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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter July 1, 2013

Psychosocial and personality factors and physical measures in lateral epicondylalgia reveal two groups of “tennis elbow” patients, requiring different management

  • Björn Garnevall EMAIL logo , Martin Rabey and Gunnar Edman

Graphical abstract

              Isometric low load pain tolerance test position.

Isometric low load pain tolerance test position.


Background and purpose

Nirschl’s lateral epicondylalgia (LE) classification appears prognostic but is based upon an outdated model of tendinopathy. Psychosocial factors which may negatively influence treatment outcomes, central nervous system mediated hypersensitivity and motor impairment all occur in epicondylalgia. This study examines psychosocial/personality factors and physical measures in LE correlating them with Nirschl’s sub-groups.


Fifty-four subjects with LE and 43 healthy controls, recruited from primary care in Norway were assessed. Measures included: pressure pain threshold (PPT), isometric maximal load pain tolerance (MLT) and isometric low load (sustained hold of 0.5 kg weight) pain tolerance (LLT) of the wrist extensors, all of which were undertaken bilaterally; the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire (ÖMPSQ), and the Swedish Scales of Personality.


Patients had significantly lower pain thresholds than controls especially at the common extensor origin, but thresholds did not differentiate Nirschl’s groups. MLT did not differentiate between controls and patients or between pain groups. LLT differentiated pain patients from controls but not between different pain groups. The ÖMPSQ score was significantly different between three out of four of Nirschl’s pain groups and both pain thresholds and MLT in both the painful and non-/less painful arms were significantly but negatively correlated with the ÖMPSQ score. Somatic anxiety was significantly different between healthy controls and Nirschl’s most symptomatic pain group; and also correlated with the OMPSQ score.


The ÖMPSQ differentiated Nirschl’s sub-groups more effectively than the PPT, MLT or LLT, but the control group did not complete the ÖMPSQ, so a comparison of the subjects with LE to symptom-free subjects was not possible. Elevated somatic anxiety in the most symptomatic patients may indicate possible alexithymia or an inability to understand or cope with somatic symptoms of distress. The subjects in this study with epicondylalgia exhibited widespread, likely central nervous system mediated hypersensitivity, motor impairment and psychosocial factors in keeping with a modern model of LE. This hypersensitivity suggests epicondylalgia should not be considered a localised pathology and management should be tailored towards underlying multidimensional biopsychosocial pain mechanisms. Possible pain mechanisms driving this hypersensitivity are postulated. LLT, a novel impairment test, is significantly reduced in LE and should be examined in this patient group, and possibly rehabilitated specifically. Based upon physical and psychological data from this study, Nirschl’s sub-grouping seems too detailed and our results suggest that the four groups should be reduced to two. Thus, for diagnostic purposes the Nirschl’s groups I and II could be collapsed to one group, and groups III and IV to a second group.


Psychosocial and personality factors should be measured in subjects with epicondylalgia as they correlate with physical signs. Management should therefore be tailored to patient presentations, particularly where significant psychosocial factors or specific motor impairments exist.

1 Introduction

In lateral epicondylalgia (LE) overload may lead to degenerative changes of the common extensor origin (CEO) [1, 2, 3, 4]. Clinical correlates of this pathology are local pain with tissue loading, mechanical hyperalgesia at the lateral epicondyle, and referred pain [5]. Widespread hypersensitivity has been demonstrated in LE possibly mediated by central nervous system changes [6]. A contemporary model of LE proposes three components: (1) local tendon pathology, (2) motor impairments, and (3) altered pain processing. A commonly utilised classification for LE was originally described by Nirschl [2]:

  1. Mild pain after activity resolving within 24 h.

  2. Pain after activity, >48 h duration, resolving with warm-up.

  3. Pain with activity, does not alter activity.

  4. Pain with activity, alters activity.

  5. Pain upon heavy activities of daily living.

  6. Intermittent resting pain, sleep undisturbed, pain upon light activities of daily living.

  7. Constant pain, disturbs sleep.

Categories are further refined: Nirschl’s pain group I – phases 1 and 2 (Benign); group II – phase 3 (Semi-benign); group III – phase 4 (Semi-harmful); group IV – phases 5–7 (Harmful). Aims of this classification have not been explicitly stated, however it appears the classification attempts to relate pain descriptors and self-reported activity limitation to potential intra-operative findings to guide which subjects require surgical intervention [7]. The classification appears based entirely upon clinical experience of the system’s originator and has not been validated.

Titles used (e.g. “Harmful pain”) reflect understanding of 20 years ago [2] based upon a model of tendinopathy with a lesser understanding of pain science, that assumed correlation of pain with degree of tendon pathology. This correlation is undoubtedly incorrect [8]. Contemporary understanding of pain is that it is a biopsychosocial disorder [9]. Nirschl’s classification does not consider psychosocial factors despite evidence that these influence outcomes in chronic pain disorders including LE [10, 11, 12]. Despite omitting psychosocial factors Nirschl claims the classification is prognostic [2], however this has not been tested. Examination of psychosocial factors may facilitate more accurate prognostics. Linton and Halldén developed the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (ÖMPSQ) [13] to screen patients with back pain for psychosocial factors [14, 15]. It predicts sickness absenteeism and impaired function [12, 16]. ÖMPSQ score is divided into risk categories: high (>105 – psychosocial intervention recommended), medium (90–105 – monitor progress), and low (<90 – resolution expected). ÖMPSQ has been tested for reliability and validity for back pain. No studies have examined predictive validity of ÖMPSQ in LE, however it has predictive validity in samples involving mixed chronic musculoskeletal pain [17, 18] and whiplash associated disorder [19]. While ÖMPSQ assesses psychosocial factors personality traits, e.g. poor frustration tolerance, may also predict treatment outcomes [20]. It may be pertinent to measure personality traits in subjects with LE.

Aims of the study were:

  1. To investigate associations between Nirschl’s LE classification and pain responses to wrist extensor tendon loading.

  2. To investigate associations between Nirschl’s classification and psychosocial and personality factors.

2 Method

2.1 Patients and controls. Ethics and patient information

The study was undertaken by the principal author in a Norwegian primary care setting. Fifty-four subjects (16 males, 38 females, mean age 48.7 ± 7.5 years); with LE were recruited via newspapers and advertisements in the area around Brumunddal, Norway. Physiotherapists recruited 43 pain-free control subjects (18 males, 25 females, mean age 48.8 ± 8.4 years) from the region. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics are presented in Table 1. The procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible local ethic committee on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 1983.

Table 1

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.

Variable Patients (n = 54) Controls (n = 43) p
Gender: n (%)
 Men 16 (30) 18(42) 0.210
 Women 38 (70) 25 (58)
 Mean (SD) 48.7 (7.51) 48.8 (8.39) 0.946
 Range 32–64 34–65
Handedness: n (%)
 Left 5(9) 1 (2) 0.223
 Right 49 (91) 42 (98)
Duration of pain, months
 M 34.3 N/A N/A
 Range 1–240 N/A
Type ofpain: n (%)
 Sporadic 30 (56) N/A N/A
 Constant 24 (44) N/A
Affected hand: n (%)
 Non-dominant 13 (24) N/A N/A
 Dominant 41 (76) N/A
Treatment: n (%)
 In last 3 months 7(13) N/A N/A
 >3 months ago 47 (87) N/A

Subjects with LE were examined by the principal author and required to test positive in at least two of the following: (1) pain on palpation of the epicondyle; (2) pain on resisted extension of the wrist; (3) pain on passive stretching of the wrist extensor muscles; and (4) pain on resisted finger extension. Subjects were classified according to Nirschl’s criteria [2]. Exclusion criteria were a previous dislocated elbow, referred cervical pain to the forearm, neurological signs, an acute traumatic onset, cortisone injection into the CEO within the last two months, rheumatoid arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Seven pain subjects were excluded, three had only one positive provocative test, one had rheumatoid arthritis, one consumed analgesia before testing, one did not attend, and one had neurological signs.

In addition to the exclusion criteria, the control subjects were required to have negative provocative tests. Two control subjects were excluded due to positive provocative testing. All subjects spoke and understood the Norwegian language. All subjects gave written informed consent.

Subjects with LE and the control subjects had both arms tested. Participants were subjected to clinical examination, pressure pain threshold (PPT) testing, and testing of maximal load pain tolerance testing (MLT) and low load pain tolerance testing (LLT) of forearm extensors. They completed the ÖMSPQ(only pain subjects) and the Swedish Universities Scale of Personality (SSP; [21], which is a valid and reliable measure of personality) [20].

2.2 Psychosocial and personality factors

2.2.1 Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (ÖMPSQ)

The ÖMPSQ is a self-report tool for clinicians to allow early identification of people at risk of developing long-term musculoskeletal pain [13, 14]. It contains 25 items covering a range of psychosocial variables that are related to long-term musculoskeletal pain: work-related variables, coping, function, stress, mood and fear-avoidance beliefs. The items contain a statement or an assertion that the patient rates on 10 point Likert scales from 1 to 10. The questionnaire has good reliability and predictive validity.

2.3 Swedish university Scales of Personality (SSP)

Personality traits were measured by the Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP). The SSP is a self-report personality inventory which was developed to study different personality traits and the assumed biological basis of some psychiatric disorders [21]. The SSP contains 91 items divided into 13 subscales. The subscales measure personality traits that in many ways correspond to clinical symptoms reported in dementia: anxiety proneness factors (Somatic Trait Anxiety, Psychic Trait Anxiety, Stress Susceptibility, and Low Assertiveness), Extraversion factors (Impulsivity, Adventure Seeking, Detachment, Embitterment, and Social Desirability) and Aggression-Hostility factors (Verbal Trait Aggression, Physical Trait Aggression, Trait Irritability, and Mistrust).

Each item is rated on a four-point response scale from “does not apply at all” to “apply completely”. Analysis of the correlations between the SSP scales have yielded a three-factor solution whereas factor 1 encompass scales related to anxiety proneness, factor 2 scales measuring Aggression-Hostility and factor 3 reflects the factor Extraversion.

The SSP has standardised on a representative, randomised sample from the general Swedish population [21]. Scale scores are summed and transformed to T-scores (mean = 50, SD = 10) and standardised for men and women, separately. In this study an authorised translation into Norwegian was used.

Fig. 1 
              Pressure pain threshold testing sites. (1) Radial styloid (used as landmark only); (2) ECRB (PPTECRB; 48% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid); (3) EDC (PPTEDC; 17% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid); and (4) CEO (PPTCEO) [23]. ECRB: extensor digitorum communis; CEO: common extensor origin; EDC: extensor digitorum communis; PPT: pressure pain threshold.
Fig. 1

Pressure pain threshold testing sites. (1) Radial styloid (used as landmark only); (2) ECRB (PPTECRB; 48% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid); (3) EDC (PPTEDC; 17% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid); and (4) CEO (PPTCEO) [23]. ECRB: extensor digitorum communis; CEO: common extensor origin; EDC: extensor digitorum communis; PPT: pressure pain threshold.

2.4 Clinical examination

Data collection included: dominant hand, painful or most painful arm, symptom duration, intermittent or constant pain, average pain in the last week measured on a visual analogue scale, type of work, sporting activity engaging the forearm, and presence of night pain.

2.5 Pressure pain thresholds (PPT)

Pressure pain threshold was defined as the minimum pressure needed to evoke a painful sensation [22]. PPTs were recorded at the CEO (PPTCEO); ECRB (PPTECRB; 48% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid), and EDC (PPTEDC; 17% of the length from the CEO to the radial styloid) [23] (see Fig. 1) using an algometer (Somedic AB, Sweden) with a stimulation area of 1 cm2. Subjects were familiarised with PPT measurements over upper trapezius prior to measurements being taken on the non/less painful arm or non-dominant arm first, followed by the most painful or dominant arm. Pressure increased at 30 kPa/s [5] until the patient detected a painful sensation. They then pressed a button on the algometer to record a pressure reading. This was repeated three times with 30 s intervals.

2.6 Isometric maximal load pain tolerance test (MLT)

The subject was sitting, elbow flexed between 100° and 110°, forearm pronated on the bench and fingers flexed over the edge. Isometric maximal load tolerance testing of the forearm extensors was performed with a handheld dynamometer (Nicholas Manual Muscle Tester, Lafayette Instrument Co., Lafayette, USA) over the distal phalanges. Subjects started with three repetitions of extending the hand without resistance for familiarisation, then three isometric maximal voluntary contractions with 30 s intervals. Both arms were tested. The dynamometer has been shown to have good intra-and inter-tester reliability and is valid compared to isokinetic dynamometry [24]. This test was provocative of elbow area pain in some cases. It is therefore impossible to determine whether in these cases it was a test of maximal isometric strength or a test of pain tolerance to high loading.

Fig. 2 
              Isometric low load paintolerancetest position.
Fig. 2

Isometric low load paintolerancetest position.

2.7 Isometric low load pain tolerance test (LLT)

Subjects with LE commonly describe sustained holding of an object as an aggravating factor in LE. Therefore we developed a low load pain tolerance test, for the wrist extensor muscles similar to Biering-Sorensen and McGill’s methods [25, 26]. A 0.5 kg weight, necessitating a low percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), was held in the aforementioned position (see Fig. 2) with the forearm supported but the hand and weight unsupported. Subjects held the weight until they could not stand the pain anymore or until the wrist flexed. The duration of the patient’s ability to sustain this position was recorded. If subjects were able to hold the weight for 45 min the trial was stopped. The test started with the nonpainful/less painful or non-dominant hand. Both arms were tested.

2.8 Statistical methods

PPT and MLT were measured three times, and a mean used for statistical analysis. In the comparisons the non-dominant arm of the control group was compared with the injured arm of patients and vice versa to minimise a comparison with an inflated increased risk for Type-I errors, which might be the case if the injured arm was be compared with the dominant arm of the control group.

Variables were summarised using standard descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and frequency). Distributions were checked for skewness and outliers. All distributions were approximately normal with no outliers.

Group differences in discrete variables, for example gender and handedness, were analysed with the chi-squared (χ2) method. If the expected cell frequency was less than five Fisher’s exact test was applied.

Differences between patients and controls in pain thresholds and MLT of the injured/non-dominant arm were analysed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements (time). However, the interaction effect (group x time) was not taken into consideration. Since there was a difference in gender distribution, although not significant (cf. below), gender was entered as a covariate.

All control subjects were able to hold the weight for 45 min, thus differences between groups in LLT – less than 45 min vs. 45 min – was analysed with the χ2 method. Differences between the patient groups in scores of the ÖMPSQ scale and the personality variables were analysed with one-way ANOVA.

Correlations between pain thresholds, MLT, and ÖMPSQ scores, and between the ÖMPSQ scores and the personality variables, were expressed as Pearson’s parametric correlation coefficients. To investigate the unique correlation between the ÖMPSQ score and the personality variables a regression analysis (stepwise forward) was also performed.

The level of significance was set at α ≤ 0.05 (two-tailed tests). Post hoc testings were made with the Tukey HSD test.

3 Results

3.1 Socio demographic data

There were 58% (n = 25) females in the control group and 70% (n = 38) in the patient group. The difference in gender distribution was not statistically significant (χ2 = 1.57, p = 0.210). Of the 54 patients 46 (85%) were working, two were at home, four retired, and two on sick-leave. Thirty-eight control subjects (88%) were working, three were at home, one on sick-leave and one was a student. The patients were classified into Nirschl’s sub-groups: group I consisted of 12 patients; group II of 15 patients; group III of 15 patients; and group IV of 12 patients. Mean symptom duration was 34 months (group I – 14.4 months; group II – 15.7; group III – 51 months; and group IV – 56.4 months). There were no significant differences between the patient and the control group in any of the sociodemographic variables.

3.2 Pressure pain thresholds

Patients had significantly lower pain thresholds at all loci than the controls, especially the threshold of the common extensor origin (Table 2). The pain thresholds were negatively related to the Nirschl grouping, including the control group, implying that the higher the classification was the lower the pain threshold. According to the analyses corrected for multiple testing, the control group and Nirschl’s pain group I did not differ significantly except for the PPTCEO with higher thresholds in the control group. Furthermore, Nirschl’s pain group II did not significantly differ from the control group, Nirschl’s pain group I, or Nirschl’s pain groups III and IV.

The pain thresholds were significantly higher in the non-injured or the dominant arm than in the injured or non-dominant arm (for PPTCEOF(1, 90) = 27.75, p <0.001; for PPTECRBF(1, 90) = 12.15, p<0.001; and for PPTEDCF(1, 90) = 9.13, p = 0.003). The differences between the arms and the groups, i.e. the interaction effect (group × arm), was, however, not significant for PPTECRB and PPTEDC (cf. Table 2) but for PPTCEO with a tendency for smaller differences for the control group than for the patient groups. This difference was, however, not significant when corrected for multiple testing.

3.3 Isometric maximal load pain tolerance test (MLT)

The MLT of the groups is presented in Table 3. The control group and Nirschl’s pain group I was significantly stronger than Nirschl’s pain group III (p <0.001). The Nirschl’s pain groups I, II and IV, although weaker, were not statistically different from either the control group or Nirschl’s pain group I.

3.4 Isometric low load pain tolerance test (LLT)

There was no significant difference between the Nirschl’s pain groups in LLT (χ2 =3.49; p = 0.322). However, all the subjects of the control group were able to hold the weight for 45 min while only 14 of the patient group (26%) held the weight this long. This difference was statistically significant (Fisher’s exact test< 0.001 (see Fig. 3)).

3.5 Self-reported long-term musculoskeletal pain (ÖMSPQ)

Means and standard deviations for the four Nirschl’s pain groups are shown in Table 4. There was a highly significant difference between groups (p <0.001). The scores progressively increased the higher the Nirschl’s pain group. Nirschl’s pain group IV had the highest mean score and group I the lowest. The outcome from the Tukey test is presented in Table 4.

There were eight ÖMPSQ questions that were significant when comparisons were made between groups: “How often would you say that you have experienced pain episodes, on average, during the past 3 months?”, “I can do light work for an hour.”, “I can do ordinary household chores:”, “I can sleep at night.” (p<0.001); “How would you rate the pain you have had during the past week” (p = 0.006); “How many days of work have you missed (sick leave) because of pain during the past 12 months?” (p = 0.03); “In your view, how large is the risk that your current pain may become persistent (may not go away)?” and “I should not do my normal work with my present pain.” (p = 0.04). ÖMPSQscore significantly correlated with PPT and MLT in the painful and non-/less painful arms (Table 5).

Table 2

Pressure pain thresholds (units: kPa).

Group Injured arm[a] Non-injured arm[b] ANOVA

M SD M SD F p Tukey HSD
Pressure pain thresholds, common extensor origin (CEO)
 Control group 589 202.8 578 181.8 31.13[c] <0.001 C>I>II, III, IV
 Nirschl’s pain group I 409 144.6 491 215.4 4.6[d] 0.002 No significant differences
 Nirschl’s pain group II 241 68.3 338 135.9
 Nirschl’s pain group III 215 92.1 277 133.3
 Nirschl’s pain group IV 183 82.6 274 198.9
Pressure pain thresholds, extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB)
 Control group 344 147.1 356 146.8 9.78[a] <0.001 C, I, II>II, III, IV
 Nirschl’s pain group I 321 185.3 361 200.1 0.68[b] 0.606
 Nirschl’s pain group II 235 103.1 268 107.5
 Nirschl’s pain group III 141 55.3 184 86.4
 Nirschl’s pain group IV 164 95.6 200 88.5
Pressure pain thresholds, extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
 Control group 337 129.2 354 143.8 8.96[a] <0.001 C, I, II>II, III, IV
 Nirschl’s pain group I 322 174.4 337 136.9 0.78[b] 0.544
 Nirschl’s pain group II 264 101.5 280 107.8
 Nirschl’s pain group III 172 50.4 201 90.2
 Nirschl’s pain group IV 149 49.3 212 110.7

Table 3

Isometric maximal load tolerance testing, forearm extensors (units: minutes).

Group Injured arm[a] Non-injured arm[b] ANOVA

M SD M SD F p Tukey HSD
Isometric maximal load tolerance, forearm extensor muscle
 Control group 13.4 5.04 15.5 5.82 5.58 <0.001 C, I, II, IV > II, IV, III
 Nirschl’s pain group I 13.3 4.05 15.1 4.51 0.93[c] 0.453
 Nirschl’s pain group II 9.7 4.09 11.2 4.46
 Nirschl’s pain group III 7.5 3.97 9.7 4.72
 Nirschl’s pain group IV 8.8 4.35 12.4 6.18

Fig. 3 
              Forearm extensor muscle isometric low load pain tolerance test (minutes) (Con – control subjects; Pain gr 1 – Nirschl’s pain group one, etc.).
Fig. 3

Forearm extensor muscle isometric low load pain tolerance test (minutes) (Con – control subjects; Pain gr 1 – Nirschl’s pain group one, etc.).

Table 4

Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (ÖMSPQ) scores.


F P Tukey HSD
 Nirschl’s paingroup 1 77.9 13.37 11.86 <0.001 IV > III, II > II, I
 Nirschl’s paingroup 11 90.2 15.26
 Nirschl’s paingroup 111 101.2 20.73
 Nirschl’s paingroup 1V 121.7 23.48

Table 5


Variables 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 
1. Painthreshold, ECRB, painful arm - .84[***] .89[***] .83[***] .81[***] .80[***] .40[***] .32[***] -.44[**]
2. Pain threshold, ECRB, non-painful arm,  - .85[***] .87[***] .71[***] .80[***] .41[***] .43[***] -.38[**]
3. Pain threshold, EDC, painful arm - .83[***] .79[***] .76[***] .44[***] .38[***] -.48[***]
4. Pain threshold, EDC, non-painful arm - .69[***] .80[***] .36[***] .41[***] -.34*
5. Pain threshold, CEO, painful arm - .82[***] .50[***] .32[**] -.58[***]
6. Pain threshold, CEO, non-painful arm - .42[***] .45[***] -.28
7. MLT, painful arm - .80[***] -.41[**]
8. MLT, non-painful arm - -.30[*]
9. ÖMPSQ, total score - -
  1. ECRB: extensordigitorum communis; CEO: common extensororigin; EDC: extensordigitorum communis.

3.6 Relationships between pain thresholds, MLT, and ÖMPSQ scores

In Table 5 the correlations between the tests and mean ÖMPSQ score are shown. All the pain thresholds were highly correlated approaching the level that is expected when test-retest stability is studied.

The pain thresholds were also significantly correlated to MLT, i.e. the higher threshold the greater the subject’s MLT, although to a lower extent.

Both pain thresholds and MLT were also significantly but negatively correlated to mean ÖMPSQ score, i.e. the higher mean ÖMPSQ score the lower threshold and poorer MLT the patient demonstrates.

3.7 Personality (SSP)

The control group and the pain groups were also compared regarding personality. The only significant difference was found for somatic anxiety [F(4, 90) = 3.61, p = 0.009] with the highest score in Nirschl’s pain group IV and the lowest in the control group. In the Tukey analysis, the only significant difference was found for the comparison between the control group (M = 48.5) and Nirschl’s pain group IV (M =59.3). The other groups had mean scores between these scores with Nirschl’s pain group III closer to pain group IV, and Nirschl’s pain group I and II closer to the control group.[1]

In a correlation analysis the ÖMPSQ score was significantly correlated with three anxiety proneness variables: somatic anxiety (rxy = 0.43, p = 0.002); psychic anxiety (rxy= 0.30, p = 0.038); and lack of assertiveness (rxy = 0.29, p = 0.044), but none of the others.[2] However, in a regression analysis only somatic anxiety was significantly correlated with the ÖMPSQ score.

4 Discussion

The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between Nirschl’s classification system [2] and psychosocial and personality factors, and pain responses to wrist extensor tissue loading.

The physical measures – pain thresholds, MLT, and LLT – did not differentiate all subgroups. The ÖMPSQ was better in discriminating the Nirschl’s sub-groups, but the control group did not complete the ÖMPSQ, so a comparison of the subjects with LE to symptom-free subjects was not possible.

For the subjects with LE the ÖMPSQ showed a highly significant difference between groups. The scores progressively increased the higher the Nirschl’s pain group – Nirschl’s pain group IV had the highest mean score and group I the lowest. Inspecting individual ÖMPSQ questions regarding mood did not reveal significant differences between groups, and only one of three fear-avoidance questions did.

Based upon the physical and psychological data from this study, the Nirschl’s sub-grouping seems to be too detailed and our results suggest that the four groups should be reduced to two. Thus, the Nirschl’s groups I and II could be collapsed to one group and III and IV to a second group. The clinical validity – therapeutics and outcome – should, however, also be studied to offer further support for such a conclusion.

Nirschl’s classification system is based upon a biomedical model of pain where the degree of pain is assumed to correlate with the degree of underlying tendon pathology. This correlation is undoubtedly incorrect [8]. Lowered PPT over the median, radial and ulnar nerves has been demonstrated in subjects with unilateral LE, suggesting altered pain processing [27]. Lowered bilateral PPT at the epicondyle and tibialis anterior was shown in subjects with unilateral LE compared to controls [28]. Tissue hypersensitivity at sites distant to the affected area may indicate a centrally mediated phenomenon [29] which is reflected in a modern model of LE [6]. In this study there was a strong relationship between the three sites where PPT was measured in both the painful and the non-/less painful elbow. During PPT measurement the non/less painful arms followed the same pattern as painful arms i.e. lower thresholds in groups of increasing severity, but with slightly higher thresholds than the painful arms. This suggests tissue hyper-sensitivity was not localised to the affected elbow and may also indicate central nervous system mediated hypersensitivity. Had a more anatomically distinct PPT test site (e.g. tibialis anterior) been tested in this study, it may have allowed postulation regarding the existence of widespread centrally mediated hypersensitivity. In the absence of such a test site one further possible explanation for the PPT findings in the non-/less painful arms, would be akin to “mirror image” pain. Mirror image symptoms, which are usually qualitatively similar but lesser in magnitude; and mirrored alterations to sensory testing have been demonstrated in both clinical and experimental pain states [30]. Possible underlying mechanisms for pain contralateral to the site of injury include: upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the contralateral dorsal horn; activation of glia within this region leading to further cytokine release; and direct commissural interneuronal connections between the left and right dorsal horns facilitating excitatory neuroplastic changes [31]. It is also worth considering the greater proportion of women in the subjects with LE. Recent reviews suggest that chronic widespread pain (defined as pain in all four quadrants of the body) has a significantly higher prevalence in women [32]; and that females have lower PPT than males irrespective of body site tested [33]. This may offer a further possible explanation for the hypersensitive PPT in the non-/less painful arms in the LE groups. However while visual inspection suggests that the proportion of women is higher in subjects with LE (70% vs. 58% in the control group) this difference was not statistically significant.

Non-/less painful arms were better than painful arms but inferior to non-dominant control arms for PPT, MLT and LLT. The use of non-/less painful arms is therefore not recommended as a control in future studies. Bissett and coworkers [34] recently demonstrated the presence and persistence of bilateral motor impairments (reaction time, speed of movement) after symptom improvement in LE. Lack of a significant difference between painful and non-/less painful arms in the pain groups may result from deconditioning, but maybe due to inhibition secondary to muscle pain (pain intensity correlates with reduced force generation) [35]. There is a close relationship between percentage MVC and fatigue [36, 37, 38]. With a workload of 8.2% MVC a person should be able to sustain this activity for up to an hour [37]. Testing every patient at 8.2% MVC was impractical therefore an absolute workload was used. Shoulder pain subjects exercising with absolute workloads show significant reductions in muscle blood flow compared with normal subjects [39]. There is significantly decreased intra-muscular blood flow in ECRB in LE [40] possibly secondary to altered sympathetic innervation contributing to altered vascularity [41]. LLT, a previously unexamined procedure, differentiated the control group from the pain groups, but not between the four pain groups. The test could possibly be carried out with higher weights shorten testing time to facilitate its use clinically without simply replicating the MLT test but further investigation is necessary to determine optimal weight, and whether this may facilitate further sub-classification.

Personality traits, may predict treatment outcome after surgery [20]. This is the first study to examine personality traits in LE. The only significant difference between groups in the 13 personality scales measured by the SSP was for somatic anxiety with the highest score in Nirschl’s pain group IV and the lowest in the control group. Somatic anxiety was also significantly correlated with the ÖMPSQ score. It is interesting that somatic anxiety and not psychic anxiety differed because they are highly correlated and are both expressions of anxiety. Patients in group IV might, thus, be characterised by alexithymia. Alexithymia is a concept by the psychotherapist Sifneos [42, 43] to describe a state of deficiency in expressing and, probably, in experiencing and conveying emotions. The word comes from the Ancient Greek words “lexis” and “thumos” literally meaning “lacking words for emotions”. Patients in group IV might, thus, be characterised by an ability to communicate physical problems but not psychological. This hypothesis has, of course, to be tested by direct measures of alexithymia with an inventory such as the Toronto Alexithymia Scale [44]. An alternative interpretation is that the patients might have an inability to understand and cope with somatic symptoms of distress.

Bot and co-workers [10] found passive coping strategies and poor social support predicted poor outcome in subjects with elbow complaints. Subjects with LE may have higher levels of depression and anxiety than control subjects [45]. When considering the contemporary model of LE [6] both motor impairments and endogenous pain modulation have potential to be influenced by psychosocial factors [46]. These psychological factors are associated with greater pain and disability, and altered movement patterns, in other musculoskeletal disorders, for example chronic low back pain [47, 48]. The Disabilities of Arm, Hand and Shoulder and Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation are valid, reliable outcome measures in LE [49] but neither considers psychosocial factors. No questionnaires are specifically designed to examine psychosocial factors in LE.

This study presents evidence that LE is multi-factorial in nature, involving central hypersensitivity, psychosocial factors and motor impairment, and fits the model proposed by Coombes and coworkers [6]. Findings suggest it is inadequate to concentrate on local tissue pathology to the exclusion of nervous system mediated phenomena and psychosocial factors when diagnosing and managing subjects with LE. Management of different sub-groups may well necessitate tailored intervention, in particular where psychosocial measures reveal high scores or where specific motor impairment exists [34].

4.1 Limitations of the study

The power of the study was too low to find small differences between groups. A higher number of participants may have led to a greater differentiation between the Nirschl’s groups using the physical measures. However, the differences that were investigated with satisfactory power seem to be the differences that are clinically meaningful.

5 Conclusion

Nirschl’s pain groups are too detailed and should be reduced from four to two. Psychosocial factors should be measured in subjects with LE, and may influence management and prognosis. Isometric low load pain tolerance is significantly reduced in LE and should be examined in these patients, and possibly rehabilitated specifically. Central hypersensitivity seems to exist in LE, hence the condition should not be regarded as a localised pathology. Therapy of LE should be personalised, meaning that personality factors should be considered.


  • Psychosocial factors may influence management/prognosis in lateral epicondylalgia.

  • Psychosocial factors correlate with physical signs in lateral epicondylalgia.

  • Low load pain tolerance is reduced in lateral epicondylalgia.

  • Central hypersensitivity suggests epicondylalgia is not a localised pathology.

  • Nirschl’s pain groups are too detailed and should be reduced from four to two.

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Storgata 18, N-1776 Halden, Norway. Tel.: +47 41 210 657


The authors acknowledge Professor Per Renstrom, Suzanne Werner and Dr. Darren Beales for their support.

  1. Conflict of interest

    The authors report no conflict of interest.


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Received: 2013-01-20
Revised: 2013-04-28
Accepted: 2013-05-02
Published Online: 2013-07-01
Published in Print: 2013-07-01

© 2013 Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain

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