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How Can We Act Morally in a Merger Process? A Stimulation Based on Implicit Contracts

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Journal of Business Ethics Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The intention of the article is to offer stakeholders affected by mergers a criterion from which moral arguments may be generated for the organization of each individual case. The criterion: "Any operation causing legitimate interests to suffer vital infringement should be avoided in a merger process." A vital infringement of these interests is assumed when the merger undermines unique positive opportunities or considerable impairment in the future, impossible to overcome for the person affected without an unacceptable level of difficulty. Therefore, we mainly concentrate on implicit contracts – which should be based on the principle pacta sunt servanda as well. These contracts are mandatory to run an economy that produces increasingly more knowledge-based goods.

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Karitzki, O., Brink, A. How Can We Act Morally in a Merger Process? A Stimulation Based on Implicit Contracts. Journal of Business Ethics 43, 137–152 (2003).

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