  • 期刊

微鑽針鑽削SUS 304振動與磨耗特性之研究

Study on Vibration and Wear Characteristics for Micro Drilling SUS 304 Stainless Steel


本文主要選用L9(3^4)實驗計劃表以微鑽針的進給率、迴轉速、材料厚度及微鑽針夾持長度,在微鑽削實驗機,對SUS 304不鏽鋼試片進行鑽削實驗,並用掃描式電子顯微鏡量測微鑽針鑽腹的磨耗量及擴孔量、真圓度,同時於微鑽削時,由頻譜分析儀擷取振動訊號。 在用田口實驗法進行各項所需數據之計算,並繪製回應表與回應圖,得到最佳加工之條件:均方根振幅最佳化參數組合為A2B2C1D3,鑽腹磨耗量最佳化參數組合為A2B2C1D3,圓孔擴孔量最佳化參數組合為A2B3C1D1,孔之真圓度最佳化參數組合為A2B2C2D1。由此最佳加工條件,完成最終品質確認,經實驗驗證,均方根振幅量降低6.16%,鑽腹磨耗量降低5.185%,圓孔擴孔量降低8.25%,孔之真圓度降低9.473%,以此加工條件模式,建立微鑽針加工SUS 304材料的技術資訊所得之最佳化,提供業界參考並建立資料庫。


The experiment team L9(3^4) considers the feed rate drilling speed, material thickness and punch length in SUS 304 stainless steel drilling and takes SEM microscope machine for measuring the wear out, enlarge hole, and roundness, and seized the vibration message at the same time. The optimal parameters combination are determined by data calculating of Taguchi Method and reaction ratio table and figure. After finding the optimal manufacture parameter, the clearance optimal parameter is A2B2C1D3, vibration is A2B2C1D3, the round hold diameter is A2B2C2D1, roundness is A2B3C1D1, to proceed the experiment verifying, and build the model for micro drilling SUS 304, vibration improve 6.16%, clearance improve 5.185%, round hole diameter improve 8.25%, roundness improve 9.473%, through the experiment verifying, and build the model for micro drilling SUS 304 material, and sharing the optimal parameter for manufacturing information.
