  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationships among Personality Traits, Organizational Commitment, and Flow Experience among Female Healthcare Volunteers in Changhua County, Taiwan


本研究之目的在探討女性保健志工人格特質、組織承諾與神馳經驗間之關係,以研究者自編之「女性保健志工服務體驗調查問卷」,應用便利取樣法選取彰化縣市醫院和衛生(局)所522位女性保健志工進行問卷調查,獲得有效397份。資料分析顯示:志工多為已婚、家庭主婦、高中(職)、信奉道教、子女數三人、平均年齡44.47歲;平均服務年資3.38年、志工服務機構數1個、每月平均服務時數18.71小時、參與志工服務之主要動機為「獲得自我成長」、對教育訓練多感到「滿意」。 假設驗證後發現:1.服務機構數、教育訓練滿意度分別與神馳經驗、組織承諾存在顯著正相關。2.愈傾向A型人格者,其「肯定自我效能」、「勝任感」的神馳經驗也愈高;愈傾向B型人格者,其組織承諾中的「留任承諾」和「努力承諾」程度也愈高。3.神馳經驗各構面與組織承諾之「價值承諾」、「努力承諾」構面呈正相關。4.人格特質、組織承諾、教育訓練滿意度對神馳經驗具有顯著的預測力,其中以人格特質對於整體神馳經驗的預測力最強。最後,本研究乃根據研究結果對基層醫療單位及後續研究者分別提出實務和學術之相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among personality traits, organizational commitment, and flow experience among female healthcare volunteers working in Changhua, County, Taiwan. After adopting a convenient sampling method, the survey questionnaires were distributed to 522 female healthcare volunteers, yielding 397 valid responses. The findings showed a volunteer profile of married housewives with three children, having a high-school diploma, a mean age of 44.47 years and Taoism as their religious faith; devoting 3.38 years and an average of 18.71 hours per month to voluntary work for an organization; having ”self-growth” as the volunteerism motive and rating training received ns ”satisfied.” The bivariate and multivariate analyses revealed: (1) The number of organizations served and satisfaction with training were positively related to flow experience and organizational commitment. (2) The volunteers with a salient Type A personality tended to have higher ”self-efficacy” and ”self-control” of flow; conversely, individuals with Type B traits showed a higher degree of ”continuance” and ”effort” in organizational commitment. (3) ”Self-efficacy,” ”service as autotelic experience,” ”concentration on the task,” ”loss of self-consciousness,” and ”self-control” of flow were positively correlated with ”goal/value” and ”effort” of organizational commitment. (4) Personality traits, organizational commitment, and satisfaction with training manifested significant predictive power over flow experience. Female volunteers with stronger Type A orientation, higher overall organizational commitment and higher satisfaction with training tended to experience higher flow. Furthermore, personality trait held the greatest predictive power over overall flow experience. Finally, on the basis of the results, discussions are presented and recommendations for future research in public and non-profit organizations are made.


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陳慧珍(2010)。新移民志工參與志願服務之研究 -以桃園縣新移民學習中心為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000244
