MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit

By Daniel Richards1; Elif Ertekin2; Jeffrey C Grossman1; David Strubbe3; Justin Riley1; Enrique Guerrero3

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. University of California, Merced

Tools for Atomic-Scale Modeling

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Archive Version 5.5.1
Published on 10 Nov 2021
Latest version: 5.10. All versions

doi:10.21981/SGQV-RT72 cite this

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This set of simulation tools has been developed for use with a course originally developed at UC Berkeley, taught by Jeffrey Grossman, which provides students with the fundamentals of computational problem-solving techniques that are used to understand and predict properties of nanoscale systems. Emphasis is placed on how to use simulations effectively, intelligently, and cohesively to predict properties that occur at the nanoscale for real systems. The course is designed to present a broad overview of computational nanoscience and is therefore suitable for both experimental and theoretical researchers. The following simulations are run by the tool: * Averages and Error Bars * Molecular Dynamics (Lennard-Jones) * Molecular Dynamics (Carbon Nanostructures and More) * Monte Carlo (Hard Sphere) * Monte Carlo (Ising Model) * Quantum Chemistry (GAMESS) * Density-Functional Theory (Quantum Espresso) * Density-Functional Theory (SIESTA) * Quantum Monte Carlo (QWalk) Any questions, comments, difficulties should be directed to Jeff.


Development Team: David Strubbe, Enrique Guerrero, Daniel Richards, Elif Ertekin, Jeff Grossman, Justin Riley.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Daniel Richards, Elif Ertekin, Jeffrey C Grossman, David Strubbe, Justin Riley, Enrique Guerrero (2023), "MIT Atomic-Scale Modeling Toolkit," (DOI: 10.21981/SGQV-RT72).

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