Resonant van der Waals Repulsion between Excited Cs Atoms and Sapphire Surface

Horacio Failache, Solomon Saltiel, Michèle Fichet, Daniel Bloch, and Martial Ducloy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5467 – Published 27 December 1999
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We explore a situation where the van der Waals long-range atom-surface interaction is repulsive. This repulsion originates in a resonant coupling between a virtual emission at 12.15μm of a Cs*(6D3/2) atom and a virtual excitation of a surface polariton in sapphire. The experimental evidence is based upon the analysis of the spectroscopic response of Cs* in the near-infrared range with a technique that probes a distance range 100nm away from the sapphire surface. We also demonstrate the critical dependence of atom-surface forces on the sapphire crystal orientation.

  • Received 17 May 1999


©1999 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Horacio Failache, Solomon Saltiel*, Michèle Fichet, Daniel Bloch, and Martial Ducloy

  • Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, UMR 7538 du CNRS Institut Galilée, Université Paris-Nord, 99 Ave J.-B. Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France

  • *Present address: Dept. of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria.

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Vol. 83, Iss. 26 — 27 December 1999

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