Best candidates for cognitive treatment of illness perceptions in chronic low back pain: results of a theory-driven predictor study.


  • Petra C. Siemonsma
  • Ilse Stuvie
  • Leo D. Roorda
  • Joke Vollebregt
  • Gustaaf J. Lankhorst
  • Ant T. Lettinga



illness perceptions, low back pain, predictors, cognitive behavioural therapy, theory-driven approach, problem-solving.


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify treatment-specific predictors of the effectiveness of a method of evidence-based treatment: cognitive treatment of illness perceptions. This study focuses on what treatment works for whom, whereas most prognostic studies focusing on chronic non-specific low back pain rehabilitation aim to reduce the heterogeneity of the population of patients who are suitable for rehabilitation treatment in general. DESIGN: Three treatment-specific predictors were studied in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain receiving cognitive treatment of illness perceptions: a rational approach to problem-solving, discussion skills and verbal skills. Hierarchical linear regression analysis was used to assess their predictive value. Short-term changes in physical activity, measured with the Patient-Specific Functioning List, were the outcome measure for cognitive treatment of illness perceptions effect. RESULTS: A total of 156 patients with chronic non-specific low back pain participated in the study. Rational problem-solving was found to be a significant predictor for the change in physical activity. Discussion skills and verbal skills were non-significant. Rational problem-solving explained 3.9% of the total variance. CONCLUSION: The rational problem-solving scale results are encouraging, because chronic non-specific low back pain problems are complex by nature and can be influenced by a variety of factors. A minimum score of 44 points on the rational problem-solving scale may assist clinicians in selecting the most appropriate candidates for cognitive treatment of illness perceptions.


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How to Cite

Siemonsma, P. C., Stuvie, I., Roorda, L. D., Vollebregt, J., Lankhorst, G. J., & Lettinga, A. T. (2011). Best candidates for cognitive treatment of illness perceptions in chronic low back pain: results of a theory-driven predictor study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 43(5), 454–460.



Original Report