  • 會議論文

線上影音串流平台使用者體驗研究:以LINE TV為例

OTT TV User Experience Research: A LINE TV Example


近年來國內外各家線上影音串流平台(OTT TV: Over The Top Television)蓬勃發展,逐漸開始注重以使用者為中心之概念,提供一個良好的使用感受與順暢的使用體驗便顯得相當重要。本研究以半結構式訪談探討使用者在LINE TV應用程式找尋戲劇過程中的使用感受、使用問題以及吸引觀看戲劇的選擇因素、觸發點擊戲劇的功能,以口語資料進行分析歸納。本研究主要發現:(1)LINE TV以白色襯底的介面顏色,在感受上簡潔清爽,首頁按鈕的圖標設計直覺易懂、清楚不易迷失方向。(2)使用者不信任首頁「頂端廣告版」版面內的所推薦之戲劇,失去該區的功用;首頁中七個「戲劇分類推薦」的版面設計一致性過高,讓使用者對相同視覺失去耐心,未能在此選擇戲劇;而按鈕「換一批片單」的文字語意表達不明確;過於主觀的文案使得用戶在查看該項目時產生疑惑及負面評價;戲劇分類缺少以「劇情類別」分類的選項。(3)海報美感與題材為吸引因素,但評價高低則為驅動點擊要素。(4)「上次觀看」功能是觸發使用者點擊戲劇的原因。


In recent years, OTT TV (Over The Top Television) has flourished, and gradually began to focus on the user-centered. It is very important to provide a good and smooth experience for the user. This study uses semi-structured interviews to explore the process of finding drama in LINE TV application, the usability issues, the selection factors that attract users finding drama and the function of triggering users to click the drama. Finally, the researchers summarized the data by protocol analysis. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) LINE TV uses a white substrate color to make it feel simple and refreshing. The icon design of the home button is intuitive, easy to understand, and not easy to get lost. (2) User does not trust the recommended drama section in the "Top Banner" page of the homepage, which loses the function of the area; The layout of the seven "Recommended Classification of Drama" are too similar, causing users to lose patience with the same visual arrangement, which loses the function of this position; The meaning of the words "changing a batch of sheets" button is not clear; too subjective copywriting makes users have doubts and negative comments when viewing the project; The drama category lacks the "story category" option to categorize. (3) The beauty and theme of the poster are the attracting factors, but the rating is the driving factor. (4) The "Last Watch" function is the reason that triggers the user to click on the drama.


