  • 期刊


Implementing Effectiveness Exploring of Limited Usage Policy of Plastic Shopping Bags and the Comparison Study between Plastic Bags and Shopping Bags


行政院環保署有鑑於國內垃圾組成中塑膠比例過高,自民國91年7月1日起推行「購物用塑膠袋限用政策」,希望能達塑膠袋減量的目的。然而在推行此一政策的同時,是否真能降低環境衝擊?抑或對整個或局部自然環境造成更多的危害?因此本研究擬以科學、客觀且有效的分析方法「生命週期評估法」針對此-政策推動前後統-(7-11)、全家(Family)二家便利超商及大潤發(RT-LMART)、家樂福(Carrefour)二家量販店所提供販售的塑膠袋與購物袋便利商店及量販店所提供之不同規格與材質購物袋,進行研究,本研究將就資源消耗量、購買成本、重複使用比例及價格作分析及比較,並以實際拆解(Disassembly)、盤查(Inventory)與訪談,再運用生命週期評估軟體SimaPro分析二者對環境的衝擊。研究結果發現: 以生命週期評估軟體SimaPro分析,利用標準化(normalization)後每次使用所產生的環境衝擊作比較,便利超商所提供的購物袋,以相同容量下每次使用所造成的環境衝擊量而言,7-11中型塑膠袋最環保,為2.02mPt,其次為7-11超商的大型塑膠袋為2.27mPt,全家超商20號塑膠袋最不環保,為2.70mPt;量販店所提供的購物袋,以不織布材質購物袋最環保,為1.44mPt,其次PE材質購物袋為2.06mPt,最差的是尼龍購物袋為6.54mPt。在產品的生產製造、配銷、及廢棄等三階段,以生產階段所佔的環境衝擊比例最高,約為 95~99%。就整個生命週期之三大環境面向衝擊而言,超商販售的塑膠袋與量販店販售的購物袋其衝擊量都集中在資源消耗面向,約佔70%;其次為人體健康面向,約佔25%。在能源耗費方面,便利超商所提供的塑膠袋其能源的消耗約佔總環境衝擊的70%,且隨著所提供塑膠袋的容積愈大,能源消耗所產生的環境衝擊量相對愈小。量販店所提供的購物袋因能源消耗所產生的環境衝擊量,是以尼龍材質購物袋最大,為5.15mPt,其次為厚塑膠袋及PE材質購物袋;而以不織布材質購物袋為最小。 便利超商販售的塑膠袋,消費者選擇購買7-11超商的大型塑膠袋最划算,因為與其他規格塑膠袋售價相同但有最大容量,且平均一次使用的金額只有0.30元;量販店販售的購物袋,在平均一次的使用金額方面,以厚塑膠袋最划算只有0.22元,其次為不織布購物袋,為0.53元,最貴為尼龍材質購物袋,為1.73元,但是省錢的選擇不一定是最環保的選擇。


Due to high proportion of plastics in the solid waste, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) implemented ”Limited Usage Policy of Plastic Shopping Bags” since July 1, 2002 to reach the goal of plastic bags reduction. However, how could it really reduce environmental impact while this policy was implemented? Or, could it cause more danger to whole or local natural environment? Therefore, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a scientific, objective and effective method, was used to evaluate the plastic bags and shopping bags provided and sold by 7-11, Family convenient shops and RT-MART, Carrefour hyper-marts before and after this policy was implemented. In this study, both analysis and comparison matched with disassembly, inventory and interview would be carried out after considering resources consumption, purchasing cost, proportion and times of reuse and price policy to analyze the environmental impact of the shopping bags with life cycle assessment software SimaPro. The results of the study were shown as follows: In the study, Simapro software was needed for LCA analysis. After normalization, the environmental impact for shopping plastic bags were evaluated based on per time use. The environmental impact caused by shopping bags, which is provided by convenient shops, was evaluated for each time use under equal capacity. The environmental impact of the middle plastic bags provided by 7-11 convenient shops was 2.02 mPt and the most harmless one to environment. The next one was the 2.27mPt of large plastic bag provided by 7-11 convenient shops. The environmental impact of the No. 20 plastic bags provided by Family convenient shops was 2.70 mPt, and the most harmful to environment. For the shopping bags provided by hyper-marts, the shopping bag of no-woven fabric material had 1.44 mPt of environmental impact, which was the most harmless one to environment. The next one was the PE material shopping bags (2.06mPt). And the worst one was the shopping bags of nylon material that had 6.54 mPt of environmental impact. For the three stages of manufacturing, distribution and sale, and discarding of product, the manufacturing stage, which occupied about 9599% of total environmental impact, is the highest. For the environmental impact of three aspects of whole life cycle, the environmental impact of resources consumption aspect provided by plastic bags sold by convenient shops and shopping bags sold by hyper-marts, occupied about 70% of all environmental impact. The next aspect is human health, which occupied about 25%. For the energy consumption aspect, the energy consumption of plastic bags provided by convenient shop occupied about 70% of total environmental impact; and the bigger plastic bags were provided, the smaller environmental impact for energy consumption would be caused. For the energy consumption of shopping bags provided by hyper-marts, the environmental impact of nylon shopping bag was the highest, 5.1 5mPt; the next high ones were thick plastic bag and PE shopping bag. For the plastic bag sold by convenient shops, the large plastic bag sold by 7-11 convenient shops was the most economic one because, compared with other plastic bags, it had the same price, the maximum capacity and its average usage price was only 0.3ONT$. For the shopping bags sold by hyper-marts, thick plastic bag was the most economic one, just 0.22 NT$ for per time use, the next one was no-woven shopping bag that was 0.53NT$. And nylon shopping bag was the most expensive one of 1.73NT$ for per time use. But the most economic one was not just the same one of more environmental protection.
