Creation and preliminary validation of the screening for self-medication safety post-stroke scale (S-5).


  • Franceen Kaizer
  • Angela Kim
  • My Tram Van
  • Nicol Korner-Bitensky



stroke, cerebrovascular accident, self-medication, medication adherence, safety, assessment, screening, instrumentation, medication, elderly


RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVE: Patients with stroke should be screened for safety prior to starting a self-medication regime. An extensive literature review revealed no standardized self-medication tool tailored to the multi-faceted needs of the stroke population. The aim of this study was to create and validate a condition-specific tool to be used in screening for self-medication safety in individuals with stroke. DESIGN: Items were generated using expert consultation and review of the existing tools. The draft tool was pilot-tested on expert stroke clinicians to receive feedback on content, clarity, optimal cueing and domain omissions. The final version was piloted on patients with stroke using a structured interviewer-administered interview. RESULTS: The tool was progressively refined and validated according to feedback from the 11 expert reviewers. The subsequent version was piloted on patients with stroke. The final version includes 16 questions designed to elicit information on 5 domains: cognition, communication, motor, visual-perception and, judgement/executive function/self-efficacy. CONCLUSION: The Screening for Safe Self-medication post-Stroke Scale (S-5) has been created and validated for use by health professionals to screen self-medication safety readiness of patients after stroke. Its use should also help to guide clinicians' recommendations and interventions aimed at enhancing self-medication post-stroke.


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How to Cite

Kaizer, F., Kim, A., Tram Van, M., & Korner-Bitensky, N. (2010). Creation and preliminary validation of the screening for self-medication safety post-stroke scale (S-5). Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42(3), 239–245.



Original Report