Anesthetic Management and Prevention of Complications

Preoperative Assessment

The preoperative conditions of the patients scheduled for CSS, and consequently the anesthetic technique chosen, may heavily affect the risks and the outcome of the procedure.

General indications about the most common and important coexisting diseases will be illustrated, underlining some peculiar aspects that need to be evaluated in this kind of surgery.

The most used method for the preoperative risk assessment is the stratification resulting from the American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System (ASA class). ASA score could be also used, together with the burden of the proposed surgical procedure, in order to properly assign the patients to an outpatient protocol, when allowed. With respect to the past, recent studies show that patients ASA III can be treated as outpatients without significant increase in perioperative complications while ASA IV patients are generally addressed for an inpatient treatment.

However, most authors are now focusing their attention on the single comorbidities and on their grade of stabilization, rather than on the ASA class.

A careful evaluation is needed for patients suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Also, patients with already diagnosed or suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) deserve special attentions, in particular if a fast-track treatment is proposed. Untreated or poorly stabilized situations should suggest delaying the surgery or deciding for an inpatient treatment [1].

Obesity, with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2 and two major comorbidities or a BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, represents a serious challenge for the surgeon and the anesthesiologist while undergoing CSS. Most of the possible complications are worsened and more frequent in the obese patient, including mistakes in the level of intervention, wound infection, position related injuries [2].

For diabetic patients, it’s greatly advisable to assess the level of control of the disease, based on the history, the number of experienced hospital admission for hypo-hyperglycemia, and so on. It’s also important to assess the level of compliance of the patient with his disease. Commonly, a good compliance consists in his ability to perform blood glucose test and to detect the early symptoms of hypoglycemia by himself.

Patients using insulin often take a combined therapy with a basal component (a single dose of long-acting insulin) and a postprandial correction with a short acting insulin. Usually, if the patient didn’t experience preprandial hypoglycemia in the previous months, it is safe and advisable to administer 75–100% of basal-dose long-acting insulin the morning of surgery. However, the first target is to avoid hypoglicemia, so it’s advisable to control blood glucose levels and to be ready to administer 5–10% glucose solutions i.v. perioperatively when needed.

Oral antidiabetics should not be assumed on the day of surgery, and avoided until normal alimentation is resumed.

The preoperative evaluation of glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) could help to identify patients with poor control of the disease. Levels of HbA1c lower than 7%, representing the ideal therapeutic target according to the American Diabetes Association Guidelines [3], were found associated with a significantly lower rate of postoperative infections [4]. A recent study showed that poorly controlled diabetic patients had a mean hospital stay 5 days longer than normal stay, while well controlled diabetic patients only 1 day longer [5]. Poorly controlled glucose levels are associated with worse mean outcome in diabetic and non-diabetic patients [6]. Some non-diabetic patients may have undiagnosed high levels of HbA1c, that is associated with a higher risk of complications undergoing spine surgery. Therefore, it could be advisable to include the HbA1c as a routine preoperative test for elective spine surgery [7]. Diabetic patients are more often burdened with ischemic complications due to the potential presence of microangiopathy, particularly in case of hypotension or hypovolemia.

Patients affected by coronary artery disease (CAD) should be carefully investigated, particularly when instability or recent modifications in the appearance of symptoms are present. Adverse cardiac events following CSS are not uncommon (4/1000) and their rate increases significantly in older patients (>65 y.o.) with greater comorbidities, particularly cardiovascular diseases [8].

Important studies suggest that Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is actually the most important risk factor for perioperative morbidity and mortality [9]. CHF leading to a NYHA class (New York Heart Association) higher than II, recommends an inpatient treatment.

There is general agreement to continue chronic cardiovascular medications for cardiac patients until the morning of surgery. However, possibly some antihypertensive drugs could be remodulated: recent reviews suggest a short preoperative suspension for all the antagonists of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. These drugs have been involved in increasing the rate of significant hypotension episodes after the induction of anesthesia or during neuraxial blocks, and of postoperative development of acute renal failure [10].

The perioperative continuation of antiplatelet drugs should be carefully considered. While it’s commonly accepted, in the presence of a bleeding risk, to suspend the therapy in primary prevention, many reports suggest that the antiplatelet withdrawal during secondary prevention for ischemic diseases may lead to serious complications [11]. When surgery is performed in an area where the development of a hematoma could lead to severe complications (e.g. the anterior region of the neck), or in closed spaces as the spinal canal, the risk of bleeding should be carefully evaluated. When a double antiplatelet therapy is indicated, elective surgery should be postponed. The average increase in bleeding risk in non-cardiac surgery is about 20% with aspirin or clopidogrel alone [12]. The risk rises up to 50% over the basic risk when aspirin and clopidogrel are used together [13]. In such particular situations, a multidisciplinary approach involving surgeon, anesthesiologist and cardiologist or neurologist is advisable to customize clinical decisions [14].

COPD is a frequent condition, especially among the older patients, and is often associated with obesity and higher rates of postoperative bronchopulmonary complications [15]. If general anesthesia or deep sedation are needed for elective surgery, when a severe or poorly compensated COPD is present, with increase in bronchial secretions and clinically relevant bronchial reactivity, a preparation with aerosol therapy and a short course of antibiotics is advised [16]. In addition, in the compliant patient smoke banning at least 6–8 weeks before surgery has significantly lowered the rate of bronchopulmonary complications and improved surgical wound healing and bone fusion [17]. If possible, local anesthesia and Monitored Anesthesia Care should be preferred in patients with COPD. However, if tracheal intubation is mandatory, the early weaning from invasive ventilation and the adoption of lung-protective ventilation protocols help prevent pulmonary complications [18, 19].

In particular in the elderly, smokers and obese patients, OSA is not uncommon and is often underdiagnosed. The frequent association of anatomical abnormalities in the upper airway could advice a careful evaluation for suspected difficult intubation, and the availability of all emergency airway equipment [20]. In the last years, quite simple questionnaires with the aim to detect patients with suspected OSA have been proposed, compared with others and validated [21].

Patients with already diagnosed and treated OSA can be managed in OP or DS setting if they are able and skilled in the use of their own Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) device (possibly bringing their own device at the admission to the hospital). Patients with suspected OSA and without comorbidities, with a low risk emerging from clinical evaluation and from the questionnaire results, could be treated in OP or DS setting only if the postoperative pain can easily be controlled without opioids. In patients with high risk for suspected OSA, when other comorbidities are present or when postoperative opioid use is very likely, it is safer to decide in any case for an inpatient treatment [22].

Airway Assessment

As in every kind of surgery, a proper airway evaluation is mandatory before the induction of anesthesia, even if recent surveys show a poor accuracy of the clinical prediction of a difficult direct laryngoscopy (DL) [23].

A simple definition of “difficult airway” could be: a clinical situation in which a meanly skilled anesthesiologist experiences difficulty with facemask ventilation and/or with tracheal intubation [24].

The presence of one or more of the common findings that could hinder an easy direct laryngoscopy or facial mask ventilation must be detected, in order to establish a proper behavior (Table 4.1). All other things being equal, when a patient is scheduled for cervical spine surgery, and mostly if the stability of the spine could be impaired, a more cautious approach is needed. A collective evaluation with the surgeon regarding the preoperative neurological status, the spine stability and the intervention proposed is surely the best approach to choose the more suitable behavior and even to avoid legal issues [25]. Moreover, if an awaken intubation is finally chosen, the psychological compliance of the patients should be appraised, and however a proper information to the patient must be given.

Table 4.1 Components of the preoperative airway physical examination airway [24]

Thanks to the improvement of electronics and glass fiber technology, many devices has been proposed in the last few years to overcome difficult intubation (Fig. 4.1). These devices have been compared with the classical MacIntosh laryngoscope and also with the fiberoptic bronchoscope or laryngoscope for their efficacy in improving visualization and in reducing neck movements and mechanical stress of cervical spine [26, 27].

Fig. 4.1
figure 1

Videolaryngoscopy in a “difficult airway” using a Glidescope®

Awake fiberoptic intubation can be performed using topic anesthesia with a conscious sedation in order to minimize coughing and neck movements. This has been the favorite technique for most practitioners in patients scheduled for general anesthesia with anticipated difficult intubation [28]. However, awake fiberoptic intubation is not without risks. In a closed claims analysis 12 cases of failed awake intubations, for technical causes or for lack of patient cooperation, or development of airway obstruction for the sedation or edema, resulted in death or brain damage in 9 cases (75%) [29]. When awake intubation is advised and mouth opening is not too limited, awake videolaryngoscopy, being faster and simpler than fiberoptic bronchoscopy, should probably be considered [30].

Intraoperative Neurological Monitoring

Iatrogenic injury to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves could occur during CSS, caused from wrong positioning, surgical or anesthetic maneuvers or poor hemodynamic control; some lesions are often permanent and very disabling [31]. The blood supply to the medulla is granted from the anterior and posterior spinal arteries. The anterior spinal artery feeds approximately the two thirds of the cord mainly in the anterior and central area and the flow is centrifugal. The posterior spinal arteries feed the posterior part of the gray matter of the posterior horns and the more external portion of the anterior-lateral and posterior white matter, and its flow is centripetal. With the exception of the posterior half of the posterior horns, supplied only from the posterior spinal artery, the two systems have a discrete grade of overlapping. Unfortunately, the real efficiency of the interconnections is generally poor and not truly compensatory in case of obstruction of one of the two systems. Moreover, blood supply of the spinal cord is not homogeneous; the cervical tract is more vascularized with a good supply from both anterior and posterior systems, while thoracic and lumbosacral tract have respectively a weaker anterior and posterior flow [32].

In order to early detect neurologic modifications during spinal surgery various neurophysiologic techniques have been proposed and used. Somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) were the first to be studied and adopted. The registration of cortical or subcortical potentials after administration of peripheral stimuli and the evaluation of variations in amplitude and latency of the responses, helps in detecting possible functional impairment of the posterior afferent pathways. Typically, the stimulating electrode are applied over the median nerve in the arm or over the posterior tibial nerve distally to the knee. The stimulation site is chosen depending of the site of surgery; when CSS is proposed the median nerve is generally used, while for surgery distal to the cervical segment the tibial nerve is stimulated [33].

Moreover, the technique in most cases gives indirect information about the functional situation of the anterior regions of medulla.

However, a recent review suggests that SSEPs changes during CSS are highly specific but not very sensitive in predicting poor outcomes after surgery [34]. Also for the anatomical and functional reasons described above, SSEPs may fail to detect spinal cord injury in the anterior-lateral area involving only the descending motor pathways without impairment of the posterior columns and gray matter.

TcMEPs monitoring was introduced to overcome these false negative records. The electrical or magnetic stimulation of the precentral motor cortex with the peripheric recording under the surgery level of the muscular response can help to assess the integrity of the anterior descending pathways.

Moreover, during CSS, TcMEPs and SSEPs seem to have different patterns of sensitivity: while TcMEPs are more useful to detect hypotension and cord hypoperfusion related injuries, SSEPs may be more helpful in preventing brachial plexus injuries [35].

Literature highly recommends continuous recording of both SSEPs and MEPs for the high sensitivity and specificity of the responses they can give when used together, allowing the recovery of situations otherwise probably with very poor outcome. Despite the lack of large studies, recently multimodal approaches have been proposed, involving clinical and radiological data with electrophysiologic findings, with the aim to predict surgical outcome. When pedicle screws are used, the intraoperative EMG is also recommended [36, 37].

Special anesthetic care is needed when monitoring of somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) and/or motor-evoked potentials (MEPs ) is planned, in order to detect intraoperative functional impairment of the spinal pathways. Anesthetic agents can heavily affect the quality of the monitoring, particularly for cortical SSEPs for cortical direct depression. Moreover, general anesthesia causes also a depression of intrinsic spinal cord activity, which is more evident when nitrous oxide or halogenated agents are used. Even if the use of trains of stimuli rather than single stimuli tends to overcome this poor excitability, the depressive effects is however significant.

Hence, the simultaneous monitoring of a cortical and a subcortical site of SSEPs may help, when necessary, in the interpretation of a decrease in cortical SSEPs amplitude and/or increase in latency, because the subcortical response is far less impaired from the anesthetic effect. Generally, the first choice should be a Totally IntraVenous Anesthesia (TIVA), because of the impact of inhalational anestetics on evoked potentials even at low concentrations. Propofol suppresses the activity of the anterior horn cells, but significantly less than halogenated anesthetics [38]. Also intravenous drugs should be chosen carefully: benzodiazepines and barbiturates produce CMEPs depression at lower doses than those affecting the SSEPs and this effect lasts for several minutes. Ketamine, instead, has shown an increase in cortex magnetic excitability, leading to larger CMEPs amplitude [39]. Recent studies showed that dexmedetomidine when used during a TIVA at a clinical dose may affect some IONM parameters and without any advantage [40].

Opioids are an important component of anesthesia for evoked potentials monitoring: they produce only minimal changes in spinal or subcortical SSEP recordings, and only a mild decrease in amplitude and increase in latency for cortical SSEPs and myogenic responses from MEPs [41].

Recently it has been noted that remifentanil, when used at higher doses, can affect SSEPs monitoring, acting particularly on the amplitude of signals [42].

Spinal MEPs (stimulating cranially to the level of surgery) or pedicle screw testing during spinal instrumentation (EMG recording) are virtually insensitive to anesthetic agents, while could be hindered from muscle relaxant drugs. Most anesthesiologists prefer to use even a little dose of rocuronium (i.e. about 0.3 mg/kg) to facilitate tracheal intubation and normally the residual neuromuscular blockade at the beginning of surgery has little impact on the quality of tEMG. When necessary, small doses of sugammadex (i.e. about 1–2 mg/kg) can be administered to achieve a better TOF response and abolish the interference with IONM [43].

In any case, due to the complex pattern of interference between anesthesia and intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring, a continuous exchange of information among all the practitioners involved can improve the interpretation of data and the outcome of the patient [41, 44].

Patient Positioning and Related Complications

Positioning in CSS is potentially challenging. A study on 75 patients undergoing CSS with IONM showed a sudden worsening during positioning of trans cranial MEPs in three cases and both MEPs and SEPs in two cases. Despite the immediate adjustment of the position and the stabilization of an adequate blood pressure, in one case evoked potentials remained depressed during surgery and the patient presented delayed neurological impairment in the postoperative (tetraparesis), but fortunately with a complete recovery after 2 weeks. The other four patients gradually showed improvement of evoked potentials after re-positioning with no neurological deficits at the end of surgery [45]. A recent series of 103 cases showed a 10.7% incidence of IONM significative changes during head positioning for CSS in cervical myelopathy, with complete or partial signal restoration after repositioning in 10 cases and poor signal improving in 1 case. Only in this patient a postoperative deficit was observed [46].

Neurological impairment, mostly transient, is reported even after non-cervical surgery particularly in the elderly patients in which unsuspected cervical stenosis are often present. This suggests always cautious positioning of the head and possibly, in any case of supposed spinal cord compression, a proper maintenance of mean arterial blood pressure that may have potential benefit in improving the blood supply to ischemic areas [32].

Peripheral nerve injury is a rare complication after surgery generally caused from bad patient positioning with an overall rate ranging from 0.03 to 0.1% [47]. The complication seems more frequent in patients with some comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, alcohol dependence and vascular disease, and particularly in the elderly and in the extreme ranges of body mass index [2]. Literature data are poor and missing in randomized trials about the matter; no guidelines are available to address the correct positioning in any kind of surgery; only some advices have been proposed based on expert opinions, case reports and consensus surveys. The abduction of the arm seems to be more tolerated in the prone rather than in the supine position, though it’s advised not to exceed 90° [47]. In the supine position with the arm abducted the ulnar nerve is better protected with the forearm in supine or neutral position; when the arm is tucked beside the trunk the forearm should be in neutral position and in any case pressure on the ulnar groove at the elbow and on the radial spiral groove of the humerus must be avoided. Flexion of the elbow may increase the rate of ulnar impairment, while excessive extension beyond the range preoperatively assessed as comfortable may stretch the median nerve. During surgery the position of the upper extremities should be periodically reassessed. Gel or foam padding are advised but they must be used carefully from experienced staff. A wrong use of padding can even increase rather than decrease the rate of postoperative neuropathy [48]. Fortunately, these nerve lesions are more often incomplete and deficits and symptoms tend to heal spontaneously, even if sometimes after weeks or months [49].

One of the most devastating complications in non-ocular surgery is the Peri-Operative Visual Loss (POVL), in some cases caused from wrong position. POVL is rare if considered in the whole population of surgical patients, ranging from 1:60,000 to 1:125,000, but is more frequent after spine surgery (3.09:10,000); only cardiac surgery has a higher risk of POVL (8.64:10,000). The causes of POVL are mainly two: the Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO) and the Ischemic Optic nerve Neuropathy (ION). The CRAO leads to the ischemia of the entire retina, while the less severe obstruction of a branch of the artery (BRAO) causes an impaired function only in a sector. While during cardiac surgery the more common mechanism involved is the arterial microembolism, during spine surgery the complication derives mainly from an improper head position, leading to mono or bilateral ocular compression [50]. The mechanisms underlying the development of ION are not completely known, but the pathogenesis seems to be multifactorial [50]. The occurrence of ION seems to be strictly correlated with surgery duration. In a survey of 83 ION after spine surgery the majority of cases (94%) occurred for 6 h anesthetic duration or longer, while only one case was associated with surgery lasting less than 4 h [51]. Other risk factors for ION were detected such as obesity, male sex, Wilson frame use, greater estimated blood loss, and decreased percent colloid administration. Recently, a task force of the ASA has proposed some practical advices for POVL prevention in spine surgery [52]. For the prevention of CRAO and other ocular damage direct pressure on the eye should be avoided, the eyes of prone-positioned patients should be assessed regularly and documented [52]. ION is less rare than CRAO, accounting for about 89% of cases of POVL after spinal surgery. The pathogenesis of ION is not clear. The most popular theory involves the elevation of venous pressure and the development of interstitial edema leading to deformation and obstruction of the vessels feeding the optical nerve. All the factors able to increase the venous pressure in the head, such as the prone position with abdominal compression in obese patients or the head position lower than the heart, or to decrease the oncotic pressure, such as a significant blood loss with consequent hypoalbuminemia and the inadequate administration of colloids, could predispose to ION [53].

Other complications deriving from improper positioning should be prevented using gel or foam-made dedicated devices or even normal pillows assembled with the active contribution of the surgeons, the nurses and the anesthesiologist. The final result must ensure the distribution of the pressures as more as possible over larger extensions of tissues, avoiding excessive and localized compressions, and excessive stretching or flexion of elbows, shoulders and neck. Abdomen compression should be avoided to facilitate intermittent positive pressure ventilation and limit barotrauma. Moreover, the reduction of the intrathoracic mean pressure leads to improvement of venous return and helps in lowering surgical bleeding. This is particularly important in CSS, where a deliberate arterial hypotension must be generally avoided to ensure a proper blood perfusion to the spinal cord. As discussed above, the head and the face should be frequently controlled (Fig. 4.2) to avoid harmful compressions on the eyes and ears (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.2
figure 2

A head-rest for prone positioning. The mirror allows eye and face control

Fig. 4.3
figure 3

Nasotracheal intubation for ACSS at C3 level. The eyes are protected by a shell-shaped device

Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infection

Surgical site infection (SSI) is a dreadful and costly complication in spinal surgery. One retrospective study regarding 90 patients undergoing PCSS showed no infections in upper cervical surgery (all infected patients were operated at C3 level or below) while underlines the use of a rigid collar in the postoperative as an important risk factor for infections of the wound in subaxial cervical surgery [54]. Other known risk factors were investigated, such as smoke with an odds ratio (OR) = 2.10 and perioperative steroids (OR = 3.42), but neither resulted statistically significant. A larger series of 318 patients undergoing posterior cervical decompression, showed an incidence of 1.6% for SSI needing reoperation (five cases) with a statistically significant correlation between postoperative infection and the number of levels decompressed [55]. In a retrospective study on 1615 lumbar spine fusions (1568 patients), the overall rate of infection was 2.2%. Risk factors detected were diabetes (×6), smoke (×2) and positive history of spinal surgery (×3.7). Moreover, risk increased with the number of levels fused [56]. A recent study in a series of 264 patients undergoing posterior cervical decompression and fusion showed a significant correlation between the incidence of SSI and the variability of glycemic levels in the postoperative [57], and the importance of the optimization of glycemia is also highlighted by the recent guidelines for SSI prevention indicating with strong level of recommendation a blood glucose target value less than 200 mg/dl in the perioperative [58]. Besides the other indications, the guidelines suggest a particular attention to the maintenance of normothermia and the optimization of tissue oxygen delivery, not only by increasing the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) in the perioperative but also optimizing blood volume and oncotic pressure.

Literature data support the efficacy of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in all the orthopedic spinal procedures with or without instrumentation, with a grade A in the strength or recommendation [59]. The standard recommended agent is cefazolin 2 g i.v. for adult patients (3 g in patients weighting over 120 kg, 30 mg/kg for pediatric patients), administered within 60 min before skin incision (Table 4.2). Clindamycin or vancomycin should be used as alternative agents in patients with β-lactam allergy. If organizational SSI surveillance shows that gram-negative organisms are associated with infections or if there is risk of gram-negative contamination of the surgical site, as for the transoral approach [60], clindamycin or vancomycin should be used in addition to cefazolin if the patient is not β-lactam allergic, or to aztreonam, gentamicin, or single-dose fluoroquinolone if the patient is β-lactam allergic. In patients who are known to be colonized with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin should be added to cefazolin. For agents requiring a slow infusion over 1–2 h, as fluoroquinolones or vancomycin, the administration should begin within 120 min before skin incision. For patients with renal or hepatic impairment, the dose often does not need to be modified when given as a single preoperative administration before surgical incision. In order to maintain an adequate blood and tissue drug concentration, intraoperative redosing is recommended when the duration of the procedure exceeds two half-lives of the drug or there is excessive blood loss [61].

Table 4.2 Doses and redosing intervals for commonly used antimicrobials in adult CSS

In clean non-instrumented procedures there is large consensus on discontinuing antibiotic prophylaxis in the postoperative. For instrumented spinal surgery, a 72-h antibiotic administration was associated with significantly less incidence of SSI than observed after a single preoperative dose (3.6 vs. 7.1%) [62].

Local antibiotics used as powder on the surgical site or to irrigate the wound are generally not recommended because their usefulness is uncertain and may select resistant bacteria even becoming harmful [58, 63].

Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Prevention

DVT complicates CSS meanly with a rate ranging from 0.5 to 4%, with a higher incidence after posterior fixation (1.3%) than after ACSS or posterior decompression (<0.5%), with a higher risk in male sex, pulmonary disorders, surgery in teaching-hospital. Despite this low rate of occurrence, when DVT is present the hospital stay increases by 7- to 10-fold over normal, and mortality rates increase by 10- to 50-fold [64,65,66]. In a prospective clinical trial in patients undergoing CSS, mechanical prophylaxis with intermittent pneumatic compression was equally effective as unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin for the prevention of DVT and PE, but avoided the risk of postoperative hemorrhage [67].

The 9th edition of the Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians suggests mechanical prophylaxis, preferably with IPC, over no prophylaxis or pharmacological prophylaxis. For patients undergoing spinal surgery at high risk for Venous ThromboEmbolism (VTE), including those with malignant disease or those undergoing surgery with a combined anterior-posterior approach, the guidelines suggest adding pharmacologic prophylaxis to mechanical prophylaxis once adequate hemostasis is established and the risk of bleeding decreases [68].

Postoperative Pain Management

Pain after spine surgery is often more severe than in other surgical settings. Skin incision involves more frequently multiple adjacent dermatomes and painful anatomical structures are often involved as periosteum, ligaments, facet joints, muscular fascial tissue. Among the deep somatic structures, periosteum seems to be one of the most painful tissues having the lowest pain threshold nerve fibers [69]. Complex mechanisms of peripheral and central sensitization of pain receptors and spinal cord pathways are also involved in explaining the resistance to treatment and the tendency to persist even after days. In addition, patients scheduled for spine surgery are often under preoperative chronic pain therapy. In some patients, a large use of opioids in the preoperative creates serious therapeutic challenges in the postoperative, making pain less responsive to incremental doses of opioids [70].

When minimally invasive techniques are adopted, pain could be milder for the generally small skin incisions and the reduced damage for muscles and deep tissues. However, among the postoperative “side effect” of surgery, pain represents one of the most common causes of hospital re-admission or delayed discharge, especially when an outpatient (OP) or day surgery (DS) treatment is planned [71]. Nowadays, the multimodal approach to pain therapy is considered the best model of treatment, leading to reduce the doses of the single drugs used and minimize the potential side effects. The multimodal or balanced treatment consists in combining, since the preoperative period, opioid and non-opioid analgesics with additive or synergistic actions sometimes with nonpharmacologic approaches [72].

Other techniques can be adopted together with drug therapy to help to decrease postoperative pain. Skin and tissues infiltration with a long-acting local anesthetic added with epinephrine before the surgical incision is a common practice, reducing intraoperative bleeding and analgesics requirement, at least in the earlier postoperative period, reducing the hospital stay and also the occurrence of PONV [73]. Continuous postoperative wound infiltration with local anesthetics through microcatheters of various length is also available, but not so widely used, though the efficacy and the slow rate of complications have been demonstrated [74]. In the last years, an overwhelming interest is arising about the use of Erector Spinae Plane Block (ESP Block) in order to provide good perioperative analgesia in spine surgery (Fig. 4.4). The risk/benefit ratio of the technique at a cervical level is still unclear. While the first studies reported very encouraging data [75,76,77], after the findings of a specific cadaver study some Authors warned against the potential occurrence of bilateral phrenic nerve block after a bilateral cervical ESP block [78, 79].

Fig. 4.4
figure 4

High-thoracic ESP block for posterior CSS. TM trapezius muscle, RM rhomboid muscle, ES erector spinae muscles, TA transverse apophysis of T3, LA local anesthetic spreading cranially and caudally from the site of injection

Due to the wide safety margin and the very rare complications, acetaminophen has a special place in the management of pain after CSS. Acetaminophen alone or in combination with other NSAIDs or weak opiates, can control efficiently a moderate pain or significantly reduce the consumption of other analgesics in the postoperative period. The availability of oral and intravenous (iv) preparations makes it suitable both for perioperative and postoperative use, and also allows to continue the support therapy easily after patient discharge [72].

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (COX-2) lead to increased risk of non-union after spine fusion surgery, but this adverse effect seems limited to prolonged use (>14 days) or high doses. The use of ketorolac at a dose of more than 120 mg/day even for few days or the use of more than 300 mg of diclofenac in all significantly affect the risk of non-union [80]. When used at lower doses and for few days, these drugs surely help in postoperative pain treatment.

Opiates still have an important role in the treatment of moderate-to-severe postoperative pain, but because of the important side-effects, it’s advisable to reduce the doses in a multimodal protocol. The association of NSAIDs or celecoxib with a slow-release oxycodone given in the preoperative period, when compared with intravenous morphine, improved outcome in spine surgery, providing earlier recovery of the bowel function [81]. Patients treated preoperatively with opiates for chronic pain could necessitate large opiates doses in the perioperative period. The use of intraoperative ketamine infusion in these patients has significantly lowered opiates consumption even over 6 weeks after spine surgery, particularly after CSS [82]. The clinical benefit in terms of reduction in opiate-related PONV has been higher for CSS than for lumbar surgery, while the ketamine related side-effects such as disturbing dreams and hallucination were more common after lumbar surgery [83, 84].

The gabapentinoids (gabapentin, pregabalin) have also been used in association with other drugs for multimodal postoperative pain treatment, but their role remains uncertain as some studies failed in demonstrating a reduced opioids consumption. Furthermore, the side effects as somnolence and sedation, dizziness, ataxia, and visual blurring could slow the physical and psychological recovery, especially in the elderly [72, 85].

PONV Prevention and Treatment

Even if the topic is quite important in patients undergoing CSS, for the particular discomfort deriving from the association between PONV and the frequently required supine position with limited neck movements, only few studies are reported in the specific field [73]. Postoperative nausea and vomiting affect heavily the grade of satisfaction of the patients and in some patients may increase the risks for other severe complications as pulmonary aspiration. After ambulatory or 1 day surgery PONV represents, after pain, the second cause of hospital readmission or delayed discharge. Several studies have been dedicated to the problem and guidelines have been established to help physicians in clinical decisions [86, 87].

Detecting preoperatively risk factors is crucial to provide a correct PONV prevention for each patient. A simple way to assess the risk of PONV after general anesthesia has been proposed; it’s based on the evaluation of only four characteristics: female gender, history of motion sickness or PONV, non-smoking status, need of postoperative opioids [88]. When none of the risks is present, no prophylaxis is recommended. Higher risk scores suggest prophylaxis with one or more drugs, and/or the adoption of specific anesthetic techniques. When general anesthesia is needed, Totally Intra-Venous Anesthesia (TIVA) is associated with lower PONV incidence than inhalational anesthesia, especially in the first hours after surgery [89].

The protective effects of adequate preoperative and intraoperative hydration against PONV, drowsiness and dizziness, if not contraindicated, is generally accepted [87]. For the same reason, allowing oral intake of clear fluids until 3 h before surgery, may help prevent postoperative nausea while is considered safe for the risk of inhalation [90].

Dexamethasone is a long-acting glucocorticoid with a largely demonstrated activity in reducing PONV [91]. The mechanism of action, probably multifactorial, is still unclear. When administered iv during anesthesia induction at a dose ranging from 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg, it significantly lowered the rate of PONV in various surgical setting and is considered safe in terms of side effects [92, 93]. Although many authors suggest that rescue medication should not involve dexamethasone, when added to ondansetron or droperidol it has been associated with a significant reduction in established PONV [94].

5-Hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonists are widely used in the common practice for the prevention of PONV and of the side effects of chemotherapy. Ondansetron is the most famous drug of the family, normally used at a dose of 4 mg iv at the end of surgery. Palonosetron, a 5-HT3 antagonist with a longer half-life and a higher receptor-binding profile, seems very promising especially for the prevention of PDNV. Even if more effective and safer than ondansetron (lack of action on QT interval), the use of palonosetron is still limited [92, 95, 96].

Transdermal scopolamine is effective and the side effects are quite frequent although generally mild and well tolerated [97]. In the elderly, however, the occurrence of confusion or an excessive sedation could be observed, suggesting to remove the patch. The patch is applied the evening before surgery or at least 2 h before the induction of anesthesia, because the onset of the effect is about 2–4 h [98].

D2 receptor antagonists are also used for PONV treatment and prevention. Metoclopramide alone or in association with dexamethasone or other drugs has been studied and its efficacy has been questioned. Recent reviews suggest that metoclopramide 10 mg i.v. is effective in preventing PONV after general anesthesia when given preoperatively [99, 100], but may worsen extrapyramidal symptoms, constipation, visual disturbances [93]. Droperidol is very effective in the prevention of PONV even at very low doses (0.625–1.25 mg iv 5–15 min before the end of anesthesia) with a Number Needed to Treat (NNT) of 5, and highly effective in the prevention of nausea during patient-controlled analgesia with opiates (NNT = 3). In the last years, however, the use of droperidol has been greatly limited after the Black Box Warning issued from the Foods and Drugs Administration in the USA in 2001. Droperidol has been associated with adverse cardiac events as prolongation of QT interval and torsades de pointes. Several authors suggested a revision of that decision, for the lack of evidence supporting the black box warning [101, 102]. The warning is still active, restricting the use of droperidol to the treatment of patients who fail to show an acceptable response to other adequate treatments. Recently amisulpride 5 mg iv administered few minutes before the anesthesia induction was approved for PONV prevention and at a dose of 10 mg iv for PONV treatment, with the recommendation to avoid use in patients with congenital long QT syndrome and in patients taking droperidol. It seems highly effective in PONV prevention and treatment with low side effects [103, 93].

More recent drugs, the Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists and particularly aprepitant, appear very interesting for the prevention of PONV. Aprepitant, casopitant and rolapitant showed better results when compared in clinical trial with ondansetron in patients at high risk for PONV, even if the reduction in vomiting is more evident than the reduction of nausea [93].

Acupuncture has been proposed as a non-pharmacological tool for PONV prevention and treatment, with lack of side effects when compared with traditional approach. A recent meta-analysis of 14 RCTs that included 1653 patients concluded that the transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation is a reasonable modality to be considered into a multimodal approach for PONV prevention with a low incidence of adverse effects [104].

Other Complications

Postoperative Airway Compromise

Airway obstruction complicates ACSS with a rate varying from 1.2 to 6.1%. The situation can rapidly worsen and require emergent reintubation. The obstruction, mainly inspiratory, can cause a pulmonary edema due to the development of a markedly negative intrathoracic pressure. Fortunately, this kind of edema tends to resolve rapidly with the resolution of the obstruction and the oxygenation of the patient [105].

The obstruction is more frequently due to edema of the pharynx, prevertebral tissues and larynx and could be eventually worsened by direct trauma during a difficult intubation. Less common is the development of a hematoma in the wound or the involvement of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, with vocal fold palsy. The occurrence of a hematoma is evaluated between 0.4 and 1.2% in studies involving more than 40,000 patients, with a death reported for mechanical asphyxia [106]. Acute postoperative airway obstruction has been also reported for cervical cage displacement [107]. The obstructive events are more frequent when surgery involves more than three vertebral bodies or high cervical levels (c2–c4), with blood loss >300 ml, surgery lasting more than 5 h or combined anterior plus posterior. The incidence is increased in obese patient, with OSA and other respiratory comorbidities [108, 109]. These considerations could help in detecting the cases that deserve a more cautious clinical monitoring and management. Cases with high risk of postoperative airway obstruction for the characteristics of surgery, especially if other patient-related factors are present, need the admission in an intensive care unit (ICU), better with the head elevated about 30% just as for an intracranial postoperative [108]. Extubation must be delayed for 24–36 h and performed only after a fiberoptic inspection or a cuff leak test [110]. Furthermore, these cases need some hours of observation after extubation; recent studies demonstrated a good specificity but only a moderate sensitivity for the cuff leak test in the prediction of post-extubation airway obstruction [111, 112].

Dysphagia, Laryngeal Palsy and Aspiration

Early dysphagia is more frequent after anterior cervical spine surgery (ACSS), and is more common when a plate is used and in the elderly [113], but it’s not so rare also for posterior approaches. After 2 and 6 weeks from surgery dysphagia was present respectively in 11 and 8% of PCSS vs. 61.5 and 44% of ACSS (p < 0.0001). No difference among the two surgical approaches was observed after 12 weeks with rates nearly 12% [114]. Many different strategies have been proposed to reduce the incidence and the lasting of postoperative dysphagia, mostly regarding surgical aspects such as choosing a thinner plate and avoiding plate prominence, limiting the duration of surgery, limiting retraction [115]. In the anesthetic field, the pressure or the ETT cuff was invoked in worsening an eventual nerve injury due to surgical retraction. In a series of 900 consecutive patients who underwent ACSS with plating, Apfelbaum observed a significant reduction in the incidence of temporary vocal fold paresis from 6.4 to 1.7% (p = 0.002), since when the systematic adjustment of the pressure of the ETT cuff after the positioning or repositioning of the surgical retractors was adopted. The acceptable cuff pressure of 20–30 cm of water is often exceeded when manual inflation of the cuff is adopted using a 10 or 20 ml syringe [116, 117], and the use of surgical retractors for ACSS may further increase the pressure. In this type of surgery it could be advisable to adopt routinely an automatic cuff pressure control device [117], even if the gradual and continuous pressure readjustment may not allow the ETT detaching from the trachea.

Apfelbaum supposed that the majority of the laryngeal nerve injuries during ACSS could derive from an asymmetric vocal fold compression. The ETT is anchored distally from the cuff and proximally from the tape; when trachea is retracted the tube compresses the homolateral vocal fold, with possible injury for the compression on the endolaryngeal segment of the nerve. The cuff deflation distally releases the ETT allowing the passive adjustment towards a “neutral” position between the vocal folds, and the release of compression over the ipsilateral nerve [118].

Many of the factors causing dysphagia and hoarseness are generally involved also in another severe complication after CSS affecting about 0.5% of all procedures: the aspiration pneumonia. However, even if the anterior approach is more commonly associated with risks of laryngeal nerves and esophagus injury, and neck tissues swelling that could predispose to swallowing disorders, unexpectantly aspiration is more frequent after PCSS (about 1 vs. 0.4%). Other risk factors are weight loss, fluid-electrolyte disorders, congestive heart failure, neurological disorders respectively with OR of 8.3, 6.2, 3.1 and 2.1. Moreover, it’s more frequent in the elderly (>65 y.o.) and in patients with comorbidities [119]. When aspiration pneumonia occurs, the overall mortality rate in CSS dramatically increases from the basal 0.07 to 3.44%.

Particularly in the revision cases of ACSS surgeons might prefer a contralateral approach to avoid scar and altered anatomy. For these patients, and however in any patient with suspected laryngeal disfunction, a preoperative otorhinolaryngologist consultation is mandatory to prevent the dramatic event of a bilateral laryngeal nerve damage. For patients with monolateral laryngeal paresis surgery must be performed ipsilateral to the preexisting damage, to avoid acute airway obstruction and/or severe swallowing impairment with pulmonary complications [115].

Postoperative Delirium

Postoperative acute delirium (POD) is the third most common complication after cervical spine surgery, occurring in more 5% of cases. More frequent in patients with preoperative dementia, age over 85 year, history of stroke or transient ischemic attack [120]. Delirium has been observed even in elderly patients when immobilization of cervical spine is indicated with or without surgery. In this setting it’s quite challenging to evaluate and balance the risks of an oversedation against the risks of an insufficient immobilization with cervical orthoses [121]. Practice guideline has been proposed from the American Geriatrics Society for the management of POD in older adults [122]. Special attention should be paid to nonpharmacologic measures for the prevention and treatment of POD, beginning from the information and training of the physicians and other healthcare professionals. Important nonpharmacologic interventions include early mobilization, orientation, physiotherapy, communication and practical actions as returning as soon as possible glasses, hearing aids and dentures. Also protecting the sleep-wake cycles is advisable, for instance avoiding the postoperative in ICU if not mandatory [123].

Anesthesia depth should be monitored in order to avoid excessive depression of electric brain activity; the intraoperative use of Bispectral Index Monitoring has been associated with significantly reduced risk of postoperative delirium and long-term cognitive dysfunction [124]. Pain control is crucial in delirium prevention, preferably with an opioid sparing protocol. Antipsychotic or benzodiazepine medications should not be used for the treatment of older adults with postoperative delirium who are not agitated and threatening substantial harm to self or others. Only if the patient is severely agitated and when any attempt of behavioral measure has failed antipsychotic drugs can be used titrating the lowest effective dose and for the period as short as possible. Benzodiazepines should only be used if strictly indicated, as for the treatment of alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, and however for the shortest possible duration and at the lowest effective dose. Some anticholinergic and antihistaminic drugs and meperidine should be avoided because can increase delirium risk as the drugs that contribute to serotonin syndrome. The prophylactic use of antipsychotic medications or cholinesterase inhibitors to prevent delirium in postoperative patients is not recommended [122].

Intracranial Complications

Remote IntraCranial Hemorrages (RICHs) are rare complications observed after spinal surgery performed at any level [125]. These events may evolve subtly. If they develop during surgery, they can simulate a simple delayed emergence that could be ascribed to persistent anesthetic effect or to cerebral edema due to prolonged prone position [126, 127]. More often the complication appears 10 or more hours postoperatively, with headache, nausea, vomiting; sometimes other symptoms may appear such somnolence, altered consciousness, dysarthria, ataxia, and motor or visual deficits. In a recent review all the eight described cases had intraoperative CSF leakage and postoperative drains with moderate serosanguinous output. RICH may be caused from an excessive CSF loss resulting from incidental or intentional durotomy or dural leakage for the action of a drain. This could cause a caudal prolapse in the cerebellum and encephalus, with traction and lesion of some bridging veins. The positioning of a surgical drain in patients with clear or suspected dural lesion should be carefully considered, and however any change in the neurological status deserves to be investigated with cranial imaging [128]. This kind of hematoma is more frequent in the posterior fossa, but sometimes can develop in the supratentorial region [127].

Another rare cause of intracranial hematoma during spine surgery is the possible penetration in the skull of a pin when a Mayfield clamp (Fig. 4.5) is adopted for the positioning [129].

Fig. 4.5
figure 5

Positioning of a 3-pin Mayfield clamp for ACSS