  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Development on the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict:From the Perspective of Terrorist Organization

指導教授 : 汪毓瑋


自美國911事件後,恐怖主義組織成為全球所共知的名詞,而其威脅,更已然遍及全球,台灣亦不例外,對此以不惜玉石俱焚的手法,來表達訴求的訴求的作法,是為國際戰略中極為重要的向度,本研究所聚焦之「以、巴問題」,長期以來就是中東的核心問題,而許多國家、國際組織、非政府組織都積極的參與其中,並透過各種涉外及遊說活動希望達成停戰之目的,以幫助中東地區的人民脫離苦難。 從1991年波斯灣戰爭後,由美國主導的中東國際馬德里和會,開啟了「以、巴」談判之門至今,但巴勒斯坦與以色列之間的衝突起伏不定,再加上被以色列、美國與歐盟視為恐怖主義組織─「哈瑪斯」,自從2000年9月爆發巴勒斯坦暴動以來,就不斷地攻擊以色列,而以色列也不斷的施以報復,如此以血洗血的惡性循環,至今仍未見緩和。 如此態勢帶出本研究之研究目的,包括了以下四項。 1.了解恐怖主義對以色列之認知及詮釋。 2.了解「以、巴衝突」之歷史因素,及國際調解行動至今仍無法處理之問題。 3.明白「以、巴」和平迄今面臨的困難。 4.提出「以、巴衝突」所可能解決之途徑。 本研究並以文獻分析法、歷史研究法來加以進研究,茲得出本研究發現計有三項: 1.「以、巴衝突」之根源是為文明衝突的產物。 2.哈瑪斯及法塔之政治利益盤算,致使巴勒斯坦陷於內耗。 3.缺乏共識及溝通的美國與恐怖主義組織的認知差異。 本研究除提出上述三項研究發現之後,並將就本研究標的及研究所得,以國際戰略之角度,提出二項建議: 1.利用「G-2」之成型,圖有利中東地區和平進程之戰略。 2.「以、巴」及國際社會不可放棄的和談進程。


After the 911 attacks, terrorist organizations become a world-renowned term. In addition, the threat posed by these organizations has spread throughout the planet. Such reckless destruction methods for expressing appeals are vital dimensions in international strategies. This study focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has long been the core problem in the Middle East. Many countries, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations have been involved actively in the conflict through various involving foreign and lobbying activities to cease wars and help the people in the Middle East to escape from sufferings. Since the 1991 Gulf War, the Madrid Conference cosponsored by the United States has contributed to the peace process between Israel and Palestine. However, conflicts between Palestine and Israel have occurred occasionally. In addition, Hamas, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States and the European Union, has continued to attack Israel after the Second Intifada in Palestine in September 2000. Israel counterattacked Palestine continuously. Such vicious circulation has not been mitigated. Such situation incurs the purposes of this study, which are shown as follows: 1.Understand the terrorist cognition and interpretation toward Israel. 2.Understand the history factors beneath the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the problem that international mediation cannot address. 3.Identify the difficulties in achieving peace between Israel and Palestine. 4.Propose possible solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Based on literature analysis and historical research methods, we obtained 3 conclusions. 1.The source of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a product of the clash of civilizations. 2. Hamas and Fatah compete based on their independent political benefits, draining the resources of Palestine. 3.Cognitions of the United States and terrorist organizations lack consensus and communication. Based on the 3 conclusions and the objectives of this study, we propose 2 suggestions from the perspective of international strategies: 1.The formation of G-2 facilitates the strategies of peace process in the Middle East. 2.Peace talks between Israel and Palestine which are held by these two countries and international society can never be given up.


Terrorism Hamas Israeli Palestinian Conflict Muslim-Brotherhood AL-Fatah Zionism Fundamentalism


2.吳忻宇,《歐洲聯盟在以巴衝突中的政策立場與作為: 1990-2005》,淡江大學歐洲研究所碩士論文,2005年。
1.王崑義,〈美國的反恐怖主義與國際安全─兼論911事件以後臺海兩岸的處境〉,《遠景季刊》,3 卷2 期,2002年。.


