Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

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A Case Study on Misleading Celebrity Endorsements and its Impact on Consumer Behavior

Dr.P. Balasubramanian, Anjali V. Gopal and S. Reefana


This study analyzes the effects of misleading celebrity endorsements on consumer's behavior in India. Celebrity endorsement is now a trend in India and is considered as one of the most powerful tools for product markets and brand building in this competitive era as stars are idolized and looked up in a country like India. The goal of every endorser is to convince the consumer that the said product will obtain the same result as the endorser, which plays a huge role in consumer's behavior. Previous studies have also showed that by making use of luminaries could upsurge the rate of acceptance among consumers towards a specific product. Misleading endorsements by these celebrities violate numerous rights of the consumers such as the right to information, choice, protection against unsafe goods and services as well as from unfair trade practices. To achieve the purpose, we choose to conduct a case study on Nestle's Maggi noodle brand to discuss, analyze and to draw conclusions. Finally, we have concluded that celebrities featuring in such commercials making false claims are accountable for their acts.

Keywords: Misleading Celebrity Endorsements, Consumer's behavior, Rights of the Consumers, Nestle's Maggi Noodle, India.

Volume: 6 | Issue: 3

Pages: 93-95

Issue Date: July , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.7464

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