Y = X_5 \Vert X_6))\) simply computes the values backwards, and outputs \(X_0 \Vert X_1\). Construction \(\varPsi _5\) is clearly \((\mathbf {R}_{n,n}^5 \rightarrow \mathbf {P}_{2n})\)-compatible, where we use the notation \(\mathbf {R}_{n,n}^k\) to denote the k-fold combination of independent random functions which takes queries of the form (ix) that are answered by evaluating on x the i-th function.

The following theorem establishes CP-indifferentiability for \(\varPsi _5\). We discuss below its consequences, and give a detailed description of our simulation strategy. The full analysis of the simulation strategy – which employes the randomness-mapping technique of [29] – is found in the full version.

Theorem 5

(CP-indifferentiability of Feistel). Let \(\mathbf {R}= \mathbf {R}^5_{n,n}\) and \(\mathbf {P}= \mathbf {P}_{2n}\). Then, there exists a simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\) (described in Fig. 6) such that for all distinguisher A making at most \(q(\lambda )\) queries,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {cpi}[\mathbf {R}\rightarrow \mathbf {P}]}_{\varPsi _5, \mathsf {Sim}, A}(\lambda ) \le \frac{360q(\lambda )^6}{2^{n(\lambda )}}. \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) makes at most \(2q(\lambda )^2\) queries, and otherwise runs in time polynomial in the number of queries answered, and n. \(\blacksquare \)

This, together with Theorem 1, gives us immediately the following corollary: Given a keyed function family \(\mathsf {F}= ({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\), where for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), \(k \in [{\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^{\lambda })]\), \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, k, \cdot )\) is a function from \(n(\lambda ) + 3\) bits to \(n(\lambda )\) bits, interpreted as a function \([5] \times \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n(\lambda )}\), then define the keyed function family \(\varPsi _5[\mathsf {F}] = ({\varPsi }{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\varPsi }{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\) obtained by instantiating the round function using \(\mathsf {F}\).

Corollary 2

For any polynomially bounded \(n = \omega (\log \lambda )\), if \(\mathsf {F}\in \mathsf {UCE}[n + 3, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\), then \(\varPsi _5[\mathsf {F}] \in \mathsf {psPRP}[2n, \mathcal {S}^{\star \mathsf {rs}}]\), where \(\star \in \{\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {s}\}\). \(\blacksquare \)

Theorem 5 is interesting in its own right, as part of the line of works on (full-fledged) indifferentiability of Feistel constructions. Coron et al. [21] show that six rounds are necessary for achieving indifferentiability, and proofs of indifferentiability have been given for 14, 10, and 8 rounds, respectively [21,22,23, 29]. Thus, our result shows that CP-indifferentiability is a strictly weaker goal in terms of round-complexity of the Feistel construction. (Also for sequential indifferentiability as in [33], six rounds are necessary.) As we will see in the next paragraph, our simulation strategy departs substantially from earlier proofs.

Two obvious problems remain open. First off, we know four rounds are necessary (as they are needed for indistinguishability alone [32]), but we were unable to make any progress on whether CP-sequential indifferentiability (or psPRP security) is achievable. The second is the case of unpredictable sources. We note that a heavily unbalanced Feistel construction (where each round function outputs one bit) would be query extractable, as the input of the round function leaves little uncertainty on the inner state, and the extractor can evaluate the round functions for other rounds to infer the input/output of the construction. Thus, if we could prove CP-indifferentiabilty, we could combine this with Theorem 2. Unfortunately, such a proof appears beyond our current understanding.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The code for simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\). \(\mathsf {Sim}\) has access to the \(\mathsf {Func}\) oracle and maintains data structures \(G_k\), \(\text {Chains}\) and \(\text {CompletedChains}\) as global variables.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The code for subroutines used by simulator \(\mathsf {Sim}\) (continuation of Fig. 6).

We explain now our simulation strategy, which is described formally in Fig. 6. We note that our approach inherits the chain-completion technique from previous proofs, but it will differ substantially in how and when chains are completed.

Recall that in the ideal case, in the first stage of the CP-indifferentiability game, \(A_1\) makes queries to \(\mathsf {Func}\) implementing a random permutation, and then passes the control of the game to \(A_2\) which interacts with \(\mathsf {Sim}\). Our \(\mathsf {Sim}\) maintains tables \(G_k\) for \(k \in [5] \) to simulate the round functions. We denote by \(G_k[X] = \bot \) that the table entry for X is undefined, and we assume all values are initially undefined. Also, we refer to a tuple \((X_k,X_{k+1},k)\) as a partial chain where \(G_k[X_k] \ne \bot \) and \(G_{k+1}[X_{k+1}] \ne \bot \) for \(k \in \{1,4\}\), \(X_k,X_{k+1} \in \{0,1\}^{n}\).

For any query (kX) by \(A_2\), \(\mathsf {Sim}\) checks if \(G_k[X] = \bot \). If not then the image \(G_k[X]\) is returned. Otherwise, depending on the value of k, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) takes specific steps as shown in Figs. 6 and  7. If \(k \in \{2,4\}\) then \(\mathsf {Sim}\) sets \(G_k[X]\) to a uniformly random n-bit string by calling the procedure \(\mathsf {F^{\text {inner}}}\). At this point, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) considers newly formed tuples \((X_1,X_2) \in G_1 \times \{X\}\) (when \(k = 2\)) and detects partial chains \(C = (X_1,X_2,1)\). The notation \(X_1 \in G_1\) is equivalent to \(G_1[X_1] \ne \bot \). For every partial chain C that \(\mathsf {Sim}\) detects, it queries \(\mathsf {Func}\) on \((X_0,X_1)\) and receives \((X_5,X_6)\) where \(X_0 = G_1[X_1] \oplus X_2\) . If \((X_0,X_1)\) does not appear in one of the queries/responses by/to \(A_1\) then it is unlikely for \(A_2\) to guess the corresponding \((X_5,X_6)\) pair. Therefore, if \(G_5[X_5] \ne \bot \) then \(\mathsf {Sim}\) assumes that C is a chain that most likely corresponds to a query by \(A_1\). We refer to partial chains that correspond to the queries by \(A_1\) as relevant chains. In this case, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) immediately completes C by calling the procedure \(\mathsf {Complete}\). C is completed by forcing the values of \(G_3[X_3]\) and \(G_4[X_4]\) to be consistent with the \(\mathsf {Func}\) query where \(X_3 \leftarrow G_2[X_2] \oplus X_1\) and \(X_4 \leftarrow G_5[X_5] \oplus X_6\).

If \(G_5[X_5] = \bot \) then either C is not a relevant chain or C is a relevant chain but \(A_2\) has not queried \((5,X_5)\) yet. An aggressive strategy would be to complete C, thereby asking \(\mathsf {Sim}\) to complete every partial chain ever detected. The resulting simulation strategy will however end up potentially managing an exponential number of partial chains, contradicting our goal of efficient simulation. Hence, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) delays the completion and only completes C on \(A_2\)’s query to either \((3,X_3)\) or \((5,X_5)\) where \(X_3 = G_2[X_2] \oplus X_1\). The completion is delayed by storing information about \(X_3\) and \(X_5\), that fall on the chain C, in the table \(\text {Chains}\). In particular, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) stores a pointer to \((5,X_5)\) at \(\text {Chains}[3,X_3]\). The inputs \(((X_1,X_2,1),(X_5,X_6))\) to the \(\mathsf {Complete}\) call on C are stored in \(\text {Chains}[5,X_5]\). As many chains can share the same \(X_5\), we allow \(\text {Chains}[5,X_5]\) to be a set. The idea of delaying the chain completions is unique to our simulation strategy and it translates to an efficient \(\mathsf {Sim}\) which consistently completes chains in the eyes of A. \(\mathsf {Sim}\) works symmetrically when \(k = 4\).

For queries of the form (kX) where \(k \in \{1,5\}\), \(\mathsf {Sim}\) always assigns \(G_k[X]\) to a uniform random n-bit string by calling \(\mathsf {F^{\text {inner}}}\). Moreover as discussed earlier, X could be on previously detected partial chains whose completion was delayed. Therefore after the assignment, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) picks up all partial chains \(C'\) (if any) stored in \(\text {Chains}[k,X]\) and completes them. This is where \(\mathsf {Sim}\) captures a relevant partial chain which was delayed for completion. Finally for queries (3, X), \(\mathsf {Sim}\) checks if this X was on a partial chain that was detected but not completed. If \(\text {Chains}[3,X] = \bot \) then \(\mathsf {Sim}\) assigns \(G_3[X]\) a uniform random n-bit string otherwise it follows the pointer to \(\text {Chains}[3,X]\) to complete the chain X was on. Since \(\text {Chains}[3,X]\) just stores a tuple (instead of a set) there can be at most one chain C that \(\text {Chains}[3,X]\) can point to at any time. In the execution, \(\text {Chains}[3,X]\) can get overwritten which may lead to inconsistencies in chain completions. However, we show that there are no overwrites in either tables \(G_k\) or the data-structure \(\text {Chains}\), except with negligible probability. This allows \(\mathsf {Sim}\) to \(\mathsf {Complete}\) chains consistently in the eyes of A. Furthermore, to avoid completing the same chains again, \(\mathsf {Sim}\) maintains a set of all CompletedChains and completes any chain if it is not in CompletedChains. A pictorial description of \(\mathsf {Sim}\) is found in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The 5-round Feistel where \(\mathsf {Sim}\) sets \(G_1[X_1]\) and \(G_5[X_5]\) uniformly at random (green). \(\mathsf {Sim}\) detects chains at either \((X_1,X_2)\) or \((X_4,X_5)\) (blue) and adapts at \((X_3,X_4)\) and \((X_2,X_3)\) respectively (red). (Color figure online)

6 Ideal-Model PsPRP Constructions

We discuss two natural approaches to instantiate psPRPs. One is by taking any block cipher, and using its key as a (now public) seed. The second is by using a key-less permutation (e.g., the one within SHA-3), and adding the seed through the Even-Mansour [25] construction. While the purpose of our psPRP framework is to remove ideal-model assumptions, the only obvious way to validate (heuristically) these methods is via ideal-model proofs, and this is what we do here. Also, note that such ideal-model proofs are useful since, as in the case of UCE, psPRP security can become a powerful intermediate notion within ideal-model proofs for multi-stage security games [36].

Given a family of block ciphers \(\mathsf {E}_{\lambda }: \{0,1\}^{s(\lambda )} \times \{0,1\}^{\lambda } \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\), we consider the construction \(\mathsf {F}= ({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\), where \({\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}(1^{\lambda })\) outputs a random , whereas

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, (k, \texttt {+}, x)) = \mathsf {E}(k, x),\;\;\; {\mathsf {F}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}}(1^{\lambda }, (k, \texttt {-}, y)) = \mathsf {E}^{-1}(k, y). \end{aligned}$$

The following theorem establishes its security in the ideal cipher model, that is, we assume (without overloading notation) that all parties (i.e., the source, the distinguisher, and the reset adversary in the proof) are given access to a randomly chosen block cipher \(\mathsf {E}\), which is also used within \(\mathsf {F}\). We refer the reader to the full version for the proof which closely follows the proof from [8] that a random oracle is UCE-secure.

Theorem 6

(Ideal Cipher as a psPRP). Let \(\mathbf {P}\) be the random permutation with input length \(n(\lambda ) = \lambda \). For every source-distinguisher pair SD, where the source S, in its first stage, outputs n which is at most \(N(\lambda )\) and makes q \(\mathsf {Prim}\) queries to its oracle, there exists R (described in the proof) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {psPRP}[n]}_{\mathsf {F},S,D}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {reset}[\mathbf {P}]}_{S,R}(\lambda ) + \frac{2q N(\lambda )}{2^{s(\lambda )}} + \frac{2N(\lambda )^2}{2^{s(\lambda )}}. \end{aligned}$$

In particular, if D is polynomial time, then so is R. \(\blacksquare \)

We find it practically valuable to assess whether simple constructions can work. To this end, here, we show that the Even-Mansour construction [25] yields a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {cup}}]\)-secure permutation family in the random permutation model. In particular, we assume we are given a family of permutations \(\varPi = \{\pi _{\lambda }\}_{\lambda \in \mathbb {N}}\), where \(\pi _{\lambda }: \{0,1\}^{\lambda } \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\), and consider the construction \(\mathsf {EM}= ({\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Kg}}, {\mathsf {EM}}{.}{\mathsf {Eval}})\) as defined in Sect. 4.1. Similar to the above, the following theorem implicitly assumes all parties are given oracle access to a random permutation which is used to sample the permutation inside \(\mathsf {EM}\).

Below, we give a few remarks on why the above approach to show \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}]\) security does not extend to the case of Even-Mansour.

Theorem 7

(Even-Mansour as a psPRP). Let \(\mathbf {P}\) be the random permutation with input length \(n(\lambda ) = \lambda \). For every source-distinguisher pair SD, where the source S, in its first stage, outputs n which is at most \(N(\lambda )\) and where S and D jointly make at most q queries to their oracles, there exists P (described in the proof) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {psPRP}[n]}_{\mathsf {EM},S,D}(\lambda ) \le \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {pred}[\mathbf {P}]}_{S,P}(\lambda ) + \frac{3q^2}{2^{\lambda }} + \frac{2N(\lambda )q^2}{2^{\lambda }}. \end{aligned}$$

In particular, if D runs in polynomial time, then so does P. \(\blacksquare \)

The proof of Theorem 7 can be found in the full version. It resembles the original indistinguishability proof from [25], which bounds the advantage via the probability of an intersection query, that is, a direct query (by the source or by the distinguisher) to the random permutation that overlaps with one of the queries to the random permutation made internally by oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) invoked by the source. Bounding the probability that S makes an intersection query proceeds as in [25] (exploiting lack of knowledge of the seed), whereas bounding the probability that D makes such a query requires a reduction to unpredictability.

We would like to extend Theorem 7 to \(\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {crs}}\), as this would provide validation for the assumption from Sect. 4.1. While we conjecture this to be true, the statement seems to evade a simple proof. The proof approach behind Theorem 6 fails in particular, as it heavily exploits the property that for each distinct seed, the construction \(\mathsf {F}\) queries a disjoint portion of the domain of the ideal cipher, which is not true for \(\mathsf {EM}\).

7 Efficient Garbling from PsPRPs

As an application of the psPRP framework, we study the security of the efficient garbling schemes of Bellare, Hoang, Keelveedhi, and Rogaway [10], and in particular, their simplest scheme (called \(\mathsf {Ga}\)). It follows Yao’s general garbling paradigm [40], but proposes a particular gadget to garble individual gates that only relies on evaluating the underlying block cipher on a fixed key. In terms of efficiency, this has been shown to be advantageous, as it avoids higher re-keying costs. However, its security has only been proved in the ideal-cipher model, and recent work by Gueron et al. [28] has debated this. Here, we show that a minor variant of \(\mathsf {Ga}\) (which still largely benefits from the lack of re-keying) is secure assuming the underlying block cipher is \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}]\)-secure. While this assumption is undoubtedly strong, it makes it clear what is expected from the permutation. In particular, the main concern of [28] is the existence of fixed-key distinguishers (as in [30]), but these do not seem to affect psPRP-security, while they may invalidate the permutation being ideal.

For representing circuits we adopt the SCD notation of [11]. A circuit is a 6-tuple \(f = (n,m,q,W_1,W_2,G)\) where \(n \ge 2\) is the number of inputs, \(m \ge 1\) is the number of outputs, \(q \ge 1\) is the number of gates, and \(n+q\) is the number of wires. We let \(\mathsf {Inputs} = [1,\ldots ,n]\), \(\mathsf {Wires} = [1,\ldots ,n+q]\), \(\mathsf {OutputWires} = [n+q-m+1, \ldots ,n+q]\) and \(\mathsf {Gates} = [n+1,\ldots ,n+q]\). Then \(W_1 : \mathsf {Gates} \rightarrow \mathsf {Wires}\setminus \mathsf {OutputWires}\) is a function to identify each gate’s first incoming wire and \(W_2 : \mathsf {Gates} \rightarrow \mathsf {Wires}\setminus \mathsf {OutputWires}\) to identify each gate’s second incoming wire. Finally \(G: \mathsf {Gates} \times \{0,1\}^{2} \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) is a function that determines the functionality of each gate i.e. \(G_g\) is a table storing the output of gate g with input i and j at \(G_g[i,j]\). We require that \(W_1(g)< W_2(g) < g\) for all gates g.

Following [10], our definitions will be parameterized by the side information about the circuit obtained from its garbled counterpart. We consider the topology side information \(\phi _{\mathsf {topo}}\) which maps f to its topology \( \phi _{\mathsf {topo}}(f) = (n,m,q,W_1,W_2)\). Another example is \(\phi _{\mathsf {xor}}\), which maps f to a circuit \(\phi _{\mathsf {xor}}(f) = (n,m,q,W_1,W_2,G')\) which obscures the functionality of non-xor gates. As shown in [11] and [10], an important property is that \(\phi _{\mathsf {topo}}\) and \(\phi _{\mathsf {xor}}\) are efficiently invertible, i.e., there exists an efficient algorithm which given \(\phi (f)\) and y, outputs \((f',x')\) such that \(\phi (f) =\phi (f')\) and \(y = \mathsf {ev}(f',x')\).

To describe a garbling scheme we use the notation from [11]. A garbling scheme is a tuple of algorithms \(\mathcal {G} = (\mathsf {Gb}, \mathsf {En}, \mathsf {De}, \mathsf {Ev}, \mathsf {ev})\). The algorithm \(\mathsf {Gb}\) is probabilistic and others are determinisitic. \(\mathsf {Gb}\) takes as inputs a circuit \(f = (n,m,q,W_1,W_2,G)\) represented in the SCD notation and a security parameter \(1^\lambda \) and returns a tuple of strings (Fed) where F is the garbled circuit, e is the input encoding information and d is the output decoding information. \(\mathsf {En}(e,\cdot ): \{0,1\}^{n} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{*}\) transforms the n-bit input x to the garbled input X. \(\mathsf {Ev}(F,\cdot ) : \{0,1\}^{*} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{*}\) runs the garbled circuit F on garbled input X and returns the garbled output Y. \(\mathsf {De}(d,\cdot ) : \{0,1\}^{*} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{m} \cup \{ \bot \}\) decodes the garbled output Y to return \(y \in \{0,1\}^{m}\). The algorithm \(\mathsf {ev}\) is the canonical circuit-evaluation function where \(\mathsf {ev}(f,x)\) is the m-bit output one gets by feeding x to f. Finally, we require that \(\mathcal {G}\) is correct, that is, if \(f \in \{0,1\}^{*}\), \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), \(x \in \{0,1\}^{n}\) and \((F,e,d) \in [\mathsf {Gb}(1^\lambda ,f)]\), then \(\mathsf {De}(d,\mathsf {Ev}(F,\mathsf {En}(e,x))) = \mathsf {ev}(f,x)\). We require that all algorithms run in time polynomial in the security parameter \(\lambda \).

In this work, we are only concerned with indistinguishability-based privacy, as defined in Game \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathcal {G},\phi }\) in Fig. 9. Since both \(\phi _{\mathsf {topo}}\) and \(\phi _{\mathsf {xor}}\) are efficiently invertible, [11] show that it is sufficient to focus on this target, since simulation-based security is implied. We say that \(\mathcal {G}\) is \(\mathsf {prvind}\)-secure over side information function \(\phi \) if for all PPT adversaries A,

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf {Adv}^{\mathsf {prvind}[\phi ]}_{\mathcal {G},A}(\lambda ) = 2\,{\text {Pr}\left[ {\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathcal {G},\phi }(\lambda )} \right] }- 1 \end{aligned}$$

is negligible (in \(\lambda \)). Also, it is not hard to see (by a simple hybrid argument) that it is sufficient to prove this for adversaries which make one single query to their oracle.

Our garbling scheme resembles heavily that of [10]. The only modification is that we assume it uses a function family \(\mathsf {P}\) meant to be \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}]\)-secure (which could be instantiated from a block cipher, by letting the key take the role of the seed.). During the garbling procedure, a fresh seed for \(\mathsf {P}\) is chosen and made part of the garbled circuit. Clearly, re-keying costs are still largely avoided (especially for large circuits), even though re-keying is necessary when garbling multiple circuits.

Concretely, the garbling scheme \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\) (Fig. 10) is a tuple of algorithms \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}] = (\mathsf {Gb},\mathsf {En},\mathsf {De},\mathsf {Ev},\mathsf {ev})\) where \(\mathsf {P}\in \mathsf {psPRP}[k(\lambda ),\mathcal {S}^\mathsf{{sup}}]\) for some polynomial \(k(\lambda )\). Algorithm \(\mathsf {Gb}\) transforms the input circuit f to a tuple of strings (Fed) where the seed s for the permutation \(\mathsf {P}\) sampled independently for each input f is now part of F.

Though the \(\mathsf {Ga}\) scheme of [10] comes in several variants, where each variant is defined by the dual-key cipher used, we focus on a specific dual-key cipher (namely A1 in [10]) that leads to the most efficient implementation of \(\mathsf {Ga}\).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

\(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathcal {G},\phi }\) game for \(\mathcal {G}\) with adversary A.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Scheme \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\).

In the following theorem we prove the \(\mathsf {prvind}\)-security of \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\) and later discuss about the more efficient schemes \(\mathsf {GaX}\) and \(\mathsf {GaXR}\) from [10].

Theorem 8

(Garbling from psPRPs). Let \(\mathsf {P}\in \mathsf {psPRP}[k(\lambda ),\mathcal {S}^\mathsf{{sup}}]\) then \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\) is \(\mathsf {prvind}\)-secure over \(\phi _{\mathsf {topo}}\). \(\blacksquare \)


Let us assume that \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\) is not \(\mathsf {prvind}\)-secure then there exists a PPT adversary A that issues circuits with at most \(q(\lambda )\) gates and achieves a non-negligible advantage \(\epsilon (\lambda )\) in the \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }(\lambda )\) Footnote 9 game. Using A we construct a pair (SD) (Fig. 11) breaking the \(\mathsf {psPRP}\) security of \(\mathsf {P}\), where S is a statistically unpredictable source. Without loss of generality, we can assume that A queries its oracle exactly once.

Let c be the challenge bit in the \(\mathsf {psPR}\) game for \(\mathsf {P}\), and let \(\mathsf {Perm}\) be the oracle called by S. We allow S to sample the challenge bit b for the \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }\) game. Further, for syntactic reasons we decompose A into \((A_0,A_1)\) where \(A_0\) on input \(1^\lambda \) outputs \((f_0,x_0,f_1,x_1)\) (inputs for \(\mathsf {Garble}\)) and forwards a state \({\mathsf {st}}\) to \(A_1\). The result of \(\mathsf {Garble}\) i.e. (FXd) is forwarded to \(A_1\) to guess the challenge bit b in the \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }\) game. The source S nearly acts as \(\mathsf {Gb}\) on input \(f_b\). To satisfy unpredictability, the leakage L must give no information about the queries made by S. Therefore, S refrains from compiling the rows in the garbled table T which can be opened by A. S outputs this partially garbled circuit \(F^{\texttt {-}}\) as leakage in addition to \((b,d,{\mathsf {st}})\). Moreover, since (SD) must perfectly simulate the \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }\) game for A, leakage also contains the vector \(X^{\texttt {+}}\) which is the set of all visible tokens (one for each wire). Given s and L, D completes the garbled circuit and invokes \(A_1\) with appropriate inputs. D then outputs \(b' \oplus b\) where \(b'\) was the guess of A in the \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }\) game.

It is easy to see that when \(c=1\), (SD) simulate the game \(\mathsf {PrvInd}^{A}_{\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}],\phi }\) for A. Furthermore, when \(c=0\) the leakage L can be transformed to be independent of the bit b by modifying \(\mathsf {Perm}\) to act like a random function. This allows rows in the garbled table to be independent of the tokens \(X_g^{G_g[i,j]}\) which might depend on bit b. Therefore, in this modified game A can do no better than guessing. For a detailed analysis, we direct the reader to the full version.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

(SD) in the \(\mathsf {psPR}\) game of \(\mathsf {P}\) where \(A_0\)’s inputs are honest.

To prove that S is statistically unpredictable we need to show that any (possibly unbounded) predictor P making at most \(p(\lambda )\) number of queries to the oracle \(\mathsf {Perm}\) is unlikely to predict a query made by S given \(L = (F^{\texttt {-}}, X^{\texttt {+}},b,d,\mathsf {st})\). The idea is to swiftly transition to a game where L is independent of the queries made by S to \(\mathsf {Perm}\). This then reduces P to merely guess the queries. To achieve this, we take a similar path as the \(\mathsf {psPRP}\) game of \(\mathsf {P}\) (\(c = 0\)). We transition to a game \(\mathsf {G}_1\) where \(F^{\texttt {-}}\) is independent of bit b. However, unlike the \(\mathsf {psPRP}\) case, P and S share the same oracle \(\mathsf {Perm}\) (to which P can also make inverse queries), and therefore it is non-trivial to argue about the independence of L and queries of S as we desire. Therefore, we make a final transition to a game \(\mathsf {G}_2\) where \(\mathsf {Perm}\) returns random strings for queries by S and refrains from storing any information about the queries made by S. The resulting leakage can be viewed as being constructed by S without making any queries to \(\mathsf {Perm}\). Then we exploit the fact \(X^{\texttt {+}}\) information theoretically hides \(X^{\texttt {-}}\) and hence queries by S are hidden from any P making only polynomially many queries to \(\mathsf {Perm}\). Again we direct the reader to the full version for a rigorous argument. (We also note that this argument is implicitly contained in the original security proof in the ideal-cipher model.)    \(\square \)

Along with \(\mathsf {Ga}\), [10] propose another scheme \(\mathsf {GaX}\) which achieves faster garbling and evaluation times using the free-xor technique [31]. We consider a variant \(\mathsf {GaX}[\mathsf {P}]\) of \(\mathsf {GaX}\) where (like \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\)) the permutation is replaced by a \(\mathsf {psPRP}[\mathcal {S}^{\mathsf {sup}}]\)-secure permutation \(\mathsf {P}\) and the seed for \(\mathsf {P}\) is sampled freshly for every new instantiation of \(\mathsf {Gb}\). The security proof of \(\mathsf {GaX}[\mathsf {P}]\) almost readily follows from the security proof of \(\mathsf {GaX}\) from [10] with slight modifications as done in the proof of \(\mathsf {Ga}[\mathsf {P}]\).

The third scheme proposed by [10], called \({\mathsf {GaXR}}\), further improves over \(\mathsf {GaX}\) in the size of the garbled table due to the use of row reduction technique at the cost of slower garbling and evaluation times. This means that for every gate, \(\mathsf {GaXR}\) serves only three rows in the garbled table. Here, we note that adapting \(\mathsf {GaXR}\) to be proved secure under a suitable psPRP assumption does not appear to have a simple and clear solution, and we leave this as an open problem.